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Prof. Nzula Kivuva Kitaka

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Biological Science
Teaching Staff
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Nzula Kitaka is an associate professor and a researcher of “Aquatic/Water Science at Egerton University, Kenya. Prof Nzula Kitaka is the former director, Board of Postgraduate studies (BPGS), Egerton University since July 2016 to July 2022. She has supervised several masters and   PhD students. She has published widely in reffered journals, publications and book chapters. She is also a reviewer to a couple of journals as well as proposal assesser for funding.

Currently Prof Kitaka is the Vice President of Africa-UniNet; a Research consortium of 50 African and Austrian Universities and a member of the Advisory Board for Water-WISER CDT which is a consortium of UK Universities to train PhD students in WASH since 2019. she is one of the directors of Local Ocean Conservation (LOC-WTW) protecting Sea Turtles along the Kenyan coast.

Prof Kitaka has been involved in several collaborative research projects either as a PI or researcher. She is one of the founders of the 3 weeks “Tropical Limnology Course” in 2004 evolving to become one of the major regional training for water scientists and managers initially as Limnology of Wetland Ecosystems (LWE) from 2009 to a Joint Degree in Limnology and Wetland Management (LWM) from 2012 to date, including newly launched Joint Master’s Degree in Ecosystem Aquatic & Ecosystem and Environment Management (AEEM) with Ethiopian universities majorly funded by Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) which has resulted to formation of AQUAHUB Network (currently with more than 200 members). In 2013 & 2018, Kitaka partnered with Loughborough University in UK to host the 36th and 41st WEDC International conferences at Egerton University.

Prof Kitaka is a life member and a founding council member of the Eastern Africa Water Association (EAWA) as a secretary and later National Chair, launched in December 2003 with the support of the ADC. She was an active member of ARCA-Net Consortium: Alumni Raising Crises-&-Conflict Awareness in 2005-2010. In 2012-2014 Kitaka was one of the lead persons of the Info Dev Growing Innovator and World Bank project which created a collaboration initiative “East Africa Climate Innovation Network” (EACIN)

In 2007-2014, Prof Kitaka was a Scientific Advisory Council (SAC) member for the European Union Water Initiative European Research Area Network (ERA-Net) “SPLASH” project in water and sanitation, Council member of the Kenyan National Council for Science and Technology (NCST) 2010-2013 which transformed to “National Commision for Science & Technology (NACOSTI). In 2014 Kitaka was appointed a member of the National Steering Commitee for NETFUND Green Innovations Award. (NETFUND-GIA) under the Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources.


19th July 2001: Doctor of Philosophy (in Limnology) - University of Leicester, UK

Thesis title: Phosphorus Supply to a Shallow Tropical Lake and its consequences- Lake Naivasha, Kenya.

8th Nov. 1993: Master of Science (in Hydrobiology) - University Of Nairobi, Kenya

Thesis title: Phytoplankton Productivity in Lake Naivasha

Mar-Dec 1992: International Post-Graduate Training Course on Limnology - Institute of Limnology, Austrian Academy of Sciences

Project title: “The effect of Phosphorus fertilization to Phytoplankton biomass in presence and absence of Zooplankton at Slapy reservoir, Czechoslovakia”

17th December 1985: Bachelor of Education (Science)- Botany & Zoology - University Of Nairobi, Kenya



Aquatic Science with specific interest in Nutrients dynamics and their consequences in aquatic systems; Lakes, Rivers and Wetlands/Ecotones and Aquatic Systems Management

  • 23rd to 26th January 2024; CBC Pedagogy Training at Egerton University
  • 1st to 3rd June 2022:Finance for Non-Finance Managers training facilitated by treasury head of departments
  • April to August 2020: Participated in Several Staff Trainings on Online Teaching, E-Content Development, Construction and Administration of Open Book Examinations - Egerton University- E Campus
  • 21st -22nd February 2020: CESAAM “Retooling on Leadership and Governance” (Universities) - Egerton University- CESAAM
  • 8th February 2017: Training on Agri-Entrepreneurship, facilitated by Elmer Cantarero from Earth University - Egerton University- TAGDev Project
  • July 2015; Curriculum Evaluation of Joint MSc. Programme in Aquatic Ecosystems & Environmental Management (AEEM), University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

  • 8th to 10th February 2012: Pedagogy/Didactics Workshop on “Quality Assurance, Reflective Practice, Student Centered learning and Assessment in Higher Educationfacilitated by Prof Fredrick Iraki of USIU, Higher Education Academy Tutor, UK - Egerton University - Limnology and Ecosystem Program (LWE)
  • 14th -15th December 2009: Resource Mobilization workshop facilitated by Mr Joe Wangendo from Kenya Association of Fundraising Professionals - East African Water Association (EAWA)
  • August to September 2009; Review and developed Lecture Materials for Water Quality & environmental Management (WREM 603) Module for MSc. WREM programme, National University of Rwanda

  • 19th May 2009: ICT Awareness Training Workshop - Egerton University
  • 18th February 2009: Academic advising Training - Egerton University
  • July – September 2007(3 Months): Visiting researcher at Freshwater Biological   Association (FBA) on “Africa Knowledge Transfer Project” on FBA & Africa - FBA, Lake District, UK
  • 25th -27th July 2001: University Teaching methods Course - Egerton University
  • 23rd -24th July 2001: Workshop on Student Academic Advising - Egerton University
  • 30th June -31st July 1997 (1 Month): Visiting Fellow School of Environmental Sciences: Techniques on Phytoplankton identification using an Electron Microscope - University of East Anglia, UK
  • April -June 1997 (3 Months): A Visiting researcher at Haddiscoe Laboratory ;To learn Analytical techniques for Sediment chemistry
  • Environmental Agency, Anglian Region, UK
  • 3rd – 23rd September 1995 (3 Weeks): Tropical Limnology-Ecology Initiative workshop (2) on the limnology of Njoro-River - Egerton University -Austrian Academy of Sciences and Egerton University
  • 30th January-14th February 1994 (3 Weeks): Tropical Limnology-Ecology Initiative workshop (1) on the Limnology of Njoro-River - Egerton University -Austrian Academy of Sciences and Egerton University.
  • August –October 1992 (3 Months): Visiting researcher and IPGL UNESCO student. Title of report “The Effect of Phosphorus fertilization to phytoplankton biomass in presence and absence of Zooplankton at Slapy Reservoir, Czechoslovakia” - Hydrobiology Institute Ceske Budejovice, Czechoslovakia.
  • 28th July 2024; Director Marketing and Resource Mobilization (DMRM)

  • 22nd to 29th March 2018;  Took Charge of Principal Nakuru Town Campus (NTCC) Office,  Egerton University
  • July to 2016 to July 2022; Director Board of postgraduate studies (BPGS)/Graduate School,  Egerton University
  • November 2013 to Present; Associate professor, Egerton University
  • 2003 to 2013; Senior lecturer, Egerton University
  • 1995 to 2003; Lecturer, Egerton University
  • 1993 to 1995; Assistant lecturer, Egerton University
  • 1993; Biology  Teacher, State House girls high School
  • 1991to 1992; Biology Tutor, Kenya Science Teachers College
  • 1985 to 1988; A & O Level Biology teacher. Awarded Certificate of Competence in 1987 & 1988, Machakos School


  • Other University appointments;  university sub-committee (some completed and others ongoing) and other departmental responsibilities
  • March 2022:Preparation and submission of Egerton University information to Times Higher Education World University Rankings 
  • 26th January 2022:Development of Egerton University “Inter and Intra Transfer Policy”
  • 14th January 2022:Strategy to Mobilize Egerton University Alumni for fundraising to support the University Endowment Fund
  • 25th November 2021; One of Egerton University Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Champions

  • 12th November 2021; A member of the committee to review administrative charges to Students

  • 12th August 2020, Restructuring The Academic Division Deans Sub-Commitee
  • 19th March 2020; Appeals Committee on Tuition Waiver
  • 27th March 2018; Revitalization of the University Press
  • 15th January 2018; Local Organizing Committee for the 41st WEDC Conference- Convener
  • 8th September 2017; a member of the committee on Preparation of Self-Assessment Report for Institutional Quality
  • 18th April 2017; Programme Academic Advisor for Joint Degree masters in Limnology and Wetland Management (LWM)
  • July 2016; One of the Management Committee member of TAGDev Project as Director BPGS
  • July 2016; A member of the Graduation Committee as a Director BPGS
  • July 2016; A member of Students Disciplinary Committee as a senate representative
  • July 2016; Member of the Board of Directorate of Quality Assurance as Director BPGS
  • July 2016; One of the Management Committee member  of CESAAM as a director BPGS
  • 21st March 2016; Chair, Quotation Processing committee; EU/RFQ/837/2015-2016: EU/RFQ/834 and EU?RFQ/833/2015-2016 Purchase of fertilizer, land preparation for AGRO. Tender opened on 30th /March/2016
  • 20th March 2016; Chair Tender Opening Committee: EU/RT/92/2015-2016;EU/RT/93/2015-2016;EU/RT/94/2015-2016;EU/RT/95/2015-2016 on renovations of the library Laboratories at Field 3 & 7, Excavation at Old Kilimo  Primary, ACK Hostel & FHS at NTCC. Executed on 5th April 2016
  • 30th November 2015; Tender Processing Committee ; EU/ONT/66/2015-2016
  • 26th March 2013; A member of the Brainstorming Research and Development Agenda, Initiative and Action at Egerton University
  • 20th February 2013; Local Organizing Committee of the 36th WEDC International Conference- Convener
  • 2010 to 2012; A member of the committee of Egerton University International research week from 2010-2012
  • 2009 to 2016; Biological Science department, field attachment coordinator
  • 2009 to  Present; Kenya Trimester Coordinator in the “International Masters in Limnology and Wetlands Ecosystem/ Management (LWE/LWM), In collaboration with UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands and BOKU, Austria.
  • 2nd May 2007; A Team Member of the Rapid Results Initiative (RRI)  for a 100 days
  • 2004  to 2008; Coordinator of the 3 weeks course in Tropical limnology for Masters students from Eastern Africa, held annual at Egerton University Biological Science Department in Collaboration with IPGL, Austria. 
  • 1994  to 2005; aA member of the Board  of Undergraduate Board (BUGS) as Faculty of Science Representative (for 10 years)
  • 1994 to 1995; Biological Science departmental Seminar Coordinator (Several seminars were organized with a special one given on HIV Aids (Onset of HIV infections))
  • Other activities offered to students for a long period of time
    •  The academic advisor for the 4th year Aqua students
    •  Patron of Egerton Aquatic Club
    • Patron Egerton University Model for United Nations (EUMUN) 


  • Involvement in development of new curriculum at Egerton University and beyond
  • July 2015; Curriculum Evaluation of Joint MSc. Programme in Aquatic Ecosystems & Environmental Management (AEEM), University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • February 2013; Participated in development of AEEM curriculum, University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • August  to September 2009; Reviewed and developed Lecture Materials for Water Quality & environmental Management (WREM 603) Module for MSc. WREM programme, National University of Rwanda
  • 2007 to  2008; Development of the Cooperation of Agreement (CA), curriculum, examination regulations and operational agreement for the Joint Degree in Limnology and Wetland Ecosystems/management (LWE/LWM), a collaborative partneship between Egerton University, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria (BOKU) and UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, the Netherlands
  • 1998 - 2000; Actively Participated in Development of BSc. In Applied Aquatic Degree (AQUA) and MSc. Limnology of Egerton University
  • 2022 - 2027: Kenyan Team Leader of “Water Transformation Pathways Planning, Trans-Path-Plan, project” (number 110790) funded by Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs under DUPC 3 in collaboration with IHE, Delft, The Netherlands and 14 other universities from Europe, Africa, Asia, Mexico, Unites States of America 

  • 2022 - 2025: Egerton Coordinator of the “Investing in Academic Exchange on Water Management and Governance Between Universities, Staff and Students in The Nile Basin” Project in collaboration with 14 universities in the Basin from nine countries funded by Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs under DUPC 2

  • 2021 - 2022: Egerton University team leader of the “Nile Water E-Learning Hub: Training and Education Tools for Capacity Development: Nile Wetlands Ecosystems Wise use for Sustainable Development in collaboration with, Nile Basin Capacity Building Network (NBCBN), Egypt, Egerton University, Kenya, Makerere University, Uganda, Ain Shams University, Egypt, IHE Delft, The Netherlands and CapNet (UNDP). Funded by IHE – Delft DUPC2 Program, The Netherlands

  • 2021 to 2023: One of the scientist in “Strengthening community-based Research for river Health and Climate Change Mitigation in Eastern Africa” (STREM) in collaboration with Kyambogo University, Uganda; University of Natural Resources and Life Science (BOKU), Austria; African Centre of Technology Studies (ACTS), Kenya   and Egerton University, funded by Africa-UniNet Research Cooperation Project 1st Call 2020
  • 2019-2022: One of the lead Scientist of CSFCS-Validating Climate-smart Fish Culture Systems for increased aquaculture productivity and livelihoods security in Kenya funded by Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Projects (KCSAP)
  • 2018-2021: Kenyan Coordinator of AQUAHUB Project -Education and Research Hub for the Sustainable Management of Aquatic Ecosystems in Eastern Africa-Establish Aquatic Hub to enhance S-S, S-N and N-S partnership in capacity development and networking in collaboration with Egerton University, Kenya, University of Natural Resources and Life Science (BOKU), Austria, University of Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar University &
  • 2017-2021: Researcher of Development of a National Biomonitoring Protocol and Assessment of the Ecological Status of Riverine Ecosystems in Kenya; Kenya Invertebrate Scoring System (KISS), funded by NRF, Kenya Government
  • 2015-2017: Researcher and the Team leader of “Nile Ecosystems Valuation for wise-Use(Nile-Eco-VWU) in collaboration with Makerere University, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Uganda, Nile Basin Capacity Building Network (NBCBN)-Egypt, UNESCO Chair for Water Resources Sudan, Ain Shams University-Egypt, WaterCap, CapNet-UNDP , UNESCO-IHE -the Netherlands, ITC-TWENTE –the Netherlands, Szent István University, Hungary.
  • 2009-2018: Kenyan Coordinator of the CAPAQUA Project - Development of Educational and Research Capacity in Eastern Africa for the Sustainable Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (oeza projekt 0612-00/2009-Establish Capacity and Facilities at Egerton University in Context of a joint delivery of an International Masters Programme in Wetlands and Ecosystems (LWE) in Collaboration with UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands, and Austrian Academy of Science (Funded by DGIS & ADC)
  • 2013-2015: Researcher and coordinator of “Co-Management of Wetland Ecosystems and Irrigation for enhancing livelihood in Lake Victoria Basins project”, in collaboration with Egerton University and UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands
  • 2012-2014: A researcher on Info Dev Growing Innovator and World Bank; East Africa Climate Innovation Network (EACIN) by Egerton University in collaboration with ACTS, South-South Global Assets and Technology Exchange (SS-GATE), University of Dar Es Salaam, National Agricultural Laboratories (NARL), Uganda, Practical Action East Africa, Rwanda & University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Funded by World Bank)
  • 2011-2012: A Technical Director of the project “Transboundary Water for Biodiversity in the Mara River Basin, Kenya”, contracted by The Florida International University Board of Trustees (Subcontract No. 800000700-06 With Research funds for 4 Egerton students (USD 19,599.00)
  • 2010-2014: Researcher and currently the Project coordinator, Kenya in “An Earth Observation and Integrated Assessment EOIA) Approach to the Governance of Lake Naivasha, Kenya”. A collaborative research between Egerton University & University of Twente-ITC (Funded by WOTRO)
  • 2010-2015: Principal investigator on “Environmental Flows for the People and Ecosystem in the Mara River Basin (MaraFlows Project), in Collaboration with UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands (UPARF)
  • 2009-2013: A researcher in collaborative partnership research project on “The Ecology of Livelihoods African Papyrus Wetlands (ECOLIVE)” in Nyando wetlands, with UNESCO-IHE, University of Amsterdam The Netherlands and VIRED International (UPARF)
  • 2000-2006: U Researcher and project manager of project on “Utilization of wetlands through integration of Fingerponds into riparian farming systems in East Africa”. An EU. Inco. Dev. In collaboration with other scientist from Egerton university, Kenya; IHE, Delft, Netherlands; Kings College, UK; ENKI Public benefit corporation, Czech Republic; Makerere University, Uganda and University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Funded by EU)
  • 1988-2006: Researcher of the Earthwatch project on “Conservation of success of Lake Naivasha, Kenya”. In collaboration with Leicester University, UK and University of Nairobi, Kenya.

Water Quality; Nutrients dynamics in aquatic systems; Consequences of Eutrophication (prognosis); Climate Change Impacts and Copying Strategies  of aquatic Systems; Aquatic Ecosystems Resources and Livelihoods (Ecosystem Services); Management and Conservation of Aquatic Systems; Lakes, Rivers and wetlands and Capacity Development in Aquatic science


A. Published in peer reviewed Journals

  1. Kitaka N, Omondi LA, Mureithi PW, Bauer A, Melcher A and Ssanyu GA (2024). A critical review of biomonitoring in East African rivers: fostering community-based collaboration for environmental change observation. Front. Water 6:1360941.

  2. Joel Onyango, J. J. A. van Bruggen, Nzula Kitaka, John Simaika1 & Kenneth Irvine (2024). Effects of combined nutrient and pesticide exposure on algal biomass, and Daphnia magna abundance. Environmental Systems Research (2024) 13:1.

  3. Japhet K. Tembo, Charles M. Kihia, Nzula K. Kitaka, Gordon O’Brien, Céline Hanzen, Emmanuel Mbaru & Kariuki C. Wanjiru (2023). Diet and trophic interactions between catadromous eels and sympatric fish in Kenyan east flowing river systems. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 22(2): 87-106.   https://doi:104314/wiojms.v22i2.7
  4. EO Mbao, J Nyika, T Sheng, B Ochieng, L Sitoki, SO Oduor, N Kitaka, L Olaka & C Tan (13 Dec 2023): A bibliometric study on diatom DNA meta-barcording for water quality monitoring: a global perspective, African Journal of Aquatic Science (2023) Volume 48, Issue 4.

  5. Hope Mwanake, Bano Mehdi-Schulz, Karsten Schulz, Nzula Kitaka, Luke O. Olang, Jakob Lederer & Mathew Herrnegger (2023). Agricultural Practices and Soil and Water Conservation in the Transboundary Region of Kenya and Uganda: Farmers’ Perspectives of Current Soil Erosion. MDPI Agriculture, 2023, 13, 1434.

  6. Evance Omondi Mbao, Emmanuel Stephen Odinga, Joan Nyika, Beryl Ochieng & Nzula Kitaka (2022). A Bibliometric Study on the use of diatoms in water quality monitoring and Bioassessment in Africa across 10-year (2012-2022) period. Aquatic Sciences volume 84, Article number: 58 (2022)
  7. Risper Ajwang' Ondiek, Daniel S. Hayes, Damaris Njeri Kinyua, Nzula Kitaka, Erwin Lautsch, Paul Mutuo & Thomas Hein (2021). Influence of land-use change and season on soil greenhouse gas emissions from a tropical wetland: A stepwise explorative assessment. Science of the Total Environment 787 (2021) 147701.Here  
  8. Macharia, P.; Kitaka, N.; Yillia, P.; Kreuzinger, N (2021). Assessing Future Water Demand and Energy Input for Drinking Water Supply with Plausible Scenarios for Water Services Providers in Africa. Energies 2021, 14, 2169. Here 
  9. Pauline Macharia   , Norbert Kreuzinger & Nzula Kitaka (2020). Applying the Water-Energy Nexus for Water Supply—A Diagnostic Review on Energy Use for Water Provision in Africa. Water 202012(9),2560. Here NB: Was selected as *Editor's Choice Article* of Water journal. in December 2020
  10. Kimani Daniel Mwangi, Nzula Kitaka, Elick Otachi (2020): A comparative Analysis of the Quantinty of Oil Extracted from Five Commercially Important Freshwater Fish Species in Kenya, Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. Here  
  11. Christine Nyagaya Owino, Nzula Kitaka, Julius Kipkemboi & Risper Ajwang' Ondiek (2020): Assessment of Greenhouse Gases Emission in Smallholder Rice Paddies Converted From Anyiko Wetland, Kenya. Front. Environ. Sci., 03 July (2020). Here 
  12. BM Musingi, N Kitaka, G Ogondo, TK Muasya, LM Mahianyu and DM Musingi (2020): Evaluation of modelling in fish length-weight relationships: The current trends. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies (2020); 8(5): 289-293. E-ISSN:2347-5129,P-ISSN:2394-050. Here 
  13. Akidiva Alex A, Yasindi Andrew W & Kitaka Nzula (2020): Proximate evaluation of redworms (Eisenia foetida) as an alternative protein ingredient to fish meal. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies (2020); 8(4): 201-205. E-ISSN:2347-5129,P-ISSN:2394-050. Here 
  14. Risper Ajwang' Ondiek, Francesco Vuolo, Julius Kipkemboi, Nzula Kitaka; Economic Determinants of Land Use/Cover Change in Wetlands in East Africa: A Case Study Analysis of the Anyiko Wetland, Kenya. Front. Environ. Sci., 22 January 2020. Here 
  15. Callen Nyaboke Aera, Charles Mwithali M’Erimba and Kitaka Nzula; Effect of Organic Effluents on Water Quality and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Structure in Njoro River, Kenya: J Environ Anal Toxicol 2019, 9:2161-0525: DOI: 10.4172/2161-0525.1000601.Here 
  16. EO Okech, N Kitaka, SO Oduor & D Verschuren (2019).Water level fluctuations in Lake Baringo, Kenya, During the 19th & 20th Centuries: Evidence from lake sediments. African Journal of Aquatic Science.Here 
  17. Ngesa Elizabeth Adhiambo, Otachi Elick Onyango∗, Kitaka Nzula Kivuva (2019). Some biological aspects of straightfin barb, Enteromius paludinosus (Peters 1852) during the rainy season in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Elsevier, Scientific African 4 (2019)e00097. Here 
  18. Elizabeth Adhiambo Ngesa, Elick Onyango Otachi and Nzula Kivuva Kitaka (2018). A Little Fish with a High Heavy Metals Burden: The Case of Straightfin Barb, Enteromius paludinosus (Peters 1852) from River Malewa, Naivasha, Kenya. J Environ Anal Toxicol 2018, 8:4. DOI: 10.4172/2161-0525.1000583.  Here
  19. Renis Auma Ojwala1 & Elick Onyango Otachi1 & Nzula Kivuva Kitaka (2018). Effect of water quality on the parasite assemblages infecting Nile tilapia in selected fish farms in Nakuru County, Kenya. Springer, Parasitology Research. Here
  20. EO Okech, N Kitaka, SO Odour & D verschuren (2018). Trophic state and nutrient limitation in Lake Baringo, Kenya. African Journal of Aquatic Science, 43 (2) 169-173. Here  
  21. Ondiek, R.A, Kitaka, N., & Oduor, S. O. (2016). Assessment of Provisioning and Cultural. Ecosystem Services in natural wetlands and rice fields in Kano floodplain, Kenya. Ecosystem Services, 21, 166-173. Here
  22. James Outa, Nzula Kitaka and Julius Kipkemboi 2014: Seasonal Changes in Water Quality and Biomass of Water Hyacinth in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. International Journal of Current Research Vol 6, Issue 11, 9915-9925. Here
  23. Jane Ndungu, Denie C. M. Augustijn , Suzanne J. M. H. Hulscher , Bernard Fulanda, Nzula Kitaka & Jude M. Mathooko (2014). A multivariate analysis of water quality in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Marine and Freshwate Research. Here
  24. Outa N. Otieno, N. Kitaka & J.M. Njiru (2014): Length-Weight relationship, Condition factor, Length at first maturity and sex ratio of Nile tilapia, Orechromis niloticus in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. International Journal of Fisheries and aquatic Studies 2(2 part B) 67-72). Online ISSN No 2347-5129, Print ISSN No. 2394-0506. Here 
  25. Outa N. Otieno, N. Kitaka & J.M. Njiru (2014): Some Aspects of feeding Ecology of Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. International Journal of Fisheries and aquatic Studies 2(2): 01-08 Online –ISSN: 2347-5129. Here   
  26. Frank O. Masese, Nzula Kitaka, Julius Kipkemboi, Gretchen M. Gettel, Kenneth Irvine, and Michael E. McClain (2014): Macroinvertebrate functional feeding groups in Kenyan highland streams: evidence for a diverse shredder guild. The University of Chicago Press on behalf of Society for Freshwater Science. Article DOI: 10.1086/675681, Stable URL.Here  
  27. E. O. Mbao, N. Kitaka, S. O. Oduor, J. Kipkemboi 2013: Periphyton as Inorganic Pollution Indicators in Nyangores Tributary of the Mara River in Kenya. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences , 2(4) 81-93 ISSN: 2049-8411; e-ISSN: 2049-842X. Here 
  28. Jane Ndung’u, Augustin C. Suzanne J. M.H. Nzula Kitaka & Jude M. Mathooko 2013: Spatio-temporal Variations in the Trophic State of a tropical Lake: A Case Study of Lake Naivasha in Kenya, Africa. Journal Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management, 18 317 -328.  Here  
  29. Ouma, K.O, Mungai, N. M. & Kitaka, N. 2013. Temporal Variation of Sedimentation from Surface Runoff from Agricultural Land Uses in Sondu-Miriu Basin, Kenya. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, 5(10): 577-590. Here  
  30. Ndung’u, J., Bruce, M, Augustin C. M., Suzanne J. M. H., Kitaka, N. & Mathooko, J.M. 2013: Evaluation of Spatio-temporal Variations of Chlorophyll-a in Lake Naivasha, Kenya: Remote sensing approach. International Journal of Remote Sensing 34(22):8142-8155.  Here 
  31. Kipkemboi, J, Kilonzi, C. M., Van Dam, A. A., Kitaka, N., Mathooko, J. M. & Denny, P. 2010: Enhancing the Fish Production potential of Lake Victoria papyrus wetlands, Kenya, using seasonal flood-dependent ponds. Wetlands Ecol Manage 18, 471–483 (2010). Here 
  32. Kitaka, N., Harper, D. M., Mavuti, K. M. & Pacini, N. 2002: Chemical characteristics with particular reference to Phosphorus of the rivers draining into Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Hydrobiologia 488: 57-71.  
  33. Kitaka, N., Harper, D. M. & Mavuti, K. M. 2002: Phosphorus input to Lake Naivasha Kenya from its catchment and the trophic state of the lake. Hydrobiologia 488:73-80
  34. Kitaka, N., Harper, D. M. & Mavuti, K. M. 2001: Phosphorus Status of a Shallow Tropical Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol .27(7): 3811-3815.Here 
  35. Harper D.M., Phillips, G., Clivers, A., Kitaka, N. & Mavuti, K.M. 1993: Eutrophication Prognosis for lake Naivasha, Kenya. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol 14: 192-195. Here     

B. Conferences and Issue papers

  1. S. Hassan, N. Kitaka & W. Muia (2018). Perfomance Evaluation of Kangemi Sewage Plant in Nutrients and Organic Matter Removal, Nyeri, Kenya. 41st WEDC proceedings,  Paper No 2903.  Here
  2. Vincent Odongo, Oscar Kambombe, Benedict M. Mutua, Pieter Van Oel, Risper Ajwang & Nzula Kitaka (2018): Evidence of hydrological extremes primarily driven by human land use changes in tropical African basins (2018). Vol. 20, EGU2018-16954-1, 201.  
  3. David O. Ignatius , Farida A. Hassan 1, George N. Morara1, Melckzedeck K. Osore1, Benedict Mutua and Nzula K. Kitaka (2018). A Challenge to Community Development and Poverty Alleviation in Lamu County. KENYA Aquatica @2018: A Scientifc Journal of Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Vol1 Issue 1 Pg 1-7.
  4. Joel Onyango, Kenneth Irvine, J.J. A. Van Bruggen, Nzula Kitaka and Norbert Kreuzing (2015). Agricultural Expansion and Water Pollution: The Yin-Yang in the Quality of Natural Water Resources: Harnessing Science, Technology and Innovation for Development :RESPONSIBLE NATURAL RESOURCE ECONOMY PROGRAMME ISSUE PAPER009/2015.  Here 
  5. Joel Onyango, Norbert Kreuzinger, Paul Yillia and Nzula Kitaka (2014): Potential Risks of Pesticide Application in Kenya: Case of Lake Naivasha Catchment: 7th Conference: International Young Water Professionals Conference, Taipei, Chinese Taiwan Volume: 7th, December 2014
  6. Pieter R. van Oel, Vincent O. Odongo1, Dawit W. Mulatu1, Jane Ndungu2, Francis K.Muthoni1, Job Ogada, George Khroda, Jude M. Mathooko, Robert Becht1, Nzula Kitaka, Japheth O. Onyando, Anne van der Veen (2012): An Earth Observation and Integrated Assessment (EOIA) approach for the sustainable governance of a socio-ecological system: the case of the Lake Naivasha basin, Kenya

C. Books Chapter Contribution

  1. CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE), 2016. Guidelines for wetlands ecosystems valuation in the Nile basin. Colombo: Sri Lanka. CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE).126p; Here : Contributed to ALL information on Mara Wetland as team Leader

  2. Pieter Z., Bekithemba G., Gunawardena E.R.N., Khan S., Kitaka N., O’keeffe J., Rap E., Uhlenbrook S. & vanDam, A. (2009) : Chapter 10- Climate, Energy and Environment care; investigating new collaborative research approaches In Knowledge on the move; Emerging Agendas for Development-Oriented Research. International Development publications, The Netherlands 195-222.    Here 
  3. Pokorny, J., Prikryl, I., Faina, R., Kansiime, F., Kaggwa, R.C, Kipkemboi, J., Kitaka, N., Denny, P., Bailey, R,.Lamtane, H., Mgaya, Y.D. (2005). Will fish pond management Principles from the temperate zone work in tropical Fingerponds. In J. Vyamazal (ed.) Natural and constructed wetlands: Nutrients, Metals and Management. Buckhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 382-399.

D. Other Publications

  1. Kabasa M.O., Ssanyu G.A, Bauer, A, Mutekanga NM, Lorine A, Kitaka N., Melcher a., Slezak G., Dikiny M., (2024): Policy Brief: Community River Management in East Africa. ACTS  14th March 2024, Pp 4
  2. Kabasa M.O, Onyango J Ssanyu G.A, Bauer, A, Mutekanga NM, Lorine A, Kitaka N., Melcher a., Slezak G. Wang’endo M., Wanjohi E., Dikiny M., Kwamboka V. & Kiwanuka M. (2024): Community Involvement in River Health Management; Lessons from River Mayanja (Uganda) and River Njoro (Kenya). ACTS, 2024, Pp 15

  3. Policy Brief: Why Valuing Wetland Ecosystem Services Within The Nile Basin is Important in Wise Use: (Nile-Eco-VWU Project Output): 2017. Here  

  4. Winkler, G., Mathooko, J.M, Kitaka, N., & Omondi, S.O. (2007): Workshop report on “Bridging Research, Technology and Development: Sustainable Water Resource Management in Eastern Africa. 45pp
  5. Nzula Kitaka, Gerold Winkler & Hans van Bruggen: An innovative partnership approach to enhance quality training in universities; a case study of LWM; Proceeding 4th RUFORUM Biennial conference. The following Reports were developed under EACIN Project funded by Info Dev.  & World Bank in 2013
  6. Nzula Kitaka, Francis. K. Lelo, Joel O. Onyango; Water climate adaptation innovations in East Africa.  Working Brief Series II
  7. Kitaka N. , Lelo F. K. , Onyango J.; Use of water hycinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in production of paper and paper products in Kisumu as a Climate Change Adaptation Innovative Technolgy-Kenya- An  In-depth Study
  8. Birech, R.J., Kitaka N., Bebe, B. O., Mungai, N., Nyaanga, D., Lelo, F. K., Muok, B.O.., Kingiri, A., Onyango, J. O., Siele, E. K., Oloo. J. ; Classification of Climate-smart Innovations in Agriculture, Water and Energy Sectors for Small and Medium-Scale Applications in Eastern Africa - A review
  9. Muok, B.O, Birech, R. J., Kitaka, N. Mungai, N., Bebe, B.O, Mongeri, D., Onyango, J.O., & Siele,E.K. :Criteria for Assessing Climate Change Innovations in Agriculture, Water and Energy Sectors
  10. Kangiri, A, Muok, B.O. & Kitaka, N. 2013; Climate Change Innovations in East Africa: The Case of Agriculture, Water and Energy. EACIN/ACTS Policy Brief No.1


  1. Connecting fish, rivers and people in Kenya-Swimway Africa: 6th February 2021;
  2. Seeds Of Gold TV Season 1 Episode 6:Fish farming at Tigoi Fish farm in Vihiga County: 25th March 2015; (With 179,363 Viewers)
  3. UNEP-TEEB: What is your understanding of wise use and what smart plans;
  • 5th - 9th May 2024;Participated in 37th SIL International Congress on Limnology, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil

  • 19th - 21st March 2024; Panelist during 15th Egerton Biannual International conference (Blue Economy), ARC Hotel, Egerton

  • 29th October -2nd November 2023; Panelist during the Cairo Water Week 2023 addressing “Research and Education as Catalysts for Wetlands Ecosystems Management in the Nile Basin” Cairo, Egypt

  • 13th -15th September 2023; Participated at the 3rd Africa-UniNet General assembly at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna (As Vice-President of Africa-UniNet)

  • 22nd February - 4th March 2023:ILWA project consortium workshop on “Integrated Land Water Management -Stationery is Dead” at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria
  • 17th - 19th October 2022:Convenor and organizer of the “2nd Africa-UniNet General Assembly & Erasmus+ Cooperation Seminar” at Egerton University. Re-elected as the Vice President for the second term
  • 24th May 2022:Invited speaker during BOKU 150 years Featuring Future (1872 -2022) workshop on “The Future of University Networks-What is the added value for each member university and the network” in Vienna, Austria
  • 24th October 2020: Webinar Moderator during the “World Fish Migration Day 2020: “Kenya Swimways” organized by the National Museums of Kenya
  • 17th June 2020: Webinar moderator: 3rd National Forum for Universities, TVETs and Other Agricultural Industry Players organized by TAGDev Project, Egerton University
  • 12th February 2020: Invited speaker at the Austrian Embassy in Nairobi in collaboration with the OeAD alumni meeting: presented “The IPGL course and long lasting cooperation between Kenya and Austria”.
  • 30th- 31st January 2020: Panelist in the Kickoff and 1st General Assembly of Austrian-African Research Network (Africa-UniNet) at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna. There after elected as the 1st Vice –President of the Network
  • 19th -21st July 2019: Invited speaker on the “Capacity Development and Networking” at the Final Conference; LARIMA Project: Sustainable Highland Rivers Management in Ethiopia. APPEAR project funded by Austrian Development Cooperation
  • 20th -28th November 2018: Panelist in one of the session during Sustainable Blue Economy Conference held at KICC in Nairobi: title “Building the Next Generation of Ocean Scientists In Western Indian”
  • 16th -26 July 2018: A member of the organizing committee on “Practical Tools in Quantitative Fisheries Stock Assessment -Investing in Skills and Knowledge” Workshop at Pwani University, Kenya in Collaboration with WWF, African BillFish Foundation and University of Florida, USA
  • 9th – 13th July 2018: Convener and a member of the organizing committee of the 41st WEDC International Conference, Held at Egerton University in Collaboration with Loughborough University, UK; “Transformation Towards Sustainable and resilient Wash Services
  • 2014-2017: A member of the Organizing Committee of Egerton International Conference and Chair Hospitality Sub-committee
  • 2nd - 4th February 2016: A Key Note speaker and a panelist on 3rd Water, Electricity and Power EXPO (WEPEX) at KICC, Nairobi (Plenary and EAWA Water Dialogue forum and CNBC TV Interview panelist
  • 21st -25th July 2014: Invited speaker at the 4th RUFORUM Biennial Conference in Maputo, Mozambique on “The role of partnerships in higher education in Africa
  • 1st-5th July 2013: A Convener and a member of the organizing committee of the 36th International WEDC Conference on Delivering Water, Sanitation and Hygiene services in an Uncertain Environment” held in Kenya at Egerton University in collaboration with Loughborough University, UK
  • 8th -12th July 2013: One of the Organizers and participant of Wetland Forum Kigali Rwanda: Wetlands for Livelihood in Collaboration with UNESCO-IHE and RAMSAR Africa Secretariat
  • 19th - 22nd February 2013: Invited Guest on a Workshop focusing on creating synergies for the integration and development of south-south linkage between Egerton and Ethiopian universities in water capacity Development at University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Curriculum for Joint Degree Program in Aquatic Ecosystem and Environment Management (AEEM) was developed as an output of the workshop
  • 7th -11th May 2012: A Judge on innovations exhibited in the 1st National Science, Technology and Innovation Week; Innovation Systems and Knowledge-based economy for National Development, organized by NCST
  • 8th -10th February 2012: Organizer and participant of a Pedagogy Workshop on “Quality Assurance, Reflective Practice, Student Centered Learning and Assessment in Higher Education”, organized by Limnology and Wetland Management (LWE) partners; Egerton University, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria and UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands
  • 3rd - 6th May 2011: A Key Note Speaker in the 4th National Conference on Dissemination of Research Results entitled “The Paradox of Research for Society Towards Sustainable Aquatic Resources Management by National Council for Science and Technology (NCST)
  • October 2011: Participant of a Consultative meeting for an establishment of collaboration for a post graduate training in Limnology and Wetland Management (LWM) between Egerton University, Kenya, BOKU University of Natural Resources and life sciences, Austria and UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands
  • June 2010: Invited Guest at “UNESCO-IHE Global Partnership for Water Education and Research Conference on Joint Educational Programmes”, Delft, The Netherlands, where a “Vision Statement on Strengthening Collaboration in Water Education, Research and Capacity Development” was signed by 18 institutions in Africa, Europe and Asia
  • February 2010: Speaker at the Experts workshop on the guidelines for the Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher education and Research for Development (appear), in Vienna, Austria: Title “Experiences and needs from Southern perspective
  • 24th -28th August 2009: Co-organizer of Regional Refresher Course for UNESCO-IHE Alumni, The Netherland hosted by Egerton University, funded by NUFFIC, Netherlands Cooperation in Higher Education
  • 12th 14th August 2008: Attended a conference in Bioethics: “Bioethical Perspective and Practices in Research, Medicine, Life Sciences and Related Technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa” Organized by UNESCO Regional Bioethics Research Centre at Egerton University
  • 12th – 14th June 2008: One of the Organizers of EAWA Workshop and Exhibition on “Taking EAWA to stakeholders and technology transfer through Interaction” at Kisumu Hotel
  • March 2008: Participated in Research collaborative workshop on “Sustainable Use and management of WetlandsIn National University of Rwanda (NUR) in collaboration with UNESCO-IHE and WATERNET.
  • February 2008: Speaker in the NWO/WOTRO International conference on “Knowledge on the Move: Research for development in globalizing world” in Hague, The Netherlands as a Co-author on “Climate, Energy and Environmental care” thematic area a chapter on “Research Practices: embedding research in society”
  • 4th -8th December 2006: One of the Organizers of a regional Workshop on Bridging Research, Technology and Development: Sustainable Water Resource Management in Eastern Africa”. Organized by African Water Facility (AWF), Egerton University and Eastern Africa Water Association (EAWA) funded by Austrian and Development Cooperation (ADA) with more than 200 policy makers, Scientists, NGO and communities from the region
  • December 2004: Participated in UNESCO Bioethics Workshop “Bioethics in Research, Application and Sustainable Development” held at Egerton University
  • December 2003: Participated in an International symposium held at Mukono, Uganda organized by Austrian Development Agency, where Eastern Africa Austrian Water Association (EAAWA) was formed, which later transformed to EAWA –Elected as a founding board member and secretary to the Kenyan Chapter
  • 21st -27th August 1992: Participated in the XXV SIL International Congress in Barcelona, Spain
  • 7th December 2023; LREA 2023 “Award for lifetime Achievement” by London School of Digital Business, UK

  • 13th October 2022: Awarded the title "Ehrenbürgerin" - Honorary Citizen of the University of Natural Resources and life Sciences, Vienna”
  • December 2020 : Recognized in the Vice Chancellor’s Information Fact Sheet Issue No.55 for introduction of online thesis and proposal defenses ensuring Postgraduate students continue learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • 21st December 2012: Recognized by the VC in Public during the 28th Graduation Ceremony at Egerton University for initiating a unique International Joint Master’s degree
  • 30th January 2012: Researcher Award of Egerton University: who attracted second highest research funds (2010/2011)
  • November 2011: Recognized as one of those who have contributed to conservation  of Lake Naivasha by the Ministry of Fisheries Development
  • 30th January 2011: Researcher of the year Award of Egerton University ; who attracted most funds (2009/2010)

A. Specialised in several aspects of Limnology

  1. Introduction to Hydrology
  2. Principles of Water Quality; WASH and in Aquaculture
  3. Nutrients Dynamics in Water Systems
  4. Causes and  Consequences of Eutrophication and system Health
  5. Law of the Sea and Inland Waters

B. Basic General Marine Biology

  1. Marine Biology 
  2. Rocky and Sandy Shores in Marine Ecosystem
  3. Introduction to Oceanography
  4. Mangroves and Ecology of Coral Reefs





  1. Susan Clare Adhiambo: An Assessment of Wetlands influence on Water Quality of River Mereronyi, Kenya - MSc Limnology - Egerton University April 2010
  2. Joel Oduor Onyango: Pesticides Application and their Residues Contamination in Lake Naivasha Catchment - Limnology and Wetland Ecosystem (LWE) UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands April 2013
  3. Hope Wakio Mwanake: Application of the MONERIS model in the Lake Naivasha Catchment, Kenya - Limnology and Wetland Ecosystem (LWE) UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands
  4. Mwagona Patteson Chula: Determination of Macroinvertebrates community structure along different Habitat types in Nyando wetland - MSc. Limnology - Egerton University, December 2013
  5. Evance Mbao: The Effect of Nutrient Input on Algal periphyton in the Nyangores Tributery of the Mara River, Kenya - MSc Limnology - Egerton University, December 2014
  6. Nicholas Otieno Outa: Investigation of aspects of Feeding Ecology and Biology of Oreochromis niloticus (Linneus, 1758) in Lake Naivasha Kenya - Joint Degree in Limnology and Wetland (LWM) - Egerton University, June 2014
  7. James Omondi Outa: Temporal and Environmental Conditions regulating Biomass Dynamics in Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and its effects on water quality in lake Naivasha, Kenya - MSc Limnology - Egerton University, December 2014
  8. Risper Ojwang Ondiek: Assessment of Ecosystem Services in Natural Wetlands and Rice Fields in Nyando Floodplain, Kenya - Joint Degree in Limnology and Wetland (LWM) - Egerton University, June 2015
  9. Kennedy Ochieng Ouma: Temporal variability in Sedimentation, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loading in Surfacre Runoff in Sondu- Miriu Basin, Kenya - MSc. Limnology - Egerton University, December 2015
  10. Toko Moses Butele: Assessing the Relationship between the Regulating and Provisioning Services of Lutembe wetland, Uganda Joint Degree in Limnology and Wetland (LWM) - Egerton University, June 2016
  11. Renis Auma Onjwala: Effect of Water Quality on the Parasite assemblages Infecting Nile Tilapia in Selected Fish Farms in Nakuru County, Kenya - Joint Degree in Limnology and Wetland (LWM) - Egerton University, June 2017
  12. Tsisiche R. Audrey: Effect of Land Use on Ecosystem metabolism and Decay rate of Eucalyptus saligna and Neuboutonia macrocalyx leaves in streams draining upper Mara Catchment, Kenya   - MSc Limnology - Egerton University, June 2018
  13. Damaris Njeri Kinyua: Influence of Landuse/cover on Greenhouse Gas Emission and Carbon Stock in a Tropical Wetland in Kenya - Joint Degree in Limnology and Wetland (LWM) - BOKU, Austria, April 2018
  14. Doreen Kemunto Abuya: Trace Elements in Water, Sediments, Hydropsychidae larvae and Freshwater Crab from Gura and Sagana Rivers, Kenya - Joint Degree in Limnology and Wetland (LWM) -BOKU, April 2019
  15. Callen Aera Nyaboke: Effect of Industrial and domestic Organic Effluents on Water Quality and Macroinvertebrate Community Structure in Njoro River, Kenya - MSc Limnology - Egerton University, November 2019
  16. Elizabeth Adhiambo Ngesa: Determination of Heavy Metal levels in Straightfin Barb (Enteromius paludinosus, Peters 1852) and its Endo-parasites as Bioindicators in Lake Naivasha, Kenya MSc Limnology, Egerton University, November 2019
  17. Saeed Hassan Kariunga: Assessment of Kangemi Sewage treatment works efficiency and the impact of the effluent on Water Quality of Chania River, Nyeri, Kenya - MSc Limnology - Egerton University, November 2019
  18. Erick Owino Okech: Paleolimnological Records of Environmental Change in Lake Baringo: Lake Level and Trophic State during the 19th and 21st Centuries - MSc Limnology - Egerton University, November 2019
  19. Harriet Asekeye: Impact of Land use on water quality, sediment composition and functional response of microbial communities in three streams of Nzoia catchment - Joint Degree in Limnology and Wetland (LWM) - BOKU, April 2020
  20. Christine Nyagaya Owino: Assessment of Greenhouse Gases in smallholder rice paddies converted from Anyiko Wetland, Western Kenya - MSc Limnology - Egerton University June 2021

  21. Daniel Kimani Mwangi: A comparative analysis on the Quantity and Quality of Oil extracted from five commercially important Freshwater Fish Species in Kenya- MSc Limnology - Egerton University June 2021

  22. Dorcas Mutei Samuel: Effects of Land use on Nutrient Concentrations, Carbon Dynamics and Stream Metabolism in River Rupingazi, Kenya – Joint Degree in Limnology and  Wetland Management (LWM) - Egerton University June 2021

  23. Loraine Auma Omondi: Evaluation of Fecal Indicator Bacteria and Antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli Isolated from River Njoro, Nakuru County, Kenya - Joint Degree in Limnology and Wetland Management (LWM) - Egerton University June 2021


  1. Alex Akdiva: MSc. Limnology - Egerton, Awaiting graduation 
  2. Japhet Kaadzo Tembo MSc. Limnology- Egerton, Awaiting graduation
  3. Paul Ekwar: MSc. Limnology - Egerton, Thesis writing
  4. Robert Juma MSc. Limnology - Egerton, Thesis writing
  5. Sylvia Gathu, MSc. Limnology- Egerton, Thesis examintion ongoing
  6. Kevin Kariuki Muli, MSc. Limnology - Egerton, Fieldwork and thesis writing


1. Risper Ojwang Ondiek: Influence of land use/cover change on provisioning and regulating ecosystem services in a papyrus  wetland in Lake Victoria basin in Kenya- Doktorin der Bodenkultur (Dr.nat.techn.) - BOKU, October 2021

2. Pauline Macharia:Water-Energy Nexus: An Operational Tool for Assessing Energy Input Associated with drinking Water Supply in Africa- Doktors der technischen Wissenschaften - Technical University of Vienna, Austria, November 2021


  1. Joel Onyango: IHE-Delft Institute of Water Education, The Netherlands - Papers & Thesis writing
  2. Hope Mwanake: BOKU, Austria -  Papers and Thesis writing
  3. Christine Nyagaya Owino: PhD Limnology, Egerton University-Course work and proposal writing
  4. Priscilla Mureithi: PhD Limnology, Egerton University -Course work and proposal writting



  • From 2021: An Advisory Board Member of SWIMWAYS Africa
  • From 2020 to Date: A founding Vice President of African-Austrian Research Network/ Africa-UniNet (a consortium of more than 40 universities in Africa and Austria). Also the Egerton University Africa-UniNet representative
  • 2019 to Date: A Member of the Independent Advisory Board (IAB) of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Water and Waste
    Infrastructure Systems Engineered for Resilience (Water-WISER): EPSRC
    Grant Ref:EP/S022066/1.; A consortium of UK Universities; University of Leeds, Loughborough University and Cranfield University
  • 2014: National Steering Committee (NSC) member for the NETFUND Green Innovations Award
  • 2012-Date: One of the founding member of the Joint Management Committee (JMC) for international Joint Degree LWM Programme between Egerton University, Kenya, UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands and BOKU University, Austria
  • 2010-2013: Council member for Kenyan National Council for Science Technology (NCST); Kenya Gazette Notice No. 4079 (Cap 446)
  • 2007-2014: Scientific Advisory Council (SAC) member for the European Union SPLASH-EU-WI ERA-Net Project on “Water and Sanitation”
  • 2003-Date: One of the Founding members and National Secretary of Eastern Africa Water Association (EAWA) Kenya Chapter (2003-2009), National Chair from 2009-2018 and a board member of the EAWA Regional Council (2003 -2018). Currently a Life and advisory member of the Kenyan Chapter Council. The professional organization was founded in Mukono Uganda in 2003


  • 2014 to date: The Kenyan Coordinator of Rotary Club of Vienna (RVC) fellowships, which supports needy students. To date twelve (12) master and two (2) undergraduate Egerton students have been supported of which some have graduated and others are still ongoing
  • 2013-Date: Chair of Ladies Don Investment Company LTD targeting welfare and empowerment of ladies lecturers
  • 2012-Date: A director at the Local Ocean Conservation (LOC): A marine conservation and community development organization. Formerly Watamu Turtle Watch (WTW) of which I was a trustee. The organizations empowers by involve the communities in conservation (alternative value of the sea turtle (not as food) through the by-Catch project. Other community aligned activities include mangrove rehabilitation, awareness through the Education Programme (schools) around Watamu and Diani along the Kenyan coast
  • 2011-2014:Chair Ladies of Vision (LOV) Ten, Nakuru Investments Welfare. A group of ladies to support each other’s welfare. The group has sponsored needy students through the secondary education
  • 2010 - Date: Member and current the President of Business and Professional Women (BPW) - Nakuru Chapter from 2018 and a Board Member since 2010. BPW is an international organization founded in 1930 with affiliates in more than 100 countries in 5 continents. BPW International develops the business, professional and leadership potential of women on all levels through advocacy, education, mentoring, networking, skill building, and economic empowerment programmes and projects around the world, coupled with support to society; during calamities (floods, hunger). The Nakuru Chapter   is one of the supporting agencies of Nakuru Hospice and their patients in homecare
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"Transforming Lives through Quality Education"