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Job Category
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Division / Faculty
Faculty of Science
Directorate / Dept
Applied Mathematics
P.O. Box 894-00200 Nairobi

Under construction


2011-2014: PhD Applied Mathematics - Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 15001, China.

2002-2004: MSc. Applied Mathematics -  Egerton University 

1997-2002: B.Ed. Science (Double Maths) - Egerton University

1992-1995: K.C.S.E - Oriwo Boys Secondary School (Homa Bay County)

1984-1991: K.C.P.E - Nyabola Primary School (Homa Bay County)

  1. Applied Mathematics (Mathematical Image processing and Dynamical Systems -Epidemiological Models)
  2. Data Analysis Skills( Stata, SPSS) and Data Collection Platforms (CS Pro., Kobocollect, ODK)
  3. Writing skills , document language (english) editing and contexting skills,  and Simulation skills (LaTEX and MATLAB)
  4. Computer maintainance, software installation and  management skills
  5. Career mentoring experience and skills 

Sep 2024-Currently: Deputy Director, Quality Assurance, Directorate of Quality Assurance, Egerton University

  • Develop and monitor quality assurance programs 
  • Administer quality management  systems etc

2015-currently: LecturerLecturing mathematics;Mathematics Department

  • Supervision of undergraduate and Graduate students;

Sep 2023-December 2023: Part-time Lecturer Africa Nazarene University; CIS Department

  • Mathematics and statistics lecturer
  • Teaching and hosting realtime online lectures

2016-2020:  Egerton University, Nairobi City Campus Coordinator, Mathematics

  • Coordinating all the maths programs at the campus;
  • Representing the Department in all management programs that require the participation of the department;
  • Developing strategic Business and marketing plans


May 2018-2019: Part-Time Lecturer Maths-stat Lecturer & Teaching Graduate research Methodology

Multimedia University of Kenya
Department of Mathematics
Main campus


2015-2016: Part-Time Lecturer
Department of Industrial and Applied Mathematics

  • Lecturing Applied Mathematics and statistics units to Engineering students


May 2011-August 2011: Part-Time Lecturer
Multimedia University College, Main campus

  • Maths Lecturer (Actuarial Science Students)
  • Discrete Math &Logic Design


July 2007-Feb 2015: Assistant Lecturer

  • Maths Lecturer (Student mentor and counselor) - Mathematics Department, Egerton University

2004-2007: Mathematics Lecturer and Academic Advisor

Faculty of Science; Computer Science Department - Africa Nazarene University, Nairobi


2002-2004: Graduate Assistant - Egerton University, Njoro

Jan.- May 2001: Teaching Internship

Classroom Teacher(Mathematics & Chemistry) - Elburgon Secondary School, Elburgon Town


Sept. Nov. 1999: BOG Teacher

Alara Mixed Sec. School, Homa Bay County

  • Maths
  • Chemistry


Feb.-Sept. 1997: Chief Clerk - Electoral Commission (Kenya)

  • Coordinating the Voter
  • registration work
  • Managing files related to
  • registration exercise
  • September 2024-Currently: Associate Consultant: national Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth project (NARIGP)-Economic and Financial Analysis -World Bank & Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Kenya
  • February 2023-June 2023: Associate Consultant: Developing a Training manual and Tools on the Development and Implementation of Action Plans on Men-to-men Engagement to Support WRO in Advocating Against GBV, SGBV, and SHR & RR Policies in Western and Central Africa Region: The African Woment's Development& Communications Network(FEMNET)
  • March 2022-February 2023: Associate Consultant: Deeveloping a Country Specific Strategy(program) for Valuing Informal Sector Women's Work: Oxfam- Kenya
  • November 2021: Review Paper Writer: On Constraints and Lessons in Developing a Contextualized Assessment  Framework for Life Skills and Values in East Africa--Zizi Afrique Foundation
  • May 2021: Editor--Editorial Consultancy Services(proofreading text and correcting spelling, grammar, punctuation errors, and contexting) in problem-solving ad collaboration reports(6): Zizi Afrique Foundation
  • 2020: Consultant on Paper Development: Gender Agenda  in Youth Empowerment and Employment interventionary Challenges and Opportunities: Zizi Afrique Foundation
  • 2020-currently:Technical Consultant-Curriculum and Instruction Development Expert;—-Developing E-modules for an E-learning course for the National Police Service (NPS) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on Prevention and Response to Gender Based Violence, Including Female Genital Mutilation(FGM)-Women Empowerment Link(WEL);
  • 2020: Assistant Evaluator: End-Term Evaluation of the program Creating Rural Opportunities for Women and Youth through Climate-Resilient Entrepreneurship in Kenya [Bomet, Busia, Embu and Homabay Counties] Hand in Hand Eastern Africa;
  • 2020: Evaluation Consultant: End-Term Evaluation of the Women Empowerment Program in the Informal Settlements in Nairobi and Nakuru - TROCAIRE- Kenya
  • 2019: Monitoring & Evaluation Consultant: Baseline Survey of the Enterprise Development for Rural Families Program in seven counties of Kenya [Nakuru, Baringo, Nyandarua, Laikipia, Machakos, Makueni and Kajiado] Hand in Hand Eastern Africa;
  • 2019: Evaluation Consultant: Learning Review of the Youth Access to Markets Project in Embu and Kirinyaga Counties CARE International in Kenya;
  • 2019: Evaluation Assistant Consultant: Mid-Term Evaluation of the Women Empowerment Program in the Informal Settlements in Nairobi and Nakuru - TROCAIRE- Kenya;
  • 2018: Assistant Evaluation Specialist: End of Project Evaluation of the Women and Youth in Climate Change-Oriented and Market-Focused Farming Enterprise (INCOME)- Help Self Help Centre (HSHC)- Kenya;
  • 2018:Evaluation Specialist: End of Project Evaluation of Jamii Thabiti Projects Community Policing Forums MidRift Human Rights Network, Kenya;
  • 2018: Research Consultant: Irrigation Pump Study in Kenya to Determine farmers Utilization, Efficiency and Development of Irrigation Pump Inventory for Designing Farmers’ pump Decision making Tool-SNV Netherlands Development Organization-Kenya;
  • 2017: Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist: Baseline Survey On Women’s Empowerment In Selected Informal Settlements in Nakuru and Nairobi Counties-(Trocaire);
  • 2017: Associate Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant: Assessment of Climate Change Integration in the Medium Term Development Plan (MTP II) of Kenyas Vision 2030, Sectoral Development Plans and County Integrated Development Plans for Nakuru, Narok, Uasin Gishu and Taita Taveta Counties of Kenya Vision 2030 Delivery Secretariat/Hanns Seidel Foundation;
  • 2017: Associate Consultant: Feasibility Study for the Establishment of Matunda Habitat Special Economic Zone in Mariakani, Kilifi County-Kenya -Matunda Habitat Limited;
  • 2016: Research Specialist: Institutional and Programmatic Gender Audit - CARE International in Kenya;
  • 2016: Researcher: Gender Mainstreaming Assessment at the Port of Mombasa - Kenya Ports Authority (KPA)/TradeMark East Africa (TMEA);
  • 2016: Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant: End-line Evaluation of the Commercialization of Traditional Staple Crops (C-TSCs) Project funded by the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) in Kitui, Homabay and Migori Counties in Kenya - Cereal Growers Association (CGA);
  • 2016: Research Associate: Feasibility Study for the Establishment of Ecozone Special Economic Zone in Mariakani, Kilifi County-Kenya - Ecozone Investments Company Limited;
  • 2015: Evaluation Consultant: Situation Analysis of Gender Based Violence Prevention and Response Mechanisms in Schools in Kenya - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
  • Mathematical Image Processing (Image denoising and superresolution)
  • Dynamical Systems-Epidemiological studies
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Data Scienc, machine learning and Survival Analysis
  • Emerging trends in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
  • Gender Mainstreaming and Development Studies-Gender Data
  1. Ogada A. Elisha, "Image Denoising Based on Some Novel Regularization PDE Models," PhD Thesis, (2014)
  2. Ogada A. Elisha, Guo Zhichang. and Boying Wu, “An Alternative Variational Framework For Image Denoising,”Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 939131, 16 Pages, (SCI).
  3. Baraka Maiseli, Ogada A. Elisha, Jiangyuan Mei and Huijun Gao, “An Edge Preservation Image Enlargement Method Based on the Adaptive Perona-Malik Nonlinear Diffusion Model,”IET Digital Library Journals, May 07, 2014, http://dx.doi: 10.1049/iet-ipr.2014.0040 (SCI).
  4. Baraka J. Maiseli, Qiang Liu, Ogada A. Elisha and Huijun Gao, “An Adaptive Charbonnier Super-Resolution Method with Robust Edge-Preservation capabilities,”Journal of Electronic Imaging, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 714681, 9 pages, http//dx.doi:10.1155/2012/714681 (SCI).
  5. Ogada A. Elisha, Boying Wu, Jiebao Sun, and Zhichang Guo, “A Total Variation Model Basedon the Strictly Convex Modification for Image Denoising,”Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol.2014, Article ID 948392, 16 pages, 2014. http//dx.doi:10.1155/2014/948392 (SCI)
  6. Maiseli, Baraka Jacob, Ogada Achieng Elisha, and Huijun Gao. “A multi-frame superresolution method based on the variable exponent nonlinear diffusion regularizer,”EURASIP journal on Image and Video Processing 2015.1(2015):1-16.
  7. Nadia M.G. Al-Saidi, Arkan J. Mohamed, Elisha A. Ogada and Adil M. Ahmed, “Fractal Fourier Coefficients with Application to Identification Protocols,”IAENG Transactions on Engineering Sciences, Special Issue for International Association of Engineers Conference 2014,ISBN: 978-981-4667-35-7.
  8. Ng’ang’a W., Njenga J.K., Ogada E.A. and Ondiek D.M., “Analysis of Krylov-Bogoliubov Method in Approximating Solutions of Nonlinear Differential Equations,”International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research, Vol.4(6) 2016: 102-107.
  9. Ogada E.A., Onyango L.O., Ondiek D.M. and Njenga J.K, “Multiplicative Noise Reduction Model Based on Logarithmic Regularization,”International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research, Vol. 4(7) 2017.
  10. Onesmus M. Mutua, Elisha A. Ogada, David O. Manyang and Lawrence O. Onyango,“Damping and Positioning Effects due to an Offshore Structure for Fluid Flow in Application to a Sink (Wave Breaker),”International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER),
    Vol.9(2) 2018.
  11. Onyango L. Omondi, Ogada E. Achieng, Thirika A. Mwende and Lawi G.O., “Modeling Malaria and Rotavarious Co-infection”, Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computation, Vol.26(2).  2018:143–168.
  12. Florence A. Adongo, Onyango O. Lawrence, Job Bonyo, G. O. Lawi and Ogada A. Elisha, “A Delayed vaccination Model for Rotavirus”, European Journal for Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2020.
  13. Raad A. Hameed, Maan A. Rasheed, Ogada E. Achieng and Wafaa M. Taha, "On the Existence of Periodic Solutions to a p-Laplacian Allen-Cahn Equation with Neumann Boundary Conditions", 1st International Conference on Adavnced Research in Pure and Applied Science (ICAPAS 2021), Al-Muthanna University/ College of Science, Iraq.
  14. Onesmus Mutua, Ogada E. Achieng, Lawrence O. Onyango, David O. Manyanga, “General Conditions for Exactness For Self-Adjoint Differential Equations(Sturm Liouville)”, Under Construction
  1. Research Methodlogy Trainer: 4th International Multidisciplinary Conference of Rongo University: Held at Vannah Hotel, Migori Town
  2. Raad A. Hameed, Maan A. Rasheed, Ogada E. Achieng and Wafaa M. Taha, "On the Existence of Periodic Solutions to a p-Laplacian Allen-Cahn Equation with Neumann Boundary Conditions", 1st International Conference on Adavnced Research in Pure and Applied Science (ICAPAS 2021), Al-Muthanna University/ College of Science, Iraq.
  • Dynamical Systems 
  • Numerical Methods or Analysis
  • Ordinary Differential Equations Methods of Applied Mathematics
  • Variational Calculus
  • Patial Differential equations
  • Discrete Mathematics and Logic Design
  • Operations Research and Optimization
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Applied Statistics
  • Design and Analysis of Experiments
  • Operations research
  • Sampling Methods and Test of Hypothesis
  1. Warukira Joseph Nganga, "Error Analysis of the Methods of Approximation of Oscillatory
    Differential Equations", MSc. Applied Mathematics Thesis, Egerton University, 2015-2018:
    Supervisors: Dr. John Njenga Kaguchwa and Dr. Ogada Elisha Achieng.
  2. Onesmus M. Mutua, "Damping and Positioning Effects Due to an Off-Shore Structure For Fluid Flo In Application to a Sink(Wave Breaker)", MSc. Applied Mathematics Thesis, Egerton
    University, 2015-2018: Supervisors: Dr. Ogada Elisha Achieng and Dr. Onyango O. Lawrence.
  3. Luke Mutwiri Harun, "An Investigation of Heat and Mass Transfer in MHD Flow About a Semi
    Infinite Porous Horizontal Plate", MSc. Applied Mathematics Thesis, Kenyatta University,
    2016-To date: Supervisors: Dr. George Xyplagus Stower and Dr. Ogada Elisha Achieng.
  4. Purity Ngina, "Analysis of Wave Exciting Forces On a Floating Barge at Zero Forward Speed", MSc.
    Applied Mathematics Thesis, Egerton University, 2014-2015{Supervisors:Dr. John Kaguchwa and Dr. David Ondiek- INTERNAL EXAMINER.
  5. Job Owino Jagongo, "Optimization in Cartesian Closed categories: Lagrange’s Method of Multipliers and Applications", MSc. Pure Mathematics Thesis, Egerton University:Supervisors:
    Prof. Kewamoi Sogomo and Dr. M.N. Gichuki July 2019:INTERNAL EXAMINER.
  6. Bilali Mataru, 'Mathematical Model for Crime and Poverty due to Unemployment with Optimal Control,' PhD Applied Mathematics Thesis; PAN AFRICA UNIVERSITY-Supervisors Prof. Jeconia Okello Abonyo and Prof. David Malonza; December 2023: EXTERNAL EXAMINER
  7. Victor Kaigalula, 'Magneto-Hydrodynamic Flow of an Incompressible Fluid in a Collapsible Elastic Tube with Mass Transfer'-MSc. Applied Mathematics Thesis, PAN AFRICA UNIVERSIRTY- Supervisors: Prof. Jeconia Okello Abonyo, Dr.  Onesmus Muvengei, and Dr. Samuel Mutua; January 2024:EXTERNAL EXAMINER
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