P.O Box 536-20115
(051) 2217989
(051) 2113248
12thFebruary, 2025
Egerton University had invited bidders via tender notice published on the Public Procurement Information Portal website and on the University website, dated 30th January,2025 for the tender stated below:
The following clarification(s)/amendments are made to the specified provisions of the tender document for the Tender document for Supply, Installation, Testing, Training and Commissioning of Electrical and Control Engineering Teaching Equipment for Egerton University.
Save where expressly amended by the terms of this Addendum/clarification, the Principal tender document shall continue to be in full and effect.
The provisions of this Addendum/clarification shall be deemed to have been incorporated in and shall be read as part of the principal tender Document.
I. Tender Closing Time
We are kindly requesting that you extend for us the closing date for the tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Training and Commissioning of Electrical and Control Engineering Teaching Equipment for Egerton University is hereby extended to MONDAY 17TH FEBRUARY,2025 AT 11.00 AM .
That Mandatory evaluation Criteria is hereby amended to include MR 8 and MR 9 (standard forms) as indicated below
No | Requirements |
Tenderers response e (YES or NO) |
MR1 |
Statutory documents N/B all Documents indicated as ‘‘Certified’’ must be certified by commissioner of oaths unless otherwise specified in the specific criteria item. i. Attach a Certified copy of the valid copy of Registration Certificate /Certificate of Incorporation. ii. Attach Valid Tax Compliance Certificate and PIN Certificate iii. CopyofCR12/CR13 for companies and sole proprietorship/Partnership respectively issued within 3months before tender closure date (where applicable). v. Attach 2024 certified copy of evidence of annual returns CR 29 and annual returns payment Receipts in compliance with Companies Act 2015. vi. Provide a valid and Certified Copy of beneficial owners document (Form BOF 1) in compliance with Section 93A of the Companies Act 2015. |
MR2 |
Credit Period: Bidders MUST write a commitment letter addressed to the Vice Chancellor that they will supply the equipment if successful ON a 60 days’ credit period.(any less days will be rejected). |
MR 3 |
Delivery schedule: Bidders Must provide a letter addressed to the Vice Chancellor on delivery period and should be less than 30 days upon receipt of an LPO/Contract. |
MR 5 |
Tender security An Original tender security (Value Kes. 100,000.00) in the form of Unconditional Bank Guarantee from a reputable bank in Kenya OR from Insurance Company in Kenya approved by PPRA and valid for 120 Days from the date of tender opening. |
MR 6 |
The Tender MUST be submitted in the required format and sequentially serialized including all attachments in a format of 1 of N, 2of N,…..N where N is the last page of the submitted tender document and MUST have a clear Table of content. |
MR 7 |
Provide a dully executed power of Attorney witnessed by an advocate indicating that the tender has been dully signed by the person lawfully authorized to do so. |
MR 8 |
Dully filled, signed and stamped Form of Tender (the form of tender includes:- -Certificate of Independent Tender Determination and -The Self Declaration of the Tenderer (SD1 and SD2), and - Declaration and Commitment to The Code of Ethics. |
MR 9 |
Dully filled, signed and stamped i. -Dully filled ,signed and stamped Tenderer’s Eligibility- Confidential Business Questionnaire Form ii. Schedule of Prices iii. Tenderer Information Form |
That all interested bidders are advised to strictly adhere to the addendum notice. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
Thank you.
Amina C.Kemei
For Ag. Deputy Chief Procurement Officer
For The Interested Firm/Company
I /we Acknowledge adherence with the issued addendum/clarification notice
Name of the Firm/Company ...................................................................................................
Name of Authorized signatory...............................................Date..............................................