MSU/Egerton Student Project Showcase
An MSU/Egerton Student Project Showcase will be held on Friday, April 19, 10:00 1:00 p.m. at the MSU International Center, Room 303.
Egerton University and Michigan state university have been conducting joint student teaching and training of Human centered design led by Prof Susan Wyche of MSU department of information and Media funded by Mozilla Foundation. Susan works with prof Jonathan Choti who is also a professor at MSU. The Egerton university collaborators are Dr Miriam charimbu and Prof Paul Kimurto from Crops and soil science department. Both Egerton who include George Adoyo from CHS, Sharon moraa and Geofrey Mwiti from Agricultural Engineering dept, and Jimmy Karemu from Computer science and MSU students will be presenting their projects in Michigan state students will be presenting their joint project on Friday at MSU 19th April. Prof Paul Kimurto will be leading Egerton students in this trip.