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Dr. Steve Omondi Oduor has been teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate students for over thirty years in Egerton University. He was first employed in Egerton in 1990 as a technologist in Biological Sciences Department. He earned his Bachelors degree in Egerton University in 1995, MSc degree from UNESCO-IHE Institute of Water Education in the Netherlands in 2000, and the doctorate degree from the University of Vienna in Austria in 2006.  holds Doctorate degree from the University of Vienna. He research area is in Aquatic ecosystems mostly on phytoplankton ecology, taxonomy and physiology, aquaponics, and lake ecology. He has published widely in these areas with over thirty peer reviewed publications and supervised over 17 postgraduate students successfully. He has been a Departmental examinations officer for over ten years, head of Biological Sciences Department between 2017 and 2023, and presently the Dean Faculty of Science since March 2023.


2006: Doctor of Life Sciences (Dr. rer. Nat.) - University of Vienna, Austria

Dissertation Title: “Factors Influencing Phytoplankton Dynamics and Productivity in three Rift Valley Saline-Alkaline lakes of Kenya” 

2000: Master of Science in Environmental Science and Technology - Distinction (Joint study programme) - Institute of Limnology - Mondsee, Austria and UNESCO-IHE, the Netherlands

Thesis Title: “Diel physico-chemical dynamics, primary production and Algae of Lake Baringo, Kenya “ 

1999: Cerificate Course in Limnology: International Postgraduate Course in Limnology (IPGL) - Mondsee, Austria

1997: Certificate Course in Biotechnology - DSE Liepzig - Germany

1995: Bachelor of  Science in Botany and Zoology - Egerton University, Kenya

1986: Diploma in Science Education - Moi Science Teachers College –Eldoret, Kenya

1983: Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE) - Kabaa High School, Machakos County, Kenya

1981: Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE) - New Kisumu High School, Kisumu County, Kenya

1976: Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) - Nyabondo Boys Primary Boarding School


Phycology – Algal taxonomy, Physiology and Ecology

Aquatic Ecology - Phytoplankton  ecology and taxonomy, Nutrient dynamics in lakes, Water quality, Wastewater management and sanitation

Aquaponics - 

  • 2006: Doctor of Life Sciences (Dr. rer. Nat.) from University of Vienna, Austria. Dissertation Title: “Factors Influencing Phytoplankton Dynamics and Productivity in three Rift Valley Saline - Alkaline lakes of Kenya”
  • 2000: Master of Science in Environmental Science and Technology (Joint study programme) - Institute of Limnology - Mondsee, Austria and UNESCO-IHE, the Netherlands. Thesis Title: “Diel physico-chemical dynamics, primary production and Algae of Lake Baringo, Kenya “
  • 1997: Certificate in Biotechnology - DSE Liepzig - Germany
  • 1995: Bachelor of  Science in Botany and Zoology - Egerton University, Kenya
  • 1986: Diploma in Science Education - Moi Science Teachers College –Eldoret, Kenya

March 2023 - Presently


27th Sept. 2017  - March 2023

Dean, Faculty of Science; Egerton University


Head of Department: Biological Sciences Department, Egerton University Kenya

March 2012 - Presently

Senior Lecturer; Department of Biological Sciences, Egerton University Kenya

2014 - Presently

Teaching Practice Assessor for the Bachelor of Education students in the field.

Involved in Microteaching guidance of Bachelor of Education students for teaching practice  preparation

2004 - 2012

Lecturer; Department of Biological Sciences, Egerton University. Kenya

2001 - 2004

Assistant Lecturer; Department of Biological Sciences, Egerton University Kenya


Technologist, Department of Biological Sciences, Egerton University


High School Teacher, Njoro Boys High School, Kenya

2010 - March 2023

Editor: Egerton Journal of Science and Technology

2006 - Presently

Research mentor for various undergraduate and postgraduate students in Egerton University, University of Vienna; Austria, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria and UNESCO-IHE, the Netherlands.

2013 - Presently

Peer reviewer for International Journals:

1.      African Journal of Aquatic Sciences: eISSN: 1727-9364
print ISSN: 1608-5914

2.      Limnologica ISSN No. 0075-9511

3. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (EMAS). ISSN No: 0167-6369 (Print) 1573-2959 (Online)

4. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services and Management. Print ISSN: 2151-3732 Online ISSN: 2151-3740

2010 - Presently

Module Coordinator: Lake Ecology Module for the LWM International Joint Degree MSc. Programme, Egerton University

2006 - Presently

External Examiner:

1.      Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology - Botany Department

2.      Laikipia University: Biological and Biomedical Sciences Department – Botany papers

Postgraduate theses External Examiner for:

1.  Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology

2.      Kenyatta University

3.      Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

4.      University of Embu

5.      University of Eldoret

Dec. 2019 – March 2020

Appointed as member of the Egerton University Research Data Management and Curation Strategy Committee

April 2018 – Presently

Appointed as a Member of the Egerton University Graduation Committee, and a member of the Procession Sub-committee

April 2017 – Presently

Appointed Programme Academic Leader for the MSc. Limnology Programme for a three years period


Appointed as a Member of the Committee for the Development of the Egerton University AgroScience - Park

October 2014

Appointed to the Committee on the Development of University Publication Policy of Egerton University


2023 - 2026


2019 - 2021

Collaborating researcher of the European Union – Horizon INCITIS African Food Systems on Aquaponics project. A European Union Funded Research Project

Team Leader in the Kenya Climate Smart Agricultural Project (KCSAP) on the Fish Value Chain programme with the Marsabit County Government.

2017 - 2019

Collaborating researcher on the project: Tropical Stream Ecology: Spatio-temporal Variability in Habitat Characteristics and Macroinvertebrate Communities in River Isiukhu, Kenya. Funded by: The World Academy of Science (TWAS). Research Grant Agreement (RGA) No. 16-536 RG/BIO/AF/AC_G – FR3240293308

2012 - 2014

Researcher: SRFA Project: topic: “Characterisation Of Pit Contents And Developing A Scientific Understanding Of Processes Occurring In Onsite Dry Pit Latrines Systems In Low income Urban Areas “Scientific Understanding Of Pit Processes In Kenya”

Funded by: South Africa Research Funds

2009 – 2013

Researcher: SNOWS Africa Project: Scientists Networked on water and Sanitation in Africa A collaborative project between Egerton University (Kenya), Mbarara University of Science and Technology (Uganda), Tshwane University of Technology (South Africa), Vanda University (South Africa), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (United Kingdom)

Funded by: Wellcome Trust United Kingdom

2008 - 2012

Principal Investigator: Arthrospira Biomass Dynamics Project, Lead Scientist for Kenyan Section. . A Collaborative Project between Vienna University (Austria) and Egerton University (Kenya)

Funded By. Austrian Research Funds Foundation

Value: Euros: 20,000


Researcher: Resource Oriented Sanitation Project for Peri-Urban Areas in Africa (ROSA) Project. Lead Scientist for the Wastewater reuse component for Kenya Section

Funded by: European Union Commission

  • Lake Ecology
  • Algal Physiology and Taxonomy
  • Toxins producing algae and their controls
  • Aquaponics and Fish Production
  • Algae and Macrophytes as fish feeds
  1. E. O. Mbao, J. Nyika, T. Sheng, B. Ochieng, L. Sitoki, S. O. Oduor, N. Kitaka, L. Olaka & C .Tan (2023): A bibliometric study on diatom DNA meta-barcording for water quality monitoring: a global perspective, African Journal of Aquatic Science, DOI:10.2989/16085914.2023.2282493
  2. Mukoma, Marvin Gaye, Oduor Steve Omondi and Otachi, Elick Onyango (2022). Sustainable fish feeds: optimization of levels of inorganic fertilizers for mass production of Oocystis sp. for climate smart aquaculture. Aquaculture International
  3. Musikoyo, Eddison Opiyo, Muia, Anastasia Wairimu and Oduor, Steve Omondi (2021).Chicken feathers degrading bacteria isolated from flamingo feathers in Lake Nakuru, Kenya. African Journal of Biological Sciences. 3(2), 87-94. DOI:
  4. Omondi A Owino, Ogendi G Mokua, Onchieku M James, Oduor S Omondi, Reuben Omondi and Omweno J Ombiro (2020) Phytoplankton community structure and ecology in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies (IJFAS) 2020; 8(3): 478-483.  E-ISSN: 2347-5129 P-ISSN: 2394-0506.
  5. Benson Githaiga Muriuki, Oduor Steve Omondi, Paul Njenga Waithaka and Okumu Otieno George (2020). Nutrient removal efficiency of Spirogyra sp. and Oedogonium sp.  in wastewater from Egerton University, Kenya.  International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research (IJABR)   Vol. 11, (2):18-25
  6. Eunice C. Koskei, Kiplagat Kotut, Justin Nyaga and Steve Omondi Oduor (2019) Temporal variation in physico-chemical characteristics, phytoplankton composition and biomass in Lake Solai, Kenya.  International Journal of Aquatic Science (IJAS) Vol. 10, No. 2, 101-111,
  7. Erick O Okech, N Kitaka, S. Omondi & D Verschuren (2019) Water level fluctuations in Lake Baringo, Kenya, during the 19th and 20th centuries: Evidence from lake sediments, African Journal of Aquatic Science, 44:1, 25-33, DOI: 10.2989/16085914.2019.1583087:
  8. F.M. Muvea, G.M. Ogendi, & S.O. Omondi (2019) Nutrient removal efficiency by floating macrophytes; Lemna minor and Azolla pinnata in a constructed wetland. Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage. Volume 5(4): 415-430:
  9. Erick O Okech, N Kitaka, SO Oduor & D Verschuren (2018): Trophic state and nutrient limitation in Lake Baringo, Kenya, African Journal of Aquatic Science, DOI: 10.2989/16085914.2018.1462139:
  10. Gudda, F.O., Moturi, W.N., Oduor, O.S. et al. (2019) Pit latrine fill-up rates: variation determinants and public health implications in informal settlements, Nakuru-Kenya. BMC Public Health 19, 68 (2019).
  11. Benard Mucholwa Simiyu, Steve Omondi Oduor, Thomas Rohrlack, Lewis Sitoki and Rainer Kurmayer (2018) Microcystin Content in Phytoplankton and in Small Fish from Eutrophic Nyanza Gulf, Lake Victoria, Kenya. Toxins 201810(7), 275;
  12. Maingi J.M, Moturi W.N, Omondi S.O, Muchiri E.W (2018). The Occurrence of Viable Helminthes Ova in Pit Latrine Faecal Sludge In Nakuru Sub County, Kenya  IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT).Volume 12(11): 31-38
  13. GUDDA, F.O, Moturi, W. N., Omondi, S. O. & Muchiri, E. W 2018. Pit latrine faecal sludge accumulation: assessment of trends and determinants in low-income settlements, Nakuru, Kenya. IN: Shaw, R.J. (ed). Transformation towards sustainable and resilient WASH services: Proceedings of the 41st WEDC International Conference, Nakuru, Kenya, 9-13 July 2018, paper 2911:
  14. Gudda, F. O., Moturi, W. N., Omondi, S. O. & Muchiri, E. W. 2017. Analysis of physiochemical characteristics influencing disposal of pit latrine sludge in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology  Vol. 11(3), 139-145, http://dx>
  15. Risper Ajwang’ Ondiek, Nzula Kitaka &Steve Omondi Oduor (2016). Assessment of provisioning and cultural ecosystem services in natural wetlands and rice fields in Kano floodplain, Kenya. Ecosystem Services Journal Vol. 21: 166-173.
  16. Steve Omondi Oduor & Kiplagat Kotut (2016) Book Chapter. Soda Lakes of the East African Rift System: The Past, the Present and the Future. In Michael Schagerl (Editor). Soda Lakes of East Africa. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. eBook ISBN

    978-3-319-28622-8; Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-28620-4. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-28622-8
  17. Michael Schagerl, Alfred Burian, Martin Gruber–Dorninger & Steve O. Oduor, Mary N. Kaggwa (2015). Algal communities of Kenyan soda lakes with a special focus on Arthrospira fusiformis. Fottea, Olomouc, 15(2): 245–257, 2015 245.DOI: 10.5507/fot.2015.012
  18. Musikoyo, E. O., A. W. Muia & S. O. Oduor (2015). Bacteria with industrial potential from Lake Nakuru, Kenya. African Journal of Aquatic Science. Volume 40. (2):205 -213. ·DOI:10.2989/16085914.2015.1044497 ·
  19. Mbao, E. O., N. Kitaka & S.O. Oduor (2015). Nutrient Input on Algal Periphyton. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2015-09-22) - ISBN-13: 978-3-659-70945-6.
  20. Nadja, S. G., M. Gruber, M. N. Kaggwa, L. Lawton, S. O. Oduor and M. Schagerl (2014).  Sudden flamingo deaths in Kenyan Rift Valley lakes. Wildlife Biology, 20(3):185-189. Published By: Nordic Board for Wildlife Research. DOI:
  21. Ong’ondo, G.O., Yasindi, A.W., Oduor, S.O., Jost, S., Schagerl, M., Sonntag, B., Boenigk, J. (2013). Ecology and community structure of ciliated protists in two saline-alkaline Rift Valley lakes in Kenya with special emphasis on Frontonia. Journal of Plankton Research, Volume 35 (4): 759-771. ISSN: 0142-7873.
  22. Kaggwa Mary Nakabungo, Burian Alfred, Oduor Steve Omondi, Schagerl Michael (2013). Ecomorphological variability of Arthrospira fusiformis (Cyanoprokaryota) in African soda lakes. MicrobiologyOpen 2013; 2(5): 881–891
  23. Franz Jirsa, Martin Gruber, AnjaStojanovica, Steve Odour Omondi, Dieter Mader, Wilfried Körner, Michael Schagerl (2013). Major and trace element geochemistry of Lake Bogoria and Lake Nakuru, Kenya, during extreme draught. Chemie der Erde–Geochemistry  73(3):275-282:
  24. Mbao, E. O., N. Kitaka, S.O. Oduor and J. Kipkemboi (2013): Periphyton as Inorganic Pollution Indicators in Nyangores Tributary of the Mara River in Kenya. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2(4): 81-93. ISSN: 2049-8411; e-ISSN: 2049-842X:
  25. Mary N. Kaggwa, Martin GruberSteve Omondi Oduor & Michael Schagerl (2013). A detailed time series assessment of the diet of Lesser Flamingos: further explanation for their itinerant behaviour. Hydrobiologia 710, 83–93 (2013).
  26. Caroline W. Maina, Benedict M. Mutua & Steve O. Oduor (2012). Simulation of constructed wetland treatment in wastewater polishing using PREWet model. Desalination and Water Treatment 41: 356–363
  27. Maina, C. W., B. M. Mutua&S. O. Oduor. 2011. Evaluating performance of vertical flow constructed wetland under various hydraulic loading rates in effluent polishing. Journal of water, sanitation and hygiene for development. 1:  144-151
  28. Chepkiyeng, J., Oduor S.O., and Yasindi A.W. 2010. Influence of water level fluctuations on the physico-chemical parameters and plankton communities structure in Lake Nakuru, Kenya. Eger. J. Sci. Technol. 10:85-10
  29. Maina C.W., Mutua B.M., Oduor S.O. and Raude, J.M. 2010. Evaluating the water quality and self-purification ability of Njoro River. Eger. J. Sci. Technol. 10:123-138
  30. Schagerl, M. & S. O Oduor, 2008. Phytoplankton community relationship to environmental variables in three Kenyan Rift Valley saline-alkaline lakes. Marine and Freshwater Research 59:125-136
  31. Oduor, S. O. & M. Schagerl, 2007. Phytoplankton photosynthetic characteristics in three Kenyan Rift Valley saline-alkaline lakes. J. Plankton Research 29, 1041-1050
  32. Oduor, S. O. & Schagerl, M. (2007): Temporal Trends of Ion contents and Nutrients in three Kenyan Rift Valley Saline-Alkaline Lakes and their influence on Phytoplankton biomass. Hydrobiologia 584:59–68
  33. Oduor, S.O., Schagerl, M. & Mathooko, J. M., 2003. On the limnology of Lake Baringo (Kenya): I. Temporalphysico-chemical dynamics. Hydrobiologia, 506-509: 121-127
  34. Schagerl, M. &Oduor, S.O., 2003. On the limnology of Lake Baringo (Kenya): II. Pelagic Primary Production and Algal Composition of Lake Baringo, Kenya. Hydrobiologia, 506-509: 297- 303

1998 Awarded OEAD scholarship for MSc studies

2003 - Awarded an OEAD scholarship for PhD studies in Vienna University, Austria

  1. Botany Courses: General Botany, Phycology, Mycology, Genetics
  2. Aquatic Sciences Courses: Plankton and Periphyton Ecology, Limnochemistry, Phytoplankton ecology and taxonomy, Aquatic ecology

1.      Marvin G. Mukoma

MSc. Thesis Title: Algae as a source of Crude Protein in Fish Feeds for Sustainable Fish Farming

Institution: Egerton University

Status: Graduated 27th October 2023

  2.     Eunice Koskei

MSc. Thesis Title: Physico-chemical Characteristics and Phytoplankton Community Structure of Lake Solai, Kenya,

Institution: Embu University

Status: Graduated, September 2019

3.      Argwings Omondi Owino

MSc. Thesis Title: Diversity, Distribution and Biomass of Phytoplankton in Lake Naivasha, Kenya.

Institution: Kisii University

Status: Graduated Dec 2019

4.      Mr. Felix Muvea Boniface

MSc. Thesis Title: Assessment of Nutrients Removal Efficiency by Floating Macrophytes (Duckweed and Azolla) in Egerton University Constructed Wetland, Kenya

Institution: Egerton University

Status: Graduated November 2019

5.      Fredrick Owino Gudda

MSc. Thesis Title: Assessment of User Activities on Performance of Pit Latrines Serving Low Income Settlements in Nakuru County, Kenya

Institution: Egerton University

Study status: Graduated June 2017

6.      Jayson Maingi

MSc. Thesis Title: Assessing the Occurrence of Viable Helminthes ova in faecal sludge and pit desludging practices in Nakuru county, Kenya

Institution: Egerton University

Status: Graduated December 2018

7.      Kenechukwu Obumneme Akabueze

MSc. Thesis Title: Impact of changed water level on the physico-chemical characteristics and plankton community structure of Lake Nakuru, Kenya

Institution: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria

Status: Graduated in May 2016

8.      Eric Owino Oketch

MSc. Thesis Title: Reconstructing 200 years of aquatic production and hydrological dynamics using multi-proxy paleolimnological records, Lake Baringo, Kenya

Institution: Egerton University

Status: Graduated November 2019

9.      Risper Ajwang Ondiek

MSc. Thesis Title: Assessment and quantification of Ecosystem Services in Natural Wetlands and Rice fields in Nyando floodplain, Kenya

Institution: UNESCO-IHE, the Netherlands

Status: Graduated May 2015

10.      Evance Omondi Mbao

MSc. Thesis Title: The effect  of  nutrient  input on algal periphyton  in the Nyangores  tributary of the Mara river in Kenya

Registered at: Egerton University; Graduated Dec. 2014

Status: Graduated December 2014

11.  Chepkiyeng, Judith

MSc. Thesis title: Influence of water level fluctuations on the water chemistry and plankton community biomass and diversity in lake Nakuru, Kenya

Registered in: Egerton University

Study status: Graduated in May 2012

12.  Benard M. Simiyu

MSc thesis title: The concentration of microcystins in Rastineobola argentea in Nyanza Gulf, Lake Victoria

Registered at: UNESCO-IHE, the Netherlands

Status: Graduated May 2012

13.  Monica Angom

MSc. Thesis title: Effects of Climate change on the planktonic community of alkaline saline Lake Bogoria

Registered at: UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands

Study status: Graduated in April 2011

14.  Maina C.  Wangeci

MSc. Thesis title: Evaluating the hydraulic performance of vertical flow-constructed wetland system in effluent

Registered at: Egerton University, Kenya

Study status: Graduated in November 2011

15.  Veronica Njeri Kimani

Msc. Thesis title: Assessment of wastewater quality for potential use in crop production - case studies of Nakuru and Egerton University Wastewater stabilization ponds.

Registered at: Egerton University, Kenya

Study status: Graduated in November 2011

16.  Domtila Kyule

MSc thesis title: Dynamics and Abundance of Bacterio - and Virioplankton in Saline-Alkaline East-African Rift Valley Lakes, Kenya.

Registered at: UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands

Study status: Graduated in April 2009




1.  Mary Kaggwa

PhD. Thesis title: Ecophysiologcal studies on Arthrospira fusiformis and Anabaenopsis abijatae

Registered in: Vienna University, Austria

Study status: Graduated 2013


Member of Eastern Africa Water Association

Member of the Amercan Association of Microbiologists


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