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  • Faculty members from Staffordshire University in the United Kingdom, Tim Davies and Joseph Natalello, paid a courtesy call to the Vice-Chancellor om 22nd June 2022 at Main Campus in Njoro. They were accompanied by staff members from the Faculty of Health Sciences.

  • Tegemeo Institute is advancing local leadership and innovation networks (ALL-IN) Soil. This emerged during the; Evidence to Action Conference 2022, Makerere University in Kampala Uganda. 26th to 30th September 2022.

    The Institute’s researchers Dr John Olwande and Mr. John Mburu represented Egerton University in the conference organized by the International Centre for Evaluation and Development (ICED) and its partners.

    This conferences’ theme was; “Adapting Innovative Evaluation Practices for Evidence-Based Decision Making During and Beyond Covid-19 Pandemic”. It was premised on reimagining evaluation, evidence generation, synthesis and utilization and making it more functional amidst the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond.

     Dr John Olwande presented in the side event organized by ICED for all the 12 ALL-IN projects in sub-Saharan Africa.

  • Tegemeo Institute-Kenya, Michigan State University and Purdue University in the US are implementing a multi-year research project on “Support for Applied Research and Analysis in Kenya and East Africa Region. (SARA-KEA)”. The project supports development programming by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Kenya and East Africa Missions in the counties of focus in Kenya.One of the study topics in the project is to examine the role entrepreneurial investor farmers play in driving agricultural transformation in Kenya. The study team conducted a listing of all farm households in 40 selected villages in Kakamega and Kisumu counties. the activity was conducted from 20thto 31stOctober 2022. The household survey of sampled farmers will take place from mid-November through December 2022.

  • Farm to Market Alliance (FtMA) is an Alliance of six agri-focused organizations whose operations are coordinated by the World Food Programme (WFP). In Kenya, FtMA’s operations began in July 2017, and currently covers thirteen (13) counties. The key value chains the program focuses on are Maize, Sorghum, Rice, and Irish potatoes, other smaller value chains of interest are Soya and Finger millet FtMA Kenya’s key objectives are to: Increase the productivity and income of smallholder farmers, develop self-sustaining Farmer Service Centres (FSCs), increase private investment and involvement in the smallholder food sector and develop evidence based documents on the FtMA model. The institute was contracted by WFP to undertake the evaluation of the FtMA project. The lead consultant is Dr Jackson Langat, Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation Officer. Training of data collection staff was undertaken at Agricultural Training Centre in Nakuru and thereafter the teams were dispatched to the field. Data collection is completed and the data management and analysis is ongoing and the evaluation report is due for submission by the 3rd week of December 2022.

  •  Training Programme: Data collectors Training at ARC Hotel, Egerton University from 16-17 January 2023
  • Egerton University, through the African Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management (CESAAM) and the Faculty of Agriculture,in collaboration withThe Italian Cultural Institute at the Embassy of Italy, Nairobi is pleased to announce a co-lecture scheduled for Monday 23rd January 2023 at the ARC Hotel, Egerton University.

  • In Africa, the threat of climate change is particularly felt in the drylands where water scarcity and unpredictable rainfall patterns are a major challenge to food security. Dryland Cereals and Legumes (DCL) crops, especially sorghum, Millets, pigeon peas, Chickpeas, Groundnuts, cowpeas, play a crucial role in mitigating the effects of climate change in these areas. 

  • Environmental Science Department at Egerton University Wins £400,000 Grant for Research and Innovation.The Division of Research at Egerton University, led by Prof. Nancy Mungai, is celebrating a significant win as Prof. Wilkister N. Moturi of the Environmental Science department at the Faculty of Environment and Resources Development secures a grant of 400,000 pounds equivalent to approximately 62,270,000 Million Kenyan shillings from the European Commission.

  • Egerton University's Research and Extension Directorate recently conducted a training program for its researchers and postgraduate students on how to carry out a meta-analysis. The training, which covered the entire process of conducting a meta-analysis, was led by Dr. Lisa Tiemann, a visiting professor from Michigan State University, USA.

  • Lisa Tiemann, a researcher from Michigan State University (MSU), in collaboration with Egerton University, is proposing a practical approach to address the soil health crisis affecting densely populated areas of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The region's traditional agricultural practices are becoming unsustainable due to rising population density, leading to low and stagnant yields. The proposed sustainable form of intensification aims to provide recommendations across varying household-specific conditions.
  • Egerton University, one of Kenya's leading agricultural and research institutions, hosted the Second Workshop on Africa Asia Partnership for Sustainable Development on 25 April 2023. The Workshop, which aimed to enhance agricultural productivity and natural resources management towards contributing to the United Nations (U.N.) Sustainable Development Goals, was officially opened by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) Prof. Bernard Aduda.

  • Tegemeo Institute of Egerton University  have extended their congratulations to researchers Mary Mathenge and Timothy Njagi and their co-authoring team for being recognized with the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Africa Section Best Publication of 2022 Award. 
    The researchers won the first place prize for their paper titled “Filling the niche? The maize productivity impacts of adaptive breeding by a local seed company in Kenya.” The award recognizes and promotes relevant research to AAEA members and the African continent. The winners will be presented with their awards at the AAEA Annual Meeting, scheduled to be held in Washington, D.C. in July 2023.
  • The Egerton Journal of Science and Technology (Egerton J. Sci. & Technol) (ISSN 2073-8277) is an international, open access, multidisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal published on a rolling basis. 

  • Prof. George Owuor, a distinguished scholar with a Ph.D. and an expert in Sustainable agricultural and Agribusiness systems, is set to lead Egerton University's efforts in shaping the future of agriculture in Africa

  • In the heart of the North Rift region, a transformative event was taking place at the Parachichi Centre in Uasin Gishu County. The renowned Egerton University dons, Professor Paul Kimurto and Dr. Caroline Mutua, stood before a gathering of eager residents, urging them to embrace new farming opportunities to combat the challenges posed by climate change and soil degeneration.

  • The International Studies Association’s Research Workshop Grants Committee is pleased to announce the Call for Applications for Research Workshops for 2024 Research Workshop Grants (up to $2,500) encourage ISA members to collaborate in exploring significant research problems in the field, with emphasis on interdisciplinary research questions and new and diverse perspectives and approaches. 

  • Interested applicants can access application forms,guidelines and other useful information for the grant application from the website

    Concept notes should be submitted electronically to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 20th June 2023.Only successful applicants will be invited to submit full proposals.

    call for concepts notes NRF new

  • Egerton University participated in the 2nd Multisectoral Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) that was held from 23rd to 26th May 2023 at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi. The conference was organized by the National Commission on Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) in partnership with the National Research Fund (NRF), and Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA).

  • Tegemeo Institute, an affiliate of Egerton University, led a group of farmers and agricultural enthusiasts on an extraordinary farm tour across Kenya.

    The tour, which started from June 22nd to June 24th, organized in collaboration with the Kenya Agricultural Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) and Agribench, aimed to promote knowledge sharing, empower farmers with the latest agricultural techniques, and provide insights into government programs.

  • Egerton University has emerged victorious at the ongoing Nakuru Agricultural Society of Kenya (ASK) National Show, clinching several prestigious awards. The University secured the first position in three categories: Best Stand that interprets the current Show theme, Best University Stand, and Best Stand in Research & Development. These accolades highlight the University's commitment to aligning its exhibits with the Show's theme "Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture and Trade Initiative for Sustainable Economic Growth," and showcasing groundbreaking research and innovations.

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