Mrs. Beatrice M. Onsarigo is a lecturer of Sociology and Peace Studies at Egerton University, Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies and a member of East African Universities International Humanitarian Law Round Table and all Africa's I.H.L. Trainer of Trainers. She joined the department as an Assistant Lecturer in 1990. She is currently the acting chair person of the department of Peace, Security and Social Studies since September 2017.
Mrs. Onsarigo acted as a departmental examination and Timetable Officer from 1991-12004, before she was appointed to chair the department between 2001-2004. During her tenure as head of department she was involved in the development of Masters programmes in Sociology with various options of study. These programmes have continued to attract many students even todate.
Mrs. Onsarigo has served as a departmental co-ordinator in Nakuru Town Campus for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminology and Security Studies as while as Masters programmes in Criminology and Criminal Justice and Security Management. The co-ordinator of these programmes demanded a close working relationships with the part time lecturers and students to ensure the smooth running of University operations.
On academic projects Mrs. Onsarigo has been involved in the development of academic material for OSSREA Post Graduate Gender Studies Programme in Sub-Saharan Africa Higher Learning Institutions with Prof. Ondimu and Prof. Keraro of Egerton University in 2012 in the area of; Gender and Population Dynamics in Kenya. She has also been involved in a Departmental Academic Project with the Department of Probation and Aftercare Services. This project had two key activities;
- Develop a postgraduate course for probation and aftercare service and
- Develop teaching course modules for the various courses.
The two activities were accomplished, however the teaching of the programme has not yet started. Mrs. Onsarigo has served as a board member to the centre of conflict resolution Kenya (CCR-Kenya), Kilimo High School, Loreto High School and is currently a member of the Nakuru Minicipal Board, that is instrumental in implementing key projects and policies within the Municipality.