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Prof. Gideon Aiko Obare

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Prof. Gideon Obare is an Agricultural Economist with 21 years of post-doctoral experience in the economic analysis of smallholder agricultural systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. Primary research and fields of interest include farm level competitiveness, food security, sustainable agriculture, environment and resource economics. He has further trained in management planning and communicating research.

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Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, 2000 – Egerton University, Kenya.

M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics, 1989 – Kiel University, Germany.

B.Sc. In Agriculture, 1984 – University of Nairobi.


Agricultural Economics





  1. Director, Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development
  2. Professor of Agricultural Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, Egerton University (March 2013 - Current): Providing academic leadership to the academic staff in the Department and Faculty; participating in teaching, conducting research, the planning, development, and evaluation of academic programmes in the Department and/or Faculty; and providing guidance and direction on new fields of study to both staff and students.
  3. Visiting Professor (Dec. 2009 – Mar. 2011): Food Security Center, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany: Designed and implemented a Ph.D. module in Interdisciplinary Aspects of Food.
  4. Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, Egerton University (2005 – March 2013): Participated in teaching to both undergraduate and postgraduate students, carried out research in the area of specialization, participated in planning development and evaluating curricula in the Department/Faculty, and established Egerton University – CIMMYT research linkage.
  5. Visiting Researcher (Dec. 2005 – Dec. 2006): International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid and Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Eastern and South African Region: Conducted research on the assessment of "innovative" market institutions for integrating marginalised farmers into markets. The research outcomes were based on research conducted on marketing groups in the semi-arid Eastern Province of
  6. Chairman (2003 – 2005): Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, Egerton University: I was responsible for the: coordination of departmental administrative duties and directing academic programmes; implementation of the collaborative M.Sc. program in Agricultural and Applied Economics (CMAAE) curriculum; and articulation of the Department's training and development strategies.
  7. Senior Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, Egerton University (2002 –2005): Taught and mentored undergraduate and postgraduate students, supervised postgraduate students in their research activities, and attended and participated in seminars, conferences, and workshops in Agricultural Economics.
  8. Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, Egerton University (1994 – 2002): Taught undergraduate students, participated in departmental meetings and other activities for effective and efficient management of the Department and Faculty.
  9. Assistant Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, Egerton University (1992 – 1994): Assisted in teaching undergraduate students and research activities.
  10. Research Assistant (Nov. 1990 – Mar. 1992): German Agency for Technical Cooperation (T.Z.) Farm Management Project, Nairobi, Kenya: Involved in managing and analysing data on coffee production and management practices.
  11. Researcher (Dec. 1984 – Aug. 1985): National Potato Research Station (Now KARI), Tigoni, Limuru, Kenya: Involved in the setting up of experiments and analysing data on the agronomical and pathological aspects of Irish potato production.
  1. National Partner Coordinator and Principal Investigator: Identifying Socioeconomic Constraints to and Incentives for faster Technology Adoption: Pathways to Sustainable Intensification in Eastern and Southern Africa (Adoption Pathways). Funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). Duration: 2012 – 2016. 
  2. Collaborator: Pearl Millet Innovations for Improved Livelihoods in Drought-prone Areas of Eastern and Central Africa (E.C.A.). A Project funded by Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA). Duration: 2011 – 2012. 
  3. Collaborator: Evaluation of Efficiency and Effectiveness of Dissemination Pathways for Scaling up Selected Smallholder Dairy Technologies. A project funded by the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) Eastern Africa Agricultural Productivity Project (EAAPP). Duration: 2011 – 2012. 
  4. Project Leader and Principal Investigator: Management of Lake Victoria Wetlands. A project funded by SIDA/SAREC through Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA).
  5. Project Leader and Principal Investigator: The Influence of Social Capital on Sustainable Agriculture in Semi-Arid Areas of Kenya: A Case Study of Machakos and Taita-Taveta Districts. A project funded by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
  6. Collaborator: Land Tenure and Sustainable Land use in Semi-Arid Areas of Kenya: A Case Study of Taita-Taveta District. A project funded by Egerton University.
  7. Principal Investigator: Vulnerability, Livelihood Assets, and Institutional Dynamics in the Management of Wetlands in the Lake Victoria Basin. A project funded by SIDA/SAREC through Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA), 2003. 
  • Food Security
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Environment and Resource Economics
  • Market Development and Value Chains
  1. Mwaura, F. M., Ngigi, M. W., & Obare, G. (2024). Do smallholders have a role to play in atmospheric greenhouse gas removal? Insights from western Kenya. Scientific African, e02206.
  2. Nyarindo, W. N., Mugera, A., Hailu, A., & Obare, G. (2024). Do combined sustainable agricultural intensification practices improve smallholder farmers' welfare? Evidence from eastern and western Kenya. Agricultural Economics, 1-7.
  3. Elouafi, Ismahane, Johan Swinnen, Hon Mueke, Gideon Obare, Juneweenex Mbuthia, Clemens Breisinger, Jane Ambuko et al. "Podcast of the Food Systems Transformation in Kenya book launch." (2024).
  4. Kirimi, L., Olwande, J., Langat, J., Njagi, T. Kamau, M. & Obare, G. (2023). Agricultural Inputs in Kenya: Demand, Supply, and the Policy Environment, in Breisinger, C., Keenan, M., Mbuthia, J., & Njuki, J. (eds), 2023. Food systems transformation in Kenya: Lessons from the past and policy options for the future. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
  5. Habiyaremye, N., Mtimet, N., Ouma, E. A., & Obare, G. A. (2023). Cooperative membership effects on farmers’ choice of milk marketing channels in Rwanda. Food Policy118, 102499.
  6. Habiyaremye, N., Mtimet, N., Ouma, E. A., & Obare, G. A. (2023). Consumers' willingness to pay for safe and quality milk: Evidence from experimental auctions in Rwanda. Agribusiness
  7. Chelang’a, N. C., Kariuki, I. M., & Obare, G. A. (2023). Do market outlet combinations improve smallholder gross margin for smallholder French beans producers?. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 1-12.
  8. Chelang’a, N. C., Kariuki, I. M., Obare, G. A., & Otieno, D. O. (2023). Determinants of adoption of GLOBAL GAP standards: Evidence from smallholder French beans farmers in Murang’a County, Kenya. Cogent Food & Agriculture9(1), 2176949.
  9. Abodi, M. A., Obare, G. A., & Kariuki, I. M. (2022). Effects of Maize Importation on the Economic Welfare of Maize Producers and Consumers in Kenya: A Partial Equilibrium Model Approach. Contemporary Agriculture71(3-4), 155-164.
  10. Kirui, L. K., Jensen, N. D., Obare, G. A., Kariuki, I. M., Chelanga, P. K., & Ikegami, M. (2022). Pastoral livelihood pathways transitions in northern Kenya: The process and impact of drought. Pastoralism, 12(1), 23.
  11. Awiti H. A., Gido E. O. & Obare G. A. (2022) Smallholder Farmers Climate-Smart Crop Diversification Cost Structure: Empirical Evidence From Western Kenya. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6:842987.
  12. Awiti, H. A., Gido, E. O. & Obare, G. A. (2022). Crop mix portfolio response to climate risks: evidence from smallholder farmers in Kisumu County, Kenya, Agrekon, 1 - 15. 
  13. Chelanga, N. C.,  Kariuki, I. M. & Obare, G. A. (2021). Determinants Of Vertical Coordination Option Choices Among Smallholder French Beans Producers In Kenya. Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics. XXIV (Number 2, 2021): 78-89. DOI: 10.15414/raae.2021.24.02.78-89
  14. Abodi, M. A., Obare, G. A., & Kariuki, I. M. (2021). Supply and demand responsiveness to maize price changes in Kenya: An application of error correction autoregressive distributed lag approach. Cogent Food & Agriculture7(1), 1957318.
  15. Habiyaremye, N., Ouma, E.A. Mtimet, N. & Obare, G.A. (2021). A Review of the Evolution of Dairy Policies and Regulations in Rwanda and Its Implications on Inputs and Services Delivery. Frontiers in Veterinary Sciences, 8:611298. Aslo published as: Habiyaremye, N., Ouma, E.A. Mtimet, N. & Obare, G.A. (2022), in Baltenweck, I., Kaitibie, S., & Bett, B. (eds). Ensuring Animal Health and Other Services for Efficient and Inclusive Livestock Value Chains in LMICsFrontiers in Veterinary Science, 1492. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88974-235-6.
  16. Mwaura, F., Ngigi, M. & Obare, G. (2021). Drivers of cooking energy choices by key meals among smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa: A case of western Kenya. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 32(2): 41 – 58.
  17. Abodi, M.A., Kariuki, I.M. & Obare, G.A. (2021). An analysis of the determinants of maize import volumes in Kenya. Theoretical Economics Letters, 11, 320 – 337. 
  18. Mwaura, S.N., Kariuki, I.M., Kiprop, S., Muluvi, A.S., Obare, G. & Kiteme, B. (2021). The impacts of community-based water development projects on rural poverty among smallholder farmers: Evidence from the Ewaso Ng’iro North Catchment Area, Kenya. Cogent Economics & Finance9(1), 1882763. 
  19. Lutomia, C.K., Obare, G.A., Kariuki, I.M. & Muricho, G. S. (2019). Determinants of gender differences in household food security perceptions in the western and eastern regions of Kenya. Cogent Food & Agriculture5(1), 1694755. 
  20. Kibet, N., Lagat, J., & Obare, G. (2019). Logistic regression analysis on factors influencing income-poverty among smallholder French bean farmers in Kirinyaga County, Kenya. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics11(12), 272-285. DOI: 10.5897/JDAE2019.01075
  21. Kibet, N., Obare, G., & Lagat, J. (2018). Determinants of Vulnerability to Expected Poverty among French Bean Farmers in Kenya. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 10(10): 107 - 118. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-10-14 
  22. Kibet, N., Obare, G.A. & Lagat, J.K. (2018). Risk attitude effects on Global-GAP certification decisions by smallholder French bean farmers in Kenya. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance18, 18 – 29.
  23. Khainga, D.N., Obare, G. & Nyangena, J. (2018). Estimating pastoralists' willingness to pay for artificial insemination in arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics10(8), 262 – 270.
  24. Zephaniah, M. O., Obare, G. A., Kariuki, I. M., & Muricho, G. (2018). Role of social capital on uptake of sustainable agricultural intensification practices’ combinations. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 9(16): 66 - 79.  
  25. Wairimu, E., Obare, G. & Odendo, M. (2016). Factors affecting weather index-based crop insurance in Laikipia County, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development 8(7): 111 – 121.
  26. Masinde, W.J., Obare, G.A., Owuor, G. & Lusike, W. (2016). Assessing the determinants of tissue culture banana adoption in Western Kenya. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 16(1): 10738 – 10760. DOI: 10.18697/ajfand.73.14095. 
  27. Masinde, W.J., Obare, G.A., Owuor, G. & Lusike, W. (2015). Determinants of intensity of market participation among banana traders in Western Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research 10(29): 2804 – 2813. 
  28. Mwangi, B., Obare, G. & Murage, A. (2015). Adoption and intensity of use of ‘push-pull’ and imazapyr resistant maize technologies for striga control in Kenya: An application of a double-hurdle model. Modern Agricultural Science and Technology 1(1): 56 – 64. 
  29. Khainga, D.N., Obare, G. & Murage, A. (2015). Ex-ante perceptions and knowledge of artificial insemination among pastoralists in Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 27, Article #68. 
  30. Berem, R. M., Obare, G. & Bett, H. (2015). Analysis of factors influencing choice of milk marketing channels among dairy value chain actors in peri-urban areas of Nakuru County, Kenya. European Journal of Business Management 7(28): 174 – 179.
  31. Muricho, G., Kassie, M., & Obare, G. (2015). Adoption Pathways project discussion paper 12.
  32. Mwangi, B., Obare, G.A. & Murage, A.W. (2014). Estimating the adoption rates of two contrasting striga weeds control technologies in Kenya. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 53(3): 223 – 240. 
  33. Moturi, W.O., Obare, G.A. & Kahi, A.K. (2014). Establishing the dominant milk marketing channels in Nyandarua District, Kenya: A cumulative density function approach. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science 7(4): 38 – 
  34. Chelang’a, P.K., Obare, G.A. & Kimenju, S.C. (2013). Analysis of urban consumers' willingness to pay a premium for African leafy vegetable (A.V.I.s) in Kenya: A case of Eldoret Town. Food Security 5(4): 591 – 595. 
  35. Marenya, P., Kassie, M., Muricho, G., Alemu, S., Yirga, C., Mishili, F., Obare, G. & Tostao, E. Pathways to sustainable intensification in Eastern and Southern Africa. Mozambique 2013.
  36. Murage, A.W., Obare, G., Chianu, J., Amudavi, D.M., Midega, C.A.O., Pickett, J.A. & Khan, Z.R. (2012). Effectiveness of dissemination pathways on adoption of "Push-Pull" technology in Western Kenya. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 51(1): 51 – 71.
  37. Masinde, W. J., Obare, G. A., Owuor, G., & Wasilwa, L. (2013). Factors influencing adoption of tissue culture banana in western Kenya. 
  38. Shiferaw, B., Muricho, G., Kassie, M. & Obare, G. (2012). Rural institutions and imperfect agricultural markets in Africa: Experiences from producer marketing groups in: Mwangi, E., Markelova, H., Meinzen-Dick, R. (Eds.), Collective Action and Property Rights for Poverty Reduction: Insights from Africa and Asia. Chapter 5, pp. 110 – 148. Philadelphia and Washington: University of Pennsylvania Press for the International Food Policy Research Institute. ISBN-13: 978-0812243925. 
  39. Mussa, E.C., Simtowe, F. & Obare, G. (2012). Factor productivity in smallholder pigeonpea production systems: Empirical evidence from Northern Tanzania. Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development 1(6): 138 – 
  40. Mussa, E.C., Obare, G.A., Bogale, A. & Simtowe, F. (2012). Analysis of resource use efficiency in smallholder mixed crop-livestock production systems: Empirical evidence from central highlands of Ethiopia. Developing Country Studies 2(9): 30 – 40. Analysis of Resource Use Efficiency in Smallholder Mixed Crop-Livestock Agricultural Systems: Empirical Evidence from the Central Highlands of Ethiopia | Mussa | Developing Country Studies ( 
  41. Mgonja, M.A., Shiferaw, B.S., Mitaru, B. & Obare, G. (2012). An assessment of sorghum and millet sub-sector in the E.C.A.: Towards better integration and exploitation of productivity enhancement and market opportunities. In: Mitaru BN, Mgonja MA, Rwomushana I, Opio F, (Eds.), Integrated sorghum and millet sector for increased economic growth and improved livelihoods in Eastern and Central Africa. Proceedings of the ECARSAM Stakeholders Conference, 20–22 November 2006, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. ASARECA (Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa), Entebbe. Integrated sorghum and millet (website version).pdf ( 
  42. Berem, R.M., Owuor, G.O. & Obare, G. (2011). Value addition in honey and poverty reduction in ASALs: Empirical evidence from Baringo County, Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development 23 (12), Article #243. 
  43. Odendo, M., Obare, G. & Salasya, B. (2011). What factors influence the speed of adoption of soil fertility management technologies? Evidence from Western Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics 3(13): 627 – 637. 
  44. Heidhues, F. & Obare, G.A. (2011): Lessons from structural adjustment programs and their effects in Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 50(1): 55 – 64. 
  45. Murage, A.W., Amudavi, D.M., Obare, G.A., Chianu, J., Midega, C.A.O., Pickett, J.A. & Khan, Z.R. (2011). Determining smallholder farmers' preferences for technology dissemination pathways: The case of "Push-Pull" technology in the control of stemborer and striga in Kenya. International Journal of Pest Management 57(2): 133 – 145. 
  46. Murage, A.W., Obare, G.A., Chianu, J., Amudavi, D. M., Pickett, J.A. & Khan, Z.R. (2011). Duration analysis of technology adoption effects of dissemination pathways: A case of 'Push-Pull' Technology for control of striga weeds and stemborers in Western Kenya. Crop Protection 30(5): 531 – 538.
  47. Mugunieri, G. L., Were, S.O. & Obare, G.A. (2011). Agricultural science and technology policy system institutions: Impact on efficiency and technical progress in Kenya and Uganda. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 13(1): 1 –
  48. Odendo, M., Obare, G. & Salasya, B. (2011). Farmers' perception of soil fertility depletion and its influence on uptake of integrated soil nutrient management techniques: Evidence from western Kenya. In: Batiano, A., Waswa, B., Okeyo, J.M.M., Maina, F. & Kihara, J.M. (Eds), Innovations as Key to the Green Revolution in Africa, Exploring the Scientific Facts, pp. 1055-1059. ISBN-13: 9789048125418. New York: Springer-Verlag.
  49. Bekele, N., Mithöfer, D., Amudavi, D. & Obare, G. (2011). Integrated pest management training and information flow among smallholder horticulture farmers in Kenya. In: D. Mithöfer and H. Waibel (Eds.), Vegetable Production and Marketing in Africa: Socio-Economic Research. Wallingford: C.A.B. International. ISBN 9781845936495. 
  50. Murage, A., Obare, G., Amudavi, D., Chianu, J. & Khan, Z. (2011). Efficiency of push-pull technology dissemination pathways for stemborer and striga control in western Kenya. In Bauer, S. & Budjurova, E. (Eds.), Issues and Challenges in Rural Development: Compendium of Approaches for Socio-Economic and Ecological Development in Developing Countries, Vol. III. Chapter 4 - Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (pp. 197 – 210). Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers. ISBN 978-3-8236-1619-1, ISSN 1616-9808. 
  51. Björn Niere, Monica Frosch, Klaus Mithöfer, ........  Gideon Obare, et. al., (2010). Report on the annual meeting of the working group “Phytomedicine in the tropics and subtropics" 2009. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection: 117(2), 80 – 87. 
  52. Nyagaka, D.O., Obare, G.A., Omiti, J. & Nguyo, W. (2010). Technical efficiency in resource use: Evidence from smallholder farmers of Irish potatoes in Nyandarua North District, Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research 5(11): 1179 – 1186. 
  53. Odendo, M., Obare, G. & Salasya, B. (2010). Farmers' perceptions and knowledge of soil fertility degradation in two contrasting sites in western Kenya. Land Degradation & Development 21(6): 557 – 564. 
  54. Obare, G.A., Nyagaka, D.O., Nguyo, W. & Mwakubo, S.M. (2010). Are Kenyan smallholders allocatively efficient? Evidence from Irish potato producers in Nyandarua North District. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics 2(3): 78 – 85. 
  55. Ouma, E., Jagwe, J., Obare, G.A. & Abele, S. (2010). Determinants of smallholder farmers' participation in banana markets in central Africa: The role of transaction costs. Agricultural Economics 41(2): 111 – 122.
  56. Odendo, M., Obare, G. & Salasya, B. (2009). Factors responsible for differences in uptake of integrated soil fertility management practices amongst smallholders in western Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research 4(11): 1303 – 1311. 
  57. Shiferaw, B., Obare, G., Muricho, G. & Silim, S. (2009). Leveraging institutions for collective action to improve agricultural markets in less favored areas: Empirical evidence from Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 3(1): 1 – 18. 
  58. Mwakubo, S.M. & Obare, G.A. (2009). Vulnerability, livelihood assets and institutional dynamics in the management of wetlands in Lake Victoria Watershed Basin. Wetlands Ecology and Management 17(6): 613 – 626. 
  59. Omondi, I., Baltenweck, I., Drucker, A.G., Obare, G. & Zander, K. (2008). Valuing goat genetic resources: A pro-poor growth strategy in the Kenyan semi-arid tropics. Tropical Animal Health and Production 40(8): 583 – 596. 
  60. Omondi, I., Baltenweck, I., Drucker, A.G., Obare, G. & Zander, K. (2008). Economic valuations of sheep genetic resources: Implications for sustainable utilisation in the Kenyan semi-arid tropics. Tropical Animal Health and Production 40(8): 615 – 626. 
  61. Shiferaw, B., Obare, G. & Muricho, G. (2008). Rural market imperfections and the role of institutions in collective action to improve markets for the poor. Natural Resources Forum 32(1): 25 – 38. 
  62. Shiferaw, B., Obare, G., Muricho, G. & Mukhongo, H. (2007). Building market linkages: Experiences from commercialisation of smallholder production. In: Mgonja, M.A., Lenné, J.M., Manyasa, E. and Sreenivasaprasad, S. (Eds.), Finger Millet Blast Management in East Africa: Creating Opportunities for Improving Production and Utilisation of Finger Millet (pp. 122 – 147). Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. ISBN: 978-92-9066-505-2. 
  63. Kariuki, I.M., Obare, A. & Birachi, E.A. (2006). Are informal market linkages in developing countries transaction cost sensitive? Evidence from procurement of smallholders' produce by brokers in Kenya. Journal of Applied Sciences 6(4): 838 – 842. 
  64. Kariuki, I. M., Gideon, A. O., & Loy, J. P. (2006). Export Market Linkage via Gentleman's Agreement: Evidence from French Bean Marketing in Kenya.
  65. Shiferaw, B., Obare, G. & Muricho, G. (2006). Rural institutions and producer organisations in imperfect markets: Experiences from producer marketing groups in semi-arid eastern Kenya. Journal of S.A.T. Agricultural Research, 2(1): 1 – 36. DOI:10.3914/ICRISAT.0196. Also published as CAPRi Working Paper Series No. 60, The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C. 
  66. Kuyiah, J. W., Obare, G. A., Herrero, M., & Waithaka, M. M. (2006). Agriculture, income risks and rural poverty dynamics: strategies of smallholder producers in Kenya. 
  67. Mwakubo, S.M., Maritim, K., Yaban, W.K. & Obare, G.A. (2005). Rural roads and sustainable agriculture in semi-arid areas: Evidence from Machakos and Kitui districts, Kenya. Journal of Applied Sciences 5(7): 1163 – 1172. 
  68. Mwakubo, S.M., Obare, G.A., Omiti, & Mohammed, L. (2005). Social capital and sustainable agriculture in Kenya's marginal areas. In: S.W. Omamo, S. Babu and A. Temu, (Eds.), The Future of Smallholder Agriculture in Eastern Africa: The Roles of States, Markets, and Civil Society (pp. 445 – 503). Kampala, The IFPRI Eastern Africa Food Policy Network.
  69. Obare, G. A., Mwakubo, S. M., Ouma, E. A., Mohammed, L., & Omiti, J. M. (2004). Social Capital and Soil Erosion Control in Agriculturally Marginal Areas of Kenya: The Case of Machakos and Taita-Taveta Districts. 
  70. Kariuki, I.M. & Obare, G.A. (2004). Informal contract choice in Kenyan smallholder horticultural farming: A case of french-bean production in Mwea Tebere district, Kenya. Egerton Journal, Science and Technology Series 1: 92 – 105 
  71. Ouma, E., Obare, G. & Staal, S. (2004). The socio-economic dimensions of smallholder livestock management in Kenya and its effects on competitiveness of crop-livestock systems. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9(1): 31 - 37. 
  72. Obare, G.A. & Kariuki, M. (2003). Production and productivity effects of informal contract farming in Kenya's smallholder horticultural sub-sector. East African Journal of Rural Development 19(1): 13 – 23. 
  73. Obare, G.A., Omamo, S.W. & Williams, J.C. (2003). Smallholder production structure and rural roads in Africa: The case of Nakuru District, Kenya. Agricultural Economics 28(3): 245 – 254. 
  74. Obare, G.A., Mwakubo, S.M. & Ngigi, M.W. (2002). Maize productivity and production strategies: An analysis of Kenyan smallholder agriculture. International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 3: 17 – 27. 
  75. Omamo, S.W. Williams, J.C., Obare, G.A. & Ndiwa, N.N. (2002). Soil fertility management on small farms in Africa: Evidence from Nakuru District, Kenya. Food Policy, 27(2): 159 – 
  76. Obare, G.A. (2002). Productivity and returns to scale in Kenyan smallholder farms. Egerton Journal 4(1): 190 – 20.
  1. Mburu, J.M., Obare, G.A., Murage, W. & Ilatsia, E. (2015). Determinants of farmers' choice of milk marketing channels among sahiwal farmers in Kajiado and Narok Counties, Kenya. Paper presented at the 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists on Agriculture in an Interconnected World, 9 – 14 August, Milan, Italy.
  1. Moturi, W.M., Obare, G.A. & Kahi, K. (2015). Milk marketing channel choices for enhanced competitiveness in the Kenya dairy supply chain: A multinomial logit approach. Paper presented at the 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists on Agriculture in an Interconnected World, 9 – 14 August, Milan, Italy.
  1. Muricho, G.S., Menale, K. & Obare, G.A. (2015). Determinants of market participation regimes among smallholder maize producers in Kenya. Paper presented at the 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists on Agriculture in an Interconnected World, 9 – 14 August, Milan, Italy.
  1. Mburu, J.M., Obare, G.A., Murage, W. & Ilatsia, E. (2015). Determinants of milk market participation among Sahiwal farmers in Kajiado and Narok Counties, Kenya. Paper presented at the 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists on Agriculture in an Interconnected World, 9 – 14 August, Milan, Italy.
  1. Wanyama, J. M., Wasilwa L. Obare, G.A. & Owuor, G. (2015). Production trends and implication on food security in Kenya. Paper presented at the 9th Egerton International Conference on Innovative Research and Technology for Global Development, 25 – 27 March, Egerton University, Kenya.
  1. Obare, G.A., Odendo, M. & Mwakubo, S.M. (2015). Adoption and intensity of use of integrated soil fertility-enhancing technologies: A Case Study of two districts of western Kenya. Paper presented at the 9th Egerton International Conference on Innovative Research and Technology for Global Development, 25 – 27 March, Egerton University,
  1. Moturi, W.O., Obare, G.A. & Kahi, A.K. (2015). Milk marketing channel choices for enhanced competitiveness in the Kenya dairy supply chain: A multinomial logit approach. Paper prepared for visual presentation at 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE) on Agriculture in an Interconnected World, 8 – 14 August, Milan,
  1. Muricho, G., Menale, K. & Obare, G. (2015). Determinants of market participation regimes among smallholder maize producers in Paper prepared for oral presentation at 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE) on Agriculture in an Interconnected World, 8 – 14 August 2015, Milan, Italy.
  1. Masinde, W.J., Obare, G.A., Owuor, G. & Wasilwa, L. (2013). Factors influencing adoption of tissue culture banana in western Kenya. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference of the Association of African Agricultural Economists Conference, on Commercializing Agriculture in Africa: Social, Economic and Environmental Impacts, September 22 – 25, Tunis, Tunisia.
  1. Chelang’a, P., Obare, G.A. & Kimenju, S.C. (2012). Analysis of urban consumers' willingness to pay a premium for African leafy vegetables (A.L.V.s) in Kenya: A case of Eldoret Town. A poster paper presented at the Tropentag 2012, on Resilience of Agricultural Systems against Crises, 19 – 21 September 2012, Göttingen - Kassel/Witzenhausen, Germany.
  1. Murage, A.W., Obare, G., Amudavi, D. & Khan, Z. (2012). Efficiency of push-pull technology dissemination pathways for stemborer and striga control in western Kenya: Data envelopment analysis approach. A poster paper presented at the Tropentag 2012, on Resilience of Agricultural Systems against Crises, 19 – 21 September 2012, Göttingen - Kassel/Witzenhausen,
  1. Mussa, E.C., Obare, G., Bhogale, A. & Simtowe, F. (2011). Economic efficiency of smallholder crop production in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Paper presented at the IFPRI Conference on Increasing Agricultural Productivity and Enhancing Food Security in Africa: New Challenges and Opportunities, 1 – 3 November 2011, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  1. Kibet, N., Lagat, J. & Obare, G. (2011). The role of extraneous incentives and drivers in farm enterprise diversification: A study of passion-fruit (Passiflora edulis) uptake in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Paper presented at the Tropentag 2011, on Development on the Margin, 5 – 7 October 2011, University of Bonn,
  1. Mussa, E.C., Obare, G., Bhogale, A. & Simtowe, F. (2011). Resource efficiency use of smallholder crop production in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Paper presented the AGRO 2011 1st Biennial Conference of the Faculty of Agriculture on Optimization of Agricultural Value Chains for Sustainable Development, 26 – 28 September 2011, Upper Kabete Campus, Nairobi, Kenya.
  1. Obare, G. (2011). Querying the fire-fighting approach to food security in Kenya: The innovations extension approach. Paper presented at the F.S.C. in Dialogue Seminar Series, 21 March 2011, University of Hohenheim, Germany.
  1. Murage, W., Obare, G., Amudavi, D., Chianu, J. & Khan, Z.R. (2010). The effects of dissemination pathways on the speed of push-pull technology adoption in western Kenya. In: Proceedings of the 12th Kenya Agricultural Research Institute Biennial Conference, on Transforming Agriculture for Improved Livelihoods through Agricultural Product Value Chain, 8 – 12 November 2010, Nairobi, Kenya: pp. 1303 – 1309.
  1. Odendo, M., Obare, G. & Salasya, B. (2010). What factors cause differences in the speed of adoption of soil fertility management technologies in western Kenya. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Research Week and International Conference on Transformative Research for Sustainable Development, 22 – 24 September 2010, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya
  1. Kibet, N., Lagat, J. & Obare, G. (2010). The role of extraneous incentives and drivers in farm enterprise diversification: Evidence from Passion Fruit Uptake in Uasin-Gishu District, A Paper Presented at the 5th Annual Research Week and International Conference on Transformative Research for Sustainable Development, 22 – 24 September 2010, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  1. Odendo, M., Obare, G. & Salasya, B. (2010). Determinants of the speed of adoption of soil fertility-enhancing technologies in western Kenya. Paper presented at joint 3rd African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) and 48th Agricultural Economists Association of South Africa (AEASA) Conference, on Food and Financial Crisis: The Way Forward, 19 – 23 September 2010, Cape Town, South
  1. Berem, R.M., Obare, G. & Owuor, G. (2010). Is value addition in honey a panacea for poverty production in the ASAL in Africa? Empirical evidence from Baringo District, Kenya. Paper presented at joint 3rd African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) and 48th Agricultural Economists Association of South Africa (AEASA) Conference, on Food and Financial Crisis: The Way Forward, 19 – 23 September 2010, Cape Town, South Africa.
  1. Murage, W., Amudavi, D., Obare, G., Chianu, J. & Khan, Z.R. (2010). Determining smallholder farmers' preferences for push-pull technology dissemination pathways in western Kenya. Paper presented at joint 3rd African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) and 48th Agricultural Economists Association of South Africa (AEASA) Conference, on Food and Financial Crisis: The Way Forward, 19 – 23 September 2010, Cape Town, South Africa.
  1. Berem, R., Obare, G, & Owuor, G. (2010). Is honey production an alternative pathway out of poverty by resource-poor households in marginal lands of Kenya? Evidence from Baringo District. Paper presented at Tropentag 2010, on World Food System – A Contribution from Europe, 14 – 16 September 2010, Zurich, Switzerland.
  1. Murage, A.W., Chianu, J., Amudavi, D., Obare, G. & Khan, Z. (2010). Impact of dissemination pathways on the probability and intensity of "Push-Pull" technology uptake in western Kenya. Poster presented at Tropentag 2010, on World Food System – A Contribution from Europe, 14 – 16 September 2010, Zurich, Switzerland
  1. Berem, R.M., Obare, G. & Owuor, G. (2010). Evaluating value honey addition as an alternative livelihood asset under climate stress in the semi-arid Baringo District of Kenya. Paper presented at the International Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Network (ICCAMNET), on Reducing the Negative Impacts of Climate Change on Food Security, 25 – 27 May 2010, Egerton University, Kenya.
  1. Bekele, N., Mithöfer, D., Amudavi, D. & Obare, G. (2009). Integrated pest management training and information flow among smallholder horticulture farmers in Kenya. Paper presented at Deutsche Tropentag, on Biophysical and Socio-economic Frame Conditions for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, 6 – 8 October 2009, Hamburg, Germany.
  1. Nyagaka, D.O., Obare, G.A. & Nguyo, W. (2009). Technical efficiency analysis of smallholder Irish potato producers in Nyandarua North District, Kenya. Paper presented at the 4th Egerton Research Week and International Conference, on Governance, Socio-Economics and Culture, September 15 – 17, Egerton University, Kenya.
  1. Mugunieri, L.G., Obare, G.A. & Omamo, S.W. (2009). Does the structure of agricultural science and technology and technology policy system matter in developing country economic growth trends? Evidence from Kenya and Uganda. A contributed paper at the 27th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), on The New Landscape of Global Agriculture, 16 – 22 August 2009, Beijing, China.
  1. Nyagaka, D.O., Obare, G.A. & Nguyo, W. (2009). Economic efficiency of smallholder Irish potato producers in Kenya: A case of Nyandarua North District. A contributed paper at the 27th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), on The New Landscape of Global Agriculture, 16 – 22 August 2009, Beijing, China.
  1. Odendo, M., Salasya, B. & Obare, G. (2008). Modelling farmers' decisions on integrated soil nutrient management in western Kenya. In: Proceedings of the 11th KARI Biennial Scientific Conference and 3rd Agricultural Forum, 10 – 14 November 2008, KARI Headquarters, Nairobi,
  1. Odendo, M., Obare, G. & Salasya, B. (2007). Farmers perceptions of soil fertility depletion and uptake of integrated soil nutrient management techniques: Evidence from Western Kenya. Paper presented at the International Symposium of African Network for Soil Biology and Fertility (AfNet) on Innovations as a Key to Green Revolution in Africa: Exploring the Scientific Facts, 17 – 21 September 2007, Arusha, Tanzania.
  1. Odendo, M., Obare, G. & Salasya, B. (2007). Factors influencing the adoption of integrated soil nutrient management components in western Kenya. Paper presented at the Soil Science Society of East Africa (SSSEA) Annual Scientific Conference on Improved Livelihoods through Applied Soil Science and Land Management, 26 – 30 November 2007, Embu, Kenya.
  1. Shiferaw, B, Obare, G. & Muricho, G. (2007). Can rural institutions for collective action overcome market imperfections for farmers in less-favored areas? Paper presented at the Second International Conference of the African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAEII) on Agricultural Growth Poverty Reduction and Millennium Development Goals in Africa, 20 – 22 August 2007, Accra, Ghana.
  1. Obare, G.A., Mwakubo, S.M. & Birungi, P. (2007). Are wetlands in east Africa shock, institution and resource use sensitive? Evidence from the Lake Victoria watershed basin. In: Proceedings of the Egerton University Second Research Week/International Conference on Researching for National Development, 16 – 20 July 2007, Njoro, Kenya: pp. 128 – 139.
  1. Omondi, I., Juma, G., Baltenweck, I., Drucker, A., Obare, G., Ngigi, & Zander, K. (2007). Linking the consumer to the producer: Achieving full benefits of small ruminant genetic resources from indigenous sheep. In: Proceedings of the Egerton University Second Research Week/International Conference on Researching for National Development, 16 – 20 July 2007, Njoro, Kenya.
  1. Obare, G.A., Mwakubo, S.M. & Birungi, P. (2007). Vulnerability, livelihood assets, institutions, and the management of wetlands. Paper presented at the VicRes 2007 Annual Forum Agenda on Linking Research to Action, 22 – 27 May 2007, Jinja, Uganda.
  1. Omondi, I.A., Baltenweck, I. & Obare, G.A. (2007). Improving pastoralists' livelihood through evaluation of small ruminants traits: The case of sheep and goat in Marsabit District. Paper presented at the Animal Production Society of Kenya (APSK) annual conference on The Challenges of Improving Livelihoods through Livestock Production, 15 – 16 March 2007, Mtwapa,
  1. Kuyiah, J.W., Obare, G., Herrero, M. & Waithaka, M. (2007). Sustainable agricultural intensification: challenges to smallholder producers in A contributed paper at the National Conference on Agricultural Research Outputs on Sustainable Agricultural Productivity for Improved Food Security and Livelihoods, January 29 – February 1, 2007, Kivu, Rwanda.
  1. Shiferaw, B., Obare, G. & Muricho, G. (2006). Rural market imperfections and the role of institutions for collective to improve markets for the poor. Paper presented Innovation Africa Symposium, November 21 – 23, 2006, Kampala,
  1. Shiferaw, B., Obare, G. & Muricho, G. (2006). Rural market imperfections and the role of farmer organisations in improving market opportunities for smallholders in less-favored areas. Paper presented at the IFPRI/CIAT workshop on Collective Action and Market Access for Smallholders, 2 – 5 October 2006, Cali, Colombia.
  1. Kuyiah, J.W., Obare, G.A., Herrero, M. & Waithaka, M. (2006). Agriculture, income risks and rural poverty dynamics: strategies of smallholder producers in Kenya. A contributed paper at the 26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) on Contributions of Agricultural Economics to Critical Policy Issues, 12 – 18 August 2006, Brisbane, Australia.
  1. Mwakubo, S.M., Obare, G.A., Omiti, J. & Lutta, M. (2006). The influence of social capital on natural resource management in marginal areas of Kenya. A contributed paper at the 26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) on Contributions of Agricultural Economics to Critical Policy Issues, 12 – 18 August 2006, Brisbane, Australia.
  1. Kariuki, I. M., Obare, G. & Loy, P. (2006). Linking third-world small farmers to export markets via gentleman's agreement: What do brokers and middlemen look for? Evidence from French Bean Marketing in Kenya. Contributed Poster at the 26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) on Contributions of Agricultural Economics to Critical Policy Issues, 12 – 18 August 2006, Gold Coast, Australia.
  1. Mwakubo, S.M. & Obare, G.A. (2005). Land tenure and sustainable agriculture in marginal areas of Kenya: A Case study of Taita-Taveta District. A research report presented at the Egerton Internally Funded Projects Workshop held at the Agricultural Resources Centre, July 21 2005, Egerton University, Njoro – Kenya.
  1. Karienyeh, L.M., Obare, G.A., & Methu, J.N. (2005). Dry season livestock feed problem and adoption of silage technologies by smallholder farmers in Nyeri, District, Kenya. Paper presented at the Annual Animal Production Society of Kenya Symposium, 9 – 11 March 2005, Egerton University, Njoro –
  1. Karienyeh, L.M., Mwangi, M, Methu, J.N., Obare, G.A., Odongo, D.O., Kirui, J. & Kavatha, A.N. (2005). The effect of amount and level of dilution of molasses on the quality of napier grass silage. Paper presented at the Annual Animal Production Society of Kenya Symposium, 9 – 11 March 2005, Egerton University, Njoro – Kenya.
  1. Obare, G.A., Mwakubo, S.M., Ouma, E. A., Lutta, M. & Omiti. J. (2004). Social capital and soil erosion control in agriculturally marginal areas of Kenya: The case of Machakos and Taita-Taveta Districts. In: Proceedings of the Inaugural Symposium of the African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) on Shaping the Future of African Agriculture for Development: The Role of Social Scientists 6 – 9 December 2004, Nairobi – Kenya.
  1. Ouma, E., Abdulai, A., Drucker, A. & Obare, G. (2004). Assessment of farmer preferences for cattle traits in smallholder cattle production systems of Kenya and Ethiopia. Paper presented at the Deutscher Tropentag 2004 Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development, 5 – 7 October 2004, Berlin – Germany.
  1. Ouma, E.A., Obare, G.A. & Staal, S.J. (2004). The socio-economic dimensions of smallholder livestock management in Kenya and its effects on competitiveness of crop-livestock systems. Paper presented at the NARO Conference on Integrated Agricultural Research for Development–Achievements, Lessons Learnt and Best Practice, 1 – 4 September 2004, Kampala, Uganda.
  1. Janssen-Tapken, U., Ouma, A., Kadarmideen, H.N., Abdulai, A., Obare, G., Drucker, A. & Gibson, J.P. (2004). Developing optimised cattle breeding schemes, with a special focus on trypanotolerance, based on the demands and opportunities of poor livestock keepers in eastern Africa. In: Colloquium: Selected aspects of sustainable development.
  1. Janβen-Tapken, U., Ouma, E.A., Kadarmideen, H.N., Awudu A., Obare, G., Drucker, A. & Gibson, J. (2004). Development of demand-driven sustainable cattle breeding schemes as a strategy for improving livelihoods of resource-poor farmers in eastern Africa. Poster paper presented at the annual Z.I.L. conference on Food Security for better health in developing countries, June 11, 2004, Zurich, Switzerland.
  1. Karienyeh, L., Obare, G.A. & Methu, J.N. (2004). Adoption of polythene-tube and above-ground silage making technologies for smallholder dairy systems in Paper presented at the 2004 Animal Production Society of Kenya (APSK) Regional Conference on Animal Production, 15 – 18 March 2004, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), Nairobi - Kenya.
  1. Ouma, E.A., Obare, G.A. & Staal, S.J. (2003). Cattle as assets: Assessment of non-market benefits from cattle in smallholder Kenyan crop-livestock systems. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), 16 - 22 August 2003, Durban, South Africa, 328 – 334.
  1. Randolph, T.F., Ngugi, I.K., Obare, G.A., Kiara, H. & Ndung'u, L.W. (2003). An economic assessment of farmer demand in Kenya for a vaccine against East Coast fever. In: Proceedings of the 10th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE), November 2003, Vina del Mar, Chile, pp.
  1. Kariuki, I.M., Obare, G.A. & Njehia, B.K. (2002). Contract choice in Kenyan smallholder horticultural farming: A case of french-bean production in Mwea Tebere. Paper presented at the 2nd Egerton University, Faculty of Agriculture/KARI-NPBRC Annual Symposium, 25 – 26 November 2002, KARI-Njoro, Kenya.
  1. Mwakubo, S.M., Obare, G.A. & Yaban, W.K. (2002). The influence of road infrastructure on soil conservation, resource use and farm-level crop production in the semi-arid lands, Kenya: The case of maize and bean production. Paper presented at the 2002 World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, 24 – 27 June 2002, Monterey, California - U.S.A.
  1. Obare G.A., Mwakubo, S.M. & Ngigi, M, (2001). Maize production and production strategies in Paper presented at the 1st Egerton University, Faculty of Agriculture/ KARI-NPBRC Annual Symposium on Agricultural Research for Sustainable Development, 4 – 5 December 2001, Egerton University, Kenya.
  1. Mwakubo, S.M., Yaban, K., Obare, G.A. & Maritim, H.K. (2001). The influence of road infrastructure on farm level soil conservation in the semi-arid lands of Kenya, In African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, 5: 825 – 832.
  1. Obare, G.A. & Njehia, B.K. (2001). Analysis of resource productivity and production potential: A case of Nakuru District. In: Proceedings of the 1st Egerton University, Faculty of Agriculture/KARI-NPBRC Annual Symposium on Agricultural Research for Sustainable Development, 4 – 5 December 2001, Egerton University, Kenya, pp 10 –

Production Economics

Agricultural and Nutritional Policy


Institutional Economics


  1. Abodi, M. A. (2021). Effects of Maize Importation on Economic Welfare of its Producers and Consumers in Kenya. 
  2. Ogutu, W.N. (2015). An Analysis of the Determinants of Diffusion of Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Practices in a Maize-legume System in Eastern and Western Kenya.
  3. Khainga, D.N. (2015). The Impact of Sahiwal Adoption on Pastoralists Livelihoods in Kenya: A Case Study of Narok and Kajiado Counties. 
  4. Mburu, J.M. (2015). Assessment of Livestock Output Markets with Changes in Production among Pastoralists in Kajiado and Narok Counties. 
  5. Wairimu, E.W. (2013). Evaluation of Smallholder Farmers' Response to Kilimo Salama Insurance Scheme and its Contribution to Food Security in Kenya: A Case Study of Laikipia East District. 
  6. Langat, P.K.L. (2013). Evaluation of Factors Influencing Households Choice of Cooking fuels: The case of Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. 
  7. Mwangi, B. (2013). Comparative Analysis of Push-Pull and Imazapyr Resistant Maize Technology Adoption for Striga Control in Siaya County, Kenya. 
  8. Mulwa, C. (2012). Evaluation of Socioeconomic and Environmental Impacts of Biogas Production in Smallholder Farms: The Case of Kisii and Nakuru Districts, Kenya. 
  9. Kirui, L.K. (2012). Evaluating Adaptability Level of Wheat Farmers to Climate Variability in Rongai District of Kenya.
  10. Kipkorir, C.P. (2012). Analysis of Consumer Preferences for African Leafy Vegetables in Eldoret Town, Kenya.
  11. Mussa, E.C. (2011). Economic Efficiency of Smallholder Major Crops' Production in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia.
  12. Hakai, M.R. (2011). An Analysis of the Effect of Green Maize Marketing on Household Food Security: The Case of Bomet District.
  13. Akwalu, V.M. (2011). An Economic Evaluation of Abandoned Crops among Smallholder Farmers: The Case of Pearl Millet in Tigania District.
  14. Amiani, L. (2011). Assessment of the Socio-Economic Effects of Napier Stunt Disease on the Livelihoods of the Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Bungoma District, Kenya.
  15. Kibet, N. (2010). Economic Potential of Farm Enterprise Diversification: A study of Passion-fruit (passiflora edulis) Uptake in Uasin-Gishu District, Kenya.
  16. Chepchirchir, R. (2010). Analysis of Small-Scale Dairy Farmers' Perceptions of Alternative Fodder Grasses Contingent on Napier Stunt Disease in Bungoma District, Kenya.
  17. Berem, R.M. (2010). Evaluation of the Constraints and Poverty Effects of Value Addition in Honey among Producers in Baringo District, Kenya.
  18. Nyagaka, D.O. (2009). Technical, Economic and Allocative Efficiency for Irish Potato Producers: The case of Nyandarua North District, Kenya. 
  19. Omondi, I. (2008). Economic Analysis of Small Ruminant Indigenous Breeds in the Pastoral Production System: A Case of Sheep and Goats in Marsabit District, Kenya.
  20. Kinyanjui, (2008). Comparative Economic Analysis of Smallholder Farming Systems in Kenya: The Case of Vihiga and Kilifi Districts. 
  21. Njane, A.N. (2007). Determinants of Wheat Production Technology: A Study of Nakuru and Kieni Districts of Kenya. 
  22. Muriithi, A.G. (2007). Analysis of Resource Use in Smallholder Food Crop Production: The Case of River Njoro Watershed. 
  23. Karienye, L. (2007). Analysis of Feed Conservation Technologies: The Case of Silage Making in Nakuru and Kiambu Districts, Kenya. 
  24. Kuyiah, J.W. (2007). Risk and Smallholder Agricultural Production in Kenya: The Case of Vihiga and Kilifi Districts. 
  25. Waweru, E. (2007). Resource Use Patterns and Efficiency in Smallholder Tea Production in Kiambu District. 
  26. Bett, E.K. (2005). Socio-Economic and Biophysical Factors Influencing Land Use: A Case Study of River Njoro Watershed, Nakuru District, Kenya.
  27. Ouma, E.A. (2003). An Analysis of the Economic Value of Cattle in Smallholder Livestock Production Systems in Western Kenya: The Case of Kisii and Rachuonyo Districts. 
  28. Kariuki, I.M. (2003). The Effects of Marketing Contracts on Agricultural Production: A Case of French-bean Farming in Mwea Tebere. 
  29. Ngugi, I.K. (2002). Potential Demand Estimation of East Coast Fever Vaccines in Makuyu Division, Kenya: An Application of Contingent Valuation and Conjoint Analysis. 
  1. Kibet, N. (2020). Risk Attitudes towards Private Standards and Effects on Welfare among Smallholder Vegetable Farmers in Central Kenya. 
  2. Berem, R.M. (2016). Evaluation of Urban Dairy Value Chains for Poverty Reduction, Decent Work and Gender Empowerment. 
  3. Wanyama, J.M. (2015). Impact and Challenges of Tissue Culture Banana Technology along the Agricultural Product Value Chain in Western Kenya.
  4. Murage, W. (2011). The Efficacy and Economics of Dissemination Pathways for Developing Optimal Expansion Strategies for Push-Pull Technology in Kenya.
  5. Bekele N.A. (2011). Impact of Training on Smallholder Horticultural Production in Kenya: The Role of Social Capital and Information. 
  6. Odendo, M. (2010). Determinants of Farmers' Investment Decisions in Technologies for Soil Fertility Enhancements in Western Kenya. 
  7. Godiah, L.M. (2009). A Comparative Analysis of the Structure and Performance of Agricultural Science and Technology Policy System in Eastern Africa. 
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