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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
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536 Egerton

Halkano is a lecturer in Religious Studies at Egerton University, Kenya. He currently holds the position of the Deputy Director, Planning and Development at Egerton University. In addition, He is a senior Volkswagen Foundation Humanities Research Fellow at the same university with research project that explores the nexus of religious knowledge and counter-radicalization strategies in Muslim majority urban spaces in Kenya. He completed his doctoral studies in 2012 at Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS), University of Bayreuth, Germany focusing on localization of Tablīghī Jamāʿat in Kenya an apolitical translational Islamic movement with links to the Indian subcontinent.

His research interests span mediatization of religious knowledge, religious transnationalism, religion and spatiality, religion and security, Islamic reformism in Eastern Africa and emerging trends in Islamic law and Muslim politics in Africa and dynamics of Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) in the Horn of Africa.

Over the last few years, he has studied dynamics of CVE and VE in the Horn of Africa region in general and Kenya in particular, surveyed and analysed intervention programmes and research productions on the same themes and teamed up with established and emerging researchers, research think-tanks and policy practitioners in production of CVE policy documents such as for devolved governance structures in Kenya, topical policy briefs, academic writings and participation of CVE related forums and exchanges.


2008 - 2012: Doctor of Philosophy in Religion - University of Bayreuth

2006 - 2008: Master of Philosophy in Religion - Moi University

1999 - 2003: Bachelor of Education (Arts) - Moi University


Study of Religion, Islam in Africa, Research Methods in Religion, Comparative Religion, Religion and Security, Christian-Muslim Relations, Muslim Personal Law, Transnational Religious Movements


Academic, seasoned researcher, consultant, trainer of trainees, policy developer and facilitator on matters of countering violent extremism, radicalization and terrorism in the Horn of Africa. Consulted for and worked with diverse state and non state organizations including Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI), National Counter Terrorism Centre, Horn International Institute for Strategic Studies, Centre for Sustainable Conflict Resolution, Centre for Human Rights Research and Policy Studies, Institute for Strategic Studies, Isiolo Peace Link, Wasafiri Consulting (CREATE Programme), Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), National Police Service, Scofield Associates, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) among others. I also maintain collaborative academic network with scholars in universities in Germany, Kenya, Ethiopia, the United Kingdom, Tanzania, Djibouti, Uganda and Southern Africa.

  • Deputy Director, Planning and Development, Egerton University, March 2019 to date
  • Affiliate Associate Director, Centre for Study of Terrorism, Violent Extremism and Radicalization, HORN International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2018 to date
  • Senior Humanities Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Volkswagen Foundation, 2017 to date, Junior Fellow 2013-2016
  • Member, Reference Group on Countering Violent Extremism, Life and Peace Institute-Horn of Africa Research Programme, 2017- to date
  • Lead Expert, Development of Marsabit County Action Plan for Prevention and Countering of Violent Extremism (MCAP-P/CVE)

Principal Investigator 

Volkswagen Foundation Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellowship ‘Influencing Public Policies on Countering Violent Extremism in Africa: Building Synergy with Researchers in North and West Africa’, also in the project are Ms. Ihssane Gennoun, Morocco, Dr. Hoinathy Remadji, University of Ndjamena, Chad, and Abdillahi Osman, IGAD Centre of Excellence for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism, March 2021- February 2023

Principal Investigator 

Volkswagen Foundation Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for project titled ‘Jihad for All? Religious Knowledge, Counter-Narrativity and Deradicalization Strategies in Kenya’ January 2017 – December 2019

Principal Investigator 

Volkswagen Foundation Junior Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for project titled ‘Printing Knowledge, Informing Umma: Historical and Contextual Analysis of Kenya’s Friday Bulletin’, 2013-2016

Project Member

CODESRIA Collaborative Research Network for three countries/cities project on comparative analysis of gender and urban violence impact on emerging masculinities and femininities in Nairobi, Johannnesburg and Lagos. The project involved Dr. Obvious Katsaura of University of Witwatersrand, Dr. Tariro Mutongwizo of University of Cape Town, Dr. Esha Faki of Maseno University and Dr. Halkano Abdi Wario of Egerton University, Dr. Adebayo Mosobalaje of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria and Dr. Taibat Lawanson of University of Lagos, Nigeria.

Exhibition Project Organizer 

Exhibition Project: Art of Countering Violent Extremism in Kenya: Things, Text, Images, held on virtual platforms and at the Nairobi National Museum, Nairobi, funded by Volkswagen Foundation

Lead Expert 

National Counter Terrorism Centre, Marsabit County Action Plan for Prevention and Countering of Violent Extremism (MCAP-P/CVE) and Baseline Survey for the Development of Marsabit County Action Plan for Prevention and Countering of Violent Extremism (MCAP-P/CVE), project funded through National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC) by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), November 2018-March 2019

Lead Consultant 

Intergovernmental Authority on Development’s Centre of Excellence for Prevention and Countering Violent Extremism's  (ICEPCVE)  project on ‘Early Warning/Early Response to Violent Extremism in Kenya’ Research Project, 2019-2020

Lead Consulant 

REINVENT Programme Research to examine influence of Contemporary Islamic Ideologies in target Counties of Mandera, Garissa, Marsabit and Isiolo, research done for Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies, March 2020-February 2021

Lead Consultant 

Assessment of Isiolo County Action Plan for Countering Violent Extremism, for Isiolo Peace Link, research funded by Institute for Strategic, September-December 2020


Analysis of Nyeri, Laikipia and Isiolo County Action Plans to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism, project funded by UNDP, client National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC), April-June 2021

Country Consultant 

IGAD Regional project on the impact of the COVID19 pandemic on trends of violent extremism in the Eastern African region March 2020-July 2021, project runs from August - December 2021

Lead Consultant 

Development of National Police Service Action Plan for Countering Violent Extremism, project funded by the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies, September - December 2021 

  • Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) and Terrorism in the Horn of Africa
  • Religion and media
  • Religious knowledge production and transmission
  • Transnational religious movements
  • Religion and spatiality
  • Religion and security
  • Islamic reformism in Eastern Africa
  • Emerging trends in Islamic law
  • Muslim politics in Africa 
  1. Wario, H. A. Tous les « terroristes » sont de Majengo, à Nairobi: Spatialités contestées du « terrorisme » dans les discours anti-radicalisation au Kenya. Politique Africaine,149(1), 67. 2018, doi:10.3917/polaf.149.0067
  2. H.A. Wario, Volunteering in Jihadi Theatre Next Door: Key Reflections from the Fall of Daesh for the Horn of Africa States’ Fight against Violent Extremism, HORN Bulletin, Vol I, Issue III, September-October 2018
  3. Wario, H. "Reforming Men, Refining Umma: Tablīghī Jamā‛at and Novel Visions of Islamic Masculinity." Religion and Gender, 2.2 (2012): 231-253. 12 Nov. 2012
  4. Wario, H.A., ‘Stock taking in a Transnational Islamic movement: Accounting for growth of Tablīghī Jamāʿat in Kenya’ in BIGSAS Works: Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers, Series No. 9, 2/2012
  5. H. Orina, B.K. Onyancha, & H.A. Wario, ResilIence of African TradItional Religion as evident in the Resurgent Roles, Practices and Activities of Njuri Ncheke in Meru County, Kenya, RUWAZA AFRIKA, Vol. V, December, 2017
  6. Xavier F. Ichani, Reuben M. Matheka and H.A. Wario, ‘Debating on Success of the Kenya Counter Insurgency on the Shifta War: Between Double Success and Little Consolation’, International Affairs and Global Strategy, Vol. 71, 2019
  7. E.M. Macharia, B.K. Onyacha & H.A. Wario. Analysis of Christian-Muslim Perceptions in Nakuru County, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research, vol 2, issue 8, pp 19-40, August 2017
  8. New Media and Religious Transformations in Africa edited Rosalind I. J. Hackett and Benjamin F. Soares, Indiana University Press, 2015 (Book Review), pp. 316, £26.99 (paperback) and £65.00 (hardcover), ISBN: 978-0-253-01524-2 (pbk) in Islam and Christian Muslim Relations, Vol 28, Issue 1, 2017
  9. Strategies for Deterring al Shabab Terrorism in the Horn of Africa, Issue no.14. (collaborative policy brief formulated with HORN Institute researchers)
  10. Securing the Nation: Responding to the Changing Terror Tactics after dusitD2 Attack, Issue no.16. (collaborative briefing formulated with HORN Institute researchers)
  11. H. A. Wario, ‘Devolution in North Eastern Kenya: A Tale of County Governance in a Historically Marginalized Region’ in Mumo Nzau (ed) Taking Stock of Devolution in Kenya: The 2010 Constitution, Two Election Cycles, and the BBI Process, Nairobi: Horn Institute, 2021
  12. H. A. Wario, M. Y. Ali, I. Lithome, R. Aula & O. M. Bwana (Eds.) a Peace Building and Conflict Prevention Resource Guide for Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism, Nairobi: CSCR, 2019
  13. H.A. Wario and Steve O. Akoth, Marsabit County Action Plan for Prevention and Countering of Violent Extremism (MCAP-P/CVE) and Baseline Survey for the Development of Marsabit County Action Plan for Prevention and Countering of Violent Extremism (MCAP-P/CVE), (Policy document) 2019
  14. H.A. Wario and Joseph Wandera, ‘Framing the Swoop: A Comparative Analysis of the Usalama Watch in Muslim and Secular Print Media in Kenya’ in N. Carrier and T. Scherer (ed.s) Eastleigh and Beyond: Somali Factor in Urban Kenya, Berghahn Books, (2019)
  15. H.A. Wario, ‘Reading from a Muslim Perspective: Forging the Way Ahead in in David Tarus and Gordon Heath (ed.s)A Christian Response to Terrorism: The Kenyan Experience, Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2017
  16. H.A. Wario, Networking the Nomads: A Study of Tablighi Jamaat among the Borana of Northern Kenya, Doctoral Thesis published by University of Bayreuth Library
  17. H.A. Wario, ‘Fielding for the Faithful: A Tale of Two Religious Centres in a Small Muslim Town in Kenya’, in Magnus Echtler and Asonzeh Ukah (ed.s) Bourdieu in Africa: Exploring the Dynamics of Religious Fields, Leiden: Brill, 2016.
  18. H.A. Wario, ‘Debates on Kadhi’s Courts and Christian-Muslim Relations in Isiolo Town: Thematic Issues and Emergent Trends’ in Franz Kogelmann and John Chesworth (eds.) Sharīʿa in Africa Today: Reactions and Responses, Brill, 2014
  19. H.A. Wario, ‘Mapping the Diversity of Eastleigh’ in C. B. Peter et. al. Mapping Eastleigh for Christian-Muslim Relations. Limuru: Zapf Chancery Publisher, 2013.
  20. H.A. Wario and Ramzi Ben Amara, ‘Door to Door Da‛wa in Africa: Dynamics of Proselytization in Yan Izala and Tablīghī Jamācat’ in Afe Adogame and Shobana Shankar (eds.) Religions on the Move: New Dynamics of Religious Expansion in a Globalizing World. Leiden: Brill, 2012

Upcoming Publications 

  1. Halkano Abdi Wario, ‘Counter-Narrativity as Peace, Love and Unity: Belongingness in the Counter-Radicalization Discourses’ in Farouk Topan and Kai Kresse (ed.s), Governance and Islam in East Africa: Muslims and the State, ISMC Publication (forthcoming)
  2. Halkano Abdi Wario, ‘Echoes of ‘ilm from the Past: Contemporary Readings of Colonial-era Muslim Treatises in Kenya’s Friday Bulletin’, in Ruediger Seesemann, Noah Salomon and Britta Frede (ed.s) Transformation of Islamic Knowledge in Africa: Media, Agents, and Institutions, Leiden: Brill, (forthcoming)


  1. Invited to present a paper titled 'Implication of the coming to power of the Taliban in Afghanistan on violent extremism trends and prevention in the Horn of Africa region' at Digital Africa Colloquium at Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin, Germany, 11 October 2021 
  2. International Conference on Africa-Middle East Relations, organized by the Horn Institute, at Ole Sereni Emara Nairobi, presented a summary on 'Ideological Foundation of Violent Extremism and Terrorism in Africa' out of a cross regional study conducted by the Institute titled 'Africa–Middle East Relations: Interests, Strategies, Interventions, and Impact (2010–2019): An Appraisal' 25-26 August 2021 
  3. 'The role of scholars in shaping Kenya-Somalia Relations' at a Roundtable Discussion organized by the Horn Institute, at Villa Rosa Kempiski Nairobi, 08 December 2020
  4. 'Impact of COVID19 on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism: Setting the Research Agenda' presented an IGAD regional virtual webinar  on COVID19 and Violent Extremism in the Horn of Africa, 02 June 2020
  5. 'Early Warning/ Early Response in the Horn and Eastern Africa Region: The Case of Kenya' Research Seminar on Early Warning/ Early Response for Countering Violent Extremism, organized by IGAD, Djibouti, 04-05 February 2020
  6. Presented ‘Reflections on Religious Actors Interventions on Extremist Ideologies, Identities and Narratives of Marginality in the Horn of Africa’ as a key speaker at ‘the Nairobi Insights Forum organized by the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change between 21-22 November 2019.
  7. Presented a paper ‘Woe unto You Evil Scholars: Politics of Religious Authority Delegitmization in a Jihadi Magazine in East Africa’ at international conference ‘The Fragmentation of Religious Authorities in Africa’ organized by University of Bayreuth, University of Florida and Indian University, venue IU Europe Gateway, Berlin, 10-12 October, 2019
  8. Invited to the 14th Annual GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum as a key speaker on 'Political Islamism in contemporary world' Bratislava, Slokavia, 06-08 June 2019
  9. ‘Migrating to Jihadi Theatre Next Door: Kenyan Militants, Territoriality and Remarking of a Regional Terror Group in Somalian Conflict’ at the Nordic Africa Day Conference, held at the Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Sweden, 19-21 September 2018
  10. ‘Nexus of Religion and Violence in Kenya’ an academic talk delivered at ‘Toward New Research Agenda in Countering Violent Extremism’ Workshop organized by Centre for Human Rights and Policy Studies (CHRIPS) in coordination with Institute of Development Studies and the Newton Fund, held in Naivasha, 06-07 September 2018
  11. ‘Fighting Militants on Paper: Reflective Content Analysis of Regional, National, and Devolved Governments’ Strategic Plans for Countering Violent Extremism’ Horn International Institute for Strategic Studies international conference ‘The Changing Dynamics of Terrorism and Violent Extremism in Africa: Towards Effective Prevention and Counter-Terrorism Strategies’, Nairobi,  24-26 April 2018
  12. ‘Counter-Narrativity as Peace, Love and Unity: Citizenship and Re-Appropriation of Belongingness in a Kenyan Muslim Counter-Radicalization Programmes’ in a conference titled ‘Governance and Islam in East Africa: Muslims and the State’ organized by Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilization and Aga Khan University East Africa Institute in Nairobi,17-18 January 2018
  13. ‘Braving the Radicals heads-on: Politics and Aesthetics of Counter-Radicalisation Discourses in a Kenya’s Muslim Civil Society Organisation’ Workshop ‘Muslim Faith-Based Organisations and the Provisions of Social Welfare in Contemporary Africa’ held at University of Bayreuth, Germany, 09-11November 2017
  14. 'Puzzling Knowledge for the Young: Youth and Children in a Muslim NewLetter in Kenya' a paper presented at European Association for the Study of Religion Conference 2014 titled ‘Religion and Pluralities of Knowledge’ University of Groningen, the Netherlands, 11-15 May 2014 
  15. ‘Echoes of ‘ilm from the Past: Contemporary Readings of Colonial-era Muslim Treatises in Kenya’s Friday Bulletin’ at Future Africa VAD Congress, Bayreuth, Germany, 11- 14 June 2018
  16. 'Competing to reach the same Umma: Dynamics of Knowledge Production in two Kenyan Muslim Newspapers' at African Studies Association Conferencein Washington DC, USA, h30 November – 03 December 2016 
  1. Award for Best Lecturer in Religion, 2015, Egerton University
  2. Volkswagen Foundation Junior and Senior Fellowship grants, 2013- to present 
  3. First Class Honours, Moi University, Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences, 2003
  4. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) Grant for Summer School ‘Religion and Order in Africa’ at University of Bayreuth, 1-30 July 2009
  • Research Methods in Religion
  • Introduction to Islam 
  • Islamic Civilisation and Cultures 
  • Comparative Religion 
  • New Religious Movements 
  1. Esther Macharia, Egerton University, ‘Christian-Muslim relations in Nakuru’, MA in History, status:     completed in 2018
  2. Mohamed Sheikh Mohamed, Mount Kenya University, ‘Impediments faced by Physically Challenged Students in Acquiring Islamic Religious Education in Garissa’,  MA in Religious Studies, status: completed in 2014
  3. Guta Teshome, St. Paul’s University, Limuru, ‘Christian Muslim conflicts and coexistence in Ethiopia’, MA in Islam and Christian Muslim Relations, status: completed in 2018
  4. Evans Mwangi, St. Paul’s University, Limuru , ‘Comparative Study of Muslim and Christian Radio Stations on Family Life and Interfaith Relations’, MA in Islam and Christian Muslim Relations, status: finished 2015
  5. Tubla Paul Lenarum, Egerton University, History of Land Appropriate in Colonial Era in Samburu Region, MA in History, status: submitted thesis for examination
  6. Joseph Odhiambo, Egerton University, ‘A Study of Ministry of Repentance and Holiness, MA in Religion, status: writing the thesis 
  7. Caroline Kiprop, Egerton University, ‘History of Sisal Plantation in Rongai area’, MA in History, status: in field work, writing thesis
  8. Walter Chesang, Egerton University, ‘Cattle Rustling among the Pokot and Turkana’, MA in History, status: in field work, writing thesis
  1. Hellen Orina Kagwiria, Egerton University, 'Njuri Ncheke Resurgence', PhD in Religion, status: completed  in 2018 
  2. Hafsa Ali Ibrahim, Egerton University, 'Representation of women in terrorism discourses in Kenya', PhD in Religion, status writing the thesis  
  3. Xavier Ichani, Egerton University, 'History of Insurgences and Military Interventions in Kenya' PhD in History, status, completed in 2019
  4. Worku Mohamed, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies/Birmingham University, 'Tablighi Jamaat in Ethiopia', PhD in Religion, status: writing the thesis  
  1. Member of Reference and Advisory Group Life and Peace Institute on matters of peace and security in the Horn of Africa
  2. Member of African Studies Association, USA
  3. Member, University of Bayreuth Alumni Network, Germany
  4. Member; German Academic Exchange Service Alumni (DAAA)
  5. Member, Africa Borderlands Research Network (ABORNE)
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