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Faculty of Environment and Resources Development
Directorate / Dept
Office Extension No.
P.O. Box 536-20115 Egerton, Njoro Kenya
  1. PhD. Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr.rer.nat.), University of Bremen, Germany (2004-2007).
    • Dissertation title: An Investigation of Forest Ecosystem Health in Relation to Anthropogenic Disturbance in the Southwestern Mau Forest Reserve, Kenya
  2. M. Sc., Natural Resources Management, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya (1998-2001)
    • Thesis title: Factors that Influence the Performance of Silvopastoral Systems in Arid and Semi Arid Areas: the Case of Makueni District, Kenya
  3. B. Sc. Natural Resource Management, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya (1990-1995).
    • Major: Forest Resources Management (Second Class Honors, Upper Division).
  4. Secondary Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E), Chavakali High School (1986 - 1989)
  5. Primary Kenya Certificate of Primary Education. (K.C.P.E) Masana A.I.C Primary School, 1978 – 1985).
  • Natural Resoources Management, Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Health, Climate Change, Project Monitoring and Evaluation, Strategic Leadership and Management, Conflict Management, Project Cycle Management
  • November 2022 Certification course in Programme and Project Planning and Management Egerton University and New Oslo University College
  • April-June 2022 Certification Course in Monitoring and Evaluation. Kenya Institute of Management
  • May 16-24th 2022 Conflict Management and Negotiations in practice Skills Tools and Approaches Egerton University and New Oslo University College
  • September –December 2020 Certification course in Strategic Management and Leadership Programme Kenya Institute of Management
  • Jan 15th  -19th   2010  E-content  Development  for  University e-learning CMRT Egerton University
  • March 24th -26th  -2009 Proposal Development and Communication Skills Enhancement Training Egerton University
  • September 2008 Community Based First Aid. Kenya Red Cross
  • September 24th -26th 2008 Pedagogy Training Egerton University
  • June 7th -30th September 2004 German  language  course  Carlduisberg  Centrum Köln Germany
  • July 25th –27th 2001 University Teaching Methodology Course
  • May 1999 Microcomputer Applications MS WORD, MS ACCESS, MS EXCELL, and SPSS. (Computer Science Department, Egerton University).
  • June 1999: Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA programme, Egerton University.
  • 9th -21st  November  1997:Certificate  Extension  Officers’,  Agroforestry Course Kenya/ Japan Social Forestry Project, Muguga National Social Forestry Training Centre.

June 2021 to date: Director Examinations and Timetabling - Egerton University

May 2018 to Date: Associate Professor of Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Health

2009-March l 2015: Head of Department, Department of Natural Resources

20th March 2015 to March 2019 Dean Faculty of Environment and Resources development Egerton University


  • Direction of the Faculty mission and objectives
  • Convening Faculty Board meetings
  • Overall management of the Faculty academic programmes as required by senate
  • Implementation of the University policy decisions and regulations in respect to the Faculty
  • Representing the Faculty in the senate and its committees
  • Planning and coordination of the Faculty’s budgetary estimates and interdepartmental activities
  • Working in liason with other University organs for the effective management of the University
  • The promotion and maintenance of a conducive working environment in the Faculty
  • Preparation of annual workplan
  • Promotion of Quality Management Systems in the Faculty
  • Mitigating and managing risks in the Faculty
  • Teaching diploma, undergraduate and post graduate students, conducting research, supervising graduate students, developing academic programmes, student advising internal examiner for postgraduate theses and other administrative duties


  • Member Egerton University ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System internal auditor
  • Team leader of the rapid results initiative on the enhancement of the visibility of Egerton University
  • Chair Egerton University subcommittee of Protocol and Ushering
  • Chairman research committee on climate change Egerton University
  • Organizing and calling for meetings of the research team
  • Reviewing progress on proposal writing
  • Seeking for opportunities for funding
  • Networking with other climate change research teams within the university and outside

Chair Egerton University Environmental conservation committee

  • Preparing for the annual events of the conservation week
  • Coordinating activities among other university departments
  • Budgeting for the activities
  • Chairing meeting of the steering committee in the absence of the substantive chair

Secretary Education for Sustainable Development committee for Regional Centre of Expertise for the Mau (Mau RCE)

  • Preparation and review of curricula for different stakeholders in the RCE
  • Taking minutes and keeping records of the committee
  • Communicating with members of the committee and corresponding with the RCE steering committee

Faculty Representative Egerton University Exhibition Committee

  • Preparation of exhibits for ASK shows and university exhibitions
  • Preparation and review of faculty brochures for marketing of Faculty programmes

Faculty Representative Board of Postgraduate School (BPGS) Egerton University

  • Represent the faculty  in  the  Board  of  post  graduate  studies BPGS
  • Advice and review faculty postgraduate programmes
  • Defend faculty postgraduate curricula at BPGS
  • 2012: African climate Change fellowship programme (US$ 17992)
  • 2012: Greening Nakuru County NEMA Ksh 500,000
  • 2011: African climate Change fellowship programme (US$ 10000)
  • Ecosystem Health, Landscape Ecology, Climate Change, Biodiversity Conservation and Ecology of Invasive species, Resource conflict Management, pproject Management Monitoring and Evaluaton Risk Assesment and Management
  1. Ocholla, J. A., Obwoyere, G. O., & Inoti, S. K. (2022). Influence of Gap Size on Regeneration, Structure and Species Diversity of Woody Vegetation in a Secondary Montane Forest Reserve, Kenya. Asian Journal of Environment & Ecology, 19(3), 20-31.

  2. Verene Nyiramvuyekure, Gilbert Obati Obwoyere and Shadrack Kinyua Inoti (2022). The influence of planting orientation and ecotype on sprouting and survival of stem cuttings of African teak (Milicia excelsa (Welw.) in Kenya Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology 06(02), 001–008

  3. Philip Manyi Omenge, Gilbert Onacha Obwoyere, , George Were Eshiamwata, Stanley Maingi Makindi & Jathin Nathwani (2022) Improving Quality Of Environmental And Social Impact Assessment Reports: A Statistical Analysis Int. J. Environ. Impacts, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2022) 146–160

  4. Ocholla, J. A., Inoti, S. K.., & Obwoyere, G. O (2022). Determining the influence of gap size on three selected microsite conditions in Southwestern Mau Forest reserve, Kenya Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2022, 05(01), 059–069. DOI: 10.53022/oarjst.2022.5.1.0054 url:

  5. M.M.Okeyo  G.O.Obwoyere  DL.Makanji .JW.Njuguna  J.Atieno (2020) Promotion of Terminalia Brownii In Reforestation By Development of Appropriate Dormancy Breaking And Germination Methods In Drylands; Kenya Global Ecology and Conservation Volume 23, E01148  https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Gecco.2020.E01148
  6. Philip M. Omenge, Gilbert O. Obwoyere, George W. Eshiamwata, Stanley M. Makindi & Jatin Nathwani (2020) Environmental And Social Impact Assessment Procedural Steps That Underpin Conflict Identification: Reference To Renewable Energy Resource Development In Kenya International Journal of Energy Production and Management Volume 5 (2020), Issue 2157 - 174 Doi 10.2495/Eq-V5-N2-157-174
  7. Noel O. Olweny Geoffrey M. Wahungu Gilbert O. O. Obwoyere (2020) Browsing Impacts On Acacia Drepanolobium Sjostedt And Associated Ant Guilds In Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Kenya. IJRP 6: DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1006211020201472
  8. Okeyo, M. M., Obwoyere, G. O., Makanji, D. L., Njuguna, J. W., & Gathogo, M. W. [2019]. Insects Associated with Terminalia brownii Growing in Kitui, Baringo and Homa Bay Counties, Kenya: Implications on Tree Species Domestication. Topola, (204), 5-15
  9. M Ogoma B Kirui, G Obwoyere, E Obura (2019) Factors influencing capacity of beach management units in implementing fisheries co-management in a tropical desert lake - Egerton Journal of Science and Technology
  10. Philip M. Omenge, George W. Eshiamwata, Stanley M. Makindi, Gilbert O. Obwoyere ( 2019) Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment and Its Substantive Contribution to Environmental Risk Management: Insights From EIA Practitioners and Other Stakeholders In Kenya’s Renewable Energy Sub-Sector
  11. G Eshiamwata, F Wanjala, G Obwoyere  2019 Utilization Patterns of Biomass Energy and Cooking Devices in Eastern Mau Forest Adjacent Community of Likia, Nakuru, Kenya - New Frontiers in Natural Resources Management
  12. Ogoma M., Obwoyere O., Kirui B., Obura E., Akwany L. (2019) Stakeholders’ inclusion and mobilization in  co-management of fisheries, in Lake Turkana  Kenya East African Journal of Science, Technology and Innovation, Vol. 1 (1): 2019, 51-65
  13. Wambugu E. W. Obwoyere G.O. and Kirui B.K. (2018). Effect of forest Management approach on household economy and community participation in conservation of adjacent ecosystems: A case of Aberdares forest, Kenya International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation 10(4) 172-184 DOI 10.5897/IJBC2017.1161
  14. Tarus G., Kirui B. and Obwoyere O.G (2018). Impacts of forest management type and season on soil carbon fluxes in Eastern Mau Forest, Kenya African Journal of Ecology  DOI: 10.1111/aje.12571
  15. Wambugu E.W. Obwoyere G.O. and Kirui B.K. (2017) Socioeconomic Factors that determine community participation in forest management and conservation adjacent ecosystems: A case of Aberdare forest Kenya. Journal of Ecology and the Environment DOI 10.5897/JENE2017.0666
  16. Macharia S. Obwoyere G.O. Kirui B.K. Manyala J.O. (2017) Assessment of catfish (Clarias gariapinus) stock in Lake Baringo, Kenya Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management 22:48-55
  17. Okotto-Okotto J. Raburu, P.O. Obiero K.  Obwoyere O. G. Mironga J.M. Okotto L.G. and Raburu E.A. (2016).  Spatio-Temporal Impacts of Lake Victoria Water Level Recession on the Fringing Nyando Wetland, Kenya Wetlands DOI: 10.1007/s13157-016-0831-y
  18. Mukolwe M. O Obwoyere G.O. and Ngesa F.U.  (2016) Influence of institutional facilities on adoption of forest innovations in Kenya International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology 3(9) 66-79
  19. Mukolwe M.O. Obwoyere G.O. and Ngesa F.U. (2016). Influence of human resource needs on adoption of forest innovations in Kenya Open Journal of Forestry 6: 460-475
  20. Maoncha R.M. Obwoyere O.G. Recha C.W. and Nakhone L. W. (2016).  Response Strategies by Agro-Pastoral Farmers to Effects of Climate Variability in Laikipia West Sub-County, Kenya Journal of Applied Science and Technology 16(5):1-13 ·DOI: 10.9734/BJAST/2016/27227
  21. Wambua M.M. Musila S. Eshiamwata G.W. Koros H.K.  Obwoyere G.O. (2016). Distribution and Population Status of Cercopithecus mitis and Colobus Guereza in South Nandi Forest Kenya and a comparison with other Forests Researchjournalis Journal of Ecology 3(4) 1-12
  22. Wanjala, F. Obwoyere G. Eshiamwata G. (2015) Wood fuel Utilization patterns and cooking devices Efficiency Analysis for Likia Residents, Njoro Kenya. Journal of Natural Science Research 5(24)157-173
  23. Syomiti M, Maranga E, Obwoyere G, Getachew G, Dana H, Beatrice M, Wamae D and Duyu J (2015): The adaptive and coping strategies of pastoralists to climate change in Baringo, Laikipia and Nyeri Counties of Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development. 27,(12)248.
  24. Yaluk E. A.  Makindi S.M. and Obwoyere G.O. (2015). Climate variability and the associated impacts on smalholder Agriculture in Senetwo Location Kenya International Journal of Science and Research 4(8) 845-850
  25. Gilbert Obwoyere Obati and Broder Breckling (2015) Socio-ecological Characterization  of  Forest  Ecosystem  Health  in the  South-western  Mau Forest Reserve, Kenya East African Social Science Research Review Vol 31: 1 pp 89-118
  26. Obwoyere  O.G., Karachi,  M. Diekmann  M. and Breckling  B. (2014) Floristic Composition  and structure after Anthropogenic  Disturbance  in the South Western Mau Forest Reserve, Kenya Journal of Environment and Natural Resources   Management   and  Society   of  Egerton  University   (JENRS) Volume 3, Issue 1, pp 13-27
  27. Syomiti M., Maranga E, Obwoyere G., Gebru G and Dana H., (2014). Chemical Composition of Cactus species and Prosopis juliflora as Drought-resilient Feed resources in Kenya. Journal of Environment and Natural Resources Management and Society of Egerton University (JENRS) Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 41-47
  28. Esilaba M.O, Obwoyere G.O.O, Tangus J.K and Mokua M.A (2014)   Resource use conflicts resolution and poverty alleviation among pastoral communities in Samburu County, Kenya Pj palgo journal of Education Research Volume 2 Issue 4 pp108 – 115
  29. Maurice Ogoma, Paul Kariuki Ndang’ang’a and Gilbert Obwoyere (2014) The birds of Lake Kenyatta, Kenya: a preliminary survey Bull ABC Vol 21 No 2 (2014) – 181-186
  30. Mwangi, J.G., Ondimu, K.N., Owuor, G., Eshiamwata, G.W. and Obwoyere, G.O. (2014), “Factors influencing adoption of sustainable water resource management  practices  in upper  and  middle  Mara  River  Basin,  Kenya”, International Journal of Development and Sustainability, Vol. 3 No. 6, pp. 1326-1339.
  31. Wilson Kibet Kiplagat, Stanley Makindi & Gilbert Obati Obwoyere (2014) An Analysis  of  Hotel  Rating  and  its  Implication  on  Financial  Turnover  of Rated Hotels in Kenya   International  Journal  of Environment,  Ecology, Family and Urban Studies (IJEEFUS) Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp 7-18
  32. Abou Sale, Denis Pompidou Folefack, Gilbert Obati Obwoyere, Nakhone Lenah Wati, Wirnkar Venasius Lendzemo et Anselme Wakponou (2014) Changements climatiques et déterminants d’adoption de la fumure organique dans la région semi-aride de Kibwezi au Kenya Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 8(2): 680-694 DOI :
  33. Koskei, E.C., Ondimu, K.N., Obwoyere, G.O (2013). Relationship between Household Size and Access to Improved Water Sources and Basic Sanitation in Bomet Municipality, Kenya Journal of Science and Applied Technology Vol. 1:1 101-116  ISSN 2309-1029
  34. Koskei, E.C., Ondimu, K.N., Obwoyere, G.O. and Mironga, J.M. (2013), “Determinants of variation in households’ level of access to improved water sources and basic sanitation in Bomet municipality, Kenya”, International Journal of Development and Sustainability, Vol 2, (2), June 2013, Pgs 1499-1512  
  35. Ssegujja  F.,  Nagaya  M.L. Obwoyere   O.G.  (2012)  Information sources and preferences for resource utilization by commercial urban farmers in Kampala Uganda Journal of Environment Natural Resources Management and Society vol1 issue 1 pp 45-58
  36. Omweri O. J., Moturi W.N. and Obwoyere G.O. (2012) Influence of anthropogenic activities on plant species diversity in Tropical wetlands, Kenya Journal of Environment Natural Resources Management and Society Vol1 Issue 1 104-114
  37. Omweri O.J., Obwoyere, O.G. and Moturi, N.W. (2009) Characterization of wetland values for sustainable utilization in Kisii Central District Egerton J. Sci.&Tech. vol.9


  1. Eshiamwata G., Wanjala F., Obwoyere G. (2019) Utilization Patterns of Biomass Energy and Cooking Devices in Eastern Mau Forest Adjacent Community of Likia, Nakuru, Kenya. In: Ayuk E., Unuigbe N. (eds) New Frontiers in Natural Resources Management in Africa. Natural Resource Management and Policy, vol 53. Springer, Cham, DOI  Print ISBN 978-3-030-11856-3 Online ISBN 978-3-030-11857-0  eBook Packages Economics and Finance
  2. World Bank Group (2017). Enabling the Business of Agriculture (2017) ISBN (Paper 978-1-4648-1021-3, electronic 978-1-4648-1022-0, doi 10.1596/978-14648-1021-3 License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO
  3. World Bank Group (2016). Enabling the Business of Agriculture (2016). Comparing Regulatory good Practices ISBN (Paper 978-1-4648-0772-5, electronic 978-1-4648-0781-7, doi 10.1596/978-14648-0772-5 License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO
  4. Rono, B.J., Obwoyere, G.O., & Owuor, G. (2016): Assessment of Attitudes and perceptions towards Ecotourism among Pastoral Communities in Laikipia, Kenya In  "Rural Innovations for Sustainable Livelihoods in Africa: The case of Community Tourism among Agro-Pastoralists in Kenya" Kassel University Press
  5. Zendera W.,Obwoyere, G.O. and Maranga E. K. (2012) Application of Weather Forecasts in Agriculture ISBN 978-3-8465-8854-3 Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH and Co. KG
  6. Obati G.O 2011 Assessment of Ecosystem-Health in Tropical-Montane Forest Reserves. ISBN 978-3-8443-9806-9 Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH and Co. KG



  1. Lenah N. Wati, Gilbert O. O. Obwoyere, Richard S.  Mulwa, George T. Ekisa Isaih M. Taabu and Alice Ndiema  (2017). Enhancing Response Mechanisms of smallholder Farmers to Impacts of Climate and Environmental Variability in Laikipia of Kenya. Technical Progress Report I submitted to NACOSTI
  2. Lenah N. Wati, Gilbert O. O. Obwoyere, Richard S.  Mulwa, George T. Ekisa Isaih M. Taabu and Alice Ndiema (2017). Evaluation of Response to Effects of Climate Variability and Willingness to Pay for Insurance by Smallholder Farmers in Laikipia West Sub - County, Kenya Technical Progress Report II submitted to NACOSTI
  3. Lenah N. Wati, Gilbert O. O. Obwoyere, Richard S. Mulwa, George T. Ekisa Isaih M. Taabu and Alice Ndiema (2017). An Assessment of the Factors Influencing Farmers’ Response Mechanisms to Climate Change in Narok County Kenya. Technical Progress Report III submitted to NACOSTI
  4. Fred D. Chibwana Gilbert O Obwoyere (2016) Assessment of the Impact of Climate Variability on Vector-Borne Diseases at Mahenge and Ifakara Towns, Tanzania ACCFP Phase III Final Report
  5. Mwangi Kinyanjui, Gilbert O. Obwoyere, George W. Eshiamwata, Geoffrey Wambugu and George G. Ndiritu (2016) (Eds) Monitoring biodiversity: A Baseline for Tree, Overstorey, Understorey Ground layer, Mammalian and Avifaunal Diversity in the Transmara forest block
  6. Gilbert O. Obwoyere, Cosmas Omario Osumo, Romario Atandi Morang'a, Wanjala Wycliffe Juma, Koskey Christine, Haron Akala, Sharon Kemboi Beryl Adhiambo Emily Opande and George W. Eshiamwata, 2016 Biodiversity Survey Of The Transmara Forest Block: Overstorey, Understorey And Ground Layer Diversity In Mwangi Kinyanjui, Gilbert O. Obwoyere, George W. Eshiamwata2, Geoffrey Wambugu1 and George G. Ndiritu (Eds) Monitoring biodiversity: A Baseline for Tree, Overstorey, Understorey Ground layer, Mammalian and Avifaunal Diversity in the Transmara forest block
  7. George W. Eshiamwata, Cosmas Omario Osumo, Romario Atandi Morang'a, Wanjala Wycliffe Juma, Koskey Christine, Haron Akala, Sharon Kemboi Beryl Adhiambo, Emily Opande and Gilbert O. Obwoyere  (2016) Biodiversity Survey of the Transmara Forest Block: Forest Avifaunal Diversity In Mwangi Kinyanjui, Gilbert O. Obwoyere, George W. Eshiamwata, Geoffrey Wambugu1 and George G. Ndiritu (Eds) Monitoring biodiversity: A Baseline for Tree, Overstorey, Understorey Ground layer, Mammalian and Avifaunal Diversity in the Transmara forest block
  8. Aboud,  A.A., Mutinda,  M.N., and Obati, G.O. (2002) A Baseline  survey for the Lake  Bogoria Catchment  Basin  Report  submitted  to  WWF  Eastern Region Program Office (EARPO)
  9. Aboud, A.A., Mutinda, M.N., and Obati, G.O. (2001) A Baseline survey for the Lake Baringo Catchment Basin.  A Research Report submitted to Global Environmental Facility (GEF)
  10. Aboud, A.A., Obati, G.O. Mutinda, M.N. and Raini, J. (2001) A Rapid Socioeconomic survey of the Mara River Catchment Basin A Research Report submitted to WWF Eastern Region Program Office (EARPO)
  11. Ngoda, B.J.M. and Obati, G. O 1998. “Human settlement and Woodland Management in Makueni District” A Research Report submitted to the Regional Land Management Unit (RELMA) ICRAF House Nairobi Kenya


  1. Gilbert Obati Obwoyere and Geoffrey Maina (2015) .Vegetation Cover Dynamics in the Mau Complex: A GIS Change Detection 1986-2011. In Jones, S. (Ed) Drylands Coordination Group Proceedings No. 26, Afromontane Woodlands – Current Status, Challenges, and Ways Forward For Conservation pp 27-29 ISSN 1503-0601. Oslo, Norway
  2. Syomiti M., Maranga E, Obwoyere G., Gebru G and Dana H., (2014): Chemical composition of Cactus and Prosopis juliflora as drought resilient feed for Kenya’s dry lands. A Posta paper presented in the All Africa Conference on Animal agriculture (AACAA) conference 26th -30th October at KICC, Nairobi.
  3. Margaret Syomiti, Maranga E., Obwoyere G. and Dana H. (2014) The Adaptive and coping strategies of pastoralists to Climate change in Baringo, Laikipia and Nyeri Counties of Kenya Proceedings of the 8th Egerton University International Conference “Innovative Research and Technology for Global Development 26th-28 march 2014 Egerton University Njoro-Kenya pgs 357-361
  4. Margaret Syomiti,   Maranga E, Obwoyere G and Dana H, (2013). Characterization of Gender dimensions in Livestock Feeds and Feeding systems in relation to local Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Baringo County of Kenya. 1st African Food Security Conference on Harnessing Ecosystem based Approaches for Food Security and Adaptation to Climate Change, UNEP- Nairobi, August 20-21, 2013.
  5. Margaret Syomiti, Maranga E, Obwoyere G and Dana H, (2013). Characterization of Local Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Livestock Feeds and Feeding Systems in Laikipia and Nyeri Counties of Kenya. Tanzania Society of Animal Production Annual Scientific Conference held on 22nd-25th October 2013, at Olasit Garden, Arusha, Tanzania.
  6. Margaret Syomiti, Maranga E, Obwoyere G and Dana H, (2013). Characterization of  Local  Climate  Change  Adaptation  Strategies in Livestock  Feeds  and Feeding  Systems  in  Baringo  County,  Kenya.  1st Student-led Conference held on 29th 30th May 2013 at the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences,  Upper Kabete Campus.  Workshop Theme: “to “Transformative Education, Research and Engagement for Dry land Resilience and Sustainability”
  7. Obati  G. O.,  Karachi  M  and  Nyaga  D.M. (2008)  The  prevalence  of  epiphytic parasites (mistletoes)  on trees in Egerton university.  4th  KEFRI Scientific Conference Muguga Kenya.
  8. Obati  G. O (2007)  An  Investigation  of  Forest  Ecosystem  Health  in Relation  to Anthropogenic  Disturbance  in the Southwestern  Mau Forest  Reserve, Kenya.  University of Bremen
  9. Obati G. O (2003) A review of changes in the characteristics of pastoral economies in arid and semi-arid areas and implications for poverty and security of livelihoods. A paper presented at The Swiss National Center for Competence Research North-South Second JACs Syndrome Workshop 28th -29th October 2003 ARC Egerton University Njoro, Kenya
  10. Obati, G. O and Aboud, A.A. (2002) “An Evaluation of Silvopastoral System Performance in Arid and Semi-arid Areas of Kenya” Proceedings of the Animal  Production  Society  of Kenya  Symposium  “The challenges  of Drought to Livestock Production in Kenya” 7th to 8th March 2001 ARC Egerton University Njoro Kenya
  11. Obati, G. O (2002) Competitive Household Uses of Multipurpose Trees and Shrubs in Arid and Semi-arid areas of Kenya A paper presented at the Dry land Farming Workshop  “Greening  the  Brown”  20th   –24th   January  2002, ARC Egerton University Njoro Kenya
  12. Ngoda, B.J.M. and Obwoyere, O. G (2002). “Human settlement and Woodland Management in Makueni district” A paper presented at the Dry land Farming Workshop “Greening the Brown” 20th –24th January 2002, ARC Egerton University Njoro Kenya
  13. Ngoda, B.J.M. and Obati, G.  O (2002). “Settlement Patterns and Woodland Utilization in the Arid Lands of Makueni District” proceedings of the Regional Social Forestry extension Seminar for Semi-Arid Areas KEFRI Hqs Muguga, Nairobi Kenya 24th to 27th October 2001 pgs 86-94
  14. Obati, G. O 2001 Factors that Influence the Performance of Silvopastoral Systems in Arid and Semi-Arid areas: the Case of Makueni District Kenya” M. Sc. Thesis Egerton University Kenya


  1. Gilbert O. Obwoyere (2017) Climate Change and Future Challenges Young Farmers Clubs of Kenya and Agriculture Teachers Conference 22nd-25th August 2017 FEDCOS Complex Egerton University
  2. Simon Macharia, Julius O. Manyala, Gilbert O. Obwoyere and Bernard K. Kirui  (2017). Assessment of Protopterus aethiopicus stock in Lake Baringo, Kenya (P. aethiopicus stock ass L. Baringo) Lake Victoria Basin Organization Conference 16th February 2017Mwanza, Tanzania
  3. Gilbert O. Obwoyere (2016). Effective communication for Development in Natural Resources management.  A presentation at the 15th participatory Natural Resources Management Course 6th -19th March 2016 KEFRI Headquarters Muguga Kenya
  4. Eshiamwata G.W. Kirui B and Obwoyere G.O. (2015). Building capacity for effective protected area management: The contribution of Egerton Univesity’s Diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes A poster presentation at the ……..
  5. Gilbert O. Obwoyere (2015) Perspectives on Agro-Ecosystem Dynamics in Relation to Climate Change Adaptation 26th January -27th February 2015 1st Regional Training Course on Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa through Social Forestry KEFRI Hqts Nairobi Kenya
  6. Gilbert O. Obwoyere (2015) 10th  -13th  August 2015 Facilitated a seminar for County Environment Executives on Participatory Natural Resources Management at KEFRI Hqts Nairobi
  7. Gilbert O. Obwoyere (2015)  25th  -28th  May 2015 Facilitated a seminar for County Environment Executives on  Participatory Natural Resources Management at KEFRI Hqts Nairobi
  8. Gilbert O. Obwoyere (2012) Purpose  scoping  and  characteristics  of  materials  and  Methods,  How  to  convey research approaches and methods accurately and concisely ACCF Round II Fellows inception Meeting Dar es Salaam Tanzania 21-22nd June 2012 The African Climate Change fellowship programme
  9. Gilbert O. Obwoyere (2012) Purpose scoping and characteristics of Materials and Methods, Titles and Abstracting ACCF Round II Fellows inception Meeting Dar es Salaam Tanzania 21-22nd June 2012 The African Climate Change fellowship programme
  • 10th  -13th  August 2015 Facilitated a seminar for County Environment Executives on Participatory Natural Resources Management at KEFRI Hqts Nairobi
  • 25th  -28th  May 2015 Facilitated a seminar for County Environment Executives on Participatory Natural Resources Management at KEFRI Hqts Nairobi
  • 12th  -23rd  January 2015 Facilitated a seminar on Globalization at CMRT Egerton University in Collaboration with Pacific University Oregon, and University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
  • 27th-28th  February  2014 Participated  in the Agriculture,  Natural  Resources  and Environment Sector Board Seminar “Enhancing Industry-Academia Partnership for Sustainable Development and Food Security  Laicao Regency Nairobi Kenya
  • 17th November 2014 Afromontane woodlands – current status, challenges, and way forward for conservation Oslo, Norway;
  • 26th    February   2013   participated   in   a   workshop   on   Complaints   Handling Mechanisms ARC Hotel Egerton University
  • 5th  August 2012 to 29th September 2012  Visiting lecturer University of Pretoria Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
  • 15th – 18th  November 2009  Regional  Centre  of  Expertise  Training  Seminar NEMA ARC Egerton University Kenya
  • 11th -13th November 2009 Internal Quality Auditors training Kenya Bureau of Standards ARC Egerton University Kenya
  • 19th -24th October 2009 MSc in Research Methods Retooling Workshop. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (AICAD Centre).
  • 21-23rd September 2009 GrassNet Project Planning Workshop DISTL University of Kassel Witzenhausen Germany
  • 9th -13th  March  2009  MSc in  Research  Methods  Workshop. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (AICAD Centre).
  • 3rd -5th December 2008.  Kenya Forestry Research Institute Stakeholders Workshop. Tea Hotel Kericho Kenya
  • 7th – 10th  October 2008. 4th  KEFRI Scientific Conference KEFRI  Hqts Muguga Kenya
  • 28th -29th October 2003 The Swiss National Center for Competence Research North-South  Second JACs Syndrome  Workshop  ARC Egerton University Njoro, Kenya
  • 14th – 15th October 2003 “Biodiversity Conservation and Indigenous Knowledge Workshop” ARC Egerton University Njoro Kenya
  • 20th  to 24th  January  2002  Dryland  Farming  Workshop  “Greening  the  Brown” ARC Egerton university Njoro Kenya
  • 7th  to 8th  March  2001  Animal  Production  Society  of  Kenya  Symposium “The Challenges of Drought to Livestock Production in Kenya.” ARC Egerton University Njoro Kenya
  • 1st to 2nd July 1999 Dissemination Seminar of the Research Project - "Impacts of Project Food Aid on Production and  Nutrition". Chemeron, Baringo, Kenya.


  • Gilbert O. Obwoyere (2017) Climate Change and Future Challenges Young Farmers Clubs of Kenya and Agriculture Teachers Conference 22nd-25th August 2017 FEDCOS Complex Egerton University
  • Simon Macharia, Julius O. Manyala, Gilbert O. Obwoyere and Bernard K. Kirui  (2017). Assessment of Protopterus aethiopicus stock in Lake Baringo, Kenya (P. aethiopicus stock ass L. Baringo) Lake Victoria Basin Organization Conference 16th February 2017Mwanza, Tanzania
  • Gilbert O. Obwoyere (2016). Effective communication for Development in Natural Resources management.  A presentation at the 15th participatory Natural Resources Management Course 6th -19th March 2016 KEFRI Headquarters Muguga Kenya
  • Eshiamwata G.W. Kirui B and Obwoyere G.O. (2015). Building capacity for effective protected area management: The contribution of Egerton Univesity’s Diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes A poster presentation at the ……..
  • Gilbert O. Obwoyere (2015) Perspectives on Agro-Ecosystem Dynamics in Relation to Climate Change Adaptation 26th January -27th February 2015 1st Regional Training Course on Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa through Social Forestry KEFRI Hqts Nairobi Kenya
  • Gilbert O. Obwoyere (2015) 10th  -13th  August 2015 Facilitated a seminar for County Environment Executives on Participatory Natural Resources Management at KEFRI Hqts Nairobi
  • Gilbert O. Obwoyere (2015)  25th  -28th  May 2015 Facilitated a seminar for County Environment Executives on  Participatory Natural Resources Management at KEFRI Hqts Nairobi
  • Gilbert O. Obwoyere (2012) Purpose  scoping  and  characteristics  of  materials  and  Methods,  How  to  convey research approaches and methods accurately and concisely ACCF Round II Fellows inception Meeting Dar es Salaam Tanzania 21-22nd June 2012 The African Climate Change fellowship programme
  • Gilbert O. Obwoyere (2012) Purpose scoping and characteristics of Materials and Methods, Titles and Abstracting ACCF Round II Fellows inception Meeting Dar es Salaam Tanzania 21-22nd June 2012 The African Climate Change fellowship programme
  • 2015 African climate change fellowship programme
  • 2014 National Council for Science Technology and Innovation
  • 2013 Egerton University Internal Research Funds
  • 2011 African climate change fellowship programme
  • 2009 African Climate Change Fellowship programme
  • 2004 Won a research grant from the DAAD for PhD studies
  • 1999 Won a research grant from the Belgian Administration for Development Cooperation (BADC) to carry out a survey for Master of Science thesis
  • 1998 Research grant from the Regional Land management unit RELMA to carry out a rapid appraisal of woodland management in Makueni District Kenya


  • Prnciples of Forestry
  • Natural Resources Ecology
  • Introduction to Research
  • Research Methodology
  • Forest Hydrology
  • Watershed Mangement
  • Forest Entomology
  • Forest Economics

Post Graduates

  • Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Health
  • Natural Resource Economics
  • Contemporary Issues in Natural Resource Management
  • Social Research Methods


  1. Nyongesa PW. MSc Characterisation of Ecological and Socioeconomic Status of Artisanal Marine Ornamental Fisheries from Selected Sites in Kenya University of Bremen Graduated  2007
  2. Ooga OJ MSc Socioecological characterization of  wetlands in Kisii Central District Kenya Egerton Graduated 2009
  3. Karanja H MSc Evaluation of the ecological status of Tsavo River in the Tsavo West National Park using benthic macroinvertebrates Egerton UniversityGraduated 2011
  4. Sseguja F MSc Enhancing the dissemination of agricultural information in urban agriculture using gis Egerton University Graduated 2012
  5. Zendera W MSc Access and utilization of agrometrological information by small holder farmers in Kenya Egerton University Graduated 2012
  6. Banga P. MSc Improvement of land use information flow for mangrove forest conservation and rural farming in Congo Egerton University Graduated 2012
  7. Koskei,  C E MSc Effects of urban population growth on household access to water and sanitation in Bomet Municipality, Kenya Egeton University Graduated 2013
  8. Asinah Ashiku MA Determinants of Effectiveness of Youth Enterprise Development Fund in Gigil Sub-County, Nakuru County University of Nairobi Graduated 2014
  9. Kiplagat WK MSc  An Analysis of Hotel Rating and its implications on Financial Turnover of Rated Hotels in Kenya        Egerton University Graduated 2014
  10. Yaluk Elly MSc Characterization of climate variability and the associated adaptive strategies by small holder farmers in Senetwo Location,West Pokot County Kenya Egerton University Graduated2014
  11. Rono Betty. MSc Assessment of attitudes and perception towards ecotourism among pastoral communities in Naibunga, Laikipia County, Kenya Egerton University Graduated 2015
  12. Wanjala F   MSc An Assessment of the Efficiency of Cooking Devices and the Wood utilization Patterns in  Likia Location of Njoro SubCounty Egerton University Graduated 2015
  13. Okottto- Okotto J MSc Spatio-temporal Changes of Land Cover Types in Response to Anthropogenic and Hydrodynamic Drivers (1984-2010) in Nyando Wetlands Kenya Egerton University Graduated 2016
  14. Lessah Mandoloma MSc Effects of wildlife Management Regimes on Ecotourism Based Livelihoods in Southern Malawi. Egerton University Graduated 2016
  15. Tarus George Kipkorir MSc Comparison of Soil Carbon Stocks and  Fluxes  in  Different Management Regimes in Eastern Mau Forest Reserve, Kenya Egerton University Graduated
  16. Busuru Carolyne MSc Propagation and Regeneration of the African Cherry, Prunus Africana (Hook.f.) Kalkm. In Kakamega Forest Kenya.  Egerton University Graduated
  17. Doris Cherop MSc Assessment of the Socioecological Factors Affecting Lake Baringo Fishery. Egerton University Graduated
  18. Merculine Maoncha Rabera MSc Assessment of effects of climatic variability on ecosystem services provision  and  livelihoods  of pastoral  systems  in  Laikipia county, Kenya Egerton University
  19. Jackline O. Atieno “Seedborne  Fungal Organisms Associated with germination Success of Terminalia brownii (Fresen) in the Drylands of Kenya”


  1. Eugene FL     MSc An analysis of conflicts and resource conservation nexus in pockets of natural forests in Witu 1 Settlement scheme Tana River District Kenya Egerton University awaiting graduation
  2.  Submitted for Examination
  3. Samwel M. Osee Ochieng’ The Potential for Forest Concession as a Plantation Management Tool in Koibatek and Maji Mazuri Forest, Kenya” submitted for examination (Proposal Development)
  4. Ocholla A. Jemimah Influence Of Gap Size on Regeneration, Structure and Diversity of Woody Vegetation in Sw Mau Forest Reserve, Kenya
  5. Verene Nyiramvuyekure Assessment of the Effect of Stem Characteristics and Planting Orientation on Sprouting and Rooting in Milicia Excelsa (Welw.) Nakuru County, Kenya
  6. Collince Otieno Sagege Evaluation of Effectiveness of in-Field Practices on Management of Post-Harvest Losses Among Smallholder Sugarcane Farmers in Awendo Sub-County, Kenya


  1. Wambugu E. PhD Evaluation of Ecosystem Services and Socioeconomic Factors to Enhance Community Participation in Forest Management in Aberdares Forest, Kenya Egerton University Graduated
  2. Mukolwe M.O. PhD Influence of institutional capacity on adoption of forest innovations in Kenya Egerton University Graduated 2016
  3. Macharia Simon PhD Stock Assessment and Socio- economic characterization of Fisheries in Lake Baringo Kenya Egerton University Graduated 2016
  4. Syomiti Margaret Muteng’e Evaluation of Cactus and Prosopis Species as Potential Feed Resources in Drought-prone Areas of Kenya” 
  5. Maurice O. Ogoma Performance of Beach Management Units Implementing Fisheries Co-Management Approach in Lake Turkana, Kenya”
  6. Michael Mairura Okeyo Pests and Diseases Associated with Flowering Phenology and Seed Quality of Terminalia brownii in Drylands, Kenya


  1. Philip Manyi Omenge Evaluation of effectiveness of ESIA in conflict identification andprevention for renewable energy projects in Kenya Submitted for Examination
  2. Khatir Hammad Saeed Impact of Climate Variability on Plant Species Diversity and Livelihoods in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in West Kordofan State, Sudan Defended At Faculty doing field data collection


  • Member Kenya Forestry Society
  • Member Kenya DAAD Scholars Association.
  • Life Member Kenya Society of the Red Cross
  • Member Kenya Institute of Management
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