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Prof. James Ombiro Ondiek, Ph.D. is a Kenyan male born on 10th October, 1963 in Kisii. I went to Masikonde Primary School between 1970 and 1977where I scored 32 points in CPE and proceeded to Narok High School in 1978-1981, qualifying in the KCSE. In the period 1982-1983, I attended Olkejuado High School for the KACE. I joined Egerton Agricultural College in 1984 for a Diploma in Animal Husbandry and graduated with a Distinction in December 1987. I was first posted to AHITI Kabete as Lecturer (III). After a two-year (1987-1989) teaching stint, I rejoined Egerton University as a Senior Technician in Animal Science Department and studied for BSc. Animal Production in 1989-1992. I then proceeded to Makerere University (1994-1998) for MSc. in Animal Science. Upon my return to Egerton University, I was promoted through the positions of Teaching Assistant, Assistant Lecturer, Lecturer and Senior Lecturer. I have taught several courses in Animal Science discipline and supervised students at undergraduate and postgraduate level in my thirty two (32) years teaching career (1989-2021). I did my Ph.D. studies at Egerton University, on “Evaluation of tree and shrub forages as feed supplements to livestock in Kenya” and graduated on 21st December 2012. I have 52 Peer reviewed publications in refereed journals and presented 30 papers in scientific conference proceedings. I have written extension materials including one book, 9 booklets and 3 Pamphlets. My interest is to further my research in animal nutrition utilizing locally available feed resources and assess livestock production systems in the realm of climate change. I have participated in various community development activities as well as projects and consultancies. I am married with three children and listen, speak and write fluently in both English and Kiswahili.



 Dec. 2012

Graduated on 21st December, 2012 in the 27th Congregation of Egerton University with Ph.D. Thesis “Evaluation of tree and shrub forages as feed supplements to livestock in Kenya.”

 Mar. 2012

Successfully defended my Ph.D. Thesis “Evaluation of tree and shrub forages as feed supplements to livestock in Kenya.”


Undertook Ph.D. studies. Thesis title: “Evaluation of tree and shrub forages as feed supplements to livestock in Kenya”. Egerton University. (Self sponsored)

Nov. 1994-Apr. 1998

Attended a masters (MSc.) course in Animal Science at Makerere University. Title of Thesis: "The performance of dairy goats offered Rhodes grass hay and supplemented with concentrate diets containing Leucaena leucocephala or Gliricidia sepium forages". Graduated on 15th January, 1999.

Sept.1989-Nov. 1992

Attended an undergraduate course at Egerton University and attained a BSc. In Animal Production and graduated with an Upper Second Class Honours. Title of Project Report: “Seasonal Distribution of Lamb Mortality and Their Causes in Ngongongeri Farm over an Eleven-Year Period (1981-1991)". Graduated on 25th November, 1993.

Sept. 1984-July 1987

Obtained a Distinction Diploma in Animal Husbandry, from Egerton University College (now Egerton University). Graduated on 18th December, 1987.

Mar.1982-Nov. 1983

Attended Olkejuado High School and obtained six points in the Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE).

Feb. 1978-Nov. 1981

At Narok High School, I obtained a Division 2 of 26 points in the Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE).

Jan. 1970-Nov. 1977

Attended primary education at Masikonde P. School and obtained 32 points in the Certificate of Primary Education (CPE).


 a) Academic awards


The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) Postgraduate Associateship, Egerton University


International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) Graduate Associateship, Makerere University.


Government of Kenya Scholarships for Diploma, Egerton Agricultural College.


Government of Kenya Scholarships for Bachelor of Science in Animal Production, Egerton University.


b) Other Awards


Commission for Higher Education Dairy Goat Multiplication Project KSh. 3 million.


Macaulay Research Institute Community Local Chicken Project, KSh. 120,000.00


Macaulay Research Institute Higher Education Links Community Dairy Goat Project, KSh. 320,000.00



Animal Nutrition


Diploma, BSc., MSc., Ph.D.


The teaching experience spans a period of 32 years.



Associate Professor of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal sciences, Egerton University.

Responsibilities: Perform the duties of the COD in addition to: Lecturing, preparing for and conducting practicals to and evaluating Diploma and Undergraduate students in Animal Health, Animal production, Farm Management, Dairy and food technology and Agricultural Education on Animal Science disciplines. Courses taught: Animatics, Non-ruminant Production, Ruminant Production, Ruminant nutrition, Sheep and Goat production, Rabbit production, Aquaculture, Beef and Dairy production, Sustainable livestock production systems, Organic Animal Production and Agrobiodiversity, Case studies in livestock production systems,  Field visits, Seminars, Research projects. Conducting Research and supervising student Research Projects. Conducting Research and supervising student Research Projects and seminars.

Attend Senate and represent the Dean, Faculty of Agriculture in meetings, Chair and /or participate in various committees in the Animal Science Department and the Faculty of Agriculture- e.g. Training, Curriculum, Welfare and Farm Committees.

Participate in community extension services e.g. in aquaculture, poultry, compost manures, dairy goats and cattle and farm business plans, dairy cattle production for women empowerment. Consultancy on the Government’s Big 4 agenda- specifically on Food and Nutrition security. Consultancy in the KCSAP and NARIGP programmes.


Appointed as the Chairman of Department of Animal Science.

Duties and responsibilities:

  • Academic and administrative  head of Department,
  • Promote efficient management of the Department,
  • Articulate Vision, Mission and Objectives  of the department,
  • Implement the objectives of the department,
  • Convene departmental meetings,
  • Manage academic programmes as Chief examiner of department,
  • Represent the department in Faculty, Senate and other organs
  • Planning and budgeting for the department,
  • Supervise staff both academic and non academic,
  • Prepare annual report,
  • Provide a conducive working environment for all staff in the department,
  • Perform any other duties assigned/delegated by the Vice Chancellor.

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal sciences, Egerton University.

Responsibilities: Lecturing, preparing for and conducting practicals to and evaluating Diploma and Undergraduate students in Animal Health, Animal production, Farm Management, Dairy and food technology and Agricultural Education on Animal Science disciplines. Courses taught: Animatics, Non-ruminant Production, Ruminant Production, Ruminant nutrition, Sheep and Goat production, Rabbit production, Aquaculture, Beef and Dairy production, Sustainable livestock production systems, Organic Animal Production and Agrobiodiversity ,Case studies in livestock production systems,  Field visits, Seminars, Research projects. Conducting Research and supervising student Research Projects. Conducting Research and supervising student Research Projects and seminars.

I sit in various committees in the Animal Science Department and the Faculty of Agriculture- e.g. Training, Curriculum, Welfare and Farm Committees.

Participate in community extension services e.g. in aquaculture, poultry, compost manures, dairy goats and cattle and farm business plans, dairy cattle production for women empowerment (GROOTS Kenya). Consultancy on the Government’s Big 4 agenda- specifically on Food and Nutrition security.

Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Sciences, Egerton University.

Responsibilities: Lecturing, preparing for and conducting practicals to and evaluating Diploma and Undergraduate students on Animal Science disciplines. Courses taught: Animatics, Non-ruminant Production, Ruminant Production, Ruminant nutrition, Sheep and Goat production, Beef and Dairy production, Field visits, Seminars, Research projects. Conducting Research and supervising student Research Projects. Conducting Research and supervising student Research Projects and seminars.

Some of the field research experiences:

  • Prevalence of intestinal worms in dairy goats on-farm and on-station and effectiveness of selected dewormers. January-April 2009.
  • Impact of sub-clinical mastitis and its effects on ph, free fatty acids and sensory characteristics of caprine milk. May-August 2008.
  • Evaluation of the utilization of multipurpose tree and shrub forages and crop residues as livestock feed in Western, Nyanza and Rift Valley provinces of Kenya. Field surveys of Kakamega, West Pokot and Baringo districts. (2007).
  • Participated in a KEFRI organized Field day and demonstrated on animal feed block technology using Prosopis juliflora pods, under the project TCP/KEN/3002 (A) Prosopis Pilot Project in Baringo District. Coordinator Mr. Simon Choge (June 2006).

Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Sciences, Egerton University.

Responsibilities: Lecturing, preparing for and conducting practicals to and evaluating Diploma and Undergraduate students on Animal Science disciplines. Courses taught: Animatics, Seminars, Research projects, Ruminant Production, ruminant nutrition, Sheep and Goat production, Beef and Dairy production.

  • Conducting Research and supervising student Research Projects and seminars. Some of the field research experiences:
  • Conducted field studies on Calf mortality in large-scale Dairy Farms in the Rift Valley Area of Kenya. (200-2001).
  • Sampling plants, soils and animal blood from the pastoral area of Baringo district for the evaluation of their mineral status in a collaborative research with Shimane University, Japan (2002).
  • Conducted several researches in livestock nutrition and management, the results were presented in international conference proceedings and published in refereed journals (1999-2000).
  • Attended a workshop on proposal writing facilitated by ICRAF. One successful proposal funded for Ph.D. research by the African Academy of Sciences (2000).

Teaching Assistant in the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Sciences, Egerton University.

Responsibilities: Lecturing, preparing for and conducting practicals to Diploma and Undergraduate students on Animal Science disciplines. Conducting research on local multipurpose tree and shrub forages as feed supplements for Ruminants.

Senior Technician in the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Sciences, Egerton University.

Responsibilities: Lecturing to Diploma classes and conducting practicals for Diploma and Undergraduate students on Animal Science disciplines.

Lecturer (III) in the Ministry of Livestock Development at AHITI Kabete, Animal Production Department.

Responsibilities: Teaching and conducting practicals for students. Taught animal Production, Pasture Production and Production Economics. Patron of Young Christian Students (YCS), and Counselor to the 2nd Year Animal Health Class.


  • KCSAP Kajiado -dairy and red meat and sheep and goats
  • KCSAP Marsabit Aquaculture
  • NARIGP NAkuru Poultry

Research  Interests

Ruminant nutrition using locally available feed resources

Greenhouse gas emission mitigation

Climate change effects on livestock

  1. J B Kipkorir, P K Migwi, J O Ondiek.The In-Vitro Organic Matter Digestibility Of Rhodes Grass Hay Supplemented With Different Levels Of Chicory; With Or Without Yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae) And Evaluation Of Growth Performance On Weaned Dairy  Goats.  Researchjournali’s Journal of Agriculture, Vol. 11 | No. 1 January | 2024 1.
  2. Fredrick Odiwuor Agutu, Samuel Mwanzia Mbuku, James Ombiro Ondiek, Bockline Omedo Bebe. Economic viability of using OvSynch and fxed timed artifcial insemination protocol in breeding improvement of pastoral herds in the rangelands. Tropical Animal Health and Production (2024) 56:68
  3. C W Oktoto, J O Ondiek, O A Ndambi. 2023. Nutritional Value And Chemical Composition Of Selected Fodders; Lucerne, Greenleaf Desmodium, Sweet Potato Vines And Chicory Supplemented To Boma Rhodes Grass Hay, As Feed Intervention To Be Adopted By Smallholder Dairy Farms In Bomet County. Researchjournali’s Journal of Agriculture Vol. 10 | No. 2 August | 2023.
  4. OL Alarape, PK Migwi and JO Ondiek (2023). Nutritional evaluation and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of Moringa oleifera, Medicago sativa, Chloris gayana and their combinations at different ratios. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2023; 8(4): 232-237. DOI:
  5. MA Ouma, JO Ondiek and PK Migwi (2023). The effects of treatment of Prosopis juliflora leaves and pods with bentonite and wood ash on feed intake, milk production and composition in dairy goats. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2023; 8(5): 275-278 ISSN: 2456-2912 VET 2023; 8(5): 275-278 © 2023 VET
  6.  MA OUMA, JO Ondiek and PK Migwi (2023). The effect of ratio combination and binders on the digestibility of mesquit (Prosopis Juliflora) leaves and pods.  International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2023; 8(4): 158-163. DOI:
  7. C Amerit, J O Ondiek, M K Ambula and N Kibitok. (2023). Evaluation of Shea nut meal potential to mitigate enteric methane in vitro. Livestock Research for Rural Development 35 (08) 2023
  8. Fredrick O. Agutu, Samuel M. Mbuku, James O. Ondiek, and Bockline O. Bebe. (2023). Preferential Use of Sahiwal Bull Calves by Beneficiaries of Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Southern Rangelands of Kenya. European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences Vol 5 Issue 3 June 2023 17. DOI:
  9. Catherine Amerit, James Ombiro Ondiek, Mary Kivali Ambula and Gerald Zirintunda. (2023). Performance and cost benefit of variable inclusion levels of shea nut meal in the diet of growing sheep. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2023; 8(4): 01-06
  10. Kemboi, ·J. O. Ondiek,·A.M. King’ori, P.A. Onjoro. (2023). Effects of polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) and bentonite clay incorporation in selected local browse‑based diets on the performance of Small East African goats Tropical Animal Health and Production (2023) 55:124
  11. F Kemboi, JO Ondiek, AM King’ori and PA Onjoro. (2022). Effects of anti-nutritive factors on ruminants and methods to alleviate them: A review. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2023; 8(1): 18-27 ISSN: 2456-2912 VET 2023; 8(1): 18-27 © 2023 VET
  12. Tura, I., Ondiek, J., King’ori, A., & Onjoro, P. (2022). Economic Analysis of Feeding Locally Formulated and Commercial Milk Replacer to Camel Calves in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya. Archives of Business Research, 10(8). 207-223.
  13. Fredrick Odiwuor Agutu, James Ombiro Ondiek, Samuel Mwanzia Mbuku and Bockline Omedo Bebe. (2022). Willingness to pay for assisted reproductive technologies by pastoral herd owners in southern Rangelands of Kenya. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2022; 7(1): 26-31 ISSN: 2456-2912 VET 2022; 7(1): 26-31 © 2022 VET.
  14. Brendah Kembabazi, Perminus K Migwi, James O Ondiek and Nicholas Kibitok. 2021. Impact of probiotics on volatile fatty acid production and methane emission of lactating dairy cows. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2021; 6(6): 20-25.
  15. Tura, JO Ondiek, AM Kingo’ri and PA Onjoro. 2021. Proximate composition of selected browses and common milk supplements for camel calves in Kenya International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2021; 6(5): 31-39

  16. F Kemboi, JO Ondiek, AM King’ori, PA Onjoro and JL Museti. 2021. Economic benefit of inclusion of indigenous browses and tannin binders in growing Small East African goats’ diets. Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2021; 6(5): 43-47

  17. Kemboi F, Ondiek J O, King’ori A M and Onjoro P A 2021 Effects of incorporation of selected browse species on performance of growing small East African goats. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 33, Article #105. Retrieved August 6, 2021, from

  18. Kemboi F, Ondiek J O, King’ori A M and Onjoro P A 2021. Proximate Composition and Palatability of Selected Rangelands Browses From Baringo County, Kenya. Research Journali’s Journal of Agriculture Vol. 8 | No. 7 July | 2021.

  19. Kemboi F, Ondiek J O, King’ori A M and Onjoro P A 2021 Evaluation of nutritive value of local browses from drylands of Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 33, Article #81. Retrieved June 2, 2021, from

  20. B.N. Sakwa, J.O. Ondiek, A.M. King’ori and O.A. Ndambi. 2021. Effects of fodder conservation and ration formulation interventions on dairy performance in Kenya. ISSN: 2224-0616 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 10(2):76-83, December 2020 Available online at https://ijarit.webs.comDOI:

  21. Kembabazi B, Ondiek J O and Migwi P K 2021 Effect of single or mixed strain probiotics on milk yield of dairy cows. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 33, Article #7. Retrieved February 8, 2021, from

  22. Joseph Ndwiga Kiura, Abdi Yakub Guliye, Perminus Kirubiu Migwi and James Ombiro Ondiek. 2020. Performance and Genotypes of Dairy Goats in Kenya: Lessons Learnt and the Need to Move beyond Donor Introductions. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 10 (2020) 128-137 doi: 10.17265/2161-6256/2020.03.003

  23. Boniface S Nabuko, James O Ondiek, Anthony M King’ori, and Oghaiki N Asaah 2020. Relevance of fodder interventions on dairy farms performance in Kenya; A review. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2020; 5(5): 04-08

  24. Tura Isako, King’ori, A.M. Ondiek, J.O. and Onjoro, P.A. 2020. Review of Camel Calves Nutrition and Management in Kenya. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 10:28-36. DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/10-8-04

  25.  Kandie, H. C., Kitilit, J. K., Oliech, G. W. O., and Ondiek, J. O. (2020). Nutrient Content and Dry Matter Degradability of Acacia Species in Arid and Semi-Arid Land of Baringo County, Kenya. Africa Environmental Review Journal4(1), 74-82.

  26. Sakwa Nabuko Boniface, Ondiek James Ombiro, King’ori Anthony Macharia and Ndambi Oghaiki Asaah. 2019. Evaluation of nutritive value of feeds and feed ration ingredients from different interventions used by dairy farms in Kenya. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2019; 4(5)26-31

  27.  F.O. Agutu, J.O. Ondiek and B. O. Bebe 2019. Associations between intensification interventions and herd productivity in smallholder dairy farms in the Kenyan Highlands. African Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 4 (3): July-September 2019: pp. 331-339. ISSN 2415-2838.   This article is licensed under a Creative Commons license, Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

  28.  Francis AN, Ondiek JO and Bebe BO. 2019. Dairy producer’s attitudes toward implementing calf management practices on smallholder and large commercial dairy herds in Kenyan Rift valley. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2019; 4(5)35-39.

  29. Nginya E S, Ondiek J O, King’ori A M and Nduko J M 2019: Evaluation of grasshoppers as a protein source for improved indigenous chicken growers. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 31, Article #2. Retrieved January 3, 2019, from

  30. Ondiek, J.O. and Kemboi, F. 2018. Bovine Mastitis Prevalence, Aetiology, Therapeutics and Control in Tatton Agriculture Park, Egerton University. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.7 (09): 3417-3426. doi:

  31. P.W. Ndung’u, B.O. Bebe, J.O. Ondiek, K. Butterbach-bahl, L. Merbold and J.P. Goopy. 2018. Improved region-specific emission factors for enteric methane emissions from cattle in smallholder mixed crop: livestock systems of Nandi County, Kenya. Animal Production Science.

  32. J.C. Wangui, B.O. Bebe, J.O. Ondiek & S.O. Oseni. 2018. Application of the climate analogue concept in assessing the probable physiological and haematological responses of Friesian cattle to changing and variable climate in the Kenyan Highlands. South African Journal of Animal Science 2018, 48 (No. 3) URL: ISSN 0375-1589 (print), ISSN 2221-4062 (online) Publisher: South African Society for Animal Science

  33. Agutu F O, Ondiek J O and Bebe B O 2018: Associations between intensification interventions and negative externalities in smallholder dairy farms in the Kenyan Highlands. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 30, Article #61. Retrieved April 2, 2018, from

  34. Ondiek J O, Abdulrazak S A and Njoka E N 2018: Supplementing Rhodes grass Chloris gayana hay with Maerua angolensis improves weight gain of growing small East African goats. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 30, Article #38. Retrieved March 2, 2018, from

  35. Ondiek, J.O., P.B. Ogore and Kemboi, F. 2018. Clinical Mastitis Gives Off-Flavor and Reduces Quality of Milk in Smallholder Goat Farms. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(01): 2387-2396. doi:

  36. Kemboi F, Ondiek J O and Onjoro P A 2017: Effects of supplementing Rhodes grass hay (Chloris gayana) with selected indigenous browse species on voluntary feed intake, feed digestibility and live weight change of goats. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 29, Article #222. Retrieved December 7, 2017, from

  37. Mangara, J. L. I., Guliye, A.Y., Migwi, P. K. and Ondiek, J. O. 2017. Evaluation of In -Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility of Selected Indigenous Tree Browses As Feed For Ruminant Livestock in Central Equatoria State of The Republic Of South Sudan. International Journal of Development Research Vol. 07, Issue, 04, Pp.12533-12539, April, 2017.

  38. Deng M T, Ondiek J O and Onjoro P A 2017 Chemical composition and in vitro gas production of lesser known South Sudan browse species. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 29, Article #81. Retrieved March 2, 2018, from

  39. Deng M T, Ondiek J O and Onjoro P A 2017 Intake, relative palatability index and preference class of selected Bor, South Sudan browse species fed to crossbred growing goats. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 29, Article #171. Retrieved December 7, 2017, from

  40. Ondiek J O, Abdulrazak S A and Njoka E N 2017 Nutritive value and palatability rating of fifteen selected indigenous Kenyan browse species fed to Small East African goats. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 29, Article #115. Retrieved December 7, 2017, from

  41. Kemboi F, Ondiek J O and Onjoro P A 2017 Nutritive value and acceptability by goats of selected indigenous browses from semi-arid areas of Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 29, Article #118. Retrieved June 2, 2017, from

  42. J.L.I. Mangara, A Y Guliye, P.K. Migwi and J.O. Ondiek 2017. Predominant and Most Preferred Indigenous Tree Browses as Feed for Ruminant Livestock in Central Equatoria State of The Republic Of South Sudan. Research Journali’s Journal of Agriculture Vol. 4 | No. 2 February | 2017.

  43. Mangara J L I, Guliye A Y, Migwi P K and Ondiek J O 2017. Nutrient composition of selected indigenous tree browses in Central Equatoria State of the Republic of South Sudan. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 29, Article #80. Retrieved December 7, 2017, from

  44. Kemboi F, Ondiek J O and Onjoro P A 2017. Evaluation of nutritive value and in-vitro degradation of selected indigenous browses from Semi-Arid areas of Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 29, Article #92. Retrieved December 7, 2017, from

  45. Khobondo J O, Ogore P B, Atela J A, Onjoro P S, Ondiek J O and Kahi A K 2015. The effects of dietary probiotics on natural IgM antibody titres of Kenyan indigenous chicken. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 27, Article #230. Retrieved November 2, 2015, from

  46. James Ombiro Ondiek, Ogore, P.B., Shakala, E.K. and Kaburu, G.M. 2013. Prevalence of bovine mastitis, its therapeutics and control in tatton agriculture park, Egerton University, Njoro District of Kenya. Basic Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Review ISSN 2315-6880 Vol. 2(1) pp. 15-20 January 2013. Available online http//

  47. James Ombiro Ondiek, Ogore, P.B., Shakala, E.K. and Kaburu, G.M. 2013. Feed intake, digestibility and performance of growing small East African goats offered maize (Zea mays) stover supplemented with Balanites aegyptiaca and Acacia tortilis leaf forages. Basic Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Review ISSN 2315-6880 Vol. 2(1) pp. 21-26 January 2013. Available online http//

  48. Ondiek J O, Abdulrazak S A and Njoka E N 2011. Effects of feeding Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) hay with graded levels of Zizyphus mucronata on voluntary feed intake, nutrient utilization, nitrogen balance and bodyweight gains in growing Small East African Goats. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology Journal. Vol.11(1) 9-17.

  49. Ondiek J O, Abdulrazak S A and Njoka E N 2010 Chemical and mineral composition, in-vitro gas production, in-sacco degradation of selected indigenous Kenyan browses. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 22, Article #25. Retrieved February 9, 2010, from

  50. Ondiek J O, Abdulrazak S A and Njoka E N 2010. Performance of growing Small East African Goats offered Rhodes grass hay and supplemented with a 1:1 mixture of Maerua angolensis: Zizyphus mucronata leaf browses. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 22, Article #174. Retrieved September 27, 2010, from

  51.  Ondiek J O, Abdulrazak S A and Njoka E N 2010 Effects of Supplementing Chloris gayana Hay and Maerua angolensis with Graded Levels of Maize Germ Meal on Voluntary Feed Intake, Diet Digestion, Nitrogen Balance and Average Daily Gains of Growing Small East African Goats. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology 10(2):147-155·

  52. Lanyasunya, T.P., Wang, Hongrong Kariuki, S.T., Mukisira, E.A. Abdulrazak, S.A., Kibitok, N.K., and Ondiek, J.O. 2008. The potential of Commelina benghalensis as a forage for ruminants. Animal Feed Science and Technology 144(3):185-195.

  53. B Baurhoo, CA Ruiz-Feria, X Zhao, TP Lanyasunya, H Wang, ST Kariuki, EA Mukisira, SA Abdulrazak, NK Kibitok, JO Ondiek, M Fondevila, B Pérez-Espés, G Animut, R Puchala, AL Goetsch, AK Patra, T Sahlu, VH Varel, J Wells, G Assefa, K Sonder, M Wink, C Kijora, N Steinmueller, KJ Peters, K Walsh, P O’Kiely, AP Moloney, TM Boland, HY Chao, FC Li, N Amornthewaphat, S Attamangkune, YB Wang, BH Xu, P Cachaldora, P García-Rebollar, C Alvarez, J Méndez, JC De Blas. 2008. Biology and Environmental Sciences, Herbage Abstracts Index Veterinarius, Nutrition Abstracts, Veterinary Bulletin. Also covered in the abstract and citation database SCOPUS®. Full text available on ScienceDirect®.

  54. Lanyasunya, T.P., E.A. Mukisira., E.D. Ilatsia, Hongrong Wang and J.O. Ondiek. 2007. Effects of incremental dietary level of Vicia villosa Roth on intake, digestibility and nitrogen intake in sheep fed Sorghum almum. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems 7: 201-209

  55.  Isaac M. Osuga, Shaukat A. Abdulrazak, Toshiyoshi Ichinohe, J.O. Ondiek and Tsutomu Fujihara. 2006. Degradation characteristics and tannin bioassay of some browse forage from Kenya harvested during the dry season. Animal Science Journal. 77:414-421.

  56.  Wambui, C.C., Abdulrazak, S.A., J.O. Ondiek and P.O. Ogore. 2004. Role and Management of donkeys at farm level in Nakuru district, Kenya. Draught Animal News. No. 41: 24-29.

  57. Waweru, J.M., Abdulrazak, S.A., Onyango, T.A., Ondiek, J.O. and T. Fujihara. 2004. Fish Meal Substitution for Pymarc in a Compound Dairy Ration. Indian Journal of Animal Feed Science and Technology. Vol. 4 No. 2: 161-169.

  58. Waweru, J. M., Abdulrazak, S. A., Onyango, T. A., Ondiek, J. O., and Fujihara, T. (2003). Use of pymarc as a nitrogen source for grazing dairy calves. Publication-European Association For Animal Production109, 657-660.

  59. Ondiek, J.O., Wanyama, B.K. and Abdulrazak, S.A. 2003. Chemical composition, in-vitro gas production, in-sacco degradation and palatability rating of indigenous Kenyan browse species. Malaysian Journal of Animal Science, 8:99.

  60.  Ogore, P. O., Abdulrazak, S. A., Ondiek, J. O., and Shah, K. (2002). Efficacy of natural based product (wormokill) in treatment of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep in Kenya. Animal production Society of Kenya (APSK).

  61. Matofari, J.W., Bebe, B.O., Ondiek, J.O. and Ogore, P.B. 2001. Evaluation of California Mastitis Test as a field-test for the detection of bacterial infection in sub-clinical mastitis in smallholder dairy herds. Egerton Journal Science and Technology 3:32-38.

  62. Bebe, B.O., Abdulrazak, S.A., Ogore, P.B., Ondiek, J.O. and Fujihara, T. 2001. A Note on Risk Factors for Calf Mortality in Large-Scale Dairy Farms in the Tropics: A Case Study on Rift Valley Area of Kenya. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science 14 (6):855-857.

  63. Ondiek, J.O., Tuitoek, J.K., Abdulrazak, S.A., Bareeba, F.B. and Fujihara, T. 2000. Use of Leucaena leucocephala and Gliricidia sepium as nitrogen sources in supplementary concentrates for dairy goats offered Rhodes grass hay. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science 13:1249-1254.

  64.  S.A. Abdulrazak, T. Fujihara, J.O. Ondiek, E.R. Ørskov. 2000. Nutritive evaluation of some Acacia tree leaves from Kenya. Animal Feed Science and Technology 85:89-9

  65.  J.O. Ondiek, S.A. Abdulrazak, J.K. Tuitoek, F.B. Bareeba. 1999. The effects of Gliricidia sepium and maize bran as supplementary feed to Rhodes grass hay on intake, digestion and live weight gains of dairy goats. Livestock Production Science 61:65-70.


    OTHER PUBLICATIONS (Books/ Extension Booklets and Pamphlets)

    52.            Ondiek J O, Abdulrazak S A and Njoka E N Evaluation of Indigenous Tree and Shrub Forages As Livestock Feed In Kenya. (2019). Published Thesis. ISBN 9789966804693.

    53.            T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, P.M. Maingi, J.O. Ondiek and P.K. Migwi. (2014). Feed and Milk Hazard Control: A Handbook for Dairy Stakeholders. Published Book. ISBN 9789789966301

    Chapter 1. Implications of Mycotoxins contaminationof dairy feeds and products. Lanyasunya, T.P., I.K. Lokwaleput; T.K. Mutunga; D.N. Siamba, J.O. Ondiek and J.M. Bwire.

    Chapter 2. Risks of heavy metal contamination of dairy feeds and products. D.N. Siamba, Lanyasunya, T.P., I.K. Lokwaleput; N.K. Kibitok,T.K. Mutunga; J.O. Ondiek and J.M. Bwire.

    Chapter 3. Rapid and conventional testing methods for microorganisms in milk. Lanyasunya, T.P., I.K. Lokwaleput; T.K. Mutunga; D.N. Siamba, J.O. Ondiek and J.M. Bwire.

    Chapter 4. Agriculture chemicals' related hazards Control. J.O. Ondiek, Lanyasunya, T.P., I.K. Lokwaleput; T.K. Mutunga; D.N. Siamba, and J.M. Bwire.

    Chapter 5. Traceability: A step towards food safety in Eastern and central Africa countries, and compliance with International food safety Standards. I.K. Lokwaleput, B.S. Msangi, Lanyasunya, T.P.,; T.K. Mutunga; D.N. Siamba, J.O. Ondiek and J.M. Bwire

    54.            T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, P.M. Maingi, J.O. Ondiek and P.K. Migwi. 2014. Farm Chemicals and hazard Control. Booklet.

    55.            T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, P.M. Maingi, J.O. Ondiek and P.K. Migwi. 2014. Be Ware Heavy Metal Contamination in Livestock Products Can Have Serious Health Implications In Both Human and Farm Animals. Booklet.

    56.            T.P. Lanyasunya, D.M. Ondoro, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, J.O. Ondiek, D.N. Siamba, P.M. Maingi and P.K .Migwi. 2014. Learn How To Grow and Utilize Napier Grass For Sustained Milk Production. Booklet.

    57.            Kenneth Otieno, T.P. Lanyasunya, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, J.O. Ondiek, N.K. Kibitok, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi and P.K. Migwi. 2014. Learn How To Make High Quality Maize Silage For Year-Round Milk Production. Booklet.

    58.            T.P. Lanyasunya, D.N. Siamba, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, J.O. Ondiek, N.K. Kibitok, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi and PK Migwi. 2014. Learn How To Rear Dairy Goats. Booklet.

    59.            T.K. Mutunga, T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, N.K. Kibitok, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi, J.O. Ondiek and P.K. Migwi. 2014. Use A Simple Wooden Box To Make High Quality Hay For Sustainable Milk Production Throughout The Year. Booklet

    60.            T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, D.M. Ondoro, P.K. Migwi, D.N. Siamba, J.O. Ondiek and P.M. Maingi. 2014. How to Control Myotoxins in dairy feeds and milk. 2015. Booklet.

    61.            T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, D.M. Ondoro, J.O. Ondiek, P.K. Migwi, D.N. Siamba, and PM. Maingi 2014. Learn How To Rear your Dairy Goat Kid. Booklet.

    62.            I.K. Lokwaleput, T.P. Lanyasunya, D.N. Siamba, Kenneth Otieno, P.K. Migwi, T.K. Mutunga, J.O. Ondiek, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi and N.K. Kibitok. 2014. Keep Friesian-Sahiwal Crossbred for more milk in dry areas. Brochure.

    63.            I.K. Lokwaleput, T.P. Lanyasunya, D.N. Siamba, Kenneth Otieno, P.K. Migwi, T.K. Mutunga, J.O. Ondiek, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi and N.K. Kibitok. 2014. Control Tickborne Diseases and Reduce Cattle Loss. Brochure.

    64.            I.K. Lokwaleput, T.P. Lanyasunya, D.N. Siamba, Kenneth Otieno, P.K. Migwi, T.K. Mutunga, J.O. Ondiek, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi and N.K. Kibitok. 2014. Fertile Cows Yield More Milk and Calves. Brochure.

OTHER PUBLICATIONS (Books/ Booklets and Pamphlets)

  1. Ondiek J O, Abdulrazak S A and Njoka E N Evaluation of Indigenous Tree and Shrub Forages As Livestock Feed In Kenya. (2018). Published Book. ISBN 9789966804693.
  2. T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, P.M. Maingi, J.O. Ondiek  and P.K. Migwi. (2017). Feed and Milk Hazard Control: A Handbook for Dairy Stakeholders. Published Book. ISBN 9789789966301
  3. T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, P.M. Maingi, J.O. Ondiek  and P.K. Migwi. 2015 Farm Chemicals and hazard Control. Booklet.
  4. T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, P.M. Maingi, J.O. Ondiek  and P.K. Migwi. 2015. Be Ware Heavy Metal Contamination in Livestock Products Can Have Serious Health Implications In Both Human and Farm Animals. Booklet.
  5. T.P. Lanyasunya, D.M. Ondoro, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, J.O. Ondiek, D.N. Siamba, P.M. Maingi and P.K .Migwi. 2015. Learn How To Grow and Utilize Napier Grass For Sustained Milk Production. Booklet.
  6. Kenneth Otieno, T.P. Lanyasunya, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, J.O. Ondiek, N.K. Kibitok, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi and P.K. Migwi. 2015. Learn How To Make High Quality Maize Silage For Year-Round Milk Production. Booklet.
  7. T.P. Lanyasunya, D.N. Siamba, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, J.O. Ondiek, N.K. Kibitok, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi and PK Migwi. 2015. Learn How To Rear Dairy Goats. Booklet.
  8. T.K. Mutunga, T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, N.K. Kibitok, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi, J.O. Ondiek and P.K. Migwi. 2015. Use A Simple Wooden Box To Make High Quality Hay For Sustainable Milk Production Throughout The Year. Booklet
  9. T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, D.M. Ondoro, P.K. Migwi, D.N. Siamba, J.O. Ondiek and P.M. Maingi. 2015. How to Control Myotoxins in dairy feeds and milk. 2015. Booklet.
  10. T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, D.M. Ondoro, J.O. Ondiek, P.K. Migwi, D.N. Siamba, and PM. Maingi 2015. Learn How To Rear your Dairy Goat Kid. Booklet.
  11. I.K. Lokwaleput, T.P. Lanyasunya, D.N. Siamba, Kenneth Otieno, P.K. Migwi, T.K. Mutunga, J.O. Ondiek, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi and N.K. Kibitok. 2013. Keep Friesian-Sahiwal Crossbred for more milk in dry areas. Brochure.
  12. I.K. Lokwaleput, T.P. Lanyasunya, D.N. Siamba, Kenneth Otieno, P.K. Migwi, T.K. Mutunga, J.O. Ondiek, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi and N.K. Kibitok. 2013. Control Tickborne Diseases and Reduce Cattle Loss. Brochure.
  13. I.K. Lokwaleput, T.P. Lanyasunya, D.N. Siamba, Kenneth Otieno, P.K. Migwi, T.K. Mutunga, J.O. Ondiek, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi and N.K. Kibitok. 2013. Fertile Cows Yield More Milk and Calves. Brochure.
  14. Ondiek J O, Abdulrazak S A and Njoka E N Evaluation of Indigenous Tree and Shrub Forages As Livestock Feed In Kenya. (2018). Published Book. ISBN 9789966804693.
  15. T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, P.M. Maingi, J.O. Ondiek  and P.K. Migwi. (2017). Feed and Milk Hazard Control: A Handbook for Dairy Stakeholders. Published Book. ISBN 9789789966301
  16. T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, P.M. Maingi, J.O. Ondiek  and P.K. Migwi. 2015 Farm Chemicals and hazard Control. Booklet.
  17. T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, P.M. Maingi, J.O. Ondiek  and P.K. Migwi. 2015. Be Ware Heavy Metal Contamination in Livestock Products Can Have Serious Health Implications In Both Human and Farm Animals. Booklet.
  18. T.P. Lanyasunya, D.M. Ondoro, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, J.O. Ondiek, D.N. Siamba, P.M. Maingi and P.K .Migwi. 2015. Learn How To Grow and Utilize Napier Grass For Sustained Milk Production. Booklet.
  19. Kenneth Otieno, T.P. Lanyasunya, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, J.O. Ondiek, N.K. Kibitok, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi and P.K. Migwi. 2015. Learn How To Make High Quality Maize Silage For Year-Round Milk Production. Booklet.
  20. T.P. Lanyasunya, D.N. Siamba, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, J.O. Ondiek, N.K. Kibitok, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi and PK Migwi. 2015. Learn How To Rear Dairy Goats. Booklet.
  21. T.K. Mutunga, T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, N.K. Kibitok, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi, J.O. Ondiek and P.K. Migwi. 2015. Use A Simple Wooden Box To Make High Quality Hay For Sustainable Milk Production Throughout The Year. Booklet
  22. T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, D.M. Ondoro, P.K. Migwi, D.N. Siamba, J.O. Ondiek and P.M. Maingi. 2015. How to Control Myotoxins in dairy feeds and milk. 2015. Booklet.
  23. T.P. Lanyasunya, Kenneth Otieno, I.K. Lokwaleput, T.K. Mutunga, N.K. Kibitok, D.M. Ondoro, J.O. Ondiek, P.K. Migwi, D.N. Siamba, and PM. Maingi 2015. Learn How To Rear your Dairy Goat Kid. Booklet.
  24. I.K. Lokwaleput, T.P. Lanyasunya, D.N. Siamba, Kenneth Otieno, P.K. Migwi, T.K. Mutunga, J.O. Ondiek, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi and N.K. Kibitok. 2013. Keep Friesian-Sahiwal Crossbred for more milk in dry areas. Brochure.
  25. I.K. Lokwaleput, T.P. Lanyasunya, D.N. Siamba, Kenneth Otieno, P.K. Migwi, T.K. Mutunga, J.O. Ondiek, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi and N.K. Kibitok. 2013. Control Tickborne Diseases and Reduce Cattle Loss. Brochure.
  26. I.K. Lokwaleput, T.P. Lanyasunya, D.N. Siamba, Kenneth Otieno, P.K. Migwi, T.K. Mutunga, J.O. Ondiek, D.M. Ondoro, P.M. Maingi and N.K. Kibitok. 2013. Fertile Cows Yield More Milk and Calves. Brochure.
  1. Boniface Sakwa, Oghaiki Asaah Ndamb , James Ondiek, Anthony Kingori. 2019. Sustainable Feed Management through Fodder Preservation and Feed Rationing in Kenyan Dairy Farms. Tropentag 2019. International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management. Id 650. Page 190 book of Abstracts.
  2. J O Ondiek, S A Abdulrazak and E N Njoka. 2019. Supplementing Rhodes grass Chloris gayana hay with Maerua angolensis improves weight gain of growing small East African goats. Submitted to the APSK Conference “Livestock Transformation Agenda: Towards Climate Smart Livestock Production Systems” to be held on 9th-11th April 2019 At Sarova Woodlands Hotel and Spa, Nakuru.
  3. J O Ondiek, S A Abdulrazak and E N Njoka1. 2019. Nutritive value and palatability rating of fifteen selected indigenous Kenyan browse species fed to Small East African goats. Submitted to the APSK Conference “Livestock Transformation Agenda: Towards Climate Smart Livestock Production Systemsto be held on 9th-11th April 2019 At Sarova Woodlands Hotel and Spa, Nakuru..
  4. Ondiek, J.O., Ogore, P.B. and Kemboi, F. 2019. Clinical mastitis gives off-flavor and reduces quality of milk in smallholder goat farms. Submitted to the APSK Conference “Livestock Transformation Agenda: Towards Climate Smart Livestock Production Systemsto be held on 9th-11th April 2019 At Sarova Woodlands Hotel and Spa, Nakuru.
  5. J O Ondiek, S A Abdulrazak and E N Njoka. 2018. Supplementing Rhodes grass Chloris gayana hay with Maerua angolensis improves weight gain of growing small East African goats. Department of Animal Science Seminars. Egerton University.
  6. J O Ondiek, S A Abdulrazak and E N Njoka1. 2018. Nutritive value and palatability rating of fifteen selected indigenous Kenyan browse species fed to Small East African goats. Department of Animal Science Seminars. Egerton University.
  7.                   Ondiek, J.O., Ogore, P.B. and Kemboi, F. 2018. Clinical mastitis gives off-flavor and reduces quality of milk in smallholder goat farms. Department of Animal Science Seminars. Egerton University.
  8. Agutu, F.O, J.O. Ondiek, B.O. Bebe. 2018. Associations between intensification interventions and negative externalities in smallholder dairy farms in the Kenyan Highlands. Knowledge Solutions for the Society, the Economy and the Environment. 12th Egerton University International Conference held from 27th -29th March 2018 in FEDCOS Complex, Njoro Campus.
  9. Phyllis Wanjugu Ndung’u, Bockline Omedo Bebe, James O. Ondiek, Klaus Butterbach-bahl, Lutz Merbold, John Patrick Goopy. 2018. Improved region-specific emission factors for enteric methane emissions from cattle in smallholder mixed crop: livestock systems". Regional Environmental Change. Tropentag. 20th-22nd September 2017.
  10. Kiura, J.N., A.Y. Guliye, P.K. Migwi and J.O. Ondiek., 2017. Performance and genotypes of dairy goats in Kenya: The need to move beyond donor introductions. A Paper presented during the Annual Symposium of the Animal Production Society of Kenya, Starbuck Hotel and Restaurant, Eldoret, 5-7th April 2017.
  11. J.C. Wangui, J.O. Ondiek, S.O. Oseni and B.O. Bebe. 2017. Physiological Responses of Friesian Cattle under Varying Thermal Stress Conditions in Kenya. Nigeria.
  12. Wangui, J.C., Bebe, B.O., Ondiek, J.O. and Oseni, S.O. (2017). Applying Climate Analogue concept to assess adaptation of Friesian cattle breed to changing and variable climate in the Kenya Highlands. African Climate Change Fellowship Programme Culmination conference for the ACCFP-III, January 30-31, 2017. Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
  13. Nginya E S, A. King’ori, J. Ondiek, F. Toroitich, E. Mbuthia, O. Ingasia, J. Ogendo, Keith W.M., P.K. Kariuki and J. M. Nduko.  2017. Substitution of Fish meal by Locusts for Chicken Grower Diets. Theme: Knowledge and Innovation for Social and Economic Development .The 11th Egerton University International Conference and Innovation week. Held on 29th -31st March 2017 at the FEDCOS Complex, Njoro Campus. Page 19 Book of Abstracts.
  14. K.W. Mwangi, A. Faraj, A. King’ori, F. Toroitich, J. Ondiek, E. Mbuthia, O. Ingasia, J. Ogendo, Nginya, S.E., P.K. Kariuki and J.M. Nduko. 2017. Review of Locusts as Human Food: Processing Methods, safety, and Nutritional Aspects. Theme: Knowledge and Innovation for Social and Economic Development .The 11th Egerton University International Conference and Innovation week. Held on 29th -31st March 2017 at the FEDCOS Complex, Njoro Campus. Page 32 Book of Abstracts.
  15. Agutu, F.O, Bebe, B.O., Ondiek, J.O. 2017. Associations between intensification interventions and herd productivity in smallholder dairy farms in the Kenyan Highlands. 3rd AfricaLics International Conference. ‘Emerging Innovation Systems for Sustainable Industrial Development in Africa’. November 27 - 29, 2017 in Oran, Algeria.
  16.  Agutu, F., Bebe, B.O., Ondiek, J.O. 2017. Associations between intensification interventions and herd productivity in smallholder dairy farms in the Kenyan Highlands. Animal Production Society of Kenya 2017 Scientific Symposium. ‘Sustainable Livestock Innovations and Technology:  Roadmap to Improved Food and Nutrition’. Held on April 5 - 7, 2017. Eldoret, Kenya. Pp 27.
  17. Agutu, F., Bebe, B.O., Ondiek, J.O. 2017. Associations between intensification interventions and herd productivity in smallholder dairy farms in the Kenyan Highlands. In a paper prepared for the 11th international Conference and innovations week. Held on 21st -31st March 2017. Egerton University, Kenya. Pp 27.
  18. Wangui, J.C., Bebe, B.O., Ondiek, J.O. and Oseni, S.O. (2016). A look into the future of Friesian cattle utilisation in smallholder systems in Kenya Highlands: Application of Climate Analogue concept. Animal Production Society of Kenya (APSK) Scientific Symposium, April 27-29, 2016. Kisumu hotel, Kisumu, Kenya.
  19. Wangui, J.C., Bebe, B.O., Ondiek, J.O. and Oseni, S.O. (2016). Physiological Responses of Friesian Cattle Breed Under Varying Thermal Stress Conditions in Kenya. 1st World Congress on Innovations for Livestock Development, June 26-30, 2016. Sentrim Elementaita Lodge, Nakuru, Kenya.
  20. Kiura, J.N., A.Y. Guliye, P.K. Migwi and J.O. Ondiek., 2016. Market limitation in the efficiency of goat milk value chain in Kenya. A Paper presented during the 1st World Congress on Innovations for Livestock Development (WCILD), Sentrim Elementaita Lodge, Nakuru, Kenya, 26-30th June 2016.
  21. Ondiek, J.O., Abdulrazak, S.A. and Njoka, E.N. 2009. In-vitro Gas Production, in-sacco Degradation, Nutritive value and Palatability Rating of Selected Indigenous Kenyan Browse Species Fed to Small East African Goats. Fourth Annual Research Week and International Conference. Theme: “Towards the Realization of Sustainable Growth and Development” held 15th -17th September, 2009. Egerton University, Agricultural Resources Centre, Njoro. (Poster).
  22. Ondiek, J.O., Abdulrazak, S.A. and Njoka, E.N. 2009. Effects of supplementing Chloris gayana hay and Maerua angolensis with graded levels of maize germ meal on voluntary feed intake, diet digestion, nitrogen balance and average daily gains of growing Small East African Goats. Fourth Annual Research Week and International Conference. Theme: “Towards the Realization of Sustainable Growth and Development” held 15th -17th September, 2009. Egerton University, Agricultural Resources Centre, Njoro. (Poster).
  23. Ondiek, J.O., Abdulrazak, S.A. and Njoka, E.N. 2009. Performance of growing Small East African Goats offered Rhodes grass hay and supplemented with a 1:1 mixture of Maerua angolensis: Zizyphus mucronata leaf browses. Fourth Annual Research Week and International Conference. Theme: “Towards the Realization of Sustainable Growth and Development” held 15th -17th September, 2009. Egerton University, Agricultural Resources Centre, Njoro. (Poster).
  24. Ondiek, J.O., Abdulrazak, S.A. and Njoka, E.N. 2009. Effects of supplementing Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) hay with Maerua angolensis on voluntary feed intake, diet digestion, nitrogen balance and live weight changes of growing Small East African Goats. Fourth Annual Research Week and International Conference. Theme: “Towards the Realization of Sustainable Growth and Development” held 15th -17th September, 2009. Egerton University, Agricultural Resources Centre, Njoro. (Poster).
  25. Udoto, M.O., Mungai, N.W., Ngoda, B.J. and Ondiek, J.O. 2005. Proceedings of a Policy Forum on Agroforestry and Integrated Natural Resources Management Curriculum in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Institutions. Udoto, M.O., Mungai, N.W., Ngoda, B.J. and Ondiek, J.O. (Eds.). Held 24th -26th November 2005 at the Stem Hotel, Nakuru - Kenya.
  26. Waweru, J.M.; Abdulrazak, S.A., Onyango, T.A., Ondiek, J. O. and Fujihara, T. 2003. Use of pymarc as a nitrogen source for grazing dairy calves. Progress in research on energy and protein metabolism. The sixth International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores held on 19-24 October 2003, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. EAAP Publication No. 109. Eds. W.B. Souffrant and C.C. Metges. Wageningen Academic Publishers. pp. 657-660.
  27. Abdulrazak, S.A., Ondiek, J.O., Wanyama, B.K. and Fujihara, T. 2002. Mineral Status of Indigenous Kenyan Goats During the Dry and Wet season. Xth International Congress of Asian-Australasian Societies of Animal Production, New Delhi 23-27 September 2002.
  28. Ondiek, J.O., Wanyama, B., Abdulrazak, S.A. and Fujihara, T. 2002. Chemical Composition, in-vitro Gas Production, in-sacco Degradation and Palatability Rating of Indigenous Kenyan Browse Species. Xth International Congress of Asian-     Australasian Societies of Animal Production, New Delhi 23-27 September 2002.
  29. Ondiek, J.O. and Abdulrazak, S.A. 2001. Leucaena leucocephala and Gliricidia sepium in supplements for lactating dairy goats. Proceedings of the Animal Production Society of Kenya Symposium held at Egerton University, Kenya, 7-8 March 2001.
  30. Abdulrazak, S.A., Nyangaga, J., Ondiek, J.O. and Fujihara, T. 2001. Voluntary feed intake, digestibility and performance of sheep offered straw diet with or without urea with incremental levels of Acacia brevispica. In: The Challenges of drought to livestock production in Kenya. Proceedings of the Animal Production Society of Kenya 2001. Annual Symposium held on 7-8 March at Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  31. Abdulrazak, S.A., Ogore, P.B., Ondiek, J.O., Migwi, P and Shah, K. 2001. Efficacy of a natural based product (Wormokill) in treatment of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep in Kenya. In: The Challenges of drought to livestock production in Kenya. Proceedings of the Animal Production Society of Kenya 2001. Annual Symposium held on 7-8 March at Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  32. Osuga, I. M., J. O. Ondiek and S. A. Abdulrazak. 2001. Assessment of bovine raw quality milk at market and production levels in Njoro. Paper presented at the Annual KARI-Egerton University Symposium on ‘Dry land farming’, November, 2001, ARC Egerton University, Kenya.
  33. Abdulrazak, S.A. and Ondiek J.O. 1998. The effects of supplementing roughage diet with Leucaena leucocephala forages on intake, digestion and performance of goats and cattle in Kenya. Leucaena – Adaptation, quality and farming Systems, ACIAR Proceedings No. 86. Proceedings of a workshop held 9-14 February, 1998, Hanoi, Vietnam. p. 275-276.
  34. Abdulrazak, S.A., Ondiek J.O. and Tuitoek, J.K. 1998. Voluntary food intake, diet digestibility and performance of goats offered Rhodes grass hay supplemented with Gliricidia sepium or maize bran. Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Animal Production Society of Kenya and International Livestock Research Institute International Conference on Food, Lands and Livelihoods Setting Research Agendas for Animal Science, held 27-30 January, 1998, KARI Conference Centre, Nairobi, Kenya. (Poster 59) p.91.
  35. J.O. Ondiek, S.A. Abdulrazak and J.K. Tuitoek. 1998. Voluntary feed intake, milk yield, milk composition, weight gain and diet digestibility of dairy goats offered Rhodes grass hay and supplemented with concentrate diets containing Leucaena leucocephala or Gliricidia sepium forages. Proceedings of the 6th KARI Conference held in November 9th-13th 1998, KARI Conference Centre, Nairobi, Kenya.
  1. The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) Postgraduate Associateship, Egerton University
  2. International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) Graduate Associateship, Makerere University.
  3. Government of Kenya Scholarships for Diploma, Egerton Agricultural College.
  4. Government of Kenya Scholarships for Bachelor of Science in Animal Production, Egerton University.

Other Awards

  1. Commission for Higher Education Dairy Goat Multiplication Project KSh. 3 million.
  2. Macaulay Research Institute Community Local Chicken Project, KSh. 120,000.00
  3. Macaulay Research Institute Higher Education Links Community Dairy Goat Project, KSh. 320,000.00


  • ANHE 0461: Research Projects (CF 2.0).
  • ANSC 0231: Animal Nutrition (CF2.0).
  • ANSC 0250: Ruminant Production (CF 4.0).
  • ANSC 0251: Dairy Production (CF 3.0);
  • ANSC 0271/271: Animatics for Diploma (CF.2.0).
  • ANSC 0360: Non-ruminant Production (CF4.0).
  • PANS 0291: Principles of Livestock production (C.F. 3.0)


  • ANSC 111: Introduction to Animal Science (CF 2.0).
  • ANSC 171: Animatics (CF 2.0).
  • ANSC 265: Aquaculture Production (CF 3.0).
  • ANSC 313: Routine Livestock Practices-Diploma & BSc (CF3.0).
  • ANSC 365: Fish Farming and Field Visits (CF 3.0).
  • ANSC 450: Ruminant Production (CF 4.0).
  • ANSC 451: Dairy Cattle Production (CF 4.0);
  • ANSC 453: Sheep Production (CF 2.5)
  • ANSC 454: Goat Production (CF 2.5).
  • ANSC 460: Non-Ruminant Production (CF 4.0).
  • ANSC 460: Non-ruminant Production, for SSP Undergraduates (CF4.0)
  • ANSC 463: Rabbit Production (CF 2.5)
  • ANSC 464: Equine Production (CF 3.0).
  • ANSC 472: Research Projects, (CF 2.0)
  • ANSC 472; Field Visits.
  • ANSC 473: Seminars, (CF 2.0)
  • PANS 333/331; Principles of Livestock Production (C.F. 3.0)
  • PANS 421: Livestock Practices (C.F. 3.0)


  • ANSC 710: Scientific Writing and Reporting (CF 2.0)
  • ANSC 720: Laboratory Techniques in Animal Nutrition Research (CF 3.0)
  • ANSC 721: Mineral and Vitamin Nutrition (CF 3.0)
  • ANSC 740: Case Studies in Livestock Production Systems (CF3.0)
  • ANSC 741: Sustainable Management of Livestock Production, (CF 3.0)
  • ANSC 742: Organic Animal Production and Agrobiodiversity (CF3.0)


  • ANSC 823: Advances in Livestock Feeding Strategies and Trends (C.F. 3.0)


  1. Bonface Sakwa; KM113/12096/17: Effects of Fodder Conservation and Ration Formulation Options on Dairy Cow Performance in Medium Scale Dairy Farms in Kenya. Graduated August 2020.
  2. Albert N. Francis, KM112/12080/17: Assessing Influence of Producer Attitudes and Management Practices on Calf Performance in Small and Large Dairy Farms. Graduated August 2020.
  3. James Chege Wangui, KM11/13502/14: Applying Climate Analogue Concept in Identifying Adaptation Options for Friesian Cattle Utilization in Smallholder Systems. Egerton University. Graduated -December 2018.
  4. Eunice Shilo Nginya, KM113/14418/15: Grasshopper Meals As Substitutes For Fishmeal In The Diets Of Growing Indigenous Chicken: Graduated -December 2018.
  5. Phyllis Wanjugu Ndung’u, KM11/13501/14: Estimating Enteric Methane Emissions from Small holder Dairy Cows under Seasonal and Agro-Ecological Variations in Feed Digestibility in Kenya. Egerton University. Graduated-June 2018.
  6. Fredrick Agutu, KM11/13522/14: Modeling associations between Intensification Approaches and Sustainability indicators in Smallholder Dairy Production Systems in The Kenyan highlan Egerton University. Completed. Graduated-June 2018.
  7.                   Fred Kemboi, KM11/13502/14: Effects of Supplementing Rhodes Grass Hay with Selected Local Browse from Baringo County on Performance of Growing Goats. Egerton University. Graduated June- 2018.
  8. Deng Mamer John Thok, KM113/13565/14: Evaluation of Nutritive Value of Selected South Sudan Rangelands Forages Fed To Goats. Egerton University. Graduated June- 2017.

                 On going

  1. Brenda Kembabazi, KM113/14613/18: The Effect Of Single And Mixed Strain Probiotics On Digestibility, Feed Intake, Methane Emission And Performance Of Lactating Dairy Cows
  2. Anthony Mbugua Mugatha, KM11/ 3635/11: Evaluation Of Ensiled Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L) Moench Subsp Bicolor), As Feed for Dairy Goats.
  3. Catherine Amerit, KM113/13610/19: Evaluating the Potential of Shea Nut Meal in Optimizing Nutrient Utilization and Reducing Methane Production in Growing Sheep.
  4. Naomi J. Chepsuge, KM15/11750/16: Effects of Supplementing Brachiaria –Based Diets with Dairy Cubes or Desmodium on Diet Digestibility and Manure Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Thesis writing.
  5. Clarisse Uwimbabazi , KM113/13609/19. Performance And Carcass Characteristics Of Broiler Chickens Fed On Black Soldier Fly Larvae Based Diets

Postgraduate Thesis Examination-Internal/External/Chairing/Senate Representative

  1. External examiner: MSc. thesis Jane Naipanoi Ketere-Lelgut, AGR/PGA/04/13. Growth of Sahiwal Calves and its crossbred Weaner Calves fed on Pasture with Supplementation under a Pastoral System”. February 2021. School of Agriculture and Biotechnology, University of Eldoret.


  1. Senate Rep.: MSc. Thesis by Samwel Mwaura Kiarie. “Evaluation of Responses to Multiple Virus Infections and Selected Attributes in Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (Ipomea batatas). 4th Sept. 2018.
  2. Internal Examiner: PhD Thesis by John Loro Iga Mangara: Evaluation of the Nutritive Value of Selected Indigenous Tree Browses as Feed for Ruminants in Central Equatoria State of South Sudan. 4th 2018.
  3. Internal Examiner: Deng Mamer John Thok: Evaluation of Nutritive Value Of Selected South Sudan Rangelands Forages Fed To Goats. 26th April 2017.
  4. Internal Examiner: MSc. Fredrick Agutu: Modeling associations between Intensification Approaches and Sustainability indicators in Smallholder Dairy Production Systems in The Kenyan highlan 17th Jan. 2018.
  5. Internal Examiner: Fred Kemboi: Effects of Supplementing Rhodes Grass Hay with Selected Local Browse From Baringo County On Performance Of Growing Goats. 7th Feb. 2018.
  6. Internal Examiner: Phyllis Wanjugu Ndung’u: MSc. Estimating Enteric Methane Emissions from Small holder Dairy Cows Under Seasonal and Agro-Ecological Variations in Feed Digestibility in Kenya.
  7. Internal Examiner: James Chege Wangui: Applying Climate Analogue Concept In Identifying Adaptation Options For Friesian Cattle Utilization In Smallholder Systems. 17th Jan. 2018.
  8. Internal Examiner: Douglads Indetie: PhD. Influence of Nutritional Metabolites and Hormonal Profiles on Reproductive Performance of Lactating Cows. 31st October, 2014.
  9. Internal Examiner: Robert Kamau Irungu: Evaluation of Forage Sweet Potato Cultivars as Feed for Ruminants. 15th March 2016.
  10. External Examiner: James Gitonga Kirimi: MSc. Effect of Feeding Blood Meal on Growth rate, Sensory properties and Economic performance of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in a Fertilized Pond. 29th July 2015. Chuka University.
  11. External Examiner: Yator Monica Jepkosgei. Evaluation of Compounded Supplementary Concentrates on Milk Yield and Quality among Friesian Cattle in Western Kenya. School of Agriculture and Biotechnology, University of Eldoret. 13th June 2018.

External Examiner: James Gitonga Kirimi. PhD. Performance of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Fed on Oilseed Meals Supplemented with Crude Papain Enzyme. Chuka University 29th July 2019.


a) Graduated

  1. John Loro Iga Mangara: Evaluation of the Nutritive Value of Selected Indigenous Tree Browses as Feed for Ruminants in Central Equatoria State of South Sudan: Egerton University. Completed. Graduated December- 2018.

b) On going

  1.  Joseph Ndwiga Kiura, KD11/0357/12. The Effect Of Energy And Protein Supplementation Levels On The Performance Of Lactating Toggenburg Dairy Goats In Kenya. 2015. Ongoing.
  2. Tura Isako, PhD; KD11/13004/17. Feeding Camel Calves with Locally Available Plant-Based Milk Replacer for Enhanced Performance in Kenya. (2017-2020)
  3. Fredrick Agutu, PhD; KD11/16511/18. Evaluating Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Associated Implications on Ranching and Pastoral Production Systems. (2018-2021)
  4. Fred Kemboi, PhD; KD11/16510/18. Performance Of Small East African Goats Fed On Local Browses From Drylands Of Kenya. (2018-2021)
  5. Sauline Nyakira, PhD. New student (2019-2022)
  6. Mandziza P.M.P, PhD. New student (2019-2022)
  1. Member, Animal Production Society of Kenya.
  2. Member, Agricultural Society of Kenya.
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