2022 International Women’s Day Celebrated at Kenya School of Government
- By Prof. Rose Odhiambo, Director IWGDS
International Women's Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It is a time to reflect on progress made and to call for change. The day marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity through empowering women with a space to share their thoughts and ideas for a better world and to be part of global conversations and actions seeking to champion gender equality
Activities undertaken:
21 February 2022 - The Director, Institute of Women and Gender Studies (IWGDS) Prof. Rose Odhiambo attended the inaugural trail blazers meeting at the residence of Dr Phoebe Asiyo in Karachuonyo, Homa Bay County where the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Public Service and Gender, Prof. Margaret Kobia honoured her on behalf of His Excellency Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta the President of the Republic of Kenya.
7 March, Prof Odhiambo requested Departments and Faculties to name/ list one woman who has made a difference in the lives of women at Egerton University, waiting for responses, only one Department has responded.
8 March, the Director IWGDS attended International Women’s day at Kenya School of Government where other trail blazers, Madam Lydia Nzomo, former Chair, Teacher’s Service Commission, Prof. Julia Ojiambo and Madam Zipporah Kitonyi were honoured by the University of Nairobi’s School of Gender and African Studies. These are women who have broken the glass ceiling in women leadership and management. The occasion was graced by HE Uhuru Kenyatta, Her Excellency, the First Lady of Kenya Hon. Margaret Kenyatta and Her Excellency, the First Lady of Rwanda, Hon. Jeanette Kagame. These are women who have confronted barriers to make women’s lives better, have inspired other women to dream bigger and achieve power.
The theme was, “Gender Equality today for Sustainable Development Tomorrow”. An “Institute for Gender and Social Development” was launched in honour of H.E. Hon. Margaret Kenyatta at the Kenya School of Government. This will drive gender equality in combating Environmental damage, empowering Women socially and Economically, in Sexual and Reproductive Health in Kenya, and Ending Violence against Women and Girl. Sexual Violence in broad daylight is repugnant, unacceptable. It is all our responsibility to protect the dignity and rights of Women and girls in Kenya.
Prof. Margaret Kobia hailed H.E. Hon. Margaret Kenyatta for the First Lady’s Half Marathon and Beyond Zero Campaigns that addresses issues around maternal health and child mortality rates in Kenya.
A Gender Policy for the Private Sector was launched. Several Women from different sectors were honoured as well as graduands of anti- FGM campaign. Women make up 70% of the world’s poor and it will take 125 years to bridge the gender gap. Kenya is looking inward for solutions for women and girls all over the world. Barriers women face include lack of inclusivity and climate change. Women and girls are powerful change agents because of their resilience and in helping others find their voice. Women and girls are leaders in their own rights.