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Job Category
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Commerce
Directorate / Dept
Risk management, Insurance, Pensions
Box 13357, Nakuru

Year            Degree                                      Institution

2014:         PhD in Business (Insurance)     Kenyatta University, Kenya

1998:         MBA (Insurance)                       University of Nairobi, Kenya

1995:         Bcom (Insurance)                     University of Nairobi, Kenya

1989:         KCSE                                        Ingotse High School, Kenya

1985:         KCPE                                        Naluchira Primary School, Kenya


Risk Management, Insurance, Reinsurance, Retirement Benefits Schemes and Research Methods


Year                 Title of Certificate                                                           Institution Awarding

2004:               Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute (ACII)     Chartered Insurance Institute, United Kingdom

2004:               Associate of the Insurance Institute of Kenya (AIIK)       Insurance Institute of Kenya


Period                              Role/Duty/Responsibility

2017 - 2022                    Associate Dean, Faculty of Commerce, Egerton University

2018 - Date                    Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce, Egerton University

2009 - 2018                   Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce, Egerton University

2010 - 2014                   Examinations Officer, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce, Egerton University

2006 - 2009                   Assistant Lecturer, Department of Management Science, School of Business, Kenyatta University

2007- 2009                   Examinations Officer, Department of Management Science, School of Business, Kenyatta University

2004 - 2005                  Lecturer, School of Finance and Banking, Kigali, Rwanda

1999 - 2003                  Head of Claims, Pan Africa Insurance Company, Kenya


1. Tari J, Wawire H.W.N and Ombuki C (2015), Employer Related Determinants of Scheme Design in Occupational Defined Contributrion Schemes in Kenya, European Journal of Business and Management, ISSN 2222-2839 Online (February), International Institute for Science, Technology and Education.

2. Tari J, Wawire H.W.N and Ombuki C (2015), Trustee Related Determinants of Scheme Design in Occupational Defined Contribution Schemes in Kenya, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, ISSN 2222-2847 Online (February), International Institute for Science, Technology and Education.

3. Ongalo E.A and Tari J (2015), Effect of Employee Motivation Strategies on Organizational Performance, A Case of Electricity Generating and Distribution Firms in Kenya, European Journal of Business and Management, ISSN 2222-2839 Online, Vol.7 No.8, International Institute for Science, Technology and Education.

4. Ng'ang'a A.M and Tari J (2017), Effect of Talent Management on Organisation Performance, Case of Conservation Agencies in Kenya, International Journal of Social Sciences Management and Entrepreneurship, ISSN 2411-7323 Online (March), Sage Global Publishers.

5. Tari J (2017), Challenges Facing Private Medical Insurers in Claims Management: A Case of Nakuru Town, International Journal of Novel Research in Marketing Management and Economics, ISSN 2394-7322 Oniline (September), Novelty Journals Publishers.

6. Tari J (2017), Challenges Faced in Underwriting Agricultural Insurance in Kenya, International Journal of Novel Research in Interdisciplinary Studies, ISSN 2394-9716 Online (September), Novelty Journals Publishers.

7. Tari J (2017), Scheme Design, the Regulatory Factors Affecting Occupational Defined Contribution Schemes in Kenya, International Journal of Novel Research in Marketing Management and Economics, ISSN 2394-7322 Online (September), Novely Journals Publishers.

8. Ntikalai N and Tari J (2019), The Effect of Life Bancassurance on the Traditional Distribution Channels of Insurance Companies in Kenya, International Journal of Business Management & Finance, ISSN 2616-1818 Online (January), Serial Publishers.

9. Teyie S.E and Tari J (2019), Policyholders Factors Affecting Persistency of Life Assurance Policies in Kenya, International Journal of Business Management & Finance, ISSN 1116-1128 Online (February), Sage Global Publishers.

10. Teyie S.E and Tari J (2019), Intermediary Factors Affecting Persistency of Life Assurance Policies in Kenya, International Journal of Social Sciences Management and Entrepreneurship, ISSN 2411-7323 Online (July), Sage Global Publishers.

11. Nyamao N.I and Tari J (2022), Process Innovations and the Performance of Financial Technology Companies in Kenya, International Journal of Business Mnagement & Finance, ISSN 2616-1818, Vol 2 No.1, Serial Publishers.

12. Nyamao N.I and Tari J (2023), Product Innovation and the Performance of Finanacial Technology Companies in Kenya, European Journal of Business & Management Research, ISSN 2507 1076 Online, Vol 8 No.5,, International Institute for Science, Technology and Education


1. Certificate of Merit and Cash Award: Kenya Reinsurance Corporation Ltd- Best Student of Insurance

2. Certificate of Merit and Cash Award: Phoenix E.A Assurance Ltd- Best Student of Insurance

3. Certficate of Merit Award: Insurance Institute of Kenya- Best Candidate in Medical Insurance Paper (CII Professional Exams)


Risk Management

Property Insurance

Agricultural Insurance

Social Insurance

Life Assurance

Medical Insurance

Insurance Broking



Marine Insurance

Retirement Benefits Schemes

Introduction to Actuarial Science

Research Methods


1. Nyamao N. I (2023), Innovations and the Performance of Financial Technology Companies in Kenya, MBA Project, Egerton University

2. Ntikalai N (2019), The Effect of Bancassurance on the Traditional Distribution Channels Of Insurance Companies in Kenya, MBA Project, Egerton University

3. Seka E.T (2019), Factors Affecting Persistency of Life Assurance Policies in Kenya, MBA Project, Egerton University

4. Ng'ang'a A.M (2017), Effect of Talent Management on Organizational Performance in Conservation Agencies in Kenya, MBA Project, Egerton University

5. Nyakundi C.B (2017), Effect of Green Supply Chain Management Practices on Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Nairobi, Kenya, MBA Project, Egerton University

6. Ongalo E.A (2015), Effect of Employee Motivation Strategies on Organizational Performance, A Case of Electricity Generating and Distribution Firms in Kenya, MBA Project, Egerton University

7. Awuor J.O (2012), An Assement of Factors Affecting the Quality of Service Offered by Underwriters to Insurance Brokers in Kenya, MBA Project, Kenyatta University

8. Ohiambo E.A (Ongoing CM12/19009/18), Emotional Intelligence and Job Stress Among Police Officers in Nakuru County, MBA Project, Egerton University

9.Kulohoma B.K (Ongoing CM16/0112/12), Innovation Strategies and Performance of Alcohol Manufacturing Companies in Kenya, MBA Project, Egerton University

10. Chochoi L.A (Ongoing CM11/62584/14), Operational Strategies and Performance of Non Governmental Organizations in Nakuru County, Kenya, MBA Project, Egerton University

11. Ekesa H.W (Ongoing CM12/14704/18), Performance Management Practices and Employee Productivity, A Case of Public High School Teachers in Gilgil Sub-county, Kenya, MBA Project, Egerton University

12. Mathenge K.G (Ongoing CM16/0338/13, Digitilization and Performance of Private Medical Insurance Companies in Kenya, MBA Project, Egerton University


1. Chirchir F.K (Ongoing CD11/14676/15), Capital Structure, Firm Characteristics, Corporate Governance and Financial Performance of Non- Listed Firms at the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya, PhD Thesis, Egerton University


Year                      Membership Category                                                                 Organization

2003 - Date         Chief Examiner (Insurance Paper) for AKIB Examinations             Kenya Insitute of Bankers

2012 - Date        Research Peer Reviewer                                                                Insurance Regulatory Authority, Kenya

2004 - Date        Associate Member                                                                          Chartered Insurance Institute, United Kingdom

2004 - Date        Associate Member                                                                           Insurance Institute of Kenya

2013 - 2018        External Examiner Local Professional Insurance Exams                 College of Insurance, Kenya

2019 - Date        PhD Thesis External Examiner, Dept Of Management Science       Kenyatta University

2016 - 2021       BOM Member                                                                                   Ivugwi Primary School

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