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Faculty of Science
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PO BOX 536 code 20115 EGERTON
  1. University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore:  Ph.D Plant Pathology, 2012
  2. Egerton University: MSc. Plant Pathology, 2004
  3. Moi University: BSc Botany and Zoloogy, 2000

Plant pathology specialising in plant nematology

  1. Egerton University: Research Proposal Training Workshop - 8th March, 2012
  2. Kenyatta University: Molecular Techniques in Identification and Quantification of Non-Cultural Bacteria - 4th to 8th October, 2004
  3. Egerton University: Corruption Prevention Sensitization Training - 2012
  4. Egerton University: Information Literacy Workshop - 30th to 31th October, 2012
  5. Egerton University: E-Learning Capacity Building Course on Development and Publishing of Digital Teaching and Learning Materials - 18th to 22nd, 2013
  6. Egerton University: ISO 14001:2004 Training - 18th October, 2013
  7. Egerton University: Corruption Prevention Training - 2013 
  8. Egerton University: Academic Records Management System (ARMS) - 27th to 28th February, 2014
  9. Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-India: Techniques in Mushroom Cultivation and Technology - 14th to 19th December, 2014                                           

September 1990 to 1996: Technologist

1996 to 2006: Senior Technologist

August 2006 to 2011: Assistant Lecturer

July 2011 todate: Lecturer



Completed Research Project:

  1. Management of potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostonchiensis W.) using host plant resistance, poultry manure and a plant extract in Nakuru (completed 2021)
  2. Control of root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) using selected crops, plant extracts and soil amendments in Mgori County, Kenya. Egerton University.(completed 2020)
  3. Characterisation of Chilli root knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) and evaluation of sodom apple (Solanum incunum L.) plant extract and (Trichoderma viride C.) as control agents in Nakuru County, Kenya. Egerton University. (Completed 2017)
  4. Management of ascochyta blight of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) caused by Ascochyta rabiei L.) using fungicides. Egerton University. (Completed 2016)
  5. Identification and management of root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp. attacking chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Nakuru County, Kenya using nematicides and cultural practices. Egerton University. (Completed 2016)
  1. Interaction of  plant parasitic nematodes with other microorganisms
  2. Use of microorganisms as biological control agents 
  3. Use of medicinal plants in controlling plant diseases


  1. Oniang'o Mary Opisa, Oliver Stafford Achwanya, Daniel Otieno Otaye and Japhet Mburugu Muthamia. 2021. The efficacy of biostimulants in the management of Agrobacterium tumefasciens the cause of crown gall disease of roses in Kericho, Kenya. African Journal of Biological Sciences 3(2):1-20
  2. Oniang'o Mary Opisa, Oliver Stafford Achwanya, Daniel Otieno Otaye and Japhet Mburugu Muthamia. 2020. The efficacy of sterelizing agents, copper oxychloride, vegetable oil and agrowipe (botanic neem extract) against crown gall disease of roses in Kericho, Kenya. African Journal of Biological Sciences 2(4):115-121
  3. Naomi Waithira Kamau, Japhet Mburugu Muthamia, Daniel Otieno Otaye and Solveig Haukeland. 2020. Effect of aqueous extracts of Datura stramonium W. seeds, leaves and roots on mortality of second stage juveniles of Globodera rostonchiensis in Kenya. African Journal of Biological Sciences 2(4):99-106
  4. Cherotich Sheillah, Njuguna Jane, Muchugi Alice, Muthamia Japhet, Otaye Daniel, Grazziosi Ignazio and Kinyanjui. 2020. Botryosphaeriaceae associated with baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) and Marula (Sclerocarya birrea A. Rich.) in agroforestry systems in Kenya. African Journal of Plant Sciences. 14(10): 411-419
  5. Sheillah Cherotich, Japhet Mburugu Muthamia, Jane Njuguna, Alice Muchugi, Daniel Otaye, Ignazio Graziosi and Zakayo Kinyanjui. 2020. Fungal microflora Biodiversity of healthy and Diseased Adansonia digitata and Sclerocarya birrea trees in Kenya. Topola Poplar 205:5-13
  6. Robert Mosomi Ombati, Japhet Mburugu Muthamia and Samuel Thomas Kariuki Kabuitu. 2019. Effect of poultry manure on tobacco growth and root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita C.) attacking tobacco in Migori County, Kenya. Researchjournali's Journal of Agriculture 6(5): 2019
  7. Kimani I. M., Muthamia J.M. and Otaye D.O. 2018. Control of Chickpea Root Knot  Nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) in Nakuru County, Kenya using Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanese). Egerton J.Sci. & Technol. 16:97-102
  8. Charei Munene Waweru, Japhet Mburugu Muthamia and Daniel Otieno Otaye. 2018. The Use of Trichoderma viride C. in the management of Chilli Root Knot Disease in Nakuru County, Kenya. Egerton J. Sci.&Technol. 16:121-129
  9. Charei Munene Waweru, Japhet Mburugu Muthamia and Daniel Otieno Otaye. 2017. Potential of Sodom Apple  (Solanum incanum L. ) fruit extracts in the management of Chilli root knot disease in Nakuru County, Kenya. Advances in Agriculture. Article ID 3849829
  10. J.N.Nganga, P.K. Kimurto and J.M. Muthamia, B.K.Towett and S.O. Ochola. 2017. Optimization of the spray schedule in management of Ascochyta blight (Ascochyta rabiei L.) of chickpea (Cicer arientinum L.). Asian Journal of Plant Pathology 11(1): 10-17
  11. Miseda Victoria Onyango, Wanyera Ruth, Muthamia Japhet and Owuoche James. 2016. Fosphite 53 SL (Monopotassium +dipotassium 530g/L) fungicide on the Development of Stem Rust (Puccinia graminis Per f.sp. tritici) Infection on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). World Journal of Agricultural Research 4 (6):183-187
  12. Muthamia J.M. and Kimani I.M. 2016. Responses of cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walp) cultivars to the root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita) in Machakos County, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovation Technology 3 (12) December, 2016 
  13.  Kimani I. M., Muthamia J.M. and Otaye, D.O. 2015. Identification of Meloidogyne species attacking chickpeas in Nakuru County, Kenya. Asian Journal of Science and Technology 6 (10) : 1829-1832
  14. J.M.Muthamia and Ravichandra N. 2012. Effects of root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita), Fusarium oxysporium f.sp. lycopersici and Ralstonia solanacearum wilt complex on uptake of essential minerals (NPK) in tomato. Mysore J. Agric. Sci. 46 (1) :186-188 
  1. Kimani, I. M., Muthamia, J.M. and Otaye D.O. Control of chickpea root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) in Nakuru County, Kenya using poultry manure. The 10th Egerton University International Conference and Agriculture Summit  held from 30th March to 1st April, 2016 FEDCOS Complex, Njoro Campus
  2. Nganga  J.N., Kimurto P.K., Muthamia J.M. and Towett B.K. Efficacy of foliar Fungicide and Seed Treatment on Percentage Disease Incidence (PDI) and Area Under Disease Progress Curve of Ascochyta Blight (Aschochyta rabiei L.). The 10th Egerton University International Conference and Agriculture Summit help from 30th March to 1st  April, 2016 FEDCOS Complex, Njoro Campus
  3. J.N. Nganga, P.K. Kimurto, J.M.Muthamia and B.K. Biwott. Efficiency of integrating seed treatment and foliar sprays in the management of ascochyta blight (Ascochyta rabiei L.) of chickpea (Cicer arientinum L.). The 11th JKUAT Scientific, Technological and Industrialisation Conference held from 10th to 11th November, 2016
  4. Muthamia, J.M. attended International Conference on Mushroom Production Conference held in Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology from 25th to 29th May, 2014
  5. J.M. Muthamia. Responses of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) cultivars to root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) and the nematode's responses to different plant extracts. University Research Conference help from 17th to 21st July, 2006 at Egerton University, Njoro


  1. Through my initiative as Chairman, Board of Management(BOM), Kilimo Primary School, Egerton University was awarded by NG-CDF (Njoro Constituency) Ksh.1.5 million to build two classrooms this year 2021
  2. Certificate of excellence in reviewing articles in International Journal of Plant and Soil Science
  3. Awarded Ph.D Scholarship by Government of India through the Ministry of Education, Kenya to study in the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore

Diploma Courses

  • BOTA 0111 Genetics
  • BOTA 0231 Microbiology
  • BOTA  0251 Plant Pathology
  • PBIO 0145 Morphology and Physiology of Plants
  • PBIO 0245 Introduction to Cell Biology and Genetics

Undergraduate Courses

  • BOTA 101 General Botany
  • BOTA 111  General Genetics
  • PBIO 431  Introduction to Genetics
  • PBIO 331 Gas Exchange, Transport and Excretion in Plant and Animals
  • BOTA 131 General Microbiology
  • BOTA 251  Introduction to Plant Pathology
  • BOTA 233 Mycology
  • BOTA 334 Techniques of Mushroom Production
  • BOTA 352  Principles of Crop Protection
  • BOTA 381 Research Methods and Seminars
  • BOTA  437 Bacteriology and Nematology
  • BOTA 453  Plant Pathology 

Postgraduate Courses

  • BOTA 700 Plant Virology
  • BOTA 702  Advanced Plant Pathology
  • BOTA 707  Mycology
  • BOTA  716 Plant Nematology
  • AGRO 731 Plant Virology and Nematology

 Masters completed:

  1. Mr Ishmael Kimani Maina  Reg. No. MSc. Plant pathology, 9/12/2016
  2. Mr. John Ndungu Nganag  Reg. No. MSc Crop Protection, 9/12/ 2016
  3. Mr. Charei Munene Waweru Reg No. MSc. Plant Pathology, 8/12/2018
  4. Mr. Robert Ombati Mosomi   Reg. No. MSc. Plant Pathology, 31/7/ 2020
  5. Ms. Naomi Waithira Kamau   Reg. No. MSc. Plant Pathology, 8/6/ 2021

Ongoing Supervision (MSc Students)

  1. Miseda V. Onyango  Reg. No. KM12/3624/13, MSc. Crop Protection   Egerton University
  2. Sheillah Cherotich  Reg. No.SM15/14451/15, MSc. Plant Pathology Egertron University
  3. Kibet Mibei Reg No. KM14/14668/18, MSc. Horticulture. Egerton University
  4. Modeste Hakizimana Reg. No. KM14/13592/19. MSc . Horticulture. Egerton University 
  5. Omwenga Daniel Reg. No. SM15/13632/19. MSc. Plant Pathology. Egerton University
  6. Aimee Gatho  Reg. No. SM/13698/19   MSc. Plant Pathology. Egerton University    

 Ongoing Ph.D Supervision

      1. Mary Opisa Reg. No. SD15/23552/14.  Ph.D Plant Pathology. Egerton University

      2. Okioma Mwancha  Reg. No. SD15/0356/12. Ph.D Plant Pathology. Egerton University


Professional Membership

  1. Kenya Society of Microbiology
  2. Society for Economic Botany(SEB-K)
  3. American Society of Microbiologists
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