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  • 2007-2008: Postdoc, Environmental Geochemistry & Toxicology, Arkansas State University - USA
  • 2003-2006: Ph.D. Environmental Geochemistry & Toxicology, Arkansas State University -USA
  • 1998-1999: M.Sc. Environmental Science -UNESCO-IHE, Delft, Netherlands
  • 1998: PGD, Limnology & Wetland Ecosystems - Austrian academy of Sciences, Austria
  • 1990-1995: B.Sc. Natural Resources Management - Egerton University, Kenya
  • 1986-1989: KCSE - Kisii High School, Kenya

Water quality, water access, water and sanitation, environmental health, climate change impacts, mitigation and adaptation, natural resource ecology, and biodiversity conservation


Professional Development Courses

  • 2011:  Expert in Environmental Impact Assessment
  • 2018: Expert in Project Monitoring and Evaluation
  • 2009: Expert in Water and Sanitation, Landscape Ecology and Water Resources Management
  • 2012: Expert in Project Management
  • Nov 2018: Global Sanitation Proposal Preparation Workshop for the Transfer of the New M.Sc. program in Sanitation to South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Held at IHE Delft.
  • August 2018. Training Course on Open Standards for Biodiversity Conservation. Funded by GEF/SGP/UNDP. Held at PrideInn, Mombasa.
  • 2015: Training on Multi-functional Reservoir Operations in Transboundary River Basins. Training held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 22nd to 27th March 2015. Funded by IGAD-INWRMP.
  • 2013: Integrated Water and Sanitation in Urban Slums in Developing Countries. UNESCO-IHE Refresher Seminar, Kampala, Uganda. 6th 12th October 2013.
  • 2010: Post-graduate student supervision and mentoring: Funded by the SNOWS project at Sportman Arms Hotel, Nanyuki.
  • 2009: Writing Research Proposals: Funded by RUFORUM Project at ARC Hotel Egerton University.
  • 2008: Decentralized Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries. UNESCO-IHE Refresher Seminar, Kampala, Uganda. 27th September to 2nd October 2008.
  • 2007: Institute on Teaching and Mentoring: The Compact for Faculty Diversity. Organized and coordinated by Southern Regional Education Board and other partner organizations (NEBHE, AGEP, SLOAN, NSF, NIH, BRIDGES, and McNAIR). Arlington, VA
  • 2006: Institute on Teaching and Mentoring: The Compact for Faculty Diversity. Organized and coordinated by Southern Regional Education Board and other partner organizations (NEBHE, AGEP, SLOAN, NSF, NIH, BRIDGES, and McNAIR). Miami,FL.
  • 2006: World Social Forum in Nairobi, Kenya. Panelist on the Scarcity and Quality of Freshwater Resources in Africa at the WSF.
  • 2007: Blue Gold Documentary Film Initiative. Participated in the production of thisFilm that highlights the challenges facing low-income communities in obtaining potable water amidst the rising commodification of this important resource.
  • 2006: Environmental Leadership Conference: Conflict Management; Public Speaking and Media Communication. Raindance Retreat Center, Ben Lomond, CA.
  • 2006: Teaching Public Policy and Geosciences at colleges and universities: Workshop for Geosciences teachers and professors. Part of the “On the Cutting Edge: Professional Development Program for Geoscience Faculty” Supported by an NSF Grant. Held in Washington D.C.
  • 2006: Environmental Leadership Training Workshop: Leadership Styles, Diversity, Networking, Communication, and Public Speaking. Hartford, Connecticut.
  • 2006: Growing a Technology Business. Workshop on financing, business planning, cool technologies, legal issues and community resources for small businesses. Arkansas Small Business Development Center, Jonesboro, AR.
  • 2005: Institute on Teaching and Mentoring: The Compact for Faculty Diversity. Organized and coordinated by Southern Regional Education Board and other partner organizations (NEBHE, AGEP, SLOAN, NSF, NIH, BRIDGES, and McNAIR). Arlington VA.
  • 2005: Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences: Workshop for Graduate students and Post-Doctoral Fellows. Part of the “On the Cutting Edge: Professional Development Program for Geoscience Faculty” Supported by an NSF Grant. Held at Penn State University, State College, PA.
  • 2002: Certificate in Tropical Freshwater Ecosystems. Organized by the McArthur Foundation and Pan African Start Program at Naivasha Kenya Wildlife and Fisheries Training Institute.
  • 1999: Training Certificate Course in Water and Wetlands in Sustainable CatchmentManagement Wetland Training Centre in conjunction with Wetland International and UNESCO’s MAB Program, Trebon Wetland Training Institute, Czech Republic.
  • 1998: Certificate Training Course on “Water as a Source of Diseases for Men and Animals” Institute of Parasitology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Branisovska 31, 370 05 Ceske Budejovice, CZECH REPUBLIC.
  • Aug 2022 to Present: Director, Graduate School, Egerton University 
  • 2017 - July 2022: Director - Dryland Research Training & Ecotoursim Centre, Egerton University 
  • 2021 - to Present: Professor of Environmental Health, Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University
  • 2018 - 2021 : Asscoiate Professor - Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University                      
  • 2011 - 2017: Coordinator - Dryland Research Training & Ecotoursim Centre, Egerton University      
  • 2013 -  2018: Senior Lecturer - Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University                           
  • 2009 -  2013: Lecturer - Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University                      
  • 1999 - 2009: Assistant Lecturer - Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University                          
  • 2006 - 2008: Assitant Professor - Department of Chemistry & ENSC,  Arkansas State University                    
  • 2003 - 2006: Research Assistant - Department of Chemistry & ENSC,  Arkansas State University                    
  • 1996 - 1999: Graduate Assitant - Department of Natural Resources, Egerton University                                  




  • GEF/SGP Strategic Partner for Lake Bogoria Production Landscape in the GEF VI funding Cycle: To assist Community Based Organizations write development proposals in response to SGP/GEF call for proposals for the Lake Bogoria Landscape. Also to enable the successful grantees to implement projects. Twenty-two CSOs were successful in their applications, each receiving Ksh. 3 Million for implementation of their proposed projects. August 2018 to Dec 2020. Total funding: Ksh 10 million.
  • To develop and implement a Training on Multi-functional Reservoir Operations in Transboundary River Basins. Training held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 22nd to 27th March 2015. Funded by IGAD-INWRMP. Service Contract No. SC128/2015: Financed from EDF10/2009/021-334, PE-2; Total funds 105,000 Euros.
  • 2015-2016: AFFP Project Funds. Forest Cover and Ecosystem Services of Katimok Forest Reserve, Baringo County, Kenya. (Ksh.1.2M). PI & CO-PI: Ms. Alice Jebiwott, Dr. George Ogendi, and Dr. Paul Makenzi
  • 2014: IGAD-INWRMP Project: Impacts of Upstream Water Resource Developments on the Omo-Ghibe River and Climate Change on the Lake Turkana and Livelihoods of the Riparian Communities: Euros 20,000 (Ksh.2.4M). PI: Dr. George Ogendi
  • 2014: Egerton University Division of Research & Extension Internal Research Funds on Microbiological Water Quality in Water Pans in Baringo County. Ksh674,000. PI: Dr. George Ogendi
  • 2012: Egerton University Division of Research & Extension Internal Research Funds for the project on Heavy Metal Concentrations in water, sediments, macroinvertebrates & fish in Lake Baringo, Kenya. 400,000; PI: Dr. George Ogendi
  • 2009: Egerton University Division of Research & Extension Internal Research Funds for the project on Heavy Metal Concentrations In Water And Fish Tissues Of Selected Fish Species In Lake Naivasha, Kenya. 400,000; PI: Dr. George Ogendi
  • 2008: Philosophy of Water, UNT Travel grant to attend and present at the International Symposium on Common Grounds, Common Waters: Toward a Water Ethic at Santa Clara University, CA. March 14-15 2008. $1,000
  • 2007: Philosophy of Water, UNT Travel grant to attend and present at the 10th International River Symposium and Environmental Flows conference, Brisbane, Australia, August 31st to September 9th $2000.
  • 2007: Blue Gold and Canadian Council of Water Travel Grant to travel to Kenya for a water ethics research and shooting of the Blue Gold Documentary Film. $3000.
  • 2006: South Regional Education Board Doctoral degree graduate; awarded at the 13th Institute on Teaching and Mentoring and Compact for Faculty; Miami, Florida. 2006:
  • 2006: Environmental Leadership Program Fellow- Fellowship Class of 2006-2007. $10,000
  • 2005: Southern Regional Education Board-Doctoral Scholars Dissertation Year Fellowship. $15,000
  • 2005: Graduate Student Winner of the Mossie J. Richmond, Jr. – Afak Haydar Scholarship.$6,000
  • 2005: Who is Who among students in American Universities and Colleges.
  • 2004: Awarded a student travel and accommodation grant of $ 800 by the Geological Society of America to attend the 2004 Geological Society of America annual meeting in Denver, Co.
  • 2003-2004: National Science Foundation - Hydrologic Science "Linkages between the chemical weathering of black shales and metal contamination in aquatic systems" $163,159 NSF-HS 02-33661 PI: Dr. Robyn Hannigan, Co-PI: Jerry Farris.
  • 2002: McArthur Foundation and Pan African Start Award of $ 2,800 to participate in the training on the sustainable management of tropical freshwater ecosystems at Naivasha, Kenya.
  • 2002: Nile Basin Secretariat Award of $ 2,000 to attend the 9th Nile Basin Conference in Nairobi, Kenya.
  • 1999: MAB scholarship Award of $ 3,000 to pursue a one-month International Certificate Course in water and wetlands for sustainable catchment management, in Trebon, Czech Republic.
  • 1999: SIL Fellowship Award of $ 3,500 to an international conference in Lunz, Austria.
  • 1999: OEAD (North-South Dialogue) Research Grant of $ 7,200 for my M.S. research in Kenya
  • 1999: NFP Fellowship Award of $ 9,200 for my M.S. coursework at IHE, Delft, The Netherlands.
  • 1998: Outstanding scholar of the Water as a source of Diseases for man and animals International Course at Trebon, Czech Republic.    
  • 1999: OEAD (North-South Dialogue) Research Grant of $ 7,200 for my M.S. research in Kenya.
  • 1998: UNESCO Research Grant of $ 8,000 which enabled me pursue the 6-month International Post-graduate Diploma Course in Limnology in Mondsee, Austria.


  1. Jebiwott A., Ogendi G.M, Makindi S.M, and Esilaba M.O. 2019. Forest Cover Change and Its Impacts on Ecosystem Services in Katimok Forest Reserve, Baringo County, Kenya. W. Leal Filho (ed.),Handbook of Climate Change Resilience, Springer Nature Switzerland AG
  2. Kurui E.J, Ogendi G.M, Moturi W.N. & Nyawanga D.O. (2019). Household Water Handling Practices in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in Kenya. Hygiene - The Relevance to Health Improvement in Developing Countries. DOI:
  3. Ogendi, G.M., Morara, R.K. & Olekaikai, N.K.W. 2012. The Influence of Westernization on Water Resources Use and Conservation among the Maasai People of Kenya. Klaver I and Johnstone, B. (Eds). Water, Cultural Diversity & Global Environmental Change: Emerging Trends, Sustainable Futures? UNESCO-IHP Water and Cultural Diversity initiative. Springer Publishers, p141-143.
  4. Ogendi, G. M., Kilonzi, C.M & Morara, R.K. 2012. Sand dams and plant indicators: Indigenous Knowledge in Water Resource Use and Management among the Kamba People,Kenya . Klaver I and Johnstone, B. (Eds). Water, Cultural Diversity & Global Environmental Change: Emerging Trends, Sustainable Futures? UNESCO-IHP Water and Cultural Diversity initiative. Springer Publishers, p137-147.
  5. Ogendi G. M. and Ong’oa I.M., 2009. A comparative study of water accessibility, use, and conservation among children in selected sites of Kenya and the United States of America. “YOUNG PEOPLE, EDUCATION, AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: EXPLORING PRINCIPLES, PERSPECTIVES, AND PRAXIS” Edited by Corcoran P and McOsano P. Pages 215 – 221.
  6. Ogendi, G.M., Farris, J.L. and Hannigan, R.E. 2007c. Association of dissolved organic carbon with stream discharge and dissolved metals in black-shale-draining. In Sarkar, D., R. Datta, and R. Hannigan (Eds.), Concepts and Applications in Environmental Chemistry: Developments in Environmental Science, Vol. 5:249-274.
  7. Cox, L., Ogendi, G.M., and Hannigan, R.E. 2007. Black shale weathering contribution to stream chemistry using end-member mixing analysis. In Sarkar, D., R. Datta, and R. Hannigan (Eds.), Concepts and Applications in Environmental Chemistry: Developments in Environmental Science, Vol. 5:721-774.


  1. Filho, W. L., Newton, R. M., Johannes M.L., Esubalew, A. A., Francis, Q. B., Anastasia, A. B., Adolphine, K., Ogendi, G. M., Girma, B. A., Nega, E., and Richard, A. M. (2021) Impacts of climate change to African indigenous communities and examples of adaptation responses. Nature Communications 12:6224.

  2. Chepkorir, J. K., Ogendi, G. M., M'erimba, C. M. and Maina, G. M. (2021) Spatial and temporal variations in land use and land cover changes in the Njoro and Kamweti River catchments, Kenya. East African Journal of Science, Technology and Innovation 2(3)

  3. Jebiwott, A., Ogendi, G. M., Agbeja, B. O., Alo, A. A., Maina, G. M. (2021) Spatial Trend Analysis of Temperature and Rainfall and Their Perceived Impacts on Ecosystem Services in Mau Forest, Kenya. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. Vol. 16, No. 5, September, pp. 833-839.

  4. Jebiwott, A., Ogendi, G. M., Alo, A. A. and Kibet, R. (2021) An Investigation of the Factors That Motivated Illegal Settlements in the Mau Forest, Kenya. Open Journal of Ecology, 11, 725-740.

  5. Jebiwott, A., Ogendi, G. M., Alo, A. A., Agbeja, B. O., and Kibet, R.. (2021) Mapping the trends of forest cover change and associated drivers in Mau Forest, Kenya. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 23(100586).

  6. Karaya R.N., C.A. Onyango & M. Ogendi (2020). A community-GIS supported dryland use and cover change assessment: The case of the Njemps flats in Kenya. Cogent Food & Agriculture.

  7. Obegi, B. N., Ogendi, G. M., Omondi, R., Siriba, B. J., Morara, G. N., Rindoria, N. M., & Orina, P. (2021). Characteristic Relationships between Phosphorous Accrual, Ecosystem Aspects and Water Level Fluctuations in Tropical Lakes: Naivasha Ramsar Site, Kenya. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 9, 53-67.
  8. Koskey J. C., Ogendi G. M., M' Erimba C. M. and Tamba C. L. (2020). Influence of particle size and total organic carbon on heavy metal concentrations in sediments of Lake Baringo, Kenya. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, DOI: 10.5897/AJEST2019.2796
  9. Karaya R.N., C.A. Onyango & M. Ogendi (2020). The Effect of Participation in Farmer Groups on Household Adoption of Sustainable Land Management Practices in Kenyan Drylands. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, DOI: 10.9734/AJAEES/2020/v38i1130454
  10. Ogendi, G.M. and Ondieki, R. (2020) Avian and Habitat Diversity in the Semi-Arid Lands of Baringo South, Kenya. Open Journal of Ecology10, 518-536. doi: 4236/oje.2020.108033.
  11. Ogendi, G.M., Ondieki, R.N. and Njoroge, T.W. (2020) Impact of Removal of Copper Leaf (Acalypha fruticosa) on Plant Species Diversity and Abundance at Chemeron, Baringo County, Kenya. Open Journal of Ecology, 10, 341-355.
  12. Ratemo, M., Ogendi, G.M., Huang, G. and Ondieki, R.N. (2020) Application of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Food and Water Security in the Semi-Arid Turkana County, Kenya. Open Journal of Ecology, 10, 321-340.
  13. Busienei J. P., Ogendi, G. M., & Mokua A. M. 2019. Latrine Structure, Design, and Conditions, and the Practice of Open Defecation in Lodwar Town, Turkana County, Kenya: A Quantitative Methods Research. Environmental health insights volume 13: 1-11.
  14. Ochuka, C.O. Ikporukpo, G.M. Ogendi, Y. Mijinyawa (2019). Temporal Variations in Nutrients Loading in Lake Baringo Basin, Kenya. Journal of Earth Sciences & Environmental Studies 4(4), 668-680.
  15. Ochuka, M., Ikporukpo, C., Mijinyawa, Y. and Ogendi, G. (2019) Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics and Anthropogenic Driving Factors in Lake Baringo Catchment, Rift Valley, Kenya. Natural Resources , 10, 367-389.
  16. Ochuka, C.O. Ikporukpo, G.M. Ogendi, Y. Mijinyawa. (2019). Spatial Variability in Physico-Chemical Parameters of Water in Lake Baringo Basin, Kenya. Current World Environment, 14 (1-15)
  17. Ngaruiya F.W., Ogendi, G. M., & Mokua A. M. (2019). Occupational Health Risks and Hazards Among the Fisherfolk in Kampi Samaki, Lake Baringo, Kenya. Environmental health insights volume 13: 1-11.
  18. Busienei J. P., Ogendi, G. M., & Mokua A. M. 2019. Open defecation practices in Lodwar, Kenya: a mixed method research. Environmental health insights volume 13: 1-13.
  19. Osiemo M.M., Ogendi G.M. & M’Erimba C.M. 2019. Microbial Quality of Drinking Water and Prevalence of Water-Related Diseases in Marigat Urban Centre, Kenya. Environmental health insights volume 13: 1-7.
  20. Gwada B., Ogendi, G. M. & Makindi S. M., Trott S. 2018. Composition of plastic waste discarded by households and its management approaches. Global J. Environmental Science & 5(1):83-94.
  21. Keita, M. M., Owuor, G. and Ogendi, G. M. (2018). Drivers of Participation in Artisanal Gold Mining and its Effect on Agriculture in Mali. ADRRI Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Ghana: Vol.4, No. 1 (3), Pp. 1-16, E-ISSN: 2026-5204, 30 September, 2018.]
  22. Muchemi S.M., Moturi W.N. & Ogendi G.M. Influence of dry erase ink solvent mixtures on eye irritation. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 10:44-55
  23. Muchemi S.M., Moturi W.N. & Ogendi G.M. Knowledge, attitudes and practices on use of white board marker. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology. 12:48-54
  24. Muvea, F.M.; Ogendi, G.M.; Omondi, S.O., (2019). Nutrient removal efficiency by floating macrophytes;Lemna minor and Azolla pinnata in a constructed wetland. Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 5(4): 1-16. DOI: 10.22034/gjesm.2019.04.0* url:***
  25. Keita, M. M., Ogendi, G. M. and Owuor, G. (2018). Socio-economic Factors That Influence Household Incomes in Artisanal Gold Mining Area of Tangandougou Commune, Mali. ADRRI Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Ghana: 4, No. 2 (3), Pp. 1-19, E-ISSN: 2026-5204, 31st October, 2018
  26. Okullo J.O., Moturi W.N. & Ogendi G.M. (2017). Open Defaecation and Its Effects on the Bacteriological Quality of Drinking Water Sources in Isiolo County, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Health Insights. 11:1-8. http:www.doi. 10.1177/1178630217735539
  27. Kurui E.J, Ogendi G.M & Moturi W.N.(2017). Microbial Contamination of water pans in Baringo County. Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development. (485-494). http://www. doi: 10.2166/washdev.2017.258.
  28. Masakha E.J., Moturi W.N. and Ogendi G.M. (2017). Microbiological Water Quality of Urban Streams and the Health Implications: Case Study of Sosiani River Eldoret Municipality, Kenya. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 7 (6): 5-13
  29. Misati A.G., Ogendi G.M., Peletz R, Khush K. and Kumpel E. 2017. Can Sanitary Surveys Replace Water Quality Testing? Evidence from Kisii, Kenya. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 152; doi: 10.3390/ijerph14020152
  30. Masakha E.J., Moturi W.N. and Ogendi G.M. (2017). Spatial temporal Distribution of Selected Heavy Metals in an Urban Stream: Case Study of Sosiani River in Eldoret Municipality Kenya. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 7 (12): 67-74
  31. Ochieng' R.O., Recha C., Bebe B.O. & Ogendi G.M. 2017: Rainfall Variability and Droughts in the Drylands of Baringo County, Kenya. Open Access Library Journal. Vol 4. DOI:10.4236/oalib.1103827
  32. Masakha E.J., Moturi W.N. and Ogendi G.M. (2017). Seasonal and Longitudinal variations of Water Quality in an Urban Stream: Case Study of Sosiani River Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Journal of Natural Resources Development and Management, 33:1-8
  33. Moso D.C., Ogendi G.M. Makindi S.M. and Maina G.M. 2016. Rainfall Variability Effect on Pastoral Pasture Availability in Turkana Central Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports. 11:1-9
  34. Jebiwott A., Ogendi G.M, Makindi S.M, and Esilaba M.O. 2016. Drivers of Forest Cover Change and Indicators of Climate Change in Katimok Forest Reserve. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-11, 2016.
  35. Mwanyika, F.T., M. Ogendi and J. K. Kipkemboi. 2016. Removal of heavy metals from wastewater by a constructed wetland system at Egerton University, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology 10:15-20.
  36. Munene M., Moturi W.N. & Ogendi G.M. The Impact of Household Indoor Socioeconomic Factors on the Presence of ARI among Children in Nakuru Town, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology. Vol 9:74-78
  37. Nyamao, W.N., J.O. Bosire, M. Ogendi, J. Kiplangat and L. Mwihaki: (2015). Carbon emissions from degraded mangroves of Tudor and Mwache creeks, Mombasa, Kenya. Journal of Island Ecology 1: 18-28
  38. Awuor L.A., Ogendi G.M., Bosire J.O., & Kairo J.G. 2015. The Facilitative Role of Sea Blight (Sueda monoica) in Faunal Recolonization of Degraded Mangroves in Mwache Creek, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology. Vol 9:42-47.
  39. Atalitsa C. N., Moturi N. W., Mironga J., Ogendi G. M., Koech H. K. (2015). Cultivation of Jatropha Curcas L. for Energy Purposes in Kibwezi, Shimba Hills and Bondo, Kenya. International Journal Sciences and Research. 4 (9): 539-543
  40. Ogendi, M., G.M. Maina, J.W. Mbuthia, H.K. Koech, C.M. Ratemo and J.C. Koskey. 2014. Heavy Metal Concentrations in Water, Sediments and Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Fish Species from Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences. 6(8):416-423
  41. Kiplangat, J., A. Mbelase, J.O Bosire, J. M Mironga, J.G. Kairo, M Ogendi, D. Macharia and N. W Nyamao. 2014. Cover change analysis of mangrove forest and surrounding land cover of Mtwapa creek, Kenya. Elixir Remote Sensing 76 (2014) 28566-28573
  42. Muchukuri K.N., Ogendi G.M. & Moturi W.N. 2014. Influence of Anthropogenic Activities on Microbial Quality of Surface Water in Subukia Town, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science Natural Resources Management & Society. 2 (1): 1-10.
  43. Kimani, E. W., Ogendi, G. M., Makenzi P. M. 2014. Perceptions of Climate Change. European Journal of Applied Sciences. Vol 7 (2): 57-74
  44. Kilonzi C.M., W. N. Moturi, M. Ogendi, H. K. Koech and J. Maina. 2014: Spatio-temporal Variations in Physicochemical Parameters and Coliform Levels of Domestic Water Sources in Njoro District, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science Natural Resources Management & Society. 2 (1): 11-23.
  45. Karanja W. D, Ogendi G.M., Kariuki T. S. and Koech H.K. 2014. Assessment of Germination Rates for Cyperus papyrus in Shore Soils of Lake Naivasha under Varying Chronosequence and Land Use. Journal of Environmental Science Natural Resources Management & Society. 2: (2) 74-84
  46. Kimani, E.W., Ogendi G.M., Makenzi P.M. 2014. An Evaluation of Constraints in Climate Change Indigenous Coping and Adaptation Strategies for Sustainable Agro-Pastoral Based Livelihoods in Baringo County, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology. Vol 8 (8): 28-37.
  47. Ong’oa-Morara R. K., Olekaikai N.K.W., Kurui E. J. and Ogendi G.M. Indigenous Knowledge on Water Resource Management among the Maasai of Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science Natural Resources Management & Society. 2 (2): 85-101
  48. Kimani, E.W., Ogendi G.M., Makenzi P.M. 2014. An Evaluation of Climate Change Indigenous Coping and Adaptation Strategies for Sustainable Agro-Pastoral Based Livelihoods in Baringo County, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology. Vol 8 (8): 38-58.
  49. Koskey, J. C. Ogendi, G. M., M’Erimba C.M. and Mbuthia, J.W. 2014. Influence of Anthropogenic Activities on Water Quality and Heavy Metal Concentrations in Lake Baringo, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science Natural Resources Management & Society. 2 (2): 1-12.
  50. Mbuthia, J.W., Ogendi, G. M., Moturi, W.N., Koskey, J.C. & Maina G.M. 2014. Heavy Metal Concentrations in Tissues of Commercially Exploited Fish (Oreochromis niloticus baringoensis, Protopterus aethiopicus, Clarias gariepinus) from Lake Baringo, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology. Vol 8 (11): 55-63.
  51. Ogendi, G. M., Ratemo C.M., Maina G.M., Moso D.C., Kimutai J. and Kurui E.J. 2014. National Parks and Wildlife Conservation: A Case Study of Kitum Nature Trail, Mt. Elgon National Park, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science Natural Resources Management & Society. 2 (2): 44-58.
  52. Bosire J. O., Kaino J., Olagoke A.O., Mwihaki L., Ogendi G.M., Kairo J. G., Berger U. Macharia D. 2014. Mangroves in peril: Unprecedented degradation rates of peri-urban mangroves in Kenya. Journal of Biogeosciences. 11:2623-2634
  53. Ogendi G.M. 2012. Influence of local lithology on streamwater chemistry of the Little Red River Tributaries, Arkansas, USA. Nat Res. Soc. 1: 13-28
  54. Koech H.K., Ogendi G.M. & Kipkemboi J.K. 2012. Status of treated slaughter-house effluent and its effects on the physico-chemical characteristics of surface water in Kavuthi stream, Dagoretti, Kenya. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 4(8): 789-796.
  55. Ogendi G.M., Micheni V. & Maina G.M. 2012. Impact of habitat destruction on bird species diversity and distribution in various habitats of Nairobi City, Kenya. Nat Res. Soc. 1: 82-91
  56. Kimani E.W., Makenzi, P.M. & Ogendi G.M. 2012: Social-Environmental and Policy Implications of Urban and Peri-Urban Dairy Farming in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Nat Res. Soc. 1: 115-124
  57. Ogendi G.M. and Ong’oa I.M., 2009. Water Policy, Accessibility, and Water Ethics in Kenya. Journal of International Law (JIL), Vol. 7:171-190
  58. Ogendi, G.M., Hannigan, R.E. and Farris, J.L. 2008. Macroinvertebrate assemblages in shale-draining streams of north-central Arkansas, USA. The Open Environmental and Biological Monitoring Journal. 1:33-42.
  59. Ogendi, G. M., Hannigan, R.E. and Farris, J.L. 2007b. Toxicity of metal-enriched black shale-draining surface waters to Ceriodaphnia dubia, and Pimephales promelas. Journal of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences. 1: 1-14. An electronic version of the paper is available at
  60. Ogendi, G. M., Brumbaugh, W., Hannigan, R.E. and Farris, J.L. 2007a. Effects of acid volatile sulfide on black shale sediment-metal bioavailability and toxicity to midge larvae, Chironomus tentans. Toxicology and Chem. 26:130-139.
  61. Ogendi, G. M. 2006. Weathering of Black Shale and its Impacts on Surface Water and Sediment Quality, and Aquatic Organisms. D. Dissertation, Environmental Sciences Program, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, USA. 232pp
  62. Ogendi, G. M., Farris, J.L, and Hannigan, R.E. 2004a. Black Shale Trace Metal Concentrations and Toxicity: Preliminary Findings. In Wanty, R.B. and Seal, R. II (Eds.) Water Rock Interaction, Vol 2: 1359 -1362. Taylor and Francis Group plc, London, UK
  63. Ogendi, G. M., Hannigan, R.E., Farris, J.L, and Smith, D. 2004b. The Impact of Black Shale Weathering on Sediment Quality. Ark. Acad. Sci... 58: 84-90
  64. Ogendi, G. M., Mathooko J.M. and Leichtfried M.P. 2004. Natural leaf transport and retention in a second order tropical stream; the Njoro River, Kenya. African Journal of Ecology. 42: 4-6
  65. Ogendi, G. M., Mathooko J.M. and Leichtfried M.P. 2002. Leaf litter transport and retention in a tropical Rift-Valley stream: an experimental approach; Journal of Hydrobiologia. 443:9 –18. Kulwer Academic Publishers, the Netherlands.
  66. Mathooko J.M., Ogendi G.M. and Leichtfried M.P. 2001. The effect of different anthropogenic disturbances on the benthic plant coarse particulate organic matter in a tropical Rift-Valley stream. African Journal of Ecology. 39: 1-3
  67. Ogendi G. M. 1999. Transport and retention of plant coarse particulate organic matter in a tropical Rift Valley second-order stream – the Njoro River; Sc. Thesis, IHE, Delft, the Netherlands.
  • Ogendi G.M., W. Njoroge, S. M. Morara, R. N. Ondieki. 2020. Does the Removal of Copper Leaf (Acalypha fruticosa) Influence Plant Species Diversity and Abundance? A case study of Chemeron, Baringo County, Kenya. 13th Biennial Egerton University International Conference.
  • N. Ondieki, and Ogendi G.M. 2020. Avian and Habitat Diversity in the Semi- Arid Lands a case study of Chemeron, Baringo county, Kenya. 13th Biennial Egerton University International Conference.
  • Kurui E.J.,Ogendi G.M. & Moturi W.N. 2020. Characterization of Microbiological Water Quality and Prevalence of Waterborne Diseases in Marigat Urban Centre Baringo County, Kenya. Drylands, Deserts & Desertification Conference,Ben Gurion University,Israel.
  • N. Nyamao, Ogendi G.M., S. Kasitet. 2020. Factors Influencing the Performance of Improved Pastures, Case Study of Lake Bogoria Production Landscape, Kenya. 13th Biennial Egerton University International Conference
  • Busienei P.J., Ogendi G.M., Mokua M.A. 2018. Factors associated with the practice of open defecation in Lodwar, Turkana county, Kenya. Proceedings of Kibabii University 3rd Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference.
  • Busienei P.J, Ogendi G.M., Mokua M.A 2018. Latrine characteristics and conditions, open defecation hotspots and latrine coverage in Lodwar, Turkana county, Kenya. Proceedings of Kibabii University 3rd Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference.
  • Chepsoo, E.J., M’Erimba, C.M., and Ogendi G.M. Implication of Vegetation Removal on Coarse Particulate Organic Matter (CPOM) in Chepkoo River, Kenya. Proceedings of Kibabii University 3rd Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference.
  • Osiemo M.M, Ogendi G.M., M’Erimba. 2018. Microbiological Quality of drinking Water in both the source and point of use in Marigat Urban Centre Baringo County, Kenya Proceedings of Kibabii University 3rd Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference.
  • Gwada B., Ogendi G.M., Makindi, and Trott S. 2018 .Plastic Waste Management Methods in Watamu, Kilifi County, Kenya. Proceedings of Kibabii University Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference.
  • Kibitok, N.K., W.M. Moturi, and Ogendi G.M.,2018. Effects of effluents from suburban- agriculture- derived Nitrate- Nitrogen and Spatial- Temporal Variations on Tributaries of Molo River-upper reaches , Ecological System, Kenya. Proceedings of Kibabii University Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference.
  • Ogendi G.M., Njoroge T.W., Morara S.M., & Ratemo C.M. 2017; Impact of Removal of Copper Leaf (Acalypha fruticosa) Influence the Diversity and Abundance of Organisms in an Arid & Semi-Arid Environment: Findings from an Experimental Set-up at Chemeron, Kenya. Drylands, Deserts and Desertification Conference, Ben Gurion University, Israel. November 6th to 9th
  • Ogendi G.M, Kurui E.J, Moturi W.N.& Nyawanga D.O; 2017; What are the Health Risks Associated with Consumption of Water Sourced from Water Pans in the ASALs? A Case Study of Central and South Baringo, Kenya. Drylands, Deserts and Desertification Conference, Ben Gurion University, Israel. November 6th to 9th
  • Ogendi G.M., & Ratemo C.M.; 2017; Rangeland Rehabilitation Using Natural Regeneration and Dryland Afforestation Techniques at Chemeron, Baringo County, Kenya. Drylands, Deserts and Desertification Conference, Ben Gurion University, Israel. November 6th to 9th
  • Keita M.M., Ogendi G.M. & Owuor G. 2017. Impacts of artisanal gold-mining on water quality: A case study of gold mining at Farabacoura in Sikasso Region, Mali. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Keita M.M., Owuor G. & Ogendi G.M. 2017. The drivers of participation in artisanal gold mining against agriculture: the case of Farabacoura mining in Sikasso Region, Mali. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Moso D.C., Ogendi G.M. Makindi S.M.,Malala .O. & Kipchumba A.C. 2016. Pastoral Adaptation Strategies against Climate Vairability in Turkana Central. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Jebiwott A., Ogendi G.M. & Makenzi P.M. 2016. Forest Cover and Ecosystem Services of Katimok Forest Reserve, Baringo County, Kenya. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Misati A.G., Ogendi G.M., Peletz R, Khush K. and Kumpel E. 2016. Can Sanitary Surveys Replace Water Quality Testing? Evidence from Kisii, Kenya. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Kurui E.J., Ogendi G.M., Moturi W.N. & Nyawanga D.O. 2016. Microbiological contamination of water pans in semi-arid lands: A case study of Central and South Baringo, Kenya. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Okullo J.O., Moturi W.N. & Ogendi G.M. 2016. An assessment of contribution of feacal disposal practices on the bacteriological quality of drinking water sources in Isiolo County, Kenya. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Kipchumba A.C., Ogendi G.M., Malala J.O. & Moso D.C. 2016. Effects of water abstractions on the flow regime of River Turkwel. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Kurui E.J., Ogendi G.M., & Moturi W.N. 2016. Water, sanitation and health in the arid and semi-arid lands of central and south Baringo. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Kipchumba A.C., Ogendi G.M., Malala J.O. & Moso D.C. 2015. The potential role of flood crop farming in achieving food security in Turkana central. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Mbuthia, J.W., Ogendi, G. M., Moturi, W.N., & Koskey, J.C. 2015. Heavy Metal Concentrations in Tissues of Commercially Exploited Fish (Oreochromis niloticus baringoensis, Protopterus aethiopicus, Clarias gariepinus) from Lake Baringo, Kenya. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Karani L.B., Nyakwara Z., Ogendi G.M. Moturi W.N. & Njau P. 2015. Assessment of factors influencing pesticide handling practices among wheat farmers in Mau Division, Narok County, Kenya. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Kimani E.W., Ogendi G.M. & Makenzi P.M. 2015. Assessment of changes and effectiveness of indigenous coping strategies to climate change in Baringo County, Kenya. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Awuor L.A., Ogendi G.M., Bosire J.O., Kairo J.G. & Mwihaki L. 2015. The Facilitative Role of Sea Blight (Sueda monoica) in Faunal Recolonization of Degraded Mangroves in Mwache Creek, Kenya. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Moso D.C., Ogendi G.M.,Malala .O. Njuguna P.K., & Kipchumba A.C. 2015. Climate variability effectds on pastoral pasture availability and water accessibility in Turkana central. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Mwanyika, F.T., M. Ogendi and J. K. Kipkemboi. 2015. Determination of the efficiency of heavy metals removal by a constructed wetland system at Egerton University, Kenya. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Nyamao, W.N., J.O. Bosire, M. Ogendi, J. Kiplangat and L. Mwihaki: (2015). Carbon emissions from degraded mangroves of Tudor and Mwache creeks, Mombasa, Kenya. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Ratemo C.M., Ogendi G.M., Malala J.O., Moso D.C., Kipchumba A.C. & Keburi C.O. 2015. Impacts of climate variability on livestock keeping in Lake Turkana Basin, Kenya. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Munene M., Moturi W.N. & Ogendi G.M.Urban household socioeconomic factors influencing preference of cooking fuels among households in Nakuru Town, Kenya. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Kimani E.W., Ogendi G.M. & Makenzi P.M. 2014. Indigenous Agro-Pastoral Based

Livelihoods Coping Strategies for Adaptation to Climate Change in Marigat Sub- County, Baringo County, Kenya

  • Muchukuri K.I. Ogendi G.M. 2014. Influence of Anthropogenic Activities on Microbial Quality of Surface Water in Subukia Town, Kenya. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Karanja D.W., Ogendi G.M. and Kariuki S.T. 2014. Assessment of germination rates for Cyperus papyrus L. in shore soils of Lake Naivasha under varying chronosequence and land use. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Ogendi, G. M. G.M. Maina, J.W Mbuthia, H.K. Koech, T.W. Njoroge, C.M. Ratemo & J.C. Koskey. 2014. Heavy metal concentrations in three selected fish species from Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Egerton University International Research Week.
  • Mwihaki L., Ogendi G.M, Bosire J. O., Kaino J., Olagoke A.O., Kairo J. G., Berger U. Macharia D. 2013. Carbon stocks of the mangrove forest in Mwache Creek, Mombasa, Kenya. Western Indian Ocean Marine Scientists Association Conference, Maputo, Mozambique.
  • Ogendi G.M., Muchukuri K.I. & Moturi W.N. 2013. Influence of anthropogenic activities on ground and surface water quality in Subukia Town, Kenya. UNESCO-IHE Refresher Course, Kampala, Uganda.
  • Ogendi G. Morara. 2011. Impact of habitat destruction on bird species diversity and distribution in various habitats of Nairobi City, Kenya. Presented at the International Research Week, Egerton University. Abstracts program, p85.
  • Ogendi G. Morara. 2010. Heavy metal concentrations in three selected fish species from Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Presented at the International Research Week, Egerton University. Abstracts program, p88.
  • Kimani E.W., Makenzi, P. and Ogendi G.M. 2010. Impacts of urban and per-urban dairying on socio-environmental policy in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Presented at the International Research Week, Egerton University. Abstracts program, p87.
  • Koech H.K., Ogendi G.M. and Kipkemboi J.K. 2010. An assessment of the effects of slaughterhouse effluents on the physico-chemical characteristics of water in Kavuthi stream, Dagoretti-Kenya. Presented at the International Research Week, Egerton University. Abstracts program, p96
  • Ochieng’ M.A., Ogendi G.M. and Karanja H.T. 2010. Heavy metal concentrations in water, sediments, and aquatic plants of Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Presented at the International Research Week, Egerton University. Abstracts program, p92.
  • Ogendi G. Morara and Ong’oa M. Isaac, 2008. Water Ethics in a Globalized World. Invited Speaker and Panelist at the International Symposium on Common Grounds, Common Waters: Toward a Water Ethic at Santa Clara University, CA. March 14-15 2008.
  • Ogendi G. Morara. 2007. Cultures and Water Resource Use, Conservation & Degradation in the Njoro and Lamudiac River Watersheds, Kenya. Presented at the River Cultures and Ecological Futures sessions of 10 International River Symposium and Environmental Flows conference, Brisbane, Australia. September 3-6, 2007. Invited Speaker and Panelist.
  • Ogendi G. M. 2006. Drinking Water Quality and Scarcity and its Impact upon the Health of People in Western Kenya. Environmental Leadership Program Conference March 14–18, 2007. Antiochian Village Conference Center, Pennsylvania, USA.
  • Ogendi, G.M., Hannigan, R.E. and Farris, J.L. 2005. The toxicity of metal-enriched black shale-draining surface water to Ceriodaphnia dubia, and Pimephales promelas. MidSouth SETAC Conference at University of Mississippi, MS. merica) 26tylan
  • Ogendi, G.M., Brumbaugh, W., Hannigan, R.E. and Farris, J.L. 2005. Effects of acid volatile sulfide on black shale sediment-metal bioavailability and toxicity to midge larvae, Chironomus tentans. Presented at the Geological Society of America 2005 annual meeting in Salt Lake City, UT.
  • Ogendi, G.M., Hannigan, R.E. and Farris, J.L. 2005. Trace metal concentrations and macroinvertebrate assemblages in black shale-draining streams. Abstract submitted for the joint North American Benthological Society and American Geophysical Union meeting, 23-27 May 2005 at Memorial Convention Center, New Orleans, LA.
  • Ogendi, G.M., Cox L., Hannigan, R.E. and Farris, J.L. 2005. Black shale weathering and its implications on surface water quality in the Little Red River. Presented at Arkansas Water Resources Conference, Fayetteville, Arkansas. April 19-20, 2005.
  • Ogendi, G.M., Hannigan, R.E. and Farris, J.L. 2004. Chemical Weathering of Black Shales and its Ecological Impacts on Streams. Presented at the Geological Society of America 2004 annual meeting in Denver, Co.
  • Ogendi, G.M., Farris, J.L, Hannigan, R.E. Black shale Trace Metal Concentrations and Toxicity: Preliminary Findings. 11th International Symposium on Water Rock Interaction. Saratoga Springs, NY.
  • Ogendi, G.M., Hannigan, R.E., Farris, J.L, Smith, D. 2004. The impact of black shale weathering on sediment quality. Mid-South Regional Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, Oxford, MS.
  • Ogendi, G.M., Hannigan, R.E., Farris, J.L, Smith, D. 2004. The Impact of Black shale weathering on Sediment Quality: Preliminary Findings. 88th Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Academy of Science. Jonesboro, AR.
  • Morara G. Ogendi. 2002. The effect of increased phosphate and nitrate loading on the growth and distribution of Spirulina platensis in Lake Nakuru, Kenya. A paper presented in the Tropical Freshwater Training Course held at Naivasha, Kenya. 1 – 22 December, 2002. Unpubl.
  • Morara G.Ogendi. 2002. Wetland destruction and its impact on the fisheries of Lake Victoria, Kenya. Paper presented at the 9th Nile Basin Conference, Mbagathi, Nairobi, Kenya. 7-10 October, 2002.
  • Morara G. Ogendi. 2001. Policy failure in wetland management and conservation: a case study of Yala Swamp, Kenya; a paper presented at the World Wetlands Day on the “World to discover: wetlands and water conservation” workshop held at Egerton University, Kenya. 1st to 3rd February, 2001.
  • Morara G. Ogendi. 2000. Wetland habitat fragmentation and its influence on bird diversity at Egerton University; a paper presented at the Nature Kenya Workshop on “Birds and wetland conservation in Kenya” Workshop held at the Agricultural Resources Center, Egerton University, Kenya. 31st March to April 3rd, 2000. Unpubl.
  • Morara G. Ogendi. 1999. Macroinvertebrates – indicators of water quality: a case study of the Njoro River, Kenya; a paper presented in the 2nd International Conference on “Plant leaf litter processing in freshwaters” at the Biological Station – Lunz, Austria. 22 – 24, September, 1999.
  • Morara G. Ogendi.1999. Neglected but important resources in Western Kenya – the wetlands; a paper presented at the MAB International Wetland Training on “water and wetlands in sustainable catchment management” at Trebon wetland Training Center, Czech Republic. 10 November to 10th December, 1999.
  • Morara G. Ogendi .2000. Towards a clean and friendly environment: the role of the youth; a paper presented at the World Environmental Day on the Youth and the Environment workshop held at Egerton University, Kenya. 4 – 6 June, 2000. Unpubl.


  1. GEF/SGP Strategic Partner for Lake Bogoria Production Landscape in the GEF VI funding Cycle: To assist Community Based Organizations write development proposals in response to SGP/GEF call for proposals for the Lake Bogoria Landscape. Also to enable the successful grantees to implement projects. Twenty-two CSOs were successful in their applications, each receiving Ksh. 3 Million for implementation of their proposed projects. August 2018 to Dec 2020. Total funding: Ksh 10 million.
  2. To develop and implement a Training on Multi-functional Reservoir Operations in Transboundary River Basins. Training held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 22nd to 27th March 2015. Funded by IGAD-INWRMP. Service Contract No. SC128/2015: Financed from EDF10/2009/021-334, PE-2; Total funds 105,000 Euros.

As an Associate Professor of Environmental Health at the Department of Environmental Science, I teach a number of undergraduate and postgraduate courses at Egerton university including Environmental Health, Water and Sanitation, Environmental Law and Policy, Watershed Management, Environmental Toxicology, Environmental Law, Environmental Impact Assessment, Research Methods I and Research Methods II. Between 2006 and 2008, I worked as an Assistant Professor at Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, USA. I taught a number of undergraduate courses among them Environmental Geology, Physical Geology, and Physical Science. I also conducted post-doctoral research focusing on Environmental Geochemistry and Toxicology. In addition to the aforementioned tasks, I have effectively and efficiently guided M.Sc. and PhD students doing research on water quality and quantity, water accessibility, Water, sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Water management, pollution, environmental health, and environmental conservation in Kenya and beyond. Details of those that have graduated under my supervision are on my attached resume. I spearheaded the development of the M.Sc. and PhD programs in Occupational and Environmental Health at the Department of Environmental Science at Egerton University. I am currently the Academic Programme Leader for the postgraduate programme, M.Sc. Occupational and Environmental Health. I have also served as a post-graduate student Academic Advisor for various M.Sc. and PhD Occupational and Environmental Health cohorts since 2012.


Specifically, I teach the following courses at the Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University:

  1. ENSC 402: Water and Sanitation
  2. ENSC 408: Environmental Law & Policy
  3. ENSC 703: Research Methods
  4. ENSC 706: Environmental Law
  5. ENSC 710: Research Methods II
  6. ENSH 711: Applied Toxicology
  7. ENSH 718: Biostatistics
  1. 2022 - Kibitok N.K., Sc. Effects of Anthropogenic Activities on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Water in Tributaries of Molo River, Kenya. Egerton University
  2. 2021 - Mwenje R.W., Effectiveness of The Sanitation and Hygiene Policies Links in Kakamega County, Kenya. Pan African University Institute for Water, Energy Sciences and Climate Change, Tlemcen, Algeria.
  3. 2021-Ngaruiya F.W.,Sc. Fisherfolk Exposure to Human Health Risks Through Fish Handling and Processing at Kampi Samaki, Lake Baringo, Kenya. Egerton University
  4. 2019 Chepsoo E.J. MSc. An Assessment Of Clear-Cut On Water Quality, Coarse Paticulate Organic Matter And Periphyton In Chepkoo River, Kenya
  5. 2019-Osiemo M.M. M.Sc. Influence Of Occupational Exposure To White Board Marker Ink On Symptoms Of Allergic Conjunctivitis Among School Teachers In Nakuru County, Kenya
  6. 2019- Busienei P.J. M.Sc. Factors Associated With The Persistent Practice Of Open Defecation In Lodwar, Kenya: A Mixed Method Research
  7. 2019 – Gwada B.C. Management and Impacts Of Plastic Waste In Watamu, Kilifi County, Kenya
  8. 2019 - Odhiambo E.O.Sc. Effect of Stocking and Diet on the Performance of Jipe Tilapia (Oreochromis jipe) Cultured in Hapas at Sagana, Kenya. Egerton University
  9. 2019-Muvea Felix, Nutrient Removal by Floating Macrophites (Lemna minor and Azolla pinnata) in Egerton University Constructed Wetland, Kenya. Egerton University
  10. 2018 - Edith J. KuruiSc. Microbiological Water Quality of Water Pans In Relation To Prevalence of Water Related Diseases in Central and South Baringo, Kenya.
  11. 2018 - Joab O. Okullo M.Sc. An Assessment of The Contribution of Faecal Disposal Practices On The Bacteriological Quality Of Drinking Water Sources In Isiolo County, Kenya.
  12. 2018 - Joab O. Okullo M.Sc. An Assessment of The Contribution of Faecal Disposal Practices On The Bacteriological Quality Of Drinking Water Sources In Isiolo County, Kenya.
  13. 2017 - Aaron G. Misati M.Sc. Assessment Of Water Quality And The Use Of Sanitary Surveys In Complementing Water Testing Programs In Kisii County.
  14. 2016 - Daisy C. Moso M.Sc. Assessment of the Effects of Climate Variability on Pastoralism and the Adaptation Strategies in Turkana Central Sub-County, Kenya.
  15. 2016 - Alice Jebiwott M.Sc. Forest Cover Change And Ecosystem Services Of Katimok Forest Reserve, Baringo County, Kenya.
  16. 2016 Fortinat T. Mwanyika M.Sc. An Assessment Of Efficiency Of Heavy Metals Removal By A Constructed Wetland System At Egerton University, Kenya.
  17. 2015 - Nyamao Wycliff N., M.Sc. Carbon emissions from degraded mangroves of Tudor and Mwache creeks, Mombasa, Kenya.
  18. 2015 - Awuor A. Loureen, M.Sc. The facilitation role of sea blight (Suaeda monoica) in regeneration of degraded mangroves at Mwache creek, Kenya
  19. 2015 - Mbuthia Judy W. M.Sc. Heavy Metal Concentrations in Water, Sediments and Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Fish Species from Lake Naivasha, Kenya.
  20. 2015 - Koskey Judy C. M.Sc. Influence of Anthropogenic Activities on Water Quality and Heavy Metal Concentrations in Lake Baringo, Kenya.
  21. 2015 - Mugambi Munene, M.Sc. An Assessment Of The Influence Of Energy Sources And Household Socioeconomic Characteristics On The Prevalence Of Acute Respiratory Infections Among Children In Nakuru Town, Kenya
  22. 2014 - Lilian M. Mugi, M.Sc. Carbon Stocks of the Mangrove Forest in Mwache Creek, Mombasa, Kenya
  23. 2014 - Atieno O. Zablon, M.Sc. An Assessment of Factors that Determine Utilization of Health Care Facilities For Antenatal Care In Kabondo Division, Homabay County, Kenya
  24. 2014 - Karanja W. Dorcas M.Sc. Assessment of the Restoration Potential for Cyperus Papyrus L. on the Shores of Lake Naivasha, Kenya
  25. 2013 - Kaino J. Joyce M.Sc. Structure, Biomass and Cover Change of a Peri-urban Mangrove Ecosystem in Kenya: A case study of Mwache Creek
  26. 2013 - Wangui J. Veronicah, M.Sc Assessment of the Water Resource Users Association in Water Management and Conservation in the Upper Catchment of Lake Bogoria Basin, Kenya
  27. 2010 - Koech Henry, M.Sc. An Assessment of The Effects of Slaughter-House Effluent on Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Surface Water In Kavuthi Stream, Dagoretti-Kenya
  28. 2010 - Kimani Edward W. M.Sc. A Comparative Study Of Urban And Peri-Urban Dairy Farming And Its Social Environment And Policy Implications –A Case Of Nakuru Municipality, Kenya
  29. 2008 - Leonette Cox M.Sc. Black shale weathering contribution to stream chemistry using end-member mixing analysis
  30. 2008 - Jaimie Conrad M.Sc. Uptake and impacts of trace metals on Crayfish in the Shale-draining streams in north-central Arkansas
  1. 2022: Judith Koskey, PhD. Effects of Land Use on Vegetation Composition, Water Quality and Benthic Macroinvertebrates Assemblages in The Njoro and Kamweti Rivers, Kenya. Egerton University, Kenya.

  2. 2022 - Alice Jebiwott:, PhD. An Assessment of Mau Forest Cover, Climate Change and Impacts of Evictions On Livelihoods in the Rift-Valley, Kenya. PAULESI, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

  3. 2022: Atalitsa Caren Navalia, PhD. Effects of Brick Making on Ecology and Socio-Economic Status of Households in Sironga Wetland, Nyamira South Sub-County, Kenya.

  4. 2021 - Karaya R.N., PhD. The Role of Social Learning in Linking Knowledge and Practice for Rehabilitation of Degraded Drylands in Njemps Flats, Baringo County, Kenya. Egerton University
  5. 2019- Masakha E.J. PhD. Longitudinal and Seasonal Variations In Physicochemical And Microbiological Properties Of Water Quality Of Sosiani River Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.
  6. 2019 – Muchemi S.M. PhD. An Assessment Of Influence Of Occupational Exposure To White Board Marker Ink On Symptoms Of Allergic Conjunctivitis Among School Teachers In Nakuru County, Kenya
  7. 2018: Keita M.M. PhD. Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Artisanal Gold Mining on Agricultural Productivity in Sikasso Region, Mali.
  8. 2015 Kimani Edward W. PhD Indigenous Agro-Pastoral Based Livelihoods Coping Strategies For Adaptation To Climate Change In Baringo County, Kenya.

Professional Memberships

  1. Western Indian Ocean Marine Scientists Association (WIOMSA)
  2. East African Wildlife Society (EAWS – Nature Kenya)
  3. American Geophysical Union (AGU);
  4. Geological Society of America (GSA);
  5. Environmental Leadership Program, Senior Fellow
  6. Member of the Certified Lead Experts in Environmental Impact Assessment studies, Kenya
  7. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS);
  8. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
  9. SREB Doctoral Scholars Association;
  10. Society of Wetlands (SWS);
  11. North American Benthological Society (NABS);
  12. East African Wildlife Society (EAWS);
  13. East African Water Association (EAWA)
  14. Lake Naivasha Riparian Association, Kenya (LNRA);
  15. Wildlife Clubs of Kenya (WCK).
  16. Kenya Red Cross
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