AgriSCALE Project promoting competency-based learning at Egerton University
The AgriSCALE team led by the Dean Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Patience Mshenga paid a courtesy call to the Vice-Chancellor Prof. Isaac Kibwage at Main Campus in Njoro on 6 April 2022.
The team also comprised of Dr Eija Laitinen HAMK (Finland), Prof. David Owiny, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs) Gulu University (Uganda), Prof. Gershom Atukunda Director Graduate Studies Bishop Stuart University (Uganda), Prof. Maria Sassi University of Pavia (Italy) and Riina Subra from Aalto University Foundation (Finland).
Also present were Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs) Prof. Bernard Aduda, ag. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Extension) Prof. Bockline Bebe, ag. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration Planning & Development) Prof. Richard Mulwa and Registrar Academic Affairs Prof. Mwanarusi Saidi.
AgriSCALE is a multi-institutional and cross-regional supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. It aims to create a new entrepreneurship learning ecosystem, which is based on student-centred Problem-based learning (PBL) pedagogical approach in a competency-based education framework, collaboration and networking with industry and societal partners and sharing knowledge through a community of practice.
The Vice-Chancellor Prof. Isaac Kibwage noted that the competency-based curriculum would improve Kenya’s performance in education and the employability of graduates who will contribute meaningfully to the workforce.
The DVC Gulu University Prof. Owiny said that his institution had adopted competency-based learning in Agriculture and Medicine to transform the people’s lives in Northern Uganda.
Prof. Atukunda said that Bishop Stuart University has been practising competency-based teaching and learning, for example, by making the Entrepreneurship course compulsory for all students through which they participate in real-life challenge activities.
The representative from the University of Pavia (Italy), Prof. Maria Sassi, said that community engagement was the pillar of her institution, contributing to well-balanced students academically and professionally. She added that the university actively engages the private and public sectors in developing innovations.
Riina Subra noted that Aalto University Foundation was the leading university in innovation activities in Finland, with students’ innovation activities contributing to their success. “We encourage radical creativity, sustainability and the entrepreneurial mindset in business and any line of work. We are here to learn and also exchange ideas in research and competencies,” she added.
Dr Eija Laitinen from HAMK University in Finland that the AgriSCALE competency-based curriculum that has adopted problem-based learning requires students to solve authentic problems such as the production of Bio-Ethanol by use of invasive species such as water hyacinth.
AgriSCALE Project is a joint initiative by 9 HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) in Finland, Kenya, Italy, Uganda and Zambia.