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Job Category
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
Directorate / Dept
536-20115 EGERTON
  1. PhD (Animal Physiology) 2009, University of Nairobi, Kenya
  2. M.Sc., (Animal Physiology) 1995, University of Nairobi, Kenya 
  3. Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (1992),  University of Nairobi, Kenya 
  4. KACE  (1985)- Mangu High School, Thika, kenya 
  5. KCE (1983) - Itierio Mixed High School, Kisii 
  6. CPE (1979) - Mochengo Primary School, Kisii 

Trained Veterinarian, Researcher, Lecturer (Animal Physiology, Molecular Genetics). Additionally has skills in 

  1. Extraction, processing and quantification of DNA 
  2. DNA Genotyping, marker ordering, map building and gene mapping
  3. Analysis of QTLs


  1. Master of Science student & Graduate assistant, Department of Animal Physiology, University of Nairobi  (1992-1994)
  2. Veterinary Investigation Officer, Central Veterinary Laboratories (Kabete), Ministry of   Agriculture and Livestock Development, Kenya (1994-1999)
  3. Research Scientist, Kenya Trypanosomiasis Research Institute (KETRI)/Trypanosomiasis Research Centre (TRC)-KARI, Kenya (1999-2004)
  4. Graduate fellow, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)/Hebrew University of Jerusalem/Haifa University (Israel).(2004-2009)
  5. Lecturer, Department of Range & Wildlife Sciences, School of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, South Eastern Kenya University, Kitui (March 2009 -September 2013)
  6. Lecturer, Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology, Egerton University (October 2013-2021)
  7. Senior Lecturer, Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology, Egerton University (2022 to date)
  8. Examination Officer in the department of Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology (2014-2015)
  9. Chairman of Department of  Range management in South Eastern Kenya University (2009-2013)
  10. Chairman of Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology, Egerton University (2016-2022)
  11. Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, Egerton University (2022 to date)
  • Genomic approaches to disease resistance,
  • Consequences of stress in food animals during transportation to market,
  • stress effects arising from use of draught animals during ploughing/weeding,
  • Animal welfare and Breeding of optimal breeds of goats suitable for ASALs
  • Genomic approaches to disease resistance,
  • Consequences of stress in food animals during transportation to market,
  • stress effects arising from use of draught animals during ploughing/weeding,
  • Animal welfare and Breeding of optimal breeds of goats suitable for ASALs
  • Urban livestock farming: Socio-economic, Environmental and Public Health aspects
  • Medicinal Plants and Herbal Research


  1. PhD thesis title:Expression of trypanotolerant quantitative trait loci (QTL) in a Boran-based backcross under natural tsetse challenge.
  2. M. Sc. Thesis title: Nitrogen Metabolism in the Ostrich, Struthio camelus.


  1. Monicah W. Maichomo, Caleb Oburu Orenge, Daniel Ochieng Gamba (2021). Introduction of African Animal Trypanosomosis (AAT)/Nagana. In: Combating and Controlling Nagana and Tick-borne Diseases in Livestock (Caleb Orenge, Ed) IGI Global, Pennsylavia, Pp 1 -23
  2. Monicah W. Maichomo, Caleb Oburu Orenge, Samuel Mwanzia Mbuku (2021). Use of Trypanotolerant Breeds: The Case of the Orma Boran. In: Combating and Controlling Nagana and Tick-borne Diseases in Livestock (Caleb Orenge, Ed). IGI Global, Pennsylavia, Pp 95-121


  1. Combating and Controlling Nagana and Tick-borne Diseases in Livestock (Caleb Orenge, Ed), ISBN: 9781799864332, IGI Global, Pennsylavia, 2021


  1. Kisipan ML, Nyaga SN, Thuo JN, Nyakego PO, Orenge CO and Ojoo RO. (2020). Lobar holoprosencephaly with craniofacial defects in a Friesian calf: A case report. Vet Med. Sci 2020:001-8 (
  2. Katana, L.K., Maina, C.I., Orenge, C.O. (2020). Aphrodisiac Activity of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) fruit extract on the sexual function in rats. Discovery Phytomedicine 7(2): 65-71. DOI: 10.15562/phytomedicine.2019.121
  3. Ikaal, MA. Orenge, CO., Kashongwe, OB., Bebe, BO (2020). Prevalence of east coast fever infections based on farmer-observed symptoms in smallholder dairy herds, North rift Kenya. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2020; 5(2): 22-28
  4. Lydia Katana Kadzo, Charles Irungu Maina, Caleb Oburu Orenge, Collins Kipkurui Kirui, Benson Githaiga Muriuki and Paul NjengaWaithaka (2019). Effectiveness of pomegranate (Punicagranatum L.) fruit extract on sexual function of rats. J.Microbio. Biochem, Technol. Volume 11.Issue 4 No. 424
  5. Mutua JK, Kanui TI and Orenge CO (2018). Division of labor during care of small ruminants, a case of Mwala Sub-county, Kenya. International Journal of education and research. Vol 6 No. 6, 2018
  6. Mosiany Letura Kisipan, Caleb Oburu Orenge, David Njogu Gacheru and Raphael Muchangi Ngure (2017). A case of cranium bifidum with meningocele in Aryshire calf. BMC research (2017) 13:20 (DOI 10.1186/s12917-016-0936-9)
  7. Mutua, J.K., T.I Kanui and C.O.Orenge (2017). Shoats milk consumption and the associated factors in arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya: Acase of Mwala Subcounty in Mackakos County. International Journal of Education and Research Vol 5 No. 11, 2017
  8. Kanui T. Ikusya, Mwobobia, R. Murangiri, Caleb Orenge and Nguku A. Susan (2016). Impact of Compaction and blasting activity on livestock during construction of the standard gauge railway in Makindu-Kiboko area of Makueni County, Kenya. International Journal of Advanced Research (2016) Vol 4 Issue 3, 46-52
  9. Mutombo, P.K., C.O Orenge, T.I. Kanui, and S.M. Wambua (2015). An assessment of natural and socio-economic impacts on indigenous Chicken production: A case study of Katangi and Ikombe divisions of Yatta Sub County. International Journal of Education and Research Vol 3 No. 8, August 2015
  10. Wekesa Antony Wanyonyi, MulambalahChrispinusSiteti, Inyagwa Charles Muleke and Orenge Caleb Oburu (2014). Analysis of hookworm infection intensity and maternal heamoglobin levels in women attending antenatal clinic at Kitale, Kenya. International Journal of current microbiology and applied sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 3 Number 10 (2014) pp. 349-356.
  11. Mukabane, D. K, Shivairo, R. S, Mdachi, E. R, Orenge, C. O. and Muleke, I.C. (2014). Effect of Aflatoxin B-1 on course of infection of Trypanosmacongolense in Mice. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, ISSN (Paper) 2224-3208 ISSN 2225-093X (online). Vol. No. 22, 2014, pp 12-22.
  12. Mukabane, D.K, Shivairo R. S, Mdachi R. E, Mokua D. O,   Oswe M. O, Mulama D. K, Muleke, I . and Orenge C.O (2014). Effect of Aflatoxin B-1 on transmissibility of Trypanosmacongolense in Mice. Advances in Life Sciences and Technology, ISSN (paper) 2274-7181) ISSN (online) 2225-062X. Vol. 24. 2014, pp 28-36.
  13. Caleb O. Orenge, Leonard Munga, Charles N. Kimwele, Steve, Kemp, Abraham   Korol, John P. Gibson, Olivier   Hanotteand Morris Soller(2012). Trypanotolerance in N’dama× Boran crosses under natural trypanosome challenge: Effects of test-year environment gender and breed composition. BMC genetics 2012, 13: 87 orDOI: 10.1186/1471-2156-13-87 or URL:
  14. Caleb Orenge, Leonard Munga, Charles Kimwele, Steve Kemp, Abraham Korol, John Gibson, Olivier Hanottee& Morris Soller (2011). Expression of trypanotolerance in N’Dama x Boran crosses under field challenge in relation to N’Dama genome. BMC 2011, 5 (Suppl 4):S23,
  15. C.O. Orenge, C. N. Kimwele, S.J. Kemp, A. B. Korol, L. K. Munga, G. Murilla, O. Hanotteand M. Soller (2009). Effect of N’Dama origin marker alleles on trypanotolerance in a backcross cattle population under natural tsetse and trypanosomosis challenge. Proceedings of the 30th Meeting of the International Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control, 21-25 September 2009. Kampala, Uganda, OAU/ISTRC Publication No. 125
  16. Orenge, C.O., Korol, A.B., Kemp, S.,Kimwele, C.N., Munga, L.K., Gibson J.P., Hanotte, O., Murilla, G and Soller, M. (2007). Detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling trypanotolerance in a backcross of (Ndama × Boran) × Boran cattle population under natural exposure in Narok, S.W. Kenya.Proceedings of the 29th Meeting of the International Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC) Conference, 1-5 October, Luanda, Angola, OAU/ISCTRC Publication No.124 pgs399-410
  17. Munga, L. K., Orenge, C. O., Hanotte, O., Makumi, J., Ngeranwa, J., Gibson, J. P., Korol, A., Kemp, S., Soller, M., Murilla, G. A and Nagda, S. (2007). The impact of environmental factors on tsetse fly catches and trypanosomosis prevalence and diminazene treatments in N’Dama-Boran crossbreed cattle in Mara, Southern Kenya. Proceedings of the 29th Meeting of the International Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control, 1-5 October 2007. LuandaAngola, OAU/STRC Publication No. 124pgs 200-202
  18. Bett, B., Orenge, C.O., Irungu, P. and Munga, L.K. (2004). Epidemiological   factors that influence time-to-treatment of trypanosomiasis in OrmaBoran Cattle raised at Galana ranch, Kenya. Veterinary parasitology 120, 43-53
  19. Maichomo, M.W; Orenge, C.O; Munga, L.K, Nyamwaro, S.O and Ndung’u, J.M. (2003). Conservation of trypanotolerantOrma-Boran through utilization. Proceedings of the 27th Meeting of the International Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC), conference, Pretoria, South Africa, No.122, pg 450-454, published by OAU/STRC.
  20. Orenge, C.O. Mathiu, P.M. and Mbugua, P.N. (2002). Nitrogen retention as an indicator of nitrogen utilisation in the ostrich, struthio camelus massaicus. African Journal of Ecology 40, 399-400 (2)
  1. C.O. Orenge, L. Munga, C.N. Kimwele, S. Kemp, A.  Korol, J. P. Gibson, O. Hanotte and M. Soller (2011). Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting trypanotolerance and body weight in the N’Dama x Boran backcross (to Boran) cattle populationunder natural tsetse and trypanosomosis challenge of the Semi-Humid zone of E. Africa. A paper presented in a Workshop “International Health” organized by the Centre for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture and Forestry (CeTSAF) of the Georg-August University Göttingen and financially supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Dar salaam, Tanzania from 27th November to 3rd December 2011
  2. C. O.  Orenge (2018). “Likelihood –based parentage analysis to confirm correctness of Artificial Insemination (IA) in a ranch set up”. A paper presented during the the 5th Humboldt Conference held at Sportsman’s Arms Hotel in Nanyuki, Kenya from 19th to 21st June, 2018
  1. I was awarded a MSc scholarship by DAAD (in country) in 1992-1995. Total amount was KES 750, 000
  2. I was awarded a PhD scholarship by USAID through ILRI, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, KETRI and Haifa University from 2004-2008. Total amount was $ 199,000


  • Animal Physiology/Veterinary Physiology,
  • Hematology,
  • Principles of genetics,
  • Quantitative and population genetics,
  • Molecular genetics,
  • Animal breeding,
  • Animal biotechnology,
  • Animal Health & Management.


  • M.Sc. (Agriculture Resource Management)-Units taught: Biodiversity and animal genetic conservation; Animal nutrition and feed resources
  • M.Sc. (Livestock Production Systems)-units taught: Digestive and reproductive Physiology, Biochemistry; Principles of Scientific communication; and Instrumentation.
  • M.Sc. Animal Physiology-units taught: Respiratory Physiology, Muscle Physiology and Reproductive physiology
  1. Maurice Ikaal Amuria M.Sc title: Evaluation of association of prophylactic strategies with prevalence, management and economic losses from East Coast fever infections on smallholder farms in North-Rift Kenya (2020)
  2. Lydia Kadzo Katana M.Sc title: Determination of the potential sexual function of Pomegranate (Punicagrantum) extract (2020)
  3. John Kyalo Mutua M.Sc. title: An assessment of the socio-cultural factors affecting goat milk consumption among the communities in the arid and semi-arid land s of kenya – a case study of Mukaa and Kyawango locations of Mwala district, Machakos county (2019).
  4. Peter Kyalo Mutombo M.Sc. title: An assessment of natural and socio-economic impacts on indigenous chicken production- A case study of Katangi and Ikombe division of Yatta district.(2017)
  1. Member of the Kenya Veterinary Association (KVA
  2. Member of the Kenya Veterinary Board (KVB)
  3. Member of the Kenya DAAD Scholars Association (KDSA)
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