Our Partners and Collaborations
Water Transformation Pathways Planning
Using T-Labs to find transformative pathways to equitable and sustainable utilisation of Kenya’s Yala and Kingwal wetlands
The University was founded through Harambee spirit on 5th January 1972, as Western College of Arts and Applied Sciences (WECO) under the stewardship of the former fiery MP, Masinde Muliro. As chairman of the project executive committee, Muliro worked with Prof. Reuben J. Olembo (then Head, Department of Botany University of Nairobi) as secretary.
The establishment of the College was in response to the needs of the people of Western province to have a College that would provide a training ground for technical manpower requirements for the province and the nation. The College was also expected to inculcate a sense of self-help and self-reliance among its students and facilitate active participation of youth in national development. For more information visit their website at :https://www.mmust.ac.ke
Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU) is one of the earliest institutions of higher agricultural education in China and a national key university under the Chinese Ministry of Education. The lineage of Nanjing Agricultural University can be traced back to 1902 and Sanjiang Normal School, a teacher training center in Nanjing. In 1952, Nanjing Agricultural College was founded through the merger of the two agricultural faculties belonging to University of Nanking (est. 1914) and National Central University (est. 1918) along with several departments of the Agricultural College of Zhejiang University. In 1984, the college was renamed Nanjing Agricultural University with the approval of the Ministry of Education.
NAU is a Project 211 institution, one of the top 100 universities in China given priority by the Ministry of Education for research funding, discipline construction and administrative supervision. NAU is also one of the Innovation Platforms for Outstanding Disciplines under the National 985 Excellence Initiative Project. The Moreover, a 2012 analysis of research citations by Thomson Reuters Essential Science Indicators found NAU among the top 1% of institutions in the fields of Agricultural Science, Plant & Animal Science and Environment/Ecology.

Western Michigan University is a national research university enrolling nearly 24,000 students from across the United States and 100 other countries. Founded in 1903, it is a learner-centered, discovery-driven and globally engaged public university that stands out among America’s more than 4,600 higher education institutions.

a reliable partner for sustainable market-led agricultural development in the East African region. With headquarters in Uganda, and affiliated subsidiaries in Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda, Kilimo Trust maintains a lean operations team, choosing to work through partnerships with local and regional actors for efficiency.

BREEDTECH project, formally titled “Building Capacity in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology Education and Research through Partnerships in Africa, the Middle East, and Europe for Agricultural Transformation,” is a three-year, cross-regional project funded by Erasmus+ Capacity Building for Higher Education (CBHE). This project unites higher education institutions and a private firm from Kenya, Ethiopia, Palestine, Italy, Sweden, and Serbia.
BREEDTECH builds capacity in plant breeding and biotechnology education and research across Africa, the Middle East, and Europe, fostering collaboration between African and Palestinian HEIs and European research communities. This initiative engages researchers and academics in exploring essential concepts, advanced tools, and digital technologies in plant breeding and biotechnology.

- International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD)
- Background Cooperation
- Partner Activity Report

For more information visit their website at:http://ktp.innovateuk.org/

For more information visit their website at: https://tagdev.egerton.ac.ke/

For more information visit their website at: https://cesaam.egerton.ac.ke

For more information visit their website at: www.empowerment.co.ke

The Faculty of Law Legal Aid Project is funded by UNDP-Amkeni Wakenya with an objective to facilitate enhanced access to justice by the marginalized and the poor in Nakuru County and to build a sustained and structured legal aid service within Nakuru County. The project aims to address the challenge of violation of human rights for the marginalized and poor groups of people living within Nakuru County beginning with select sub counties namely, Nakuru Town West, Naivasha, Subukia, Molo, Bahati and Rongai. These groups of people have limited access to institutions providing legal services and enforcement of human rights. Their plight as vulnerable groups worsens their situation, further isolating them from equal treatment before the law. They also find mainstream channels of accessing information inaccessible, making it hard for them to know their rights or how to enforce them. There is therefore little access to information on human rights and identification or referral of human rights abuses is at its lowest.
The target groups for this project are therefore the marginalized and vulnerable people, particularly the poor, those living with HIV and Aids, women, youth and persons living with disabilities. These groups of people are often shunned in decision making in governance matters at the national and county level. They face many hurdles in accessing justice and violations of human rights among them is rampant. These challenges are compounded by the fact that most of these people are poor and can hardly meet their basic human needs. Under the circumstances, the pursuit of human rights becomes a far-fetched idea, considering their precarious position in the society.
For more information visit their website at: follap.egerton.ac.ke
Ajira Digital Club (ADC)
The Ajira Digital Program is a government initiative driven by the Ministry of ICT, Innovations and Youth Affairs to empower over one million young people to access digital job opportunities.
The program seeks to position Kenya as a choice labour destination for multinational companies as well as encourage local companies and public sector to create digital work. The government digitization projects already create lots of viable micro work that can be completed by digital workers. Read More...
Empowering STEM Careers: A Resounding Success at the Career Guidance Talk by Shadow A Scientist - Innovation Stewards Egerton Association
Egerton University Hosts Taita Taveta University for Benchmarking Visit
KEPHIS Experts Train Egerton University Students on Food Safety and Aflatoxin Management
Novus International Inc., Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC), Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute, Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources, University Kassel - Germany, The Open University of Tanzania (OUT), University of Vienna - Austria, BOKU University, Orrorin Community Organization (OCO) - Baringo, British Council and East African Growers Group Ltd., through the African Knowledge Transfer Prgramme (AKTP), Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited (KenGen), Leibniz-Institute of Agricultural Engineering Potsdam-Bornim (ATB,Germany), The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), Tea Research Foundation (TRF), Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), Dairy Training Institute (DTI) Naivasha, Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization (KARI), University of South Africa (UNISA), Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU), People€™s Republic of China, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, International Agricultural Centre of Wageningen, The Netherlands, Karlstads Universitet, Sweden, Rift Valley Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru, among others.