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Dr Joseph Ochieng' Anyango

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Dr Joseph O. Anyango is a Lecturer in Department of Dairy and Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Egerton University. Prior to his appointment at Egerton University, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, University of Pretoria, South Africa, for one year. His PhD and postdoctoral research focused on mechanisms of prolamin protein self-assembly in flexible biomaterials. This was a multidisciplinary collaborative research bringing together various research groups from different departments, centres and units in the University of Pretoria and the industry including: Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being, Institute for Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Biomedical Research Centre, Department of Immunology, Department of Veterinary and Tropical Diseases, Department of Chemical Engineering (all from University of Pretoria) and AFGRI Ltd (which was a private business partner). During his MSc. study he worked on a project aimed at improving the protein quality of African sorghum foods through compositing with cowpea funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Grand Challenges 9 Africa Biofortified Sorghum (ABS) programme and University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Some of Dr Joseph Anyango’s most recent projects include:

  • Improvement in safety and nutritional value of traditionally processed weaning foods from composite indigenous grains- Sponsored by Egerton University Council.
  • Optimization of extrusion process for processing ready-to-eat foods from locally available crops: Sponsored by Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management (CESAAM)
  • Nutritional quality, safety and value addition of traditional roots crops: Funded by Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP)
  • Indigenous Vegetables Value Chain Project under Kenya Agricultural Productivity Project (KAPAP)

Currently Dr Anyango  the  Chairman of Postgraduate Committee, Faculty of Agriculture, Egerton University.

He has 32 publications in form of Research Papers, Book Chapters, Proceedings and Abstracts

Google Scholar

2013 PhD Food Science University of Pretoria, South Africa
2010 MSc Food Science University of Pretoria, South Africa
2000 BSc (Hons) Food Science and Technology Egerton University, Kenya

  • Food Science and Technology
  • Food Fortification and Sensory Evaluation
  • Cereal Protein Chemistry
  • Development of Protein Bioplastics/Biomaterials/Nanostructures.
  • Food Quality Assurance
  • Food Analysis
  • Jan 2020: Title: International Acreditation  and Quality of Programms workshop. By Program Accrediation and Quality Expert (Dr Gita Pitter from Florida A&M University) (Venues: ARC Egerton University and  KALRO, Naivasha)
  • April 2018: Title: Staff Retooling Workshop on Agripreneurship and Innovation Delivery Methodologies. Training Organiztion: Egerton University, Kenya (venue: CMRT, Egerton University)
  • 27th Nov-1st Dec 2017:  CESAAM-Virginia Tech Retooling workshop  titled: Research Analytics and Development of Fundable Proposals (Venue: Morendat Hotel, Naivash)
  • July 2005: Occupational Health and Safety. Awarded by Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety Services, Kenya.
  • Dec 2003: Fish Safety and Quality Assurance workshop for personnel of fish processing establishments. Training by Kenya Government /United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) held at Milimani Resort in Kisumu, Kenya.

Jan 2021- Present Chairman, Postgraduate Committee, Faculty of Agriculture, Egerton University

Sept 2016Sept 2022 Member of Egerton University Conference Committee

Jan 2015Dec 2020 Member of Postgraduate Committee, Faculty of Agriculture, Egerton University

July 2014Present Lecturer, Department of Dairy and Food Science and Technology, Egerton University.

Jan 2014 – Aug 2014 Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kisii University.

Jan 2013 – Dec 2013 Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Feb 2008 – Nov 2012 Practical Assistant, Department of Food Science, University of Pretoria, South Africa.

July 2007 – Aug 2007 Technical Assistant, African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF), Nairobi, Kenya.

Sept 2002– Oct 2006 Quality Assurance Manager, Capital Fish (k) Ltd, Kenya.

Jan 2001 – Sept 2002 Laboratory Supervisor, Capital Fish (k) Ltd, Kenya.



Ongoing projects:

2018 to present:

  • Effect of Processing Methods And Variety On Nutritional Quality And Safetyof Ready-To-Eat Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Products- Sponsored by Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Programme (KCSAP)
  • Improvement in Safety and Nutritional value of traditionally processed weaning foods from composite indigenous grains- Sponsored by CESAAM/ Egerton University Council.
  • Optimization of extrusion process for processing ready-to-eat foods from locally available crops- Sponsored by CESAAM
  • Utilization of insects in foods: sponsored by ICIPE/CESAAM

Completed projects

2016-2018: Assessment Of Factors Influencing Small-Holder Dairy Farmers’s Decision To Deliver Milk To Milk Cooling Plants In Sotik Sub-County, Kenya.

Output publication:

  • Kiprotich, E. B., Langat, J.K., and Anyango, J.O. (2017). Effect of delivering milk to cooling plants on household income among smallholder dairy farmers in Sotik sub-county, Kenya. Journal of Natural Sciences Research. 7(18), 9-17. ISSN (Paper) 2224-3186 ISSN (Online) 2225-0921.

2014 - 2016 Indigenous Vegetables Value Chain Project under Kenya Agricultural Productivity Project (KAPAP)

Output publication:

  • Njoroge, E.W., Matofari, J., Mulwa, R.M.S. and Anyango, J.O. (2015). Effects of blanching time/temperature combination coupled with solar-drying on the nutritional and microbial quality of indigenous leafy vegetables in Kenya. African Journal of Food Science and Technology. 6 (7), 209-219

2013-18: Novel application of sorghum protein (kafirin) and maize protein (maize) in food and non-food applications.

This was a multidisciplinary collaborative research bringing together various research groups from different departments, centres and units in the University of Pretoria and the industry. This work was carried out through a Continuation Postdoctoral Fellowship funded by University of Pretoria.

  • It proved that microparticles (colloidal particles with micron size) made from kafirin, the prolamin storage protein in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.Moench) grain, have useful functional properties, including the formation of very thin, water-stable films, and indicating their potential application in aqueous environment.

    Provided evidence that these kafirin microparticles bind to bioactive molecules such as antioxidant phenolics and Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) and therefore have potential as delivery devices for bioactive compounds with potential health benefits.

    Provided proof of principle that the kafirin microstructure system is safe when implanted subcutaneously in an animal. This step was of critical importance in the innovation process of proving that kafirin microstructures can be safely used in animal or human application, such as delivery devices fornutraceuticals and functional food ingredients.

Output publications:

  • Taylor, J., Anyango, J.O., Muhiwa, P.J., Oguntoyinbo, S.I., and Taylor, J.R.N. (2018). Comparison of formation of visco-elastic masses and their properties between zeins and kafirins. Food Chem. 245, 178-188.
  • Taylor, J., Anyango, J.O., Potgieter, M., Kallmeyer, K., Naidoo, V., Pepper, M.S., and Taylor, J.R.N. (2015). Biocompatibility and biodegradation of protein microparticle and film scaffolds made from kafirin (sorghum prolamin protein) subcutaneously implanted in rodent models. J. Biomed Mater Res A. 2015 Aug, 103(8), 2582-90
  • Anyango, J.O., Taylor, J.R.N. and Taylor, J. (2013). Role of -kafirin in the formation and organization of kafirin microstructures. J. Agric. Food Chem. 61, 10757−10765.
  • Taylor, J., Anyango, J.O., and Taylor, J.R.N. (2013). Developments in the science of zein, kafirin and gluten protein bioplastic materials. Cereal Chem. 90, 344–357.


2019: Consultancy service offered: Team member in the first phase of a feasibility study for establishment Egerton University  Agro-Indistrial Park (AIP) commissioned by the University Management to provide an indication on its business viability.


Food Analysis

Safety and Nutritional value of  indigenous food crops

Food nanotechnology


  1. Hagenimana, T., Anyango, J.O., Muliro, P.S., and Bitwayiki, C. (2024). Composition of bioactive compounds from potato peel waste extracts by decoction and indirect ultra-sound assisted extraction methods. American Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition,6 (2), 58 – 77.
  2. Kangogo,C.K., Muliro, P.S., and Anyango, J.O. (2024). Effect of butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata) seed powder on the chemical and rheological properties of stirred cultured camel milk and yoghurt. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 15, (7) 576-593.

  3. Njuguna, S.,  Ondiek, J.O.,  Kemboi, F.,  and Anyango, J.O. (2024). Evaluation of nutritional composition and in vitro digestibility of dairy cattle feed resources in Bungoma County, Kenya. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, 9 (3), 337-344. DOI: 10.22271/veterinary.2024.v9.i3e.1436
  4. Ochieng, B.O., Anyango, J.O., Nduko, J.M., Mudalungu, C.M., Cheseto, X., and Tanga, C.M. (2023). Aroma characterization
    and consumer acceptance of four cookie products enriched with insect (Ruspolia diferens) meal. Scientific Reports, 13, 11145.
  5. Ochieng, B.O., Anyango, J.O, Khamis, F.M., Ekesi, S., Egonyu, P.J., Subramanian, S., Nduko, J.M., Nakimbugwe, D.,  Cheseto, X., and  Tanga, C.M., (2023). Nutritional characteristics, microbial loads and consumer acceptability of cookies enriched with insect (Ruspolia differens) meal.  LWT - Food Science and Technology 184,  115012. 
  6. Nkesiga, J., Ngoda, P.M.N. , Anyango, J.O., and Bitwayiki, C.  (2022). Microbial Load and Shelf-Life Assessment of Ready-To-Eat
    Baby Extrudates from Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato, Soybean, and Amaranth Seeds Flour Blends. International Journal of Food Nutrition and Safety,  13(1), 18-39. ISSN: 2165-896X. International Journal of Food Nutrition and Safety (
  7. Nkesiga, J., Anyango, J.O., and Ngoda, P.M.N. (2022). Protein Quality of Extruded Ready-to-Eat Baby Foods from Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato, Amaranth Seeds, and Soybean Flour Blends. American Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 4, (2) 24 - 36.   DOI:
  8. Nkesiga, J., Anyango, J.O., and Ngoda, P.M.N. (2022). Nutritional and sensory qualities of extruded Ready-To-Eat baby foods from orange-fleshed sweet potato enriched with amaranth seeds, and soybean flour. Research Journal of Food Science and Nutrition
     7(5), 120-140. 
  9. Oyim, I.R., Anyango, J.O. and Omwamba, M. (2022). Effect of Pre-Gelatinization Conditions on the Total Oxalate Content and Techno-Functional Properties of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) Flour. Food and Nutrition Sciences,  13, 511-525.  DOI: 10.4236/fns.2022.136039 
  10. Nyamayi, D.A., Anyango, J.O. and Omwamba, M. (2022). Functional and physicochemical properties of wheat, cassava, and bamboo shoot composite flours and bread. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and  Development. 22(8),21418-21436
  11.  Nyamayi, D.A., Anyango, J.O. and Omwamba, M. (2022). Sensory Evaluation of Wheat-Cassava-Bamboo Shoot Composite Bread. Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 10(3), 86-96
    doi: 10.11648/j.jfns.20221003.15    
  12. Ouma, F.O., Muriithi, A.N., Anyango, J.O. (2022). Microbiological Assessment and Shelf-Life Determination of Wheat Muffins Enriched with Domesticated African Emperor Moth (Gonimbrasia zambesina Walker) Caterpillar Flour. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 13, 734-749.
  13. Ouma, F.O., Muriithi, A.N., Anyango, J.O. (2022). Nutritional composition and sensory properties of wheat muffins enriched with Gonimbrasia zambesina, Walker caterpillar four.   International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 42, 3097–3105,  

  14. Ochieng, B.O., Anyango, J.O., Nduko, J.M., Cheseto, X., Mudalungu, C.M.,  Khamis, F.M.,   Ghemoh, C.J.,  Egonyu, P.J.,  Subramanian, S., Nakimbugwe, D., Ssepuuya, G., and Tanga, C.M. (2022) Dynamics in nutrients, sterols and total flavonoid content during processing of the edible Long-Horned grasshopper (Ruspolia differens Serville) for food.  Food Chemistry. 383,   132397.
  15. Nkesiga, J., Ngoda, P.M.N. and Anyango, J.O. (2021). Optimization of Extrusion  Cooking Parameters on the Functional Properties of Ready-to-Eat Extrudates from Orange -fleshed Sweet Potato Flour. Journal of Food Science and Nutrition. JFSN-121. DOI: 10.46715/jfsn2021.12.1000121  

  16. Nkesiga, J., Anyango, J.O., and Ngoda, P.M.N. (2021). Optimization of Protein, Total Minerals and Vitamin A Content of Orange-fleshed Sweet Potato, Amaranth Seed and Soybean Flour Blends. Global Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition,  4 (3) 1-15.  doi: 10.39127/2475-2368/GJFSN:1000121 
  17. Muthee,M.W., Anyango, J.O. and Matofari, J.W.  (2021). Assessment of safety of potato chips and crisps in Nyandarua County, Kenya.  East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal ,  85, (1-4), 8-22)
  18. Muthee,M.W., Anyango, J.O. and Matofari, J.W.  (2021).  Influence of Potato Variety on Phenolic Content, In-vitro Starch Digestibility and Predicted Glycaemic Index of Crisps and Chips from Nyandarua County, Kenya. Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 9(3), 64-72 doi: 10.11648/j.jfns.20210903.11
  19. Uwamariya, V., Wamalwa, L.N., Anyango, J.O., Nduko, J.M and Abwao, S.I. (2021). Variation and correlation corm trace elements, antinutrients and sensory attributes aof taro crisps. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis.
  20. Syeunda, C.O., Anyango, J.O., Faraj, A.K.,and Kimurto, P.K. (2020). In vitro protein digestibility of finger millet complementary porridge as affected by compositing precooked cowpea with improved malted finger millet. Journal of Food Science and Technology volume 58, pages571–580(2021). DOI.
  21. Syeunda, C.O., Anyango, J.O., and Faraj, A.K. (2019). Effect of compositing precooked cowpea with improved malted finger millet on anti-nutrients content and sensory attributes of complementary porridge. Food and Nutrition Sciences 10, 1157-1178. doi: 10.4236/fns.2019.109084
  22. Anyango, J.O. and Taylor, J.R.N. (2019). Sorghum flour and flour products: Production, nutritional quality, and fortification. In V. R. Preedy and R. R. Watson, (Eds.), Flour and breads and their fortification in health and disease prevention, 2nd Edition. (pp. 137–151). London, San Diego, Cambridge, Oxford: Academic Press, Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-12-814639-2.
  23. Taylor, J., Anyango, J.O., Muhiwa, P.J., Oguntoyinbo, S.I., and Taylor, J.R.N. (2018). Comparison of formation of visco-elastic masses and their properties between zeins and kafirins. Food Chemistry. 245, 178-188. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.10.082
  24. Kiprotich, E. B., Langat, J.K., and Anyango, J.O. (2017). Effect of delivering milk to cooling plants on household income among smallholder dairy farmers in Sotik sub-county, Kenya. Journal of Natural Sciences Research. 7(18), 9-17. ISSN (Paper) 2224-3186 ISSN (Online) 2225-0921.
  25. Njoroge, E.W., Matofari, J., Mulwa, R.M.S. and Anyango, J.O. (2015). Effects of blanching time/temperature combination coupled with solar-drying on the nutritional and microbial quality of indigenous leafy vegetables in Kenya. African Journal of Food Science and Technology. 6 (7), 209-219. DOI: 10.14303/ajfst.2015.068
  26. Taylor, J., Anyango, J.O., Potgieter, M., Kallmeyer, K., Naidoo, V., Pepper, M.S., and Taylor, J.R.N. (2015). Biocompatibility and biodegradation of protein microparticle and film scaffolds made from kafirin (sorghum prolamin protein) subcutaneously implanted in rodent models. J. Biomed Mater Res A. 2015 Aug, 103(8), 2582-90. DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.35394
  27. Anyango, J.O., Taylor, J.R.N. and Taylor, J. (2013). Role of gamma-kafirin in the formation and organization of kafirin microstructures. J. Agric. Food Chem. 61, 10757−10765.
  28. Taylor, J., Anyango, J.O., and Taylor, J.R.N. (2013). Developments in the science of zein, kafirin and gluten protein bioplastic materials. Cereal Chem. 90, 344–357. DOI:10.1094/CCHEM-12-12-0165-IA
  29. Anyango, J.O., Duneas, N., Taylor, J.R.N., and Taylor, J. (2012). Physicochemical modification of kafirin microparticles and their ability to bind bone morphogenetic protein‑2 (BMP-2), for application as a biomaterial. J. Agric. Food Chem. 60, 8419-8426.
  30. Anyango, J.O., Taylor, J., and Taylor, J.R.N. (2011). Improvement in water stability and other related functional properties of thin cast kafirin protein films. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59, 12674–12682.
  31. Anyango, J.O., De Kock, H.L., and Taylor, J.R.N. (2011). Impact of cowpea addition on the Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score and other protein quality parameters of traditional African foods made from non-tannin and tannin sorghum. Food Chem. 124, 775–780. .
  32. Anyango, J.O., De Kock, H.L., and Taylor, J.R.N. (2011). Evaluation of the functional quality of cowpea-fortified traditional African sorghum foods using instrumental and descriptive sensory analysis. LWT -Food Sci. Technol. 44, 2126–2133.
  33. Taylor, J.R.N, and Anyango, J.O. (2011). Sorghum flour and flour products: Production, nutritional quality, and fortification. In V. R. Preedy, R. R. Watson, & V. B. Patel, (Eds.). Flour and breads and their fortification in health and disease prevention, 1st Edition. (pp. 127–139). London, Burlington, San Diego: Academic Press, Elsevier. ISBN: 9780123808868.
  34. Anyango, J.O., De Kock, H.L., and Taylor, J.R.N. (2011). Effects of cowpea addition on the textural and other sensory properties of traditional African sorghum foods. Abstract presented at II Latin American Cereal and Cereal-based foods Conference (II LACC-2011) on 10-13 April, 2011 in Santiago, Chile. (pp 178).
  35. Anyango, J.O., De Kock, H.L., and Taylor, J.R.N. (2010). Improvement in the protein quality of traditional African sorghum foods by compositing with cowpea. In M. Labuschagne & K.G. Duodu, (Eds.), Proceedings of the CST-SA- ICC International Grains Symposium : Quality and safety of grain crops and foods, 3-5 Feb, 2010 , Pretoria South Africa. (pp 268-271). University of Free State. ISBN: 978086886.
  1. “Improvement in the functional properties of kafirin protein microstructures for use as bioplastic films and for microencapsulation”. Abstract presented at the 20th Biennial SAAFoST Congress 7-9 October, 2013 at CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa.
  2. "Effects of cowpea addition on the textural and other sensory properties of traditional African sorghum foods". Abstract presented at II Latin American Cereal and Cereal-based foods Conference (II LACC-2011) on 10-13 April, 2011 in Santiago, Chile.
  3. "Improvement in the protein quality of traditional African sorghum foods by compositing with cowpea”. Presented at CST-SA/ ICC International Grains Symposium on 3-5 Feb, 2010 in Pretoria, South Africa.
  1. Golden Key International Honours Award
  2. Recipient Fiirst Prize of the 2010 Cereal Science and Technology South Africa (CST-SA) Postgraduate Student Travel Award
  • Food Chemistry
  • Dairy Chemistry
  • Food Sensory Evaluation
  • Food Analysis
  • Food Entrepreneurship




  1. Njoroge Esther Wangari. Completion date: September 2016.Thesis Title: Effects of Blanching time-temperature combinations and solar-drying on the nutritional and microbial quality of indigenous leafy vegetables.
  2. Kiprotich Erick Bii. Completion date: May 2018. Thesis Title: Evaluation of Factors influencing smallholder dairy farmers decision to deliver milk to cooling plants in Sotik Sub-County, Kenya.
  3. Syeunda Cyprian Omondi. Completion date: November 2019. Thesis Title: Protein, antinutrient and sensory qualities of complementary food made from malted finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) composite flour.
  4. Vestine Uwamariya. Completion date: December 2021. Thesis Title: Essential Micronutrient Composition, Chemical Safety and Sensory Properties of Raw Taro (Colocasia esculenta L.) and Taro Crisps in Kenya.
  5. Marilyn Wangui Muthee.  Completion date July 2022: Thesis Title: Effect of Processing Methods and Variety on Nutritional Quality and Safety of Ready-To-Eat Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Products in Nyandarua County.
  6. Ouma Ferdinand Opondo. Completion date: March 2023: Thesis Title: Nutritional and sensory properties of wheat buns and muffins enriched with African emperor moth caterpillar powder (MSc. Student Registered at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology)

  7. Brian Onyango Ochieng. Completion date October 2023. Thesis Title: Nutritional Value, Microbial Quality, Shelf-life and Consumer Acceptability of Cookie Enriched with Ruspolia differens Flours from Different Processing Methods
  8. Dorsila Auma Nyamayi. Completion date October 2023. Thesis Title: Evaluation of Quality Properties of Bread Produced from Wheat, Cassava and Bamboo Shoot Composite Flours 
  9. Irene Ragar Oyim.  Completion date October 2023. Thesis Title: Evaluation of Quality Properties of Protein-Rich Snack Bar Developed from Pre-Gelatinized Taro (Colocasia esculenta L.). Flour Enriched with Soybeans (Glycine max L.).


  1. Ellen Aminatah Kassam Research Title: Influence of Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) seeds Flour Enrichment on Quality Properties of Maize (Zea mays L.) Flour Fritters (Zitumbuwa)
  2. Ildephonse Nzaramba. Research Title: Development and Analysis of Chemical and Physical Properties of composite Porridge Flour from Malted Sorghum, Maize and Soya Beans
  3. Collins Kiprotich Kangogo. Research Title: Utilization Of Butternut Squash (Cucurbita moschata) Seeds as a Thickener in Production of Fermented Camel Milk Products





      1. Jackson Nkesiga. Completion date October 2023. Thesis Title: Development and Analysis of Extruded Ready-To-Eat Baby Foods from                   Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato, Soybean and Amaranth Seed Flour Blends.


  1. Theoneste Hagenimana. Research Title: Acrylamide Formation as Affected by Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) peel extracts and risk assessment in French Fries in Rwanda


  1. Member of South African Association for Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST) (2008-2013)
  2. Life Member of Golden Key International Honour Society
  3. Life Member of  Egerton University Alumni Association
  4. Professional Member of Kenya Institute of Food Science and Technology (Member No. 0432)
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