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Division / Faculty
Faculty of Health Sciences
Directorate / Dept
Human Nutrition
P.O.Box 536 Egerton 20115

2003- 2006: Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr.rer.nat.) (Public Health Nutrition), University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

1993-1995: Master of Public Health (M.P.H.), Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia.

1988-1991: B.Sc. in Agriculture and Home Economics, Egerton University, Kenya

  • Specialised in Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN) in different contexts. These include nutrition and food security, growth and development, Nutrition Epidemiology, Community Nutrition, Nutrition Education, Public Health.
  • Any projects that have a focus in MIYCN issues including in multidisciplinary projects

2019-present: Director, Planning and Development Directorate, Egerton University

Duties: Incharge of the Directorates activities of the Performance Contract process from drafting to final implementation stage as well as quarterly and final reporting of PC activities to relevant offices. Preparing and monitoring implementation of the University strategic plan through the implementation plans. Preparing and monitoring the University Citizen’s service delivery charter. Supervision of Directorate staff.


May 2017-present: Deputy Director, Planning and Development, DirectorateEgerton University

Duties: Planning and monitoring the University Performance contract and its implementation, preparing and monitoring University Strategic Plan and the implementation plans. Monitoring the University’s Citizen’s service delivery Charter


April 2013-present: Senior Lecturer/Researcher, Egerton University

Duties: Planning, preparing and implementing semester programs, taking part in research activities, supervising masters and PhD students, academic advisory and reviewing the nutrition curricula when need arises. Representing the department in different committees within the University and outside the University


Oct 2006-May 2017: Chair of Department (Human Nutrition), Egerton University

Duties: Heading the department in administrative, academic and research duties. Involved in the nutrition curriculum review for the department in 2006-2007. Being incharge of all departmental activities and supervising teaching and non-teaching staff as well as students.


June 2006-Ap 2013: Lecturer, Egerton University

Duties: Planning, preparing and implementing semester programs, taking part in research activities, supervising masters and PhD students and reviewing the nutrition curricula when need arises. Representing the department in different committees within the University and outside the University


Jan 1996-May 2006: Assistant lecturer, Egerton University

Duties: Planning, preparing and implementing semester programs.


Dec1991-Feb 1993: Teaching Assistant, Egerton University   

Duties: Assisting lecturers with tutorial classes and the supervision of practical classes. Assisting in the teaching of Diploma level classes and taking part in any departmental research.

  • Jan 2020-June 2023: Kenya PI (Nutrition) for “Samaki Salama project: securing small-scale fisheries in Kenya for healthy nutrition and ecosystems”. A collaboration between Washington University in St. Louis, USA, University of Rhode Island, USA, Pwani University, Kenya, and Egerton University, Kenya. SecureFish aims to build a foundation for the longer-term Fish Innovation Lab goal to improve nutrition among vulnerable populations in Kenya through increased access and consumption of sustainable fish foods. The project is funded by USAID through Mississippi University, USA.
  • Jan-Dec 2019: Kenya PI for the project ‘Eco-sensitive Fish for Nutrition Security (SecureFish) in Kenya’. A collaboration between Washington University in St. Louis, USA, University of Rhode Island, USA, Pwani University, Kenya, and Egerton University, Kenya. SecureFish aims to build a foundation for the longer-term Fish Innovation Lab goal to improve nutrition among vulnerable populations in Kenya through increased access and consumption of sustainable fish foods. The project is funded by USAID through Mississippi University, USA.
  • 2016-2021: Kenya PI for Monitoring and evaluation of the ENRICH project;” Enhancing Nutrition Services to Improve Maternal and Child Health in Africa and Asia”. A five country project in Bangladesh, Kenya, Myanmar, Pakistan and Tanzania. In collaboration with Toronto University, Canada and funded by World Vision Canada. Incharge of baseline survey, midterm review and endterm review.
  • 2015-2018: Co-PI, Kenya lead team for ‘Crops for Healthy Diets: Linking Agriculture and Nutrition” project. A collaboration between Luanar University (Malawi), Universität Hohenheim (Germany), Giessen University, (Germany)
  • Egerton University (Kenya) and Makerere University (Uganda). Funded by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) of the German government.
  • 2014 -2016: Co-investigator, Kenya lead team; The International Human Milk Microbiome Project (IHMMP): Standardization of Methods and Cross-Cultural Analysis of Human Milk Samples. International collaborative study with Washington State University among others. Funded by NIH. Registered clinical trial: as NCT02670278
  • Oct 2014-Jul 2016: Member of the “e-Learning Network on Food and Nutrition Security (eLEFANS project) as an author in the project for the elearning course “Community nutrition and Public Health with Partner Universities in Eastern Africa (Egerton University, Kenyatta University, Kenya, Makerere University, Uganda, Hawassa University, Ethiopia) and Ulm University, Germany. ACP-EU Cooperation Programme in Higher Education (EDULINK). A programme of the ACP Group of States, with the financial assistance of the European Union.
  • January 2013-Dec 2013: Co-investigator: Factors and health risks of geophagia in pregnant women in Nakuru County, Kenya. Funded by Egerton University
  • May 2010-May 2013: Principal Investigator: Randomized controlled trial on Effectiveness of a Baby-Friendly Hospital-based mothers’ support group, and a cell-phone based peer support program in supporting exclusive breastfeeding in an urban Kenyan community.
  • Funded under  Alive & Thrive Initiative Small Grants Program by Bill and Melinda gates foundation.
  • Collaborative study between Egerton University, University of Toronto, Canada and Emory University, USA.
  •  Registered clinical trial: registry no. NCT01385410
  • Dec 2010-2012: Member: African SNOWS (Scientists networking for Water and Sanitation)
  • January 2010-2013: Member: ACP-S&T Innovations project (Building the capacity of African University graduates to foster change through agricultural innovations)       run by RUFORUM and funded by the European Union. Collaborative project between Egerton University, Makerere University, Bunda college of Agriculture, Malawi and Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Netherlands.
  • June 2009: End-term evaluation for Bakool CTC nutrition project for World Vision Somalia
  • Dec 2008-2011: Co- investigator: Enhancing Sustainable Community Health and Nutrition Security and Safe Motherhood among Rural and Low Income Urban Households in Nakuru District.  Funded by Egerton University.
  • August 2007: Food security feasibility survey in Kainuk division, Turkana district for World Vision, Kainuk ADP     
  • October 2006-June 2007: Research Fellow/Principal Investigator:  Effectiveness and utilisation of Comprehensive Care Clinic (CCC) at the Provincial General Hospital in Nakuru by people living with HIV/AIDS. Funded by: Social Science Research Council (SSRC), New York
  • January 2004-august 2006: Project title: Impact of maternal HIV status and infant feeding patterns and growth. Funded by: DAAD/OAD
  • Maternal, Infant and Young Child nutrition (MIYCN): exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding including in the context of HIV
  • Linking nutrition and agriculture (nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive approaches)
  • Food security: Assessment and monitoring at national, community and household levels
  • Nutritional epidemiology: Study designs, dietary and anthropometry assessment tools, data analysis
  • Nutrition education (using communication for development and social marketing approaches )
  • Public health nutrition
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Management of healthcare systems
  1. Williams,J., McGuire, M., Meehan, C., McGuire, M., Brooker, S., Kamau-Mbuthia, E., Kamundia, E., Mbugua, S., Moore, S., Prentice, A., Otoo, G., Rodríguez, J., Pareja, R., Foster, J.,  Sellen, D., Kita, D., Neibergs, H., Murdoch B. 2021. Key genetic variants associated with variation of Milk oligosaccharides from diverse human populations. Genomics.
  2. McGuire MK, Randall AZ, Seppo AE, Järvinen KM, Meehan CL, Gindola D, Williams JE, Sellen DW, Kamau-Mbuthia EW, Kamundia EW, Mbugua S, Moore SE, Prentice AM, Foster JA, Otoo GE, Rodr´ıguez JM, Pareja RG, Bode L, McGuire MA and Campo JJ (2021) Multipathogen Analysis of IgA and IgG Antigen Specificity for Selected Pathogens in Milk Produced by Women From Diverse Geographical Regions: The INSPIRE Study. Frontiers in Immunology. 11:614372. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.614372
  3. Ruiz L., Alba C., Carra C., Jimenez E., Lackey K., McGuire M., Meehan C., Foster J., Sellen, D., Kamau-Mbuthia, E., Kamundia, E., Mbugua, S., Moore, S., Prentice, A., Gindola D., Otoo, G., Pareja, R., Bode L., McGuire, M., Williams J., Rodríguez, J. 2021. Comparison of Two Approaches for the Metataxonomic Analysis of the Human Milk Microbiome. Frontiers in Cellular and infection Microbiology 11. Doi:10.3389/fcimb.2021.622550
  4. Lane A, McGuire M, McGuire M, Williams J, Lackey K, Hagen E, Kaul A, Gindola D, Gebeyehu D, Flores K, Foster J, Sellen D, Kamau-Mbuthia E, Kamundia E, Mbugua S, Moore S,   Prentice A, Kvist L, Otoo G, Rodríguez J, Ruiz L, Pareja R, Bode L, Price W,  MeehanC. 2019 Household composition and the infant fecal microbiome: The INSPIRE study. American Journal of Physical Anthropology ;1–14.
  5. Lackey K, Williams J, MeehanC, Zachek J, Elizabeth D. Benda E, Price W, Foster J, Daniel W. Sellen D, Elizabeth W. Kamau-Mbuthia E, Kamundia E, Mbugua S, Moore S, Prentice A, Gindola D, Kvist L, Otoo G, García-Carral C, Jiménez E, Ruiz L, Rodríguez J, Pareja R, Bode L, McGuire M and McGuire M. 2019.  What’s Normal? Microbiomes in Human Milk and Infant Feces Are Related to Each Other but Vary Geographically: The INSPIRE Study. Frontiers of Nutrition. 6:45. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2019.00045
  6. Gebremeskel A.F., Ngoda, P.N., Kamau-Mbuthia, E.W., Mahungu, S.M. 2019. Prevalence and controlling mechanisms of mycotoxin. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 5: 1658978.  DOI: 10.1080/23311932.2019.1658978
  7. Geresomo N, Kamau-Mbuthia E, Joseph W. Matofari J, Mwangwela. 2018. Targeting caregivers with context specific behavior change training increased uptake of recommended hygiene practices during food preparation and complementary feeding in Dedza district of Central Malawi.  Ecology of Food and Nutrition Volume 57, 2018 - Issue 4, Pages 301-313
  8. Iron-Segev, S., Lusweti J., Kamau-Mbuthia, E., Stark, A. 2018.  Impact of Community-Based Nutrition Education on Geophagic Behavior and Dietary Knowledge and Practices among Rural Women in Nakuru Town, Kenya: A Pilot Study. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behaviour, 50(4); 408-414
  9. Digo C. A., Kamau-Mbuthia E., Matofari J. W., and Ng’etich W. K. 2017. Potential probiotics from traditional fermented milk, Mursik of Kenya. International Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism Vol. 10(9):75-81
  10. Geresomo N, Mbuthia E, Matofari J, Mwangwela, A.  2017. Risk factors associated with stunting among infants and young children aged 6 - 23 months in Dedza district of Central Malawi. African Journal of Food Agriculture, Nutrition and Development; 17(4): 12854-12870
  11. Geresomo N,  Kamau-Mbuthia E, Joseph W. Matofari J, Mwangwela A. 2017 Child Feeding Practices and Factors (Risks) Associated with Provision of Complementary Foods Among Mothers of Children Age 6–23 Months in Dedza District of Central Malawi. Journal of Nutritional Ecology and Food Research; Vol. 4, 1–8
  12. McGuire,M., Meehan,C.,  McGuire,M., Williams,J., Foster,J., Sellen,D., Kamau-Mbuthia,E., Kamundia,E., Mbugua,S., Moore,S., Prentice,A., Kvist, L., Otoo,G., Brooker,S.,Price,W., Shafii,B., Placek,C.,Lackey,K., Robertson,B.,Manzano,S. Ruız,L., Rodrıguez,J,. Pareja,R and Bode,L. What’s normal? Oligosaccharide concentrations and profiles in milk produced by healthy women vary geographically.2017.American Journal of Clinical nutrition doi: 10.3945/ajcn.116.139980
  13. Ruız,L., Espinosa-Martos, I., Garcia-Carral, C., Manzano,S, McGuire,M., Meehan,C.,  McGuire,M., Williams,J., Foster,J., Sellen,D., Kamau-Mbuthia,E., Kamundia,E., Mbugua,S., Moore,S., Prentice,A., Kvist, L., Otoo,G., Lackey,K., Flores, K., Pareja,R., Bode,L., and Rodrıguez,J. What’s normal? Immune Profiling of Human milk from healthy women living in different geographical and socioeconomic settings. 2017. Frontiers in immunology doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00696
  14. Kamau-Mbuthia E., Kimiywe J., Hall A.2015.  Food and care for school-age children, adolescents and adults, in Nutrition for Developing countries 3rd edition. Editors savage-king, F., Burgess A., Quinn V., Osei A. Oxford University press, United Kingdom
  15. Hall A., Kamau-Mbuthia E. 2015. Malnutrition in other groups in Nutrition for developing countries, 3rd edition. Editors savage-king, F., Burgess A., Quinn V., Osei A. Oxford University press, United Kingdom
  16. A. O. Odongo, W. N. Moturi., E. K. Mbuthia. 2015. Heavy metals and parasitic geohelminths toxicity among geophagous pregnant women: a case study of Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Environmental Geochemistry and Health DOI 10.1007/s10653-015-9690-3
  17. Nov 2014 – Present: Author for eLEFANS (e-Learning Network on Food and Nutrition Security with partner universities in East Africa and Europe) project (Universities of Ulm, Egerton, Makerere, Kenyatta, JKUAT and Hawassa). Content author for a Community nutrition and Public Health course
  18. Mbugua S., Musikoyo E., Ndungi F., Sang R., Kamau-Mbuthia E. and Ngotho D. 2014. Determinants of diarrhea among young children under the age of five in Kenya, evidence from KDHS 2008-09. African Population Studies 28 (2) Supplement
  19. Ongosi AN, Gericke G , Mbuthia E and  Oelofse A. 2014.  Food variety, dietary diversity and perceived hunger among lactating women (0-6 months postpartum) in a low socio-economic area in Nairobi, Kenya. African journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 14 ( 2 ): 8663-8675
  20. Heemskerk W., Kamau-mbuthia E., Karubanga G and Kazembe J. How have lecturers and universities changed? In  Ochola W, Heemskerk W., Wongtschowski M. (Eds.). 2013. Changing agricultural education from within: lessons and challenges from the GO4IT programme.
  21. RUFORUM, KIT Publishers.
  22. Muthoka S., Kamau-Mbuthia E., Moturi W., Ngotho D. 2013. Nutrition, sanitation and reproductive health. In Maternal- child health, interdisciplinary aspects in the perspective of global health. Eds Uwe Grob and Kerstin Wydra. Gottingen International Health Network
  23. Ngotho D.K., Moturi W.N., Mbuthia E.K., Muthoka S.K. 2012. Factors impacting maternal health among rural and urban slum households: A case of pwani and Kaptembwo, Nakuru County. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Eastern and Central Africa 24(1):8-24
  24. Mutala, J., Mbuthia, E., Tuitoek, P. 2012. Infant anthropometry at birth in relation to selected maternal factors. Maternal anthropometry, socio-demographic factors and infant anthropometry at birth. LAP Lambert Academic publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany.                          
  25. Gildemacher, P., Oruku L, and Kamau-Mbuthia, E. Impact and sustainability in  Nederlof, Suzanne, Mariana Wongtschowski and Femke van der Lee (eds). 2011. Putting heads together.Agricultural innovation platforms in practice. Bulletin 396, KIT Publishers
  26. Webb Girard, Aimee, Cherobon, Anne,  Mbugua, Samwel, Kamau-Mbuthia, Elizabeth,  Amin, Allison,  Sellen, Daniel. 2012. Food insecurity is associated with attitudes towards exclusive breastfeeding among women in urban Kenya. Maternal and child nutrition (8) pp. 199–214
  27. Kamau-Mbuthia E. Invited Book review: Fatty acids in foods and their health implications. 3rd Ed. By
  28. Ching Kuang Chow. Inform magazine October 2009
  29. Co-author: Community Nutrition. A   handbook for health and development workers. October
  30. 2009. Commissioned by AMREF, published by Macmillan publishers, Oxford
  31. Kamau-Mbuthia E. Invited Book review: Good calories, Bad calories-challenging the conventional
  32. wisdom on diet, weight control and disease by Gary Taubes. Inform magazine October 2008 vol 19(10)
  33. Kamau-Mbuthia, E, Elmadfa I, Mwonya R. The impact of maternal HIV status on infant feeding patterns in Nakuru, Kenya. Journal of Human Lactation. 2008 Feb; 24(1):34-41
  34. Kamau-Mbuthia E, Elmadfa I. Diet quality of pregnant women attending an antenatal clinic in Nakuru, Kenya. Annals of Nutrition and  Metabolism. 2007; 51(4):324-30.
  35. Kamau-Mbuthia, E, Elmadfa I.  The Double Burden of Malnutrition: The role of Maternal and Child Health Clinics. Standing Committee on nutrition (SCN of the UN system) News.  July 2006
  • March 2016: International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation (ISRHML), invited  distinguished speaker to the 18th ISRHML Conference in Stellenbosch, South Africa from Thursday, March 3 to Monday, March 7, 2016 for 2 topics. Topic 1 on “Non-Western perspectives on research and implementation within one’s own population” in the pre-conference workshop “Research and Implementation among Low Income and Traditional Populations. Topic 2 on “Importance of context specific interventions to improve Exclusive breastfeeding rates” in the session “Breastfeeding Programs in Middle-Income and Developing Countries”
  • Leadership in Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Nutrition education
  • Community Nutrition
  • Nutrition extension and outreach
  • Seminars in Nutrition
  • Maternal and child health and nutrition
  • Project planning and management
  • Global perspectives of maternal child health and nutrition
  • Basic nutrition (Food selection and preparation, Household food preservation, Meal planning and management)
  1. Member of Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute (KNDI)
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