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Dr Hadija Murenga is a lecturer of Sociology and Criminology at Egerton University’s department of Peace, Security and Social Studies. She joined the department as a Teaching Assistant in 1993. She served as the Chair of Department (2012- 2017).  During her term as Chair of PSSS department, the department was very vibrant with a sizeable number of students in B.A Criminology and Security Studies taking Module II. The Department also attracted so many post graduate students in both M.A Sociology and M.A Security Management. Under her leadership as Chair of Department, the department was able to offer a short course in Forensic Investigations to Liberian Anti-coruuption staff. In 2017 Dr Murenga was able to persuade the National Bureau of security in South Sudan to have their staff trained in M.A Security. The first chort of students were 51 while the second cohort has 28 and she is the programme’s coordinator at the department. Dr Murenga is the current Dean of Faculty of arts and Social sciences (From March 2021-  )  

Dr Murenga has published 5 papers in refereed journals. She has co- authored over 19 publications with colleagues and post graduate students. She is served as a consultant with PASGR, CCR and Department of Probation and Aftercare Services. Her PhD

(registered at Egerton University) was carried out with support from Austria Government through Boku Univerity in collaboration with Egerton University  in a research programme on Agroforestry and Organic farming.

Dr Murenga has taught at the department of Peace, Security and Social Studies for over 10 years after attaining her PhD and successfully supervised over 15 M.A students and 1 PhD student.

  1. Dr. Thesis- “Socio-cultural factors influencing farmers’ adoption of Organic farming and Agro-forestry practices in Mau East Catchment Area, Nakuru District, Kenya (Egerton University, Kenya ,2010)
  2. MA. Thesis - “Socio-Cultural factors influencing education attainment of Muslim Women in Mumias Division, Kakamega, District, Kenya (University of Nairobi, Kenya,  1998)
  3. BA (Sociology and Religion) Second Class Honours (Upper Division), Egerton University, Kenya, 1992
  4. KACE: Bunyore Girls High School, Vihiga County. 3 Priciples, 1 Subsidiary, 1987
  5. KCE: Bunyore Girls High School, Vihiga County. Ist Division- 23 Points, 1985
  6. CPE: St Mary’s Mumias Boarding Primary School, Kakamega County, 1979
  1. Sociology
    • Research
    • Race, Ethnicity and Stratification
    • Family
    • Social Demography
    • Conflict Management and Resolution
    • Rural Sociology
  2. Criminology
    • Juvenile Criminology
    • Deviant Behavior
  • June, 1998: Consultative and Programming Seminar on Teaching of International Humanitarian Law – by International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Geneva
  • May, 1999: Conflict Management – by Centre for Conflict Resolution (CCR), Kenya
  • May 1999: Women in Leadership – by African Women Leadership Institute
  • March 2000: Human Rights and Conflict Management- by Centre for Conflict Resolution, Cape Town in Partnership with the Centre for Conflict Resolution, kenya
  • September 2000:  Implementation Measures of International Humanitarian Law- by International Committee of the Red Cross
  • July 2001: Teaching Methodology Course- by Egerton University
  • November 2003: International Humanitarian Law – Pretoria, South Africa
  • March 2006: Pedagogy – by Egerton University
  • 2009: Proposal Writing  - by Egerton university
  • 2011: International Criminal Law  - African Centre for Legal Excellence, Nairobi, Kenya
  • March 2012: Transformative Leadership – by The Kenya Institute of Administration
  • May 2012: Assessment and Examination for the internal Quality Auditing – by KEBS
  • February 2013: Disability mainstreaming – by Egerton University
  • November 2016: Certified Professional Mediator – by Mediation Training Institute (MTI), USA, Through its Affiliate, East Africa
  • 2019: Partnership for Pedagogical Leadership in Africa (Pedal): Technology forTransformative Pedagogy, Kenya


  • Dean: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences  - March 2021-
  • COD: Department of Peace, security and Social Studies  - February 2012 - 2017         



Chair of Department, Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Egerton University:

  • Responsible for all aspects (Teaching and research) of Peace, Security, and Social Studies at Egerton university including supervision of 13 staff members (Some 6 of them pursuing PHDs)
  • In charge of overseeing the smooth running of all BA, MA, and Ph.D. programmes in PSSS

Department at Egerton University. The Chairperson’s duties include:

  •  Articulation and implementation and implementation of the mission and objectives of the Department
  • Conveying Departmental meetings
  • Overall management of the department’s academic programmes as required by the Senate under various rules and regulations, including being Chief Examiner of the department
  • Representation of the Department in the facility Board, the Senate, and other organs of the University
  • Planning and budgeting for the Department
  • Supervision of the academic and other staff of the Department
  • Preparation of the annual Work plan and an Annual Departmental Report
  • The Promotion and Maintenance of a conclusive working environment in the department


The Dean’s duties include:

  • The direction of the Faculty’s mission and objectives
  • Convening Faculty Board Meetings
  • Overall management of the Faculty’s academic programmes as required by the Senate under various rules and regulations in respect to the Faculty.
  • Implementation of the University’s Policy decisions and regulations in respect to the Faculty
  • Representing the Faculty in the senate and its Committees
  • Planning and coordination of the Faculty’s budgetary estimates and inter-departmental activities
  • Working in liaison with other University organs for the effective and efficient management of the University.
  • The promotion and maintenance of a conducive working environment in the Faculty.
  • The Preparation of the annual work plan and annual report. (Ensure that all the targets in the Performance Contract are achieved and/or exceeded.
  • Oversee ISO Standards implementation.
  • Mitigating and managing risks in the Faculty.


  • Coordinator of Departmental NTCC Programmes (BA Criminology and Security Management (2009-2012)
  • Member of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Research Committee (2006-present)
  • Coordinator MA Security management for Juba South Sudan students (2017 – present)
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Lead for Pedal implementation in Egerton University in charge of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (2019 – March 2021)
  • Member of Committee on formulating Security Policy for Egerton University (2015 -2016)
  • Member of a Committee to Review the Policy and Procedures for Gender-Based Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention (6th April – 14th May 2021)
  • Member of the Egerton University Senate (2021-)
  • Member of Deans’ Committee of Egerton University (2021-)
  • Member of the Corruption Prevention Committee of Egerton University (2021-)


  1. 2005-2010: PhD: Participated as a Researcher in a project on Farming with trees in Mau East Catchment Area initiated and Managed by Professor Berhnard Freyer of University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)- Research Portal. The Project was in collaboration of Austrian Government and Egerton University. IT culminated into my PhD Thesis
  2. 2010: Ph D Thesis- “Socio-cultural factors influencing farmers’ adoption of Organic farming and Agro-forestry practices in Mau East Catchment Area, Nakuru District, Kenya
  3. 2006: Won a research grant for the Child and Youth Institute, Dakar, Senegal. This earned me a chance to be trained as a Laureate at the Institute for one month. I later conducted research and wrote a paper entitled; “ Coping Strategies of Street Youth in Nakuru Town, Kenya: A sustainable Livelihood Approach”
  4. 2003: Won a grant Award from OSSREA (Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa) for my research proposal, Titled: “Challenges of Public –Private Partnership for Urban management: A case study of the Nairobi Central Business District Association (NCBDA), Kenya”. I was invited to participate in a workshop for winners of the Seventeeth social science research grant competition to defend my proposal for funding and finalize the research arrangements at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  5. 1998: M.A. Thesis - “Socio-Cultural factors influencing education attainment of Muslim Women in Mumias Division, Kakmega, District, Kenya
  6. 2013- 2015: Member of Research Team at NCRC initiating and Supervising research projects. We have completed three: Organized Crimes in Kenya, Gender Based Violence in Kenya, and Post-Election Violence in Kenya, 2013. Three others are on –going: Human trafficking in Kenya,
  • Changes in Family Life
  • Youth and Development
  • Deviant Behavior
  1. Christine Julie Nabwire & Hadija Murenga (2012). Couselling needs of the Elderly in Kenya. Kenya Journal of education Planning Economics & Management. Vol. 5 No. 5. ISSN 2074- 5400
  2. Murenga, H. M (2014). Farmers’ Knowledge and Perceptions and their adoption of Organic Farming and Agro-forestry in Mau Catchment area, Nakuru county, Kenya. Egerton University Journal of Arts and Humanities. Vol. XI, 2014: 77-100.
  3.  Murenga. H. M & Onsarigo. B (2015).factors influencing Conflicts in institutions of Higher Learning in Kenya. A Africa Journal of Contemporary Research in Humanities and Social Science. Vol. 3. No. 1 ISSUE
  4. Ouko William, Kibet Ngetich & Murenga. H. M (2015). Characteristics of Magistrate Courts that impede access to Justice in Nairobi County. Public Policy and administration Research. ISSN 2224-5631(PRINT) ISSN 225-0972 (ONLINE) Vol. 5 No. 10
  5. AdbikadirShiekh Addisalan, Kibet Ngetich & Murenga. H.M (2016). Demographic Determinants of Miraa chewing among the youth in Central Division of wajir Sub – county, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities, Social sciences and Education (IJHSSE) Vol 3 PP 49. ISSN 2349-0373 (PRINT) & ISSN 2349-0381 (ONLINE)
  6. Kizito Wamalwa Khatete, Murenga. H. M & Erick Bor (2016). Factors influencing adoption of one acre fund projects by farmers in Kanduyi sub – County, Bungoma County, Kenya. Journal of agriculture and research. ISSN; 2455-7668, Vol.2 ISSUE 8
  7. Osike S. O.  and Murenga H. M.  (2016). Sociology of  Work and Occupation, E- Learning Module for Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminology and Security Studies
  8. Ndiso. E, Murenga. H. M & Bor. E (2016). Challenges of female Headed Households in their search for Livelihood in Illima Division, Makueni County, Kenya. (Online0 ISSN 2347-9493 (Print)
  9. Mwirigi. P, Murenga.H.M & Wekesa Kibebe (2016). Influence of Household Structure of Group members on performance of Women Self help Groups in Nyandaarua Sub – County, Kemya. Research Journal of Sociology. Vol 4 No. 2 ISSN 2347-8241
  10. Mutua. M, Murenga. H. M & Bor. E (2016). Househelps’ Awareness on Laws Governing Domestic Work in Westlands Sub-County, Nairobi City, Kenya
  11. Omwega Giteyo Zachary, Ngetich Kibet & Murenga.H.M (2017).Influence of funding on Prosecution of corruption cases in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development. ISSUE 2278- 0211. Vol 6, ISSUE 8
  12. Mercy Rugut Murenga H. M. and E. Bor (2017). Womens Contribution to Urban Livelihood Through Market Based Activities Within the Informal Sector in Kisii Town Kenya.
  13. Dida A. A. Murenga H. M. and Bor  (2017).  Community Based Factors Affecting  Community Wildlife conservancy in Achieving Ecotourism, Merti Sub County, Isiolo County, Kenya.
  14. Naomi Fedha, Hadija Murenga. M. & Erick Bor( (2017). Effects of Off students activities on Wellbeing of Community neighboring Egerton University, Nakuru County, Kenya. International journal of innovating Research and development. ISSN 2278- 0211 (Online) Vol.5 ISSUE
  15. Kauria Zeddy, Murenga. H.M & Erick Kiprop Bor (2018). Women Elite participation in politics among the Maasai of Narok South sub- County, Kenya. A Social Culture Perspective. IORS Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Vol. 23 ISSUE 3 VER 3 PP 07-12
  16. Kauria Zeddy, Murenga. H.M & Erick Kiprop Bor (2018). Women Elite and the Economics challenges affecting their participation in National Development among the Maasai of Narok South sub – County, Kenya.IOSR Journal of Humanities and social Sciences. Vol.23. ISSUE 2 ver 3 PP O1 – 06
  17. Ndunda Elizabeth, Hadija Murenga. M & Erick Bor (2018). Contribution of Collective action group on Social – Economic Wellbeing of Agro Pastoralists in Makindu Sub –County, Kenya. IJRCAR. ISSN 2308 -365
  18. Rono Richard.K, Ngetich Kibet &Murenga. H. M (2018). The Effectiveness of Community involvement in Developing Policies and Procedures for Kirandich River Dam River Project of Baringo County kenya. The international Journal of Humanities and Social Studies ISSN 2321-9203 Vol. 6 ISSUE 9
  19. Murenga. H. M (2018). School related Factors influencing Muslim Girls’ Educational Attainment in Mumias District, Kakamega County, Kenya. Ruwaza Africa (Vol vi)
  20. Ngetich, C. K, Murenga. H. M & Kisaka. W.(2019). Effectiveness of Community Service Orders in Rehabilitating offenders Behavior in Kericho County, Kenya. International Academic Journal of Law and society. Vol 1 (2), 58-77
  21. Murenga. H. M (2019). Common Types of Crime and Deviance among University Students in Kenya. The case of Njoro Campus, Egerton Advances in Social sciences research Journal, 6(1) 520-526
  22. John Ngugi Kariuki, Samson Wokabi Mwangi and Hadija Murenga(2020). Security Threats Posed by by Contraband Cell Phones in Naivasha Maximum Prison in kenya: Prison Officers’ Persepectives. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal Vol 7 No 7
  23. Mucheru Elizabeth Wachu, Samson Wokabi Mwangi and Hadija Murenga (2020). FactorsAffecting Integration of Resettled Persons: A Case of Rongai Location, Nakuru County, Kenya. Advances in social Sciences research Journal – Vol 7 No. 1

Refereed Confeence Proceedings

  1. Murenga. H. M, Mwangi Wokabi & Kibet Ngetich (2009). Sources of Information and their influence on farmers’ adoption of Organic farming in mau East catchment area in Nakuru, Kenya

Proceedings of the SUMAWA MAU Forest Complex Conference 27-29 April 2009


Elearning Publications

  1. Murenga H.M. and Kisaka Wafula (2017) Juvenille Criminology and Criminal Justice, E- Learning Module for Master of Arts Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice.
  2. Murenga, H. M et al (2009). Co-authored a Military Science Teaching Manual tilted: Society and International Humanitarian Law. Published by EMC- Egerton university Press
  3.  Kisaka Wafula & Hadija murenga (2008). Conflict Resolution and management: An Introduction. A Diploma Course in Military Science. Published by EMC- Egerton university Press
  • July 16th-21st 2018 – Attended and participated in the fifth World Congress of reversal Civilization in Nairobi at KICC
  • June 7th – 8th, 2018 – Attended and made a Plenary Keynote Speech on Peace, Security, Conflict Management and trade at the Management University of Africa Campus, Nairobi Kenya
  • July 9th – 14th, 2018 – Attended and participated in Pedagogical leadership in Africa (Pedal) Pilot Training organized by Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR) in Nairobi, Kenya
  • June 18th – 22nd 2018 – Attended and participated in design Workshop for the P.T.O. Partnership for Pedagogical Leadership in African social and Governance Research
  • March 25th- 27thAttended and participated and Chaired the Session on Governance, Socio- Economic and Culture in the 8th Egerton University International Conference held at Faculty of Education Complex, Njoro, Kenya
  • November 24th - 26th 2020- Attended the 13th Egerton University International Virtual Conference and Rapporteured for the session on the sub-them "History, Literature and Culture


  • 1988: Kenya Government Scholarship to undertake a BA in Sociology and Religion
  • 1994: Egerton University Scholarship to undertake an MA in sociology: Thesis - “Socio-Cultural factors influencing education attainment of Muslim Women in Mumias Division, Kakmega, District, Kenya (University of Nairobi)
  • 2005: Scholarship by a collaboration of Austrian Government, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)- Research Portal and Egerton University. Thesis- “Socio-cultural factors influencing farmers’ adoption of Organic farming and Agro-forestry practices in Mau East Catchment Area, Nakuru District, Kenya (Egerton University)
  • 2006: Won a research grant for the Child and Youth Institute, Dakar, Senegal. This earned me a chance to be trained as a Laureate at the Institute for one month. I later conducted research and wrote a paper entitled; “ Coping Strategies of Street Youth in Nakuru Town, Kenya: A sustainable Livelihood Approach”
  • 2003: Won a grant Award from OSSREA (Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa) for my research proposal, Titled: “Challenges of Public –Private Partnership for Urban management: A case study of the Nairobi Central Business District Association (NCBDA), Kenya”. I was invited to participate in a workshop for winners of the Seventeeth social science research grant competition to defend my proposal for funding and finalize the research arrangements at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia



As a teacher I purpose to treat my students as young intellectuals capable of critical thinking and able to analyze social situations to come up with relevant and practical solutions that can inform social policy in our country and beyond.






  1. Lena Syowasya Ndiso - AM17/2376/09. Thesis Title: Effects of income diversification strategies on female headed households in Illima Division, Makueni County, Kenya.Graduated Dec, 2016
  2. Kizito Wamalwa Khatete- AM17/2564/10.Thesis Title: Influence of one acre fund maize project on the livelihoods of beneficiaries in Kanduyi Sub-County, Bungoma County, Kenya. Graduated Dec, 2016
  3. Naomi Fedha- AM17/01836/07Thesis Title: Effects of Off-Campus University Students Activities on Well-being on Community Neighboring Egerton University, Nakuru County, Kenya. Graduated Dec, 2017
  4. Abduba Dida Ade – AM17/2907/11. Thesis Title: Assessment of Factors Affecting Isiolo County Community Wildlife Conservancy with reference to Ecotourism Development in Kenya. Graduated May, 2017
  5. Michael Mutunga Mutua – AM17/0021/11. Thesis Title: House helps’ Awareness of Laws governing Domestic Work in Westlands Sub-County in Nairobi County, Kenya. Completed: May, 2017, Graduated:
  6. Mercy Chepkurui Rugutt – AM17/2930/11. Thesis Title: Women’s Contribution to Urban Livelihoods through Informal Sector Activities in Kisii Town, Kenya. Completed: May, 2017 Graduated:
  7. Zachary Gitenya Omwenga – AM20/031/12. Thesis Title: Factors Affecting Prosecution of Corruption Cases by Office of the Director of Public Prosecution in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Completed: June, 2018; Graduated:
  8. Abdikadir Shiekh Adisalan - A M17/1804/07. Determinants of Miraa Chewing among the Youth in Central Division of Wajir East Sub – County, Kenya
  9. Collins Kipchirchir Ngetich- AM20/0349/13. Effectiveness of Community Service Orders in Rehabilitating Petty Offenders behavior in kericho County, Kenya (To graduate in June 2021)
  10. Willy Chepkangor – AM17/1849/07. Effectiveness of Livelihood Diversification in the Management of Ethnic Conflicts between Pokot and Marakwet Communities, Kenya
  11. Monicah Wambui Karanu – AM17/2107/08. Socio- Cultural and Economic factors affecting Primary School enrolment in Baragoi Division of Samburu County, Kenya
  12. Gibson K. Muhuhu – AM17/2415/09. Gender and level of access to formal social security schemes among members in the informal sector in Laikipia East District, Kenya
  13. Maranga Faith Nyachama – AM17/2763/10. Factors influencing persistent utilization of traditional birth attendants by expectant women in Kimilili Division, Bungoma County, Kenya
  14. Nyengenye James Odhiambo - A M17/2689/10. Actors influencing Peace Building and Conflict Management Programs in west Pokot Sub – County, Kenya
  15. Elizabeth Mucheru Wachu – AM17/2108/08. Post Conflict Socio-Economic Livelihood Strategies: A Case of Resettled persons in Rongai Location, Nakuru County, Kenya (To graduate in june 2021)
  16. John Ngugi Kariuki – AM21/0190/12. Institutional Challenges that undermine security in the Control of smuggling and use of cell Phones into Naivasha Maximum Prison, Nakuru county, Kenya




  1. Wesley Kipngetich Chebet - SHRD/PGD/12/09 OCT 2020. Title: Role of monitoring and Evaluation in Development of School infrastructure in Marakwet west Sub – County, Kenya
  2. Catherine Mwikali Muia   - SASS/PGS/01/2010 (OCT 2020) Title: An assessment of domestic violence against men in Nyeri County, Kenya
  3. Catherine Kamuu  - SASS/PGS/04/04  (2018) Title: Famine Relief and Food insecurity in Kenya: An assessment of famine relief food programs and food security in Kibwezi District
  4. Ramogi Faith Harriet - SASS/PGS/08/08 (2018) Title: Community participation in wildlife conservation in areas adjacent to Ruma national Park, Homabay County, Kenya
  5. Murrey Peter Kipruto   - SASS/PDS/05/08 (2018)Title: Influence of Religious Faith on wealth status and welfare servies among farmers in the North Rift Counties of Kenya


  1. M/TH/110/2020. Title: Community Elders involvement in resolving land conflicts in Kenya: A case of Rongai Sub –County in Nakuru County, Kenya (1998-2008)


  1. 1. Hillary Korir Larema Chebii  - AM2o/034/17 (Dec, 2017) Title: Crime victimization among universitystudents at Egerton University, Njoro Campus, Nakuru County, Kenya
  2. Willis Wasonga - AM20/33604/15 Aug 2020. Title: Challenges of impeded parenthood: Impacts of reformation of offenders. A case of Embu Prison, Kenya
  3. Kasera Oloo - AM21/14504/15 Nov 2020. Title: Effectiveness of private gated households on crime levels in sub urban areas: A case study of Kitengela Ward, kenya


Ongoing MA Supervision

  1. Mariana Mwikali Muia – Women participation  in Post – Conflict Peace building and reconstruction in Molo sub – County of Nakuru county, Kenya (Thesis draft- January 2021)
  2. Peter Rotich – AME20/17508/18. Socio- Cultural Factors leading to Persistent Defilement Cases in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya (Proposal Developmemt)
  3. Josephine Wangui
  4. Brian Bilal Francis
  5. John Kiarie
  6. Monicah Ndanu Kimeu – AME21/00007/11.  Effects of Security Risks on the Performance of Journalists in Nairobi, Kenya. ( Fieldwork, February, 2021)
  7. Charles Ciec Mayor – AME21/19029/17. Influence of Security Sector Reforms on Crime prevention in Juba City, Republic of South Sudan (To present at faculty Level)
  8. Abraham Gordon Ajak - A ME21/19027/17. Challenges facing Private SecurityCompanies in Providing Security to Non-Governmental Organizations in Bor Town, Jonglei State, South Sudan
  9. Kuyu John Alfred – AME21/19055/17. Civilian’s acquisition of illegal Arms and its implications to Security Management in Rumbek, Lakes state
  10. Shadrack Nyongesa Ouma – AM21/0253/12. Factors influencing recruitment of Private Security Personnel at Wells Fargo Security Company, Langata Sub – County, Kenya
  11. Karisa Mwanyamba – AM17/00380/13. Public perception on the effects of commercial Sex workers on Society. A Case study of Mombasa County, Kenya
  12. Ndirangu Joseph Gakunga – AM17/0322/13. Factors influencing Alcoholics participation in development projects in Nyahururu sub – County, kenya
  13. William Gatama Ndiritu – AM21/33653/14. An exploration of intervention measures against violence targeting the Police in Nairobi County, Kenya


  1. Zeddy Kauria -AD17/0308/11. Thesis Title: Factors influencing Participation of Elite Woemn in Political Leadership in the Maasai Community of Narok South Sub –County, Narok County, Kenya. Completed: Oct, 2018, Graduated: Dec,7th 2018


  1. Eston Lugairi – ND13/0416/14. Evaluation of Community participation in Slum Upgrading and Sustainability of its impact on living conditions and livelihoods in secondary cities. A case of Nakuru and Kitale Towns, Kenya (Submitted for examination – February 2021)
  2. Eluid Ongowo Okumu- AD17/14699/15. Assessment pf Performance of Social Assistance Programmes on the Wellbeing of Street Children in Nakuru Central Sub –County, Nakuru County, Kenya (Thesis draft- January 2021)
  3. Johannes Achola – The Role of Skills and Pospects for Performance of Growth – oriented community driven Development Projects in Baringo County, kenya  (Field work)




  1. John Wakhungu Masinde – SASS/DPHL/SOC/112/16 OCT, 2020. Title : “Lived Experiences of radicalized individuals and terrorism in Kenya"
  2. John Mbai Muthee - SAS/DS/SOC/02/2016 OCT 2020. Title: Challenges influencing reentry and reintegration of women ex-offenders into the community in Nyeri County, Kenya


  1. PhD/058/2020. Title: Dynamics in internal security and community protection initiatives: Case of Laikipia County, Kenya: 1990-2017
  1. Internal auditing, Egerton University, 2012
  2. Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODSEREA) 2006
  3. Organization of Social Science Research in Eastern Africa (OSSREA) since 2003
  4. African Women for Researchers and development (AAWORD) Egerton Chapter since 2000
  5. Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians (EATWOT) Kenya Chapter since 2003
  6. Mediation Training Institute, (MTI), East Africa. 2016
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