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Prof. Margaret W. Ngigi

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Margaret Ngigi is an agricultural economist currently working with Egerton University as an associate professor in the department of agricultural economic and agribusiness management.  She mainly teaches in areas of agricultural policy; project planning, management monitoring and evaluation; trade, and new institutional economics. She is also a freelance consultant, which she find useful in keeping current with applied aspects of her areas of teaching.



2002: PhD in Agricultural Economics University of Nairobi

1989: Msc in Agricultural Economics - University of Nairobi

1985: Bsc. in General Agriculture - University of Nairobi

  1. Agricultural project planning, evaluation and Monitoring
  2. Agricultural policy analysis


  • 2022: Short Course on Pedagogy, Policy Brief and Consultancy/ Certificate of particiaption and training
  • 2018: Pedagogical Leadership in Africa (Pedal) Training/Certificate of Accomplishment-PASGR
  • 2013: Alternative Pedagogical Approaches / Certificate of Accomplishment – Partnership For African Social & Governance Research (PASGR)
  • 2013:Orientation to Case Study Teaching Course / Certificate of Accomplishment – PASGR
  • 2013:Multi-method Research Course/Certificate of Accomplishment – PASGR
  • 2013: Curriculum Development Workshop for the Collaborative Master of Research and Public Policy Programme/certificate of Participation/ Pasgr
  • 2010:Workshop on Proposal Writing in Agricultural Research & Development/Certificate of participation/Award
  • 2009: Mentoring Orientation workshop/ Certificate of Completion/AWARD
  • 2009: University Academic Advising Training/Certificate of participation/Egerton University
  • 2008:Research And Management Skills For Women In Agricultural And Natural Sciences/Certificate of Participation/ Egerton University
  • 2006: Leadership, Corporate Governance, Strategic Planning And Intuitional Management Seminar/Certificate of Participation Ashley Management Consultant
  • 2005:Seminar and Practical Training on Local Knowledge/certificate of Confirmation/ University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Science, Vienna
  • 2003: Staff Workshop on Instructional Quality and Assessment/ certificate/Egerton University
  • 1990:Agricultural Project Planning and Appraisal Course/ Certificate of Professional Study/ The African Development Bank Group Training Centre
  • 1989:Fertilizer Marketing Management Training Program/Certificate of Completion/ International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC)

2013-to-date: Associate Professor – Egerton University /Department of Agricultural Economic and Agribusiness Management  

2009 to 2013: Senior Lecturer-Egerton University /Department of Agricultural Economic and Agribusiness Management

1994/1995: Research Fellow/Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM)/Egerton University

1992-to-2009:  Lecturer– Egerton University / Department of Agricultural Economic and Agribusiness Management

1988-to-1992: Agricultural Officer /  – Ministry of Agriculture / Department of Development Planning  


Experience in consultancy 

  • Sep, 2019-Dec, 2019: Team Member in a consultancy, contracted by the National Museums of Kenya, to conduct a Feasibility study on viability of aloe commercialization in North Rift, Kenya
  •  Feb-July, 2016: Team leader of a consultancy contracted by the Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation to derive lessons from the Purchase-for-Progress (P4P) implemented by World Food Program (WFP).
  •   Nov, 2012-March, 2013: Member of a multidisciplinary team of consultants commissioned by Biovision Africa Trust to conduct a survey to assess the integration Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) into agricultural training, research, and farming in Kenya.
  • Nov, 2011-July, 2012: Member of a multi-disciplinary team developing a Training Curriculum for the Tea Board of Kenya
  • March/April, 2010: Conducted a Desk-Top Review Commissioned by FAO to Document the Evolution of the Poultry Sector in Kenya.
  • Oct/Dec 2010 conducted a study commissioned by African Union in collaboration with IFDC and FAO to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of fertilizer Rwanda’s subsidy program
  • August, 2010-2014: Member of a team of a research project on Climate Change Adaptation strategies (CAPro), funded by Rockefeller
  • Nov, 2010-March 2011: Team-leader of a multi-disciplinary team commissioned by the Kenya’s Ministry of Agriculture jointly with the Ministry of Livestock Development to assess productivity impact of the country’s agricultural extension program (NALEP)
  • One of Ten International Experts Identified By Swiss Agency for Development And Co-operations (SDC) to Participation in Trends Interviews Procedure And Expert, 2009 
  • July/August 2008: conducted a study commissioned by Food Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) to assess the structure, conduct, and performance of key commodity market systems in Southern Sudan (SS), and to design a market monitoring plan for food security analysis for use in early warning for four major urban areas in SS.
  • September/October 2007: conducted a study commissioned by CNFA/AGMARK to study agro-dealers participation in the marketing of agricultural outputs.
  • April, 2007: Conducted the Kenya’s part of “Studies on Traceability Systems Applied in Export Chains in Developing Countries” A study commissioned by FAO covering several countries in East and Central Africa.
  •  December 2005 to May 2006: Member of a consultancy team commissioned by United Nation Office for Project Services (UNOPs) to evaluate Somaliland’s irrigated farm sub-sector.
  •  May to August 2005: Conducted a study commission by Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nation (FAO) to review horticultural production and marketing trends in Eastern & Southern Africa.
  •  October 2004 to March 2005: Conducted a research commission by FAO to study traceability technologies and practices in Kenya’s fruit export.
  • April 2004: Conducted a study commissioned by the Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) to identify crossing-cutting challenges facing agricultural development in Eastern and Central Africa Region.
  • July/August, 2003: Member of a team in a task commissioned by FAO to design a Framework of Poverty Reduction for Malawi.
  • 2001 –2003: Collaborator in a research commissioned by IFPRI to identify, analyze and document agricultural successes in Africa as well as evaluating potentials of replication of the successes. Specific contribution in the collaboration:
        • Team leader: Case Study on smallholder dairying covering Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia.
        • Co-researcher: Review of successes of horticultural production― the case of Kenya and Ivory Coast.
  1. 2019-2023: Member of a multidisciplinary team titled Validating climate-smart sorghum Technologies for increased productivity and improved livelihood under the Kenya Climate Smart Agricultural Project (KCSAP)
  2. Team member in 3R kenya Project; component Cost of dairy production tracking
  3. Nov, 2012 to 2014: Member of a multidisciplinary team conducting research on Genetic improvement of the east African zebu cattle for milk production in ASAL, through a project funded by astern African Agricultural Productivity Project (EAAPP)
  4. August, 2010-2014: Member of a team of a research project title Climate Change Adaptation strategies (CAPro), funded by Rockefeller
  5. Member of an inter-disciplinary research team funded by the Kenya Agricultural Productivity Project (KAPP) to conduct a research entitled Post-Harvest Handling Practices for Value Addition to Enhance Safety, Quality and Marketing of Camel Milk in Laikipia and Isiolo Districts of Kenya
  6. 2006/2007: Member of a research team in a study commissioned by United Nation Office for Project Services (UNOPs) to determine the optimum downstream water flow regime of the Turkwel River, which will benefit all stakeholders and all land-usages
  • improvement of rural livelihoods 
  • impact evaluations of rural interventions
  1. Mwaura, F. M., Ngigi, M. W., & Obare, G. (2024). Do smallholders have a role to play in atmospheric greenhouse gas removal? Insights from western Kenya. Scientific African, e02206. 
  2. Mutyaba, J. L., Ngigi, M. W., & Ayuya, O. I. (2024). Determinants of knowledge, attitude and perception towards cage fish farming technologies among smallholder farmers in Uganda. Cogent Food & Agriculture10(1), 2313252. DOI:
  3. Matata, M. J., Ngigi, M. W., & Bett, H. K. (2023). Effects of cash transfers on household resilience to climate shocks in the arid and semi arid counties of northern Kenya. Development Studies Research10(1), 2164031.
  4. Khaemba, S. G., Ngigi, M., & Gathungu, E. (2022). Factors affecting choice of Outlets for Improved Pigeon Peas Among farmers in Taita Taveta County. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal86(1-2), 11-11.

  5. Matata, M. J., Ngigi, M. W., Bett, H. K., & Michael, P. M. (2022). Effects of cash transfers on food expenditure patterns in northern Kenya. Cogent Food & Agriculture8(1), 2149138.

  6. Akinyi, D. P., Karanja Ng'ang'a, S., Ngigi, M., Mathenge, M., & Girvetz, E. (2022). Cost-benefit analysis of prioritized climate-smart agricultural practices among smallholder farmers: evidence from selected value chains across sub-Saharan Africa. Heliyon8(4), e09228.

  7. Sambrumo, G. M., Ngigi, M. W., & Mutai, B. K. (2022). Influence of Agripreneurial Orientation Constructs on Growth of Cassava-Based Small and Medium Enterprises in Migori County, Kenya. Asian Research Journal of Agriculture15(4), 45-55.
  8. Mwaura, F. M., Ngigi, M., & Obare, G. (2022). Agricultural Productivity and Labour Allocation Trade-Off Crises for Agriculture, Cooking Energy Sourcing and Off-Farm Employment in Developing Countries: Evidence from Western Kenya. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology7(1), 277-293.DOI:

  9. Mwaura, F. M., Ngigi, M. W., & Obare, G. A. (2021). Drivers of cooking energy choices by meal-types among smallholder farmers in western Kenya. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa32(2), 41-58.

  10. Wambua, J. M., Ngigi, M., & Muhammad, L. (2019). Functional Diversity and Performance of Direct Marketing Outlets for Smallholder Farmers of Green Gram and Pigeon Pea Commodities in Machakos County, Kenya. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal83(3), 239-267.
  11. Wambua, J. M., Ngigi, M., & Muhammad, L. (2019). Assessment of Differences in Small Farmer Uses of Produce and Determinants of Marketed Surplus of Green Grams and Pigeon Peas in Semi-arid Machakos County, Kenya. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal83(3), 163-175.
  12. Kimani, M., Ngigi, M., & Ilatsia, E. (2019). Socio-Economic Determinants of Selection Criteria for East African Zebu Cattle Breeding for Dairy Production: Case of Kitui County, Kenya. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development Vol.10, No.18, 2019  DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-18-06
  13. Wambua, J. M., Ngigi, M., & Lutta, M. (2017). Yields of Green Grams and Pigeonpeas under Smallholder Conditions in Machakos County, Kenya. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal82(2-4), 91-117.
  14.  Ongudi, S. O., Ngigi, M. W., & Kimurto, P. K. (2017). Determinants of Consumers’ Choice and Willingness to Pay for Biofortified Pearl Millet in Kenya. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal82(2-4), 175-187.
  15. Kimani, T., Ngigi, M., Schelling, E., & Randolph, T. (2016). One Health stakeholder and institutional analysis in Kenya. Infection ecology & epidemiology6(1), 31191.
  16. Kimani, T., Schelling, E., Bett, B., Ngigi, M., Randolph, T., & Fuhrimann, S. (2016). Public health benefits from livestock Rift Valley fever control: A simulation of two epidemics in Kenya. EcoHealth13(4), 729-742.
  17. Okech, A. O. S., Kimurto, P. K., & Ngigi, M. (2016). Profits and Efficiency along Pearl Millet Market Chain: A Value Addition Approach. Industrial Engineering Letters,  ISSN 2224-6096 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0581 (online) Vol.6, No.5, 2016
  18. Odhiambo, W., Ngigi, M., Lagat, J., Binswanger, H. P., & Rubyogo, J. C. (2016). Analysis of quality control in the informal seed sector: Case of smallholder bean farmers in Bondo sub‐county Kenya. The African Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development, ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online) Vol.7, No.8, 2016
  19. Margaret, N. M., Margaret, N., & Wellington, M. (2015). Gender and age analysis on factors influencing output market access by smallholder farmers in Machakos County, Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research10(40), 3840-3850. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2014.9368
  20. Simon, G. K., Margaret, N., & Bett, H. K. (2015). Determinants of farmer participation in collective marketing and intensity of participation in indigenous chicken markets in Western Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science8(10), 98-105.
  21. Amudavi, D. M., Ombati, J. M., Nkurumwa, A. O., & Ngigi, M. (2014). Technical, economic and social gaps and information needs among smallholder farmers in practice of ecological organic agriculture in Kenya. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online) Vol.7, No.8, 2016
  22. Macharia, M. A., Mshenga, P. M., Ngigi, M., Gido, O. E., & Kiprop, K. J. (2014). Effect of transaction costs on smallholder maize market participation: Case of Kwanza District, Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. International Journal of Development and Sustainability3(4), 715-725. 
  23. Okech, S. O., Ngigi, M., Kimurto, P. K., Obare, G., Kibet, N., & Mutai, B. K. (2014). One and one half bound dichotomous choice contingent valuation of consumers willingness-to-pay for pearl millet products: Evidence from Eastern Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research9(42), 3146-3155.   doi: 10.5897/AJAR2014.8806
  24. Kamuru, S. M., Kariuki, S. T., Mungai, N. W., Bebe, B. O., Chiuri, W., Ngigi, M., & Lelo, F. K. (2014). Food Management Strategies for Coping with Food Insecurity in a Changing and Variable Climate by Smallholder Farmers in Kenya. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies9(2), 797.
  25. Kariuki, S.T., Mungai, N., Ngigi, M., Kamuru, S., Lelo, F., Bebe, B. and Chiuri, W. (2014) Smallholders’ Perceptions of Climate Change Impact on Biodiversity: A Case Study of Farmers in Varied Agroecological Zones in Kenya In 

    Proceedings Of the 1 st International Research Conference Held On the Main Campus from 29th – 31st October, 2014, Chuka University, Kenya

  26. Kiratu, N. M., Ngigi, M., & Mshenga, P. M. (2014). Perception of smallholder farmers towards the kilimo plus subsidy program in Nakuru North district, Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science6(6), 28-32.
  27. Mukundi, E., Mathenge, M. K., & Ngigi, M. (2013). Sweet potato marketing among smallholder farmers: The role of collective action (No. 309-2016-5277).
  28. Oloo, G. I., Ngigi, M., & Mshenga, P. (2013). Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies among Smallholder Farmers in Bungoma County, Kenya. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND APPLIED TECHNOLOGY, 76.
  29. Mbugua, D. K., Matofari, J. W., Ngigi, M., Wokabi, A., Lanyasunya, T. P., Matofari, J. (2012). Information access and rating of delivery pathways by smallholder dairy farmers in central Kenya. KARI, Naivasha.  Link
  30. Kimani, T. M., Schelling, E., Ngigi, M., & Randolph, T. F. (2012). Economic analysis of alternate Rift Valley fever control options from a multisectoral perspective.  International Symposia on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics proceedings, ISVEE13: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Belgium, Netherlands, Session 43 - Epidemic diseases in Non-Western countries, p 200, Aug 2012Article class:
  31. Muriithi, B. W., Mburu, J., & Ngigi, M. (2011). Constraints and determinants of compliance with EurepGap standards: a case of smallholder french bean exporters in Kirinyaga district, Kenya. Agribusiness27(2), 193-204.
  32. Emukule, J. I., Ngigi, M., & Guliye, A. Y. (2011). Analysis of socio-economic factors influencing willingness to pay for camel milk in Nakuru district, Kenya. Religion13(10.2), 7-4.
  33. Juma, G. P., Ngigi, M., Baltenweck, I., & Drucker, A. G. (2010). Consumer demand for sheep and goat meat in Kenya. Small ruminant research90(1-3), 135-138.
  34. Auma, J. O., Langat, J. K., & Ngigi, M. W. (2010). A comparison of male-female household headship and agricultural production in marginal areas of Rachuonyo and Homa Bay District, Kenya. Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences6(4).  
  35. Akuja, T. E., Mutua, B. M., Guliye, A. Y., Gichaba, C. M., Ngigi, M. W., Karachi, M., & Abdulrazak, S. A. (2009). Trends and current status of indigenous knowledge among the inhabitants of the Turkwel riverine in Kenya: IKS community development and resilience. Indilinga African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems8(2), 209-217.
  36. Olwande, J., Ngigi, M., & Nguyo, W. (2009). Supply responsiveness of maize farmers in Kenya: A farm-level analysis (No. 1005-2016-78929).
  37. Ngigi, M. (2008). Structure, conduct and performance of commodity markets in South Sudan: Linkages food security. Washington, DC: Famine Early Warning Systems Network.
  38. Juma, G. P., Baltenweck, I., Drucker, A. G., & Ngigi, M. (2007, September). Consumption of, and willingness to pay for, indigenous small ruminants’ meat in Marsabit, Kenya. In International Conference on Connecting Science, Society and Development: Development Studies Association (DSA) held at the University of Sussex (pp. 18-20).   Link
  39. Juma, G. P., Drucker, A. G., Baltenweck, I., & Ngigi, M. (2007, September). Market power and efficiency in indigenous small ruminant marketing channels in Marsabit, Kenya. In International Conference on Connecting Science, Society and Development: Development Studies Association (DSA) held at the University of Sussex (pp. 18-20). Link
  40. Owuor, G., Ngigi, M., & Shem Ouma, A. (2007). Role of micro-credit in rural development: an analysis of group based microfinance in Kenya. Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education7(special issue), 43-55.
  41. Owuor, G., Ngigi, M., Ouma, A. S., & Birachi, E. A. (2007). Determinants of Rural Poverty in Africa: The case of small holder farmers in Kenya. Journal of Applied Sciences7(17), 2539-2543.
  42. Obare, G. A., Mwakubo, S. M., & Ngigi, M. W. (2002). Maize Productivity and Production Strategies: An Analysis of Kenyan Smallholder Agriculture. International journal of agriculture and rural development3(1), 17-27.
  43. Ngigi, M. W. (2002). An Evaluation of the Impacts of Transaction Cost and Market Outlet Risks on Market Participation of Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Central Kenya (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nairobi.).
  44. Ngigi, M., Delgado, C. L., Staal, S. J., & Mbogoh, S. (2000). The role of market outlet in determining terms for milk sales by smallholders in Kenya.
  45. Ngigi, M. W. (1988). Structure, conduct and performance of egg marketing between Kiambu and Nairobi (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nairobi).

Book Chapters

  1. Ngigi M.W, Ahmed, Ehui and Assefa  “Dairy Developments in East Africa”, In Steven Haggblade and Peter Hazell (2010) (eds) Successes in African Agriculture: Lessons for The Future John Hopkins University Press
  2.  Minot and Ngigi, M.W .“Are Horticultural exports a replicable Success Story?” In Steven Haggblade and Peter Hazell (2010) (eds) Successes in African Agriculture: Lessons for The Future John Hopkins University Press
  3. Minot, N., & Ngigi, M. (2004). Are horticultural exports a replicable success story?: evidence from Kenya and Côte d'Ivoire. Intl Food Policy Res Inst. Are Horticultural Exports a Replicable Success Story?: Evidence from Kenya ... - Nicholas Minot, Margaret Ngigi - Google Books 
  4. Ngigi, M. (2005). The case of smallholder dairying in Eastern Africa (Vol. 131). Intl Food Policy Res Inst. The case of smallholder dairying in Eastern Africa | IFPRI : International Food Policy Research Institute ;

Policy, Practice and Research Briefs

  1. Ndambi, A., Zijlstra, J., Ngigi, M., van der Lee, J., & Kilelu, C. (2017). Calculating on-farm cost of milk production in Kenya. Assessing the suitability of five methods being used in Kenya. 3R Kenya project Practice brief1.
  2. Ndambi, A., Njiru, R., van Knippenberg, C., van der Lee, J., Kilelu, C., & Ngigi, M. (2018). Private and public costs and benefits of implementing a quality-based milk payment system in Kenya. Wagenigen University & Research. 3R Kenya. Wageningen.
  3. Ndambi, O. A., Njiru, R., van Knippenberg, C., van der Lee, J., Kilelu, C. W., Ngigi, M., ... & Mbera, G. (2018). Enhancing milk quality and safety:: Towards milk quality-based milk payments in Kenya (No. 001). Wageningen University & Research.
  4. Ngigi, Margaret. 2004. Smallholder dairy in Kenya. 2020 Vision Focus 12(6). Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
  5. Minot, Nicholas; and Ngigi, Margaret. 2004. Are Kenya's horticultural exports a replicable success story? 2020 Vision Focus 12(7). Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
  1. Ithinji, G. K., Ngigi, M. W., & Kraybill, D. (2014). A SOCIOECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF SHADE COFFEE ADOPTION BY SMALLHOLDER FARMERS IN IMENTI SOUTH DISTRICT, KENYA. Egerton University Research Week Publications5(5).
  2. Kihurani, D., Mburu, J., Kosgei, I., Mbuku, S., Ngigi, M., & Katiku, P. a. (2015). The use of Assisted Reproductive Techniques in multiplication of Small East African Zebu cattle in Makueni County, Kenya. Regional Specialisation for Enhanced Agricultural Productivity and TransformationProceedings of the Eastern Africa Agricultural Productivity Program End-of-Phase One Project Conference and Exhibition. (pp. 192-2006). Entebbe (Uganda): ASARECA. EAAPP-Conference-and-Exhibition-Proceedings-Final.pdf (
  3. Mbugua, D. M., Ngigi, M., & Irungu, K. N. and Kariuki, J.N.  (2014). Dairy information topics and their importance to smallholder dairy farmers in Limuru and South Kinangop sub-counties, Kenya. The 6th All Africa Conference on Animal Agriculture: Macro-trends and future opportunities, (pp. 415-423). Nairobi. 6th AACAA proceedings.pdf
  4. Mbugua, D.K., Matofari, J. and Ngigi, M. (2010). Information access and preference for delivery pathways by peri-urban and rural smallholder dairy farmers in Central Kenya. in: Adipala, E., Tusiime, G. and Majaliwa Mwanjololo, J.G. (Eds.), 2010. Proceedings of the Second RUFORUM Biennial Regional Conference on Building Capacity for Food Security in Africa, held 20 – 24 September 2010, Entebbe, Uganda. RUFORUM Working Document Series No. 5. ISSN: 1993-8462. 20133170050.pdf (
  5. Ngigi,M.W (2010). Structure, Conduct And Performance Of Commodity. Markets in South Sudan: Linkages Food Security (
  6.  Juma, G.P., Drucker, A.G., Baltenweck, I. and Ngigi, M. Market power and efficiency in indigenous small ruminant marketing channels in Marsabit, Kenya. 12th Annual Conference of the African Econometric Society, 4-6 July 2007, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
  7. Juma, G.P., Drucker, A.G., Baltenweck, I. and Ngigi, M. Consumption of, and Willingness to Pay for Indigenous Small Ruminants’ Meat in Marsabit, Kenya. 12th Annual Conference of the African Econometric Society, 4-6 July 2007, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
  8. Juma, G. P., Baltenweck, I., Drucker, A. G., & Ngigi, M. (2007, September). Consumption of, and willingness to pay for, indigenous small ruminants’ meat in Marsabit, Kenya. In International Conference on Connecting Science, Society and Development: Development Studies Association (DSA) held at the University of Sussex(pp. 18-20).
  9. Ngigi, M.W. “Review of Horticultural Production & Marketing Trends in Eastern & Southern Africa” Paper Presented at Sub-regional Network of Horticultural Produce Exporters Workshop, Harare Zimbabwe, 30May-1June, 2005
  10. Ngigi M.W. Successes in African Agriculture: The Case of Smallholder Dairying in Eastern Africa. Paper presented at the NEPAD/IGAD regional conference. “Agricultural Successes in the Greater Horn of Africa” Nairobi. November 22-25, 2004.
  11. Minot N and Ngigi M.N “Are horticultural exports a replicable success story? Evidence from Kenya and Côte d'Ivoire”. Paper presented at the NEPAD/IGAD regional conference “Agricultural Successes in the Greater Horn of Africa” Nairobi November 22-25, 2004
  12. Ngigi, M. (2003). Successes in African agriculture: The case of smallholder dairying in Kenya. In conference, Successes in African Agriculture, sponsored by InWEnt, IFPRI, NEPAD, and CTA, December(pp. 1-3).
  13. Minot, N and Ngigi, M.W (2003) Are Horticultural Exports a Replicable Success Story? Evidence from Kenya and Côte d’Ivoire. Paper Presented at the InWEnt, IFPRI, NEPAD, CTA conference, Dec, Pretoria 1-3, 2003.
  14. Ngigi, M.W. (2002) “Successes of African Agriculture: The Case of Smallholder Dairying in Eastern Africa” paper presented at IFPRI Workshop on “Successes in African Agriculture”, Lusaka, Zambia, June 10-12, 2002.
  15. Ngigi, M.W. and Minot, N. (2002). “Fruit and vegetable production in Kenya: Causes and consequences of growth” paper presented at IFPRI Workshop on “Successes in African Agriculture”, Lusaka, Zambia, June 10-12, 2002.
  16. Ngigi, M.W., Delgado C, Staal S.J. and Mbogoh. S Role of Market Outlet in Determining Terms for Milk Sales by Smallholders in Kenya. Paper presented at the Symposium on 'Expanding Market Participation in the Developing World', Annual meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, July 31 to August 3, 2000, Tampa, Florida.
  17. Ngigi, M.W., Delgado C, Staal S.J. and Mbogoh, S. Contractual Forms and Value content: the case of milk sales by smallholder Farmers in Kenya. Paper presented at IFPRI, Brawn Bag Seminar. On 26th July, 2000, Washington DC
  18. Ngigi, M. W. “Liberalization and the Dairy Industry” Policy Analysis Matrix Proceedings of the Conference on Towards 2000: Improving Agricultural Performance. Sept 21, 1995, Nairobi, Kenya
  19. Ngigi, M.W. Key Policy Issues Related to Development of Smallholder Farming System and Potential Farm-Level Information For Their Analysis In Kenya. Paper Presented to The FAO Workshop on Farming System Analysis For Policy Design In Eastern And Southern Africa Held In Arusha, Tazania.



  • Agec709: Institutional and Behavioural Economics
  • Agec 724: Agricultural And International Trade
  • Agbm 724: International Trade And Trade Negotiations
  • Agec 754: Mathematics For Agricultural Economists
  • Agec 735: Project Analysis And Management
  • AGRD 712: Agribusiness Project Planning And Management
  • REPP712(F3):  Public Policy Development and Analysis
  • Repp715(C3): Applied Policy Analysis
  • Repp715(F6): Economics for Public Policy
  • Agec 811:Contemporary Issues in Agricultural Economics
  • Aris 9101: Participatory Methods and Action Research for Innovations in Livelihoods and agricultural systems
  • Aris 9206: Scientific Writing and Publishing


  • Agec 232: Agricultural Marketing
  • agec333: Agricultural Price Analysis
  • agec 434: Agriculture and International Trade
  • agec422: Agricultural ProjectAgricultural ProjectPlanning & Management


Msc (agrictural Economics; Agribusiness Managment)


  1. Ruth Njeri Kanyarey, Effect of Bodaboda Operations on Market Access By Smallholder Dairy Farmers In Sotik Sub-County, Kenya 

  2. Mwangi Kahugu Joseph, Effect Of Participation In Common Interest Groups On Welfare Of Smallholder Horticultural Farmers In Nyeri Central Sub-County, Kenya

  3. Shayne Gladys Khaemba, Effects of Market Outlets of Improved Pigeon Pea (Cajanus Cajan) Varieties on Income of Smallholder Farmers in Taita Taveta County, Kenya

  4.     Michael Joseph Matata, Effects of Cash Transfers on Household Livelihoods and Resilience to Climate Shocks in the Arid And Semi-Arid Counties of Northern Kenya

  5. Devinia Princess Akinyi, Cost-Benefit Analysis of Prioritized Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices and Innovations Among Smallholder Farmers: A Case of Selected Value-Chains In Sub-Saharan Africa 

  6. Sambrumo Gad Matayo, Analysis of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Cassava-Based Small and Medium Enterprises In Migori County, Kenya

  7. Kimani, M.W. Influence Of Farmers’ Preference For Indigenous Cattle Dairy Traits On Adoption Of Improved Dairy Technologies. Case of West Pokot And Kitui County

  8. Pauline W. Murage Influence of Dairy Business Models On Economic Performance and Efficiency Of Smallholder Dairy Farmers In Nyandarua And Nandi Counties

  9. Charity Muthoni Wangithi. Ex- Ante Economic Impact Assessment of The Integrated Citrus Pests And Diseases Management Interventions In Selected Counties, Kenya
  10.  Modibo Guindo.  Economic Assessment of Pearl Millet Commercialization Among Farmers In Dioila Cercle, Mali
  11. Ayouba Coulibaly. Effect Of Zai Pit And Half-Moon Technologies On Household Income Among Small-Scale Farmers In Kita District, Mali
  12. Dennis Kyalo Wambua (Msc)Determination Of Willingness To Pay For Irrigation Water Institutions Among Smallholder Farmers In Mbeere South, Kenya
  13. Dave Mwangi Ireri (Msc) Influence Of Social Capital And Networks On Marketing Performance Of Smallholder Cereal Farmer Groups In Tharaka Constituency, Kenya
  14. Ouko, W. O Understanding the Dominance Of Informal Bean Seed System Among Smallholder Farmers In Bondo Sub-County
  15. Metto Veronica (MSc) Analysis of Determinants of Value Addition and Potential To Upgrade Activities By Smallholder Actors Along Dairy Value Chains In Meru And Uasin Gishu Counties
  16. Mugure Esther (MSc) Gender Responsiveness Innovations to improve milk marketing for smallholder dairy farmers: A case of Meru and Uasin Gishi Counties
  17. Ngugi, K. Joram (MSc) Influence of Social Networks on Agricultural Commercialization: Case of Banana In Murang’a County, Kenya
  18. Nixon Murathi Kiratu (MSc) An Assessment Of The Impact Of Kilimo Plus Program On Smallholder Farmers’ Food Security And Income In Nakuru North District, Kenya
  19. Njue Eric Mukundi (MSc) Sweet Potato Marketing Among Smallholder Farmers in Rachuonyo – Homa Bay County, Kenya: The Role Of Collective Action
  20. Macharia Mwangi, (MSc) Effect of Transaction Costs on Smallholder Maize Market Participation: A Case of Kwanza District, Trans Nzoia County,
  21.  Silas Okech Ong’udi (MSc.) Analysis of Performance and Efficiency of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum (L.)R .Br. ) Market Value Chain: A Case of Mbeere District, Kenya
  22. Kirui, Chepkorir Grace (MSc) Technical Efficiency of Greanhouse Tomato Production as a Climate Adaptation Strategy among Smallholder farmers in Nakuru County, Kenya
  23. Mwangi, Margaret Njeri (MSc.) Gendered Analysis of Farm Enterprise Diversification and Output Market Access in Semi-arid Areas: A case of Machakos County, Kenya
  24.  Iddi Oloo (Mcs) An Evaluation of indigenous and Emerging Strategies of Adapting to Climate Change
  25.  Haggai, L  (MSc) Analysis Of   Motivational Factors On   Demand Behavior For Credit Among Small-Scale Farmers In Western Kenya
  26. Njoroge P.N. ( MSc.) Determinants of Adoption of Dairy Goat Farming in Kiambu East District, Kenya
  27.  Gichangi Anne. MSc. Sweet Potato Market Chain in Kenya: Case of Structure-Conduct-Performance Analysis in Kisumu and Nairobi
  28.  Juma, Gentrix Pamela. MSc. Analysis of Marketing System and Buyer Preference of Indigenous Small Ruminants
  29. Auma Joseph Onam. MSc. Gender Differentials in Agricultural Production and Productivity in Smallholder Farmers: Evidence from Marginal Zones of Rachuonyo and Homa-Bay District.
  30.  Emukule Justus Ipapo. MSc.  Camel Milk Marketing and Its Potential for Commercialization in Kenya; A Case of Laikipia and Isiolo Districts
  31.  Kani, F. N Economic Evaluation of Farmer Field School Knowledge Diffusion in Kilifi District, Kenya
  32.  Kyalo Daniel Willy. MSc. Livestock Production Systems in River Njoro Watershed, Kenya: Spatial Characterization and policy issues
  33. Mungu’ayo Peter Oduor. MSc Economic Efficiency in Smallholder Milk Production Systems In Medium And High Potential Agro-Ecozones Of Kenya.
  34. Job Ochieng’, Ogada MSc. Socio-Economic Determinants of on-Farm Soil Fertility Gradients in Western Kenya
  35.  Olwande John Otieno MSc. Maize Supply Response in Kenya: A Farm-Level Analysis
  36.  Muriithi Beatrice Wambui. MSc. Analysis of Determinants of Compliance with Eurepgap Standards: Costs and Implications on Profitability among Smallholder French Beans Exporters in Kirinyaga District, Kenya
  37.  Kamau E. M. MSc. Analysis of Market Performance: Case of Integration among Selected Tea Trade Centres
  38.  Njane Phyllis Wangare. MSc. Determinants of Adoption of Improved Wheat Varieties and Fertilizer use by Smallholder Farmers in Njoro and Kieni West Divisions, Kenya
  39.  Kimani, Tabitha Mugethi A Thesis Submitted in Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Agricultural Economics of Egerton University.

Master of reserach and Public policy (MRPP

  1.  Cecilia Pereruan Naeku. Influence of Socio-Economic Characteristics and Socio-Psychological Factors on the Adoption of the Agriculture (Farm Forestry) Rules among Small-Scale Farm Households In Narok North Sub-County, Kenya
  2. Japheth Mbihi Lumadede. Citizens’ Perceptions On The Status Of Governance Practices In The Counties: A Case Of Migori County, Kenya


  1.  Mugao, D.M., MBA, Factors Influencing Choice: A study of Comprehensive Motor Insurance in Nakuru, Kenya
  2.  Bukhala, S.O, MBA, the Use of Strategic Approach to Procurement of Goods and Services in Kenyan Public University
  3.  Ihure, S.G. MBA, Determination of Expected Returns from Vertically Integrated Forest Investment in Kenya: The case of Cypress Trees in Nakuru District
  4.  Maina, W.M. MBA. Factors influencing performance of Volunteers in Church Organizations: A case study of Selected Protestant Church Organization in Nakuru
  5. Koskey S. K., MBA. Factors Contributing Towards Brand Switching of Fast-moving Consumer Goods in Kenya


  1. Mutyaba John Livingstone Effect of Information Links and Flow Through Social Networks in Exposing Smallholder Farmers to Cage Fish Farming Technologies in Uganda

  2. Francis Mungai Mwaura, Smallholders’ Socio-Economic Characteristics and The Biomass Cooking Energy Utilisation-Food Production-Greenhouse Gas Emissions Nexus: Case Study of Western Kenya

  3.  Wambua, John Mulwa (PhD). Analysis Of Factors Influencing Productivity And Extent Of Smallholder Commercialization Of Green Grams And Pigeon Peas In Machakos County, Kenya
  4.  Kimani, Tabitha Mugethi (PhD) Economic Analysis Of Rift Valley Fever Control Options From A Multisectoral Perspective In Kenya (graduating Dec, 2017)
  5. Ithinji G.K (PhD). The Role of Agro-Forestry in the Profitability of Open versus Shade Coffee Farming System in Imenti South District, Kenya (graduating, 2011)
  6. George Owuor. PhD. Thesis Entitled “Economics of Group Credit Linkages: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Kenya. •

Ongoing 1

  1. NYARIKI KIPROP SAMOITA IBRAHIM: Evaluating Drivers Of Consumer Preference For Convenience Foods In Understanding Urban Consumption Behaviors
  1. International Society of Pesticidal Plants (ISPP)
  2. Pesticidal Plants Network, Kenya (PEPTEN)


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