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2013 Doctor of Philosophy in History Egerton University, Kenya

1996 Master of Philosophy in History Moi University, Kenya

1987 B.ED (Second Class upper) Kenyatta University, Kenya



Jan 2015- Current Senior Lecturer, in History. Department of Philosophy, History and Religious Studies, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya

2002-2014 Lecturer, in History. Department of Philosophy, History and Religious Studies, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya

1994-2001 Assistant Lecturer, in History. Department of Philosophy, History and Religious Studies, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya

1990-1994 Teaching Assistant Lecturer in History. Dept. Philosophy, History and Religious Studies, Egerton University

1987-1990 High School Teacher. Mukumu Girls High School





  1. Nasubo, F.O, Nyakwaka, D., and Kali.,(2020) East African Community’s Response to Coronavirus: Old Habits Die Hard, A paper presented at Egerton University, 13th Biennial International Conference,24th-26th November.

2. Nyakwaka, D., Chelanga, J, and Wenani,K.(2020) Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: The Case of Kenya, Presented at Sustainable Development Goals Presentations and Network Launch, Webinar, 24th September

3. Nyakwaka, D. and  Mokua, M.(2020) “ Women Participation in Kenyan Politics: 1963-2017,” Kenya Scholars and Studies, Vol.8 Issue 1.

4.Otieno,D.O., Matheka, R.M., Nyakwaka, D.A.,(2020) “ Living by the Rhythm of Pan African Paper Mills: The Rise and Decline of Webuye Town,Western Kenya” Mambo,Vol.XV11(1).

5.Njuguna,G,W, Matheka, R. and Nyakwaka, D.A(2019) “The Origin of European Settlement in Molo in the Early Colonial Period up to 1918. Editon Cons J. Arts, Humanit and S. Stud., 1(2),81-91

6.Nyakwaka, D., and Ndeda, M., (2019) “The Neglected Terrain in Post- Independence Kenya:Women’s Struggle against Political Marginalization Luo Nyanza” in (eds) Mwangi,S.W et al, The State and Nation-Building Processes in Kenya Since Independence. Langaa

7.Okello, B.A., and Nyakwaka, D., (2016) “Missionaries Rivalry in Kenya and the Establishment of Mary’s School Yala. African and Asian Studies Journal.

8.Ndeda, M., and Nyakwaka, D.A.  (2013) “ Women   in Post Independent Kenya 1963 to the Present ” in Ochieng W.R. (ed).  A History of Independent Kenya.  Lake Publishers, Kisumu.

9.Nyakwaka D.A. (2010) The Third United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty and the Piracy Question: The Case of the East African Coast.  Africa Insight, Vol. 40 (2) – September.

10.Nyakwaka D.A. (2009) The Challenges of Piracy in African Maritime Zones, Africa Insight, Vol. 39 (3) Africa.

11.Nyakwaka D.A. (2007) “Regionalism and Regional Reconstruction.  The Case of the EAC” in Korwa G. Adar and Peter, J. Schraeder, (eds).  Globalization and Emerging Trends in  African Foreign Policy.  Vol . II, University Press of America, Lauham.

12.Nyakwaka D.A. (2005) “Gender and Sexuality Among the Luo of Kenya: Continuity and Change”, in, Khamasi and Chinkuyu (eds), Sexuality: An African Perspective: The Politics of Self and Cultural Beliefs, Moi University Press.

13.Nyakwaka D.A.(2003) “The Institutional Foundations of Corruption in Kenya, 1900-1990” Egerton Journal, Vol IV. Nos 2 and 3 July.

14.Nyakwaka D.A. (2004) “Gender and Sexuality Among the Luo of Kenya: Continuity and Change”, A Paper presented at the International Gender Conference, Egerton University, April.

15.Nyakwaka D.A.(2004) Gender Factor in Kenya’s Cannon Formation: The Challenges in Continuing Innovations in History”.  A Paper presented at CODESRIA, Humanities Conference.





Commission For University Education A two- day training course in Curriculum Development, Review and Mainstreaming of National Cohesion and Integration Studies in University Academic Programmes held at Astorian Grand Hotel, Naivasha on 28th and 29th, November,2016. 


Ministry of Interior and National Government, Directorate of National Cohesion and National Values Training of Focal Point Persons on National Values and Principles of Governance held at Kisumu Hotel between 27th and 30th, October, 2014.

United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner Training of Trainers on Human Rights, Naivasha, Kenya. June 2-7, 2014

Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission,  Integrity Assurance Officers Course, March, 2014,Kisumu.

IFRA and BIEA The Fifth Anniversary of the African Independences: Marginalized, Forgotten and Revived Political Actors.  September, 2013, Nairobi

Egerton University RESSESA Research Methodology Training (RMT).  February 2013

Egerton University A Workshop on Publications at ARC Hotel, May 2012.

Egerton University Research Proposal Writing Workshop at ARC, Hotel, April, 2012

Egerton University Training Workshop on Complaints Handling, at ARC Hotel, May, 2012

Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi. Workshop of Arts/Humanities cluster of Inter-University Council of East Africa. September, 2008

Egerton University Historical Association of Kenya, Conference. May, 2008

KCCT Leadership and Management in Higher Education, Workshop, Nairobi.  May, 2007

African Gender Institute, Cape Town University. Gender Research Methodologies Seminar.  November, 2006

Lake Baringo, Kenya Historical Association of Kenya Conference.  June 2004

Egerton University International Gender Conference. April, 2004

CODESRIA University of Ghana, Legon Humanities Conference.  September, 2003

University of Hull, UK Gender Studies Fellowship.  December, 2003

Egerton University Association of Third World Studies conferences, September, 2001

New York University, USA Fulbright American Studies Institute, a six week fellowship.  June 2001

Pretoria Africa Institute of South African 40th Anniversary Conference. June 2000

CODESRIA Governance Institute, Dakar Senegal A Six week fellowship. August, 1999

CODESRIA Gender Institute, Dakar Senegal A Six week fellowship. August, 1998

Egerton University  Historical Association of Kenya Conference. August 1995


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