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Faculty of Education and Community Development Studies
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P.O.Box 536 Egerton

Dr. Catherine has an educational background in Agricultural studies with specialization in agricultural and extension education. She has a PhD in Agricultural and Extension Education and Masters Degree in Agriculture Extension. Her first work experience involved working with communities in particular women and youth in development activities in the Ministry of Agriculture in Kenya. She then joined Egerton University where she has lectured for over twenty years in extension methods, community mobilization and community change oriented subjects. She is currently a Senior Lecturer in Agricultural and Extension Education. She derives a lot of satisfaction shaping young minds in the university to contribute positively in community development and towards improving the standards of people living in rural and urban communities in particular those with limited resources. Some of the areas of research she has been involved are women in Agriculture extension, Integrated Pest Management among small scale farmers, agricultural production and food security among smallholder farmers and households. She has supervised students research related to agriculture extension, food security, agriculture and development and published in the same fields. Catherine has good leadership qualities and served as a head of department of Agriculture and Home Economics at Egerton University. Currently she is a coordinator for undergraduate programmes in the department of Applied Community Development Studies with the main responsibility of ensuring effective teaching and learning among the lecturers and students respectively. She has strong work ethics with values on integrity, proper time management and commitment to her responsibilities.

  • 2003: PhD. Agricultural and Extension Education, Pennsylvania State University, USA
  • 1995: MSc. Agricultural Extension, Egerton University
  • 1990: BSc. Agriculture and Home Economics, Egerton University
  • 1985: Diploma Egerton University, Egerton University
  • 1981: Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (A Level), Kabare Girls High School, Kirinyaga
  • 1979: Kenya Certificate of Education (O Level) St. Teresa’s Girls, Nairobi
  • Agricultural and Extension Education
  • 2010: Participant consultancy training workshop, Egerton University
  • 2008: Participant in Pedagogy Training, Egerton University
  • 2007: Participant in a workshop on Development of Distance Learning Materials, Egerton University
  • 2007: Participant in Leadership and Management in Higher Education, Egerton University
  • 1999: Participant in Social Economic and Gender Analysis (SEAGA) Training of Trainers Workshop, Egerton University
  • 2009 April- Senior Lecturer, Departmentof Applied Community Development Studies
  • 2017 October: Appointed Chair Faculty of Education and Community Studies Undergraduate Academic Committee; Faculty Representative to Board of Undergraduate Studies
  • 2017 April: Appointed Academic Leader for BSc. Agriculture and Human Ecology Extension and BSc. Community Development programmes
  • 2009: Coordinator for undergraduate programmes in BSc. Agriculture and Human Ecology Extension and BSc. Community Development
  • 1998-2008: Lecturer, Department of Agriculture and Home Economics, Egerton University
  • 2006-2009: Undergraduate Programmes marketing, Applied Community Development Studies department, Egerton University
  • 2006: Faculty of Education and Community Studies representative to Senate
  • 1997-2000: Chairperson: Department of Agriculture and Home Economics Extension, Egerton University
  • 1997- 1998: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Agriculture and Home Economics, Egerton University
  • 1990-1992: Teaching Assistant, Department of Agriculture and Home Economics, Egerton University
  • 1990 July: October Instructor, Embu Institute of Agriculture, Embu, Kenya
  • 1985-1987: Home Economics Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Murang’a, Kenya
  1. 2007-2009: Wagara, I.N., Otaye, D.O., Angegas, J.A., Munyua, C.N., Amwoga, P.Spawn Production and cultivation of Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms
  2. 2006: Munyua C.N., Wagara, I.N. An Exploratory Study of Pest Management Practices and Gender Influence among Small Holder Farmers in BahatiDivision of Nakuru District in Kenya
  3. 2020: Muriuki, N. N., (Munyua, C.N., Odero, D.A. Supervisors). National Research Fund Award of Doctoral Research Grant. Effectiveness of Selected Communication Channels on Adoption Process of Hermitic Bags Storage Technology by Small Scale Maize Farmers in Nakuru County.
  • Agriculture Extension
  • Gender and Agriculture
  • Agriculture and Food Security




  1. Muriuki, N. N., Munyua, C. N., & Odero-Wanga, D. A. (2023). Effectiveness of Extension Communication Channel in the Adoption Process of Hermetic Bag Storage Technology in Nakuru, Kenya. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology41(10), 368-377.

  2. Mutua, B.K., Munyua, C.N., Odero-Wanga, D. (2022). Influence of Ethnic Conflicts on Occupational Structure among Households in Tana Delta Sub-County, Tana River County, Kenya., African Journal of Educational and Social Science Research., Vol. 10(1).
  3. Chelule, R.C., Munyua, C.N., Kibett, J. (2022).  Perceptions of Agricultural Extension Staff towards Financial Support before and after Devolution in Kericho County, Kenya. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics and Sociology., Vol. 40(9).
  4. Lepariyo, L.C., Munyua,C.N, Olubandwa, A.M. (2022).  Influence of Social Cultural Factors on Potato Production among Agro-Pastoralists in Samburu County, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development., Vol 11(3).
  5. Naomi Muriuki, Catherine Munyua. Dolphine Odero (2021). Effectiveness of Mass Media Channels on the Adoption Process of Hermitic Bags Storage Technology by Small Scale Maize Farmers in Nakuru County, Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol., 2(2)
  6. Maina, P., Munyua, C.N., Nkurumwa, A.O. (2021). Influence of Women’s Participation in Self-Help Groups on their Access to Credit in Tigania West Sub-county.Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol., 26 (1).
  7. Munyua C.N. (2020). Scaling Up The Use Of Information And Communication Technologies For Smallholder Women Farmers In The Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis In Kenya.Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 2 (1).
  8. Kamau, P. W., Odero-Wanga, D. A., Munyua, C.N. (2020). Empowering the Vulnerable Youth with Employability Skills through Non-formal Training Programs in Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 8(7).
  9. Kakuku M. C., Munyua, C. N. Kinuthia L. N. (2019). East Coast Fever Effect on Smallholder Dairy Farmers’ Dairy Herds’ Capital Assets in Kisumu East Sub-county, Kenya. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research ISSN 2348-3164 (online) Vol. 7(4).
  10. Omondi, C.A., Kamuru, S.M., Munyua, C.N. (2019). Sustainability of Agronomic Practices Implemented by Millennium Villages Project: A Case of Sauri Millennium Village Cluster, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development,Vol. 8 (11).
  11. Maina, P., Munyua, C.N., Nkurumwa, A.O. (2019). Influence of Participation in Self-Help Groups on Self Confidence of Women in Tigania West Sub-county, Meru, County, Kenya. Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol., 24 (8).
  12. Lihanda, J.M., Munyua, C.N., Maina, S.W. (2019). Relationship between Land Use Patterns and Livelihood Outcomes of Selected Households in Isinya Sub-County of Kajiado County, Kenya. Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary Vol. 7(2).
  13. Kamau, P. W., Odero-Wanga, D. A., Munyua, C.N. (2017). Group Learning Challenges and EmergingPerspectives in Non-Formal Training Programs forthe Vulnerable Youth in Nakuru County, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, Vol. 5 (12).
  14. Odhiambo, J., Munyua, C.N., Odero-Wanga D.O. (2017). Relationship Between Cultural Capital and Level of Parental Participation in Primary Education in Migori County, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, Vol. 5 (10).
  15. Odhiambo, J., Munyua, C.N..Odero-Wanga D.O. (2017). Relationship Between Human Capital and Level of Parental Participation in Primary Education in Migori County, Kenya. Researchjournali’s Journal of Education, Vol. 5 (10).
  16. Kingau, J.M., Munyua, C.N., Chacha, B.K. (2017). Self-Reliance Projects - The Future Core Driver of Rural Youth Livelihood Development Outcomes. Kabarak Journal of Research & Innovation, Volume 5, Number 1
  17. Muriuki, N.N., Munyua, C.N., Odero, D.A. (2016).Communication Channels in Adoption of Technology with a Focus on the Use of Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) among Small Scale Maize Farmers in Kenya. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare,6, (18).
  18. Kingau, J.M., Munyua, C.N., Chacha, B.K. (2016). Self-reliance: A Springboard for Rural Youth Livelihoods. Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Science and Humanities,3, 9.
  19. Kingau, J.M., Munyua,C.N., Chacha, B.K.(2016) Rural Youth Self-Reliance Projects in Kenya- Insights from Nakuru County, Central Rift-Valley. Journal of African Research and development (JARD) 1(1) 21-31
  20. Otieno, J.K.O., Munyua, C.N., Olubandwa, A. (2016). Effects of Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation on Stakeholder Relationships and Project Quality in the Local Authority Service Delivery Action Planning (LASDAP) Process in Bondo sub-county in Siaya, Kenya. Journal of Developing Country Studies, 6(4).
  21. Ajwang, F.O. Munyua, C.N. (2016). The Influence of State of Roads and Ownership of Means of Transport to Smallholder Dairy Farmers’ Choice of Milk Marketing Outlet in KipKaren Division of Nandi County, Kenya. Asian Journal of Agriculture Extension, Economics and Rural Sociology 9(2):1-6.
  22. Smollo, J.W.O., Olubandwa A.M., Ng’endo C.M. (2016). Influence of Utilizing Animal Husbandry Information from Mobile Phones on Milk Yield among Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Njoro Sub-county, Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Extension 4(1): 41-47.
  23. Munyua, C.N., Wagara, I.N. (2015). Diversification and Multidisciplinary Approach for Raising Agriculture Production and Attaining Food Security in Smallholder FarmingSyatems of Sub-Saharan Africa. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 5(10): 218-224.
  24. Munyua, C.N., Wagara, I.N. (2015). Utilization of Pesticidal Plants in Pest management among Smallholder Vegetable Farmers in Bahati Division, Nakuru, Kenya. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management 8(3): 242-251.
  25. Akal, P.A., Munyua, C.N. (2015). Comparative Study on Adoption of High Value Traditional Crops among Common Interest Groups and Non-Common Interest Group Smallholder Farmers in Miwani Division, Muhoroni Sub County, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(8).
  26. Mwaura, I.N. Munyua, C.N., Makal, S.K. (2015). Influence of Demographic Characteristics on adoption of Improved Potato Varieties in Mumberes division, BaringoCounty, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development 7(14), pp. 114-121.
  27. Mulwale, C.A., Munyua, C.N., Olubandwa, A. (2014). Relationship between Fodder Production Practices and Dairy Production in Homa Bay and Ndhiwa Districts, Kenya. American International Journal of Social Science 3(2).
  28. Odhiambo, F.A, Ng’endo, C., Kamuru, S. (2013). Factors Influencing Smallholder Farmers’ Choice of Milk Marketing Outlet in Kipkaren division of Nandi County, Kenya. Agricultural Economics and Extension research Studies(AGEERS)Vol.2, No.2.


  1. Munyua C.N. & Abonyo J.A. (2016). AGHE 414: Outreach Programme(for BSc. Community Development- E- Learning)
  2. Munyua C.N. &Abonyo J.A. (2016). AGHE 213: Extension Methods in Human Ecology (for BSc. Community Development- E- Learning)
  3. Munyua, C.N. (2015). CDEV 222: Community Organizations (for BSc. Community Development)
  4. Munyua, C.N. (2015). CDEV 212: Community Mobilization in Development (for BSc. Community Development- E- Learning)
  5. Munyua, C.N. (2014). AGHE 112: Human Aspects in Extension and Development (for BSc. Community Development- E- Learning)
  6. Munyua, C.N. (2014). COSE 711: Advances in Community Mobilization (for MSc. Community Studies and Extension- E- Learning)
  7. Munyua, C.N. (2014). COSE 721: Critical Issues in Food Production and Security (for MSc. Community Studies and Extension- E- Learning)


  1. Munyua, C. N. (2020). Scaling up the use of Information and Communication Technologies for Smallholder Women Farmers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Kenya. Paper, presented at the ESSRAK 1st Online Research Conference on 28th October, 2020.
  2. Kamau P.W., Odero, D.A., Munyua C.N. (2019). Empowering the Youth with Employability Skills through Non-Formal Training Programs: A Case of Nakuru County. Paper presented at the 6th Education Research and Research and Evaluation International Conference. 7-9th August 2019 at Egerton University Njoro, Kenya.
  3. Lepariyo, L. C., Munyua,C. N. and Olubandwa, A. (2017). The influence of social-cultural factors on crop farming among pastoralist communities with a focus on sweet potato production in Samburu county, Kenya. Paper presented at the 11th Egerton University International Conference andInnovation Week29th- 31st March, 2017. Faculty of Education Complex, Egerton University,
    Njoro, Kenya
  4. Kingau, J.M., Munyua, C.N., Chacha, B. K. (2016). Self-Reliance Projects: A Springboard for Rural Youth Livelihoods. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference, 24-27th May 2106 at Laikipia University.
  5. Kingau, J.M., Munyua, C.N., Chacha, B. K. (2016). The Future of Rural Youth Self-Reliance Projects in Kenya- Insights for Nakuru County. Presented at the 1st Edition GLAC (Great Learners of Africa Communique’ International Limited) International Conference at University of Eastern Africa, Baraton Kenya, 30thNovember - 3rd December 2015.
  6. Njuguna, I. M., Munyua, C.N., Makal, S. K. (2014). Farmers’ Perception and Adoption of Improved Potato Varieties among Smallholder farmers in Mumberes Division, Baringo County, Kenya. Paper presented at 8thEgerton University International Conference.
  7. Munyua, C.N., Wagara, I.N. (2013). Potential and uncertainties in utilization of pesticidal plants in pest management among small scale-farmers in Nakuru, Kenya. Paper presented at The First International Conference on Pesticidal Plants 21-24 January 2013, icipe, Nairobi, Kenya
  8. Munyua, C.N., Wagara, I.N. (2012). Developing sustainable solutions for addressing threats to agricultural production and food security: A focus on sub-Saharan African. Paper presented at the 7thEgerton University International Conference and Research Expo 26-28th September, 2012, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya
  9. Wagara, I.N., Otaye, D.O., Angegas, J.A., Munyua, C.N., Amwoga, P. (2009). Spawn Production and Cultivation of Edible and Medicinal Indigenous Mushrooms using Agricultural Substrates. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Research Week and International Conference, Egerton University
  • ESSRAK 2nd Online Research Conference, 2021
  • 2020- Munyua C.N. Scaling up the use of Information and commuincation Technologies for Smallhoder Women Farmers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Kenya. ESSRAK (Education and Social Science Research Association of Kenya) 1st Online Research Conference on 28th October, 2020.
  • 2019- Kamau, P.W., Odero-Wanga, D., Munyua, C.N. Empowering the Youth with Employability Skills through Non-formal Training programs A case of Nakuru County, Kenya. 6th Annual Educational Research and Evaluation International Conference. 7-9th August 2019 at Egerton University Njoro, Kenya
  • 2017- Lepariyo, L.C., Munyua, C.N., Olubandwa, A.M.The Influence of Social Cultural Factors on  Crop Farming among Pastoralist Communities with a focus on sweet potaton production in Samburu County, Kenya.  11th Egerton University International Conference and Innovation Week29th- 31st March, 2017. Faculty of Education Complex, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya
  • 2016- Kingau, J.M., Munyua,C.N., Chacha, B.K. Self-Reliance Projects: The future core driver of rural youth livelihood development outcomes
  • 2016- Kingau, J.M., Munyua,C.N., Chacha, B.K.Self-Reliance Projects: A springboard for rural youth livelihoods.3rd International Conference, 24-27th May 2016 at Laikipia University.
  • 2015- Kingau, J.M., Munyua,C.N., Chacha, B.K. The Future of Rural Youth Self-Reliance projects in Kenya- Insights from Nakuru County. Ist Great Learners of Africa, Communique (GLAC) Conference,University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Nandi County, Kenya 
  • 2013-Munyua, C.N., Wagara, I.N. Potential and uncertainities in utilization of pesticidal plants in pest management among small scale farmers in Nakuru County. The First International Conference on Pesticidal Plants 21-24 January 2013, icipe, Nairobi, Kenya
  • 2013, Njuguna. I.M., Munyua, C.N., Makal, S.K., Farmer's Perception and Adoption of Improved Potato Varieties among Smallholder Farmers in Mumberes Division, Baringo County, Kenya. 8th Egerton University International Confererence
  • 2012, Munyua, C.N., Wagara, I.N. Developing sustainable solutions for addressing threats to agricultural production and food security: A focus on Sub-Saharan Africa, 7th Egerton University International Conference 
  • 2009,Wagara, I.N., Otaye, D.O., Angegas. J.A., Munyua,C.N., Amwoga,P. Spawn Production and  Cultivation of edible and Medicinal Indigenous Mushrooms using Agricultural Substrates. Fourth Annual and Research Week Conference, Egerton University,


 2001 - Edward L. and Dessa B. Keller Memorial Scholarship for contribution to extension and outreach. The Pennsylvania State University, USA

2003- Andrew V. Kozak award for contributions in public education, research, leadership, and service. The Pennsylvania State University, USA



Undergraduate Students

  • Human Aspects in Extension
  • Extension Methods
  • Community Mobilization in development
  • Outreach Programm

Postgraduate students

  • Advances in Community Mobilization
  • Contemporary Issues in Food Production and Security


  1. November 2023- Ruth C. Chelule. Perceptions Of Agricultural Staff Towards The Effect Of Devolution On Financial Support, Human Resource Development And Implementation In Agriculture Extension In Kericho County, Kenya.

  2. November 2023- Leah C. Lepariyo- Factors influencing adoption of sweet potato production among agro-pastoralists in Poro and Maralal wards, Samburu central sub-county.

  3. November 2023- Jane W. Kamau- Selected Factors Influencing Household Food Security in the Tea zones of Kirinyaga County. 

  4. November 2023- Beatrice K. Mutua: Influence Of Ethnic Conflicts On Selected Indicators Of Economic Development Among Households in Tana Delta Sub-County, Tana River County, Kenya. 

  5. July 2022- Colleta Awino- Sustainability of some poverty reduction interventions implemented between 2006 and 2012 by the millennium villages project in Sauri, Siaya county. 
  6. December 2021- Edwin O. Otieno- Factors Affecting Financial Sustainability Of Donor Dependent Non – Governmental Organizations In Nakuru West Constituency, Nakuru County.
  7. June 2021- Peter Maina: Influence Of Participation In Self-Help Groups On The Socio-Economic Empowerment Of Women In Tigania WestSub-County, Meru County, Kenya.
  8. July 2020- Charles Kakuku: Effect of East Coast Fever on Smallholder Dairy Famers’ Financial and Dairy Herds Capital Assets in Winam and Kadibo Divisions in Kisumu East Sub-county Kenya.
  9. Dec.2019- Jairus M. Lihanda: Influence of land use patterns on livelihoods of the Maasai pastoralist community in Isinya sub-county of Kajiado county, Kenya.
  10. Dec.2019- Isaac Mwaura: Selected Factors Influencing Adoption of Improved Potato Varieties Among Smallholder Farmers in Mumberes Division, Baringo County, Kenya.
  11. Dec.2016- Josephat W. O. Smollo: Influence of Utilizing Management Information from Mobile Phones on Milk Yield among Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Njoro Sub-County, Kenya
  12. June 2016- Kennedy J.,Oreyo: Effects of participatory monitoring and evaluation on the local authority service delivery action planning (LASDAP) process in Bondo sub-county, Siaya, Kenya
  13. June 2015- Pamela Akal: Influence of Common Interest Group Approach on Orphan Crops Productivity among Small Holder Farmers in Miwani Division, Muhoroni sub-county, Kenya
  14. Dec.2014- Catherine A. Mulwale : Relationship between Livestock Development Programme Packages and Dairy Production in Homa Bay and Ndhiwa Districts, Kenya
  15. Dec.2014- Fredrick Odhiambo: Selected Factors Influencing Smallholder Dairy Farmers’ Choice of Milk Marketing Outlet in Kipkaren Division of Nandi North District, Kenya
  16. Dec.2010- Seraphine Atambo: Comparative Efficacies of Farmer-Led and Extension-Led Farmer Field Schools in the Dissemination of Push-Pull Technology among Smallholder Farmers of Western Kenya


  1. Nancy N. Njenga.Influence Of Membership In Young Farmers Clubs On Career Interest And Participation In Agriculture Among Public Day Secondary School Students In Nakuru North Sub-County, Kenya. Submitted Thesis for examination
  2. Editar W. Njeru- Economic factors influencing the adoption of improved coffee varieties by smallholder farmers in Mathira east sub-county of Nyeri county.Writing Thesis


  1. June 2019- Jacob Odhiambo: Relationship Between Community Capitals and Level of parental Participation in Primary Education in Migori County, Kenya.
  2. June 2019- Peninah W. Kamau: Effectiveness of Structured Group Learning Model in Enhancing Acquisition Of Selected Vocational, Employability and Lifelong Learning Skills Among the Vulnerable Youth in Nakuru County, Kenya.
  3. December 2017- John Mathenge Kingau: Self-reliance projects and livelihoods of youth in selected rural areas of Nakuru county, Kenya



  1. Naomi N. Muriuki: Effectiveness of Selected Communication Channels on Adoption Process of Hermitic Bags Storage Technology by Small Scale Maize Farmers in Nakuru County. Passed Thesis Defense on 21/2/2024. Correcting Thesis.
  2. Dorcas N. Bundi: Shared Learning Platform for Small scale Farmers’ Participation in Seed Potato Multiplication in Kamara Ward Of Nakuru County, Kenya. Writing Thesis

Education and Social Sciences Research Association of Kenya (ESSRAK)

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