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About the Office of University Industry Liaison Office

The University is committed to strong industrial linkages in order to strengthen training, research and consultancy, the utilization of research findings, curriculum development, and support for university programmes to improve production and stimulate economic growth.

This section is also involved in Managing Shows [e.g the Agricultural Society of Kenya] and Exhibitions.

The following are the activities/responsibilities of UILO

  1. Collaborations & Linkages
    1. Identify industries, institutions or organizations of interest to collaborate with the university.
    2. Initiate contact with the identified industry and establish mutual benefits through negotiations.
    3. Initiation, implementation and evaluation of joint Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the University and the identified Industry player.
    4. Liaise with BPGS to develop and implement a tool for harnessing graduate research for eventual prototype development.
    5. Support and coordination for Intellectual Property creation, protection and utilization
  1. Shows and Exhibitions

    1. Identifying the need to participate in shows and exhibitions.
    2. Identify the departments suitable to participate.
    3. Coordinate the relevant departments to prepare logistics and the budget for the respective activity.
    4. Prepare a consolidated action plan, programme and budget for the show and exhibition Committees.
    5. Oversee the implementation of the approved action plan and program as per the approved budget.
    6. Evaluate the impact of shows and exhibitions for the University academic, research and outreach programmes


Office location

The office is housed under the Division of Research and Extension, Utafiti Building, Second floor.
P.O.Box 536-20115 Egerton

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"Transforming Lives through Quality Education"